Local nature reserve

Kempton Nature Reserves

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ118708 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Kempton Nature Reserves Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.395741 51.424016, -0.395625 51.423982, -0.395018 51.423861, -0.393828 51.423651, -0.393718 51.423644, -0.391191 51.423355, -0.389456 51.42311, -0.388563 51.422993, -0.388327 51.422997, -0.388073 51.423024, -0.387955 51.423048, -0.387853 51.423079, -0.38766 51.423157, -0.387574 51.423204, -0.387495 51.423259, -0.387444 51.4233, -0.38738 51.423368, -0.387312 51.423478, -0.387284 51.423597, -0.3873 51.423938, -0.38861 51.425853, -0.389184 51.426715, -0.389657 51.426912, -0.393588 51.427059, -0.393615 51.427066, -0.394145 51.427318, -0.39478 51.427659, -0.394864 51.427643, -0.39486 51.427607, -0.394872 51.427566, -0.39491 51.427517, -0.394968 51.427466, -0.396456 51.427169, -0.396477 51.427114, -0.396448 51.427109, -0.396485 51.427025, -0.396461 51.427003, -0.396483 51.42695, -0.396517 51.426938, -0.39652 51.426858, -0.396481 51.426697, -0.396374 51.426426, -0.396347 51.426275, -0.396344 51.425958, -0.396364 51.425616, -0.396337 51.425263, -0.396317 51.42519, -0.396266 51.425073, -0.396124 51.424831, -0.395791 51.42401, -0.395741 51.424016))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.392072 51.425204) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ118708",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Kempton Nature Reserves",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.395741 51.424016, -0.395625 51.423982, -0.395018 51.423861, -0.393828 51.423651, -0.393718 51.423644, -0.391191 51.423355, -0.389456 51.42311, -0.388563 51.422993, -0.388327 51.422997, -0.388073 51.423024, -0.387955 51.423048, -0.387853 51.423079, -0.38766 51.423157, -0.387574 51.423204, -0.387495 51.423259, -0.387444 51.4233, -0.38738 51.423368, -0.387312 51.423478, -0.387284 51.423597, -0.3873 51.423938, -0.38861 51.425853, -0.389184 51.426715, -0.389657 51.426912, -0.393588 51.427059, -0.393615 51.427066, -0.394145 51.427318, -0.39478 51.427659, -0.394864 51.427643, -0.39486 51.427607, -0.394872 51.427566, -0.39491 51.427517, -0.394968 51.427466, -0.396456 51.427169, -0.396477 51.427114, -0.396448 51.427109, -0.396485 51.427025, -0.396461 51.427003, -0.396483 51.42695, -0.396517 51.426938, -0.39652 51.426858, -0.396481 51.426697, -0.396374 51.426426, -0.396347 51.426275, -0.396344 51.425958, -0.396364 51.425616, -0.396337 51.425263, -0.396317 51.42519, -0.396266 51.425073, -0.396124 51.424831, -0.395791 51.42401, -0.395741 51.424016)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.392072 51.425204)",
    "entity": 45250602,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area