Local nature reserve


Field Value Fact links
Reference SP156878 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Kingfisher Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.761977 52.488043, -1.762079 52.488455, -1.762312 52.488483, -1.762352 52.48857, -1.762358 52.488619, -1.762384 52.488619, -1.762421 52.488642, -1.762437 52.488679, -1.762462 52.488686, -1.764136 52.488777, -1.764152 52.488784, -1.764787 52.488812, -1.764832 52.488648, -1.764881 52.488408, -1.765044 52.488379, -1.765179 52.488338, -1.765484 52.488161, -1.765844 52.488176, -1.766171 52.488154, -1.766378 52.488131, -1.766607 52.488122, -1.766683 52.488146, -1.767131 52.48834, -1.767475 52.488447, -1.76811 52.488587, -1.768298 52.488601, -1.768375 52.489465, -1.76862 52.490284, -1.768949 52.489944, -1.768976 52.489935, -1.769063 52.489941, -1.769297 52.489925, -1.770222 52.489813, -1.770395 52.490386, -1.770415 52.490422, -1.77044 52.490504, -1.770465 52.490505, -1.770569 52.490851, -1.770059 52.491216, -1.769958 52.491255, -1.769868 52.491333, -1.769861 52.491357, -1.769895 52.491401, -1.77012 52.491531, -1.770145 52.49167, -1.769991 52.491842, -1.769966 52.49183, -1.769589 52.491843, -1.7697 52.492142, -1.769759 52.492263, -1.769835 52.492391, -1.769975 52.492595, -1.770198 52.492853, -1.770445 52.493084, -1.770695 52.493277, -1.770936 52.493435, -1.771127 52.493543, -1.771346 52.493293, -1.771519 52.493293, -1.771794 52.493342, -1.771917 52.493346, -1.772032 52.493341, -1.772102 52.493324, -1.772207 52.493284, -1.772301 52.493325, -1.772333 52.493302, -1.772557 52.49342, -1.772664 52.493494, -1.772674 52.493519, -1.773493 52.492941, -1.773938 52.492606, -1.773859 52.492606, -1.77353 52.492434, -1.773698 52.492312, -1.773549 52.49172, -1.774904 52.490733, -1.775851 52.491223, -1.775967 52.491138, -1.775018 52.490649, -1.775494 52.490305, -1.776368 52.49076, -1.776312 52.490802, -1.776381 52.490836, -1.77732 52.490153, -1.777423 52.490065, -1.77773 52.489573, -1.777365 52.489498, -1.776617 52.489235, -1.776514 52.489033, -1.776369 52.488854, -1.776319 52.48876, -1.776409 52.487791, -1.776492 52.487338, -1.776201 52.486723, -1.776487 52.486245, -1.776484 52.486229, -1.776701 52.485878, -1.776592 52.485854, -1.77639 52.48618, -1.776346 52.486185, -1.776234 52.486149, -1.776093 52.486089, -1.775973 52.486021, -1.775865 52.485932, -1.775751 52.485819, -1.775696 52.485751, -1.775631 52.485632, -1.775305 52.485629, -1.774895 52.485594, -1.774827 52.485585, -1.774374 52.485485, -1.774228 52.48544, -1.773996 52.485336, -1.77362 52.485119, -1.773306 52.484858, -1.77324 52.484782, -1.773174 52.484637, -1.773144 52.484552, -1.772719 52.484422, -1.772643 52.484304, -1.772533 52.484195, -1.773191 52.483642, -1.77332 52.48351, -1.773181 52.483447, -1.772556 52.484004, -1.772536 52.483995, -1.771537 52.484886, -1.771008 52.485203, -1.770967 52.485171, -1.770464 52.485508, -1.770371 52.485508, -1.770248 52.485433, -1.770012 52.485595, -1.770134 52.485667, -1.770137 52.485726, -1.769623 52.48607, -1.768978 52.485669, -1.768576 52.485466, -1.768557 52.485468, -1.768223 52.485262, -1.768044 52.485131, -1.76802 52.485137, -1.767891 52.485103, -1.767753 52.484995, -1.767512 52.484859, -1.767391 52.484673, -1.767429 52.484532, -1.767253 52.484464, -1.767091 52.484363, -1.766954 52.484365, -1.766916 52.484376, -1.766939 52.484419, -1.766936 52.484427, -1.766751 52.484572, -1.766592 52.48473, -1.766244 52.485025, -1.766052 52.485203, -1.765779 52.485423, -1.765685 52.485549, -1.765533 52.485545, -1.764832 52.485419, -1.764781 52.485498, -1.764709 52.485586, -1.764617 52.485666, -1.764492 52.485792, -1.764292 52.485908, -1.764252 52.485987, -1.764192 52.486165, -1.764146 52.48625, -1.76399 52.486484, -1.763863 52.486629, -1.763689 52.486734, -1.763658 52.486745, -1.763209 52.486735, -1.763311 52.486874, -1.763389 52.486956, -1.763494 52.487057, -1.763524 52.487081, -1.763571 52.487102, -1.763668 52.487114, -1.763847 52.487099, -1.764038 52.487038, -1.764167 52.486982, -1.764214 52.487087, -1.764173 52.487182, -1.764217 52.487243, -1.764256 52.487386, -1.764039 52.487427, -1.76375 52.487421, -1.763692 52.487409, -1.763449 52.487305, -1.763373 52.487358, -1.763323 52.487414, -1.763297 52.487427, -1.762944 52.487491, -1.762824 52.487528, -1.762672 52.487588, -1.762533 52.487667, -1.762091 52.487984, -1.761977 52.488043))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.770914 52.488272) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SP156878",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Kingfisher",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.761977 52.488043, -1.762079 52.488455, -1.762312 52.488483, -1.762352 52.48857, -1.762358 52.488619, -1.762384 52.488619, -1.762421 52.488642, -1.762437 52.488679, -1.762462 52.488686, -1.764136 52.488777, -1.764152 52.488784, -1.764787 52.488812, -1.764832 52.488648, -1.764881 52.488408, -1.765044 52.488379, -1.765179 52.488338, -1.765484 52.488161, -1.765844 52.488176, -1.766171 52.488154, -1.766378 52.488131, -1.766607 52.488122, -1.766683 52.488146, -1.767131 52.48834, -1.767475 52.488447, -1.76811 52.488587, -1.768298 52.488601, -1.768375 52.489465, -1.76862 52.490284, -1.768949 52.489944, -1.768976 52.489935, -1.769063 52.489941, -1.769297 52.489925, -1.770222 52.489813, -1.770395 52.490386, -1.770415 52.490422, -1.77044 52.490504, -1.770465 52.490505, -1.770569 52.490851, -1.770059 52.491216, -1.769958 52.491255, -1.769868 52.491333, -1.769861 52.491357, -1.769895 52.491401, -1.77012 52.491531, -1.770145 52.49167, -1.769991 52.491842, -1.769966 52.49183, -1.769589 52.491843, -1.7697 52.492142, -1.769759 52.492263, -1.769835 52.492391, -1.769975 52.492595, -1.770198 52.492853, -1.770445 52.493084, -1.770695 52.493277, -1.770936 52.493435, -1.771127 52.493543, -1.771346 52.493293, -1.771519 52.493293, -1.771794 52.493342, -1.771917 52.493346, -1.772032 52.493341, -1.772102 52.493324, -1.772207 52.493284, -1.772301 52.493325, -1.772333 52.493302, -1.772557 52.49342, -1.772664 52.493494, -1.772674 52.493519, -1.773493 52.492941, -1.773938 52.492606, -1.773859 52.492606, -1.77353 52.492434, -1.773698 52.492312, -1.773549 52.49172, -1.774904 52.490733, -1.775851 52.491223, -1.775967 52.491138, -1.775018 52.490649, -1.775494 52.490305, -1.776368 52.49076, -1.776312 52.490802, -1.776381 52.490836, -1.77732 52.490153, -1.777423 52.490065, -1.77773 52.489573, -1.777365 52.489498, -1.776617 52.489235, -1.776514 52.489033, -1.776369 52.488854, -1.776319 52.48876, -1.776409 52.487791, -1.776492 52.487338, -1.776201 52.486723, -1.776487 52.486245, -1.776484 52.486229, -1.776701 52.485878, -1.776592 52.485854, -1.77639 52.48618, -1.776346 52.486185, -1.776234 52.486149, -1.776093 52.486089, -1.775973 52.486021, -1.775865 52.485932, -1.775751 52.485819, -1.775696 52.485751, -1.775631 52.485632, -1.775305 52.485629, -1.774895 52.485594, -1.774827 52.485585, -1.774374 52.485485, -1.774228 52.48544, -1.773996 52.485336, -1.77362 52.485119, -1.773306 52.484858, -1.77324 52.484782, -1.773174 52.484637, -1.773144 52.484552, -1.772719 52.484422, -1.772643 52.484304, -1.772533 52.484195, -1.773191 52.483642, -1.77332 52.48351, -1.773181 52.483447, -1.772556 52.484004, -1.772536 52.483995, -1.771537 52.484886, -1.771008 52.485203, -1.770967 52.485171, -1.770464 52.485508, -1.770371 52.485508, -1.770248 52.485433, -1.770012 52.485595, -1.770134 52.485667, -1.770137 52.485726, -1.769623 52.48607, -1.768978 52.485669, -1.768576 52.485466, -1.768557 52.485468, -1.768223 52.485262, -1.768044 52.485131, -1.76802 52.485137, -1.767891 52.485103, -1.767753 52.484995, -1.767512 52.484859, -1.767391 52.484673, -1.767429 52.484532, -1.767253 52.484464, -1.767091 52.484363, -1.766954 52.484365, -1.766916 52.484376, -1.766939 52.484419, -1.766936 52.484427, -1.766751 52.484572, -1.766592 52.48473, -1.766244 52.485025, -1.766052 52.485203, -1.765779 52.485423, -1.765685 52.485549, -1.765533 52.485545, -1.764832 52.485419, -1.764781 52.485498, -1.764709 52.485586, -1.764617 52.485666, -1.764492 52.485792, -1.764292 52.485908, -1.764252 52.485987, -1.764192 52.486165, -1.764146 52.48625, -1.76399 52.486484, -1.763863 52.486629, -1.763689 52.486734, -1.763658 52.486745, -1.763209 52.486735, -1.763311 52.486874, -1.763389 52.486956, -1.763494 52.487057, -1.763524 52.487081, -1.763571 52.487102, -1.763668 52.487114, -1.763847 52.487099, -1.764038 52.487038, -1.764167 52.486982, -1.764214 52.487087, -1.764173 52.487182, -1.764217 52.487243, -1.764256 52.487386, -1.764039 52.487427, -1.76375 52.487421, -1.763692 52.487409, -1.763449 52.487305, -1.763373 52.487358, -1.763323 52.487414, -1.763297 52.487427, -1.762944 52.487491, -1.762824 52.487528, -1.762672 52.487588, -1.762533 52.487667, -1.762091 52.487984, -1.761977 52.488043)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.770914 52.488272)",
    "entity": 45250636,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area