Jerusalem Farm
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SE037279 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Jerusalem Farm | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.946487 53.746616, -1.946103 53.746532, -1.945806 53.746445, -1.945437 53.746354, -1.945226 53.74629, -1.945099 53.746234, -1.944672 53.746013, -1.943809 53.7455, -1.943559 53.745364, -1.943102 53.745184, -1.942766 53.74508, -1.942379 53.744979, -1.942899 53.744687, -1.943954 53.745221, -1.944218 53.745363, -1.944915 53.745682, -1.945269 53.745785, -1.946038 53.746072, -1.946693 53.746276, -1.947089 53.746426, -1.94679 53.746679, -1.946562 53.746633, -1.94654 53.746611, -1.946505 53.746595, -1.946487 53.746616)), ((-1.945933 53.749562, -1.945914 53.749633, -1.945703 53.749509, -1.945412 53.749306, -1.945145 53.749155, -1.944977 53.749028, -1.944934 53.748983, -1.944889 53.748959, -1.944692 53.748888, -1.94469 53.748864, -1.94445 53.74879, -1.94429 53.74871, -1.944109 53.748649, -1.944041 53.748656, -1.94392 53.748688, -1.943843 53.748718, -1.943837 53.748748, -1.943329 53.748846, -1.943147 53.748901, -1.942675 53.749009, -1.942218 53.749093, -1.942265 53.749247, -1.941926 53.749321, -1.941765 53.749344, -1.941234 53.749321, -1.940899 53.749332, -1.940659 53.749303, -1.94066 53.749242, -1.940709 53.749073, -1.94074 53.748924, -1.94074 53.748883, -1.940796 53.748822, -1.940967 53.748822, -1.941058 53.748807, -1.941186 53.748771, -1.941274 53.748759, -1.941629 53.748744, -1.941829 53.748745, -1.941908 53.748726, -1.941983 53.748685, -1.942093 53.748582, -1.942213 53.748497, -1.942248 53.748463, -1.94226 53.748373, -1.942254 53.748354, -1.942151 53.748267, -1.942136 53.748251, -1.942124 53.74822, -1.942136 53.748169, -1.942166 53.748131, -1.942219 53.748087, -1.942345 53.748008, -1.942421 53.748031, -1.942506 53.74804, -1.942572 53.748036, -1.942697 53.747995, -1.942788 53.747953, -1.942876 53.747891, -1.942888 53.747823, -1.942873 53.747788, -1.942843 53.747757, -1.942764 53.747714, -1.942603 53.74766, -1.94257 53.747627, -1.942546 53.747584, -1.942157 53.747587, -1.94212 53.747605, -1.942112 53.74762, -1.942109 53.747575, -1.942109 53.747505, -1.942305 53.74733, -1.942434 53.747174, -1.94248 53.747087, -1.94251 53.746976, -1.942506 53.746871, -1.94249 53.746797, -1.942456 53.746751, -1.942277 53.746642, -1.942256 53.746621, -1.942227 53.746569, -1.942229 53.746524, -1.942276 53.746487, -1.942508 53.746403, -1.942579 53.746363, -1.94261 53.746327, -1.942696 53.74618, -1.942753 53.745957, -1.94277 53.745922, -1.942834 53.745858, -1.942965 53.745788, -1.943088 53.745684, -1.942988 53.745616, -1.94274 53.745411, -1.942636 53.745346, -1.94256 53.74531, -1.94277 53.745125, -1.942925 53.745171, -1.943374 53.745341, -1.943612 53.74544, -1.944416 53.74592, -1.944754 53.746108, -1.94499 53.746228, -1.945018 53.746271, -1.945072 53.746274, -1.945115 53.746301, -1.945139 53.746301, -1.945315 53.746372, -1.945578 53.746426, -1.946174 53.746593, -1.946887 53.746748, -1.947574 53.746882, -1.948979 53.747131, -1.949158 53.747169, -1.949943 53.747392, -1.949931 53.747408, -1.949867 53.747433, -1.949765 53.747528, -1.949714 53.747555, -1.94965 53.747609, -1.949623 53.747648, -1.949568 53.747683, -1.949483 53.747776, -1.949449 53.747829, -1.949334 53.747909, -1.949213 53.747933, -1.949175 53.747931, -1.949049 53.747901, -1.948988 53.747856, -1.948869 53.747823, -1.948805 53.747793, -1.948699 53.747793, -1.948562 53.747808, -1.948528 53.747818, -1.9485 53.747841, -1.948371 53.74797, -1.948239 53.748085, -1.948181 53.748117, -1.948122 53.748134, -1.948087 53.748135, -1.948045 53.748125, -1.947977 53.748094, -1.947828 53.748007, -1.947764 53.747956, -1.947673 53.747904, -1.947442 53.747863, -1.947394 53.747862, -1.94732 53.74788, -1.947222 53.747812, -1.947136 53.747767, -1.947112 53.747823, -1.947206 53.747874, -1.947297 53.747937, -1.947606 53.748225, -1.947816 53.748363, -1.947902 53.748383, -1.94784 53.748429, -1.947769 53.748403, -1.947731 53.748431, -1.947547 53.748343, -1.947405 53.74829, -1.947244 53.748251, -1.947 53.748157, -1.946238 53.74901, -1.946974 53.74936, -1.946985 53.749453, -1.947006 53.749503, -1.947025 53.749526, -1.947003 53.749555, -1.948078 53.749993, -1.948241 53.750089, -1.948404 53.750197, -1.948822 53.750404, -1.948934 53.750485, -1.949208 53.750732, -1.949003 53.750745, -1.948556 53.750564, -1.948521 53.750538, -1.948344 53.750447, -1.948013 53.750303, -1.947867 53.750248, -1.947629 53.750176, -1.947279 53.750083, -1.947028 53.750001, -1.946126 53.749656, -1.945946 53.74957, -1.945933 53.749562)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.945052 53.747563)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SE037279",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Jerusalem Farm",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.946487 53.746616, -1.946103 53.746532, -1.945806 53.746445, -1.945437 53.746354, -1.945226 53.74629, -1.945099 53.746234, -1.944672 53.746013, -1.943809 53.7455, -1.943559 53.745364, -1.943102 53.745184, -1.942766 53.74508, -1.942379 53.744979, -1.942899 53.744687, -1.943954 53.745221, -1.944218 53.745363, -1.944915 53.745682, -1.945269 53.745785, -1.946038 53.746072, -1.946693 53.746276, -1.947089 53.746426, -1.94679 53.746679, -1.946562 53.746633, -1.94654 53.746611, -1.946505 53.746595, -1.946487 53.746616)), ((-1.945933 53.749562, -1.945914 53.749633, -1.945703 53.749509, -1.945412 53.749306, -1.945145 53.749155, -1.944977 53.749028, -1.944934 53.748983, -1.944889 53.748959, -1.944692 53.748888, -1.94469 53.748864, -1.94445 53.74879, -1.94429 53.74871, -1.944109 53.748649, -1.944041 53.748656, -1.94392 53.748688, -1.943843 53.748718, -1.943837 53.748748, -1.943329 53.748846, -1.943147 53.748901, -1.942675 53.749009, -1.942218 53.749093, -1.942265 53.749247, -1.941926 53.749321, -1.941765 53.749344, -1.941234 53.749321, -1.940899 53.749332, -1.940659 53.749303, -1.94066 53.749242, -1.940709 53.749073, -1.94074 53.748924, -1.94074 53.748883, -1.940796 53.748822, -1.940967 53.748822, -1.941058 53.748807, -1.941186 53.748771, -1.941274 53.748759, -1.941629 53.748744, -1.941829 53.748745, -1.941908 53.748726, -1.941983 53.748685, -1.942093 53.748582, -1.942213 53.748497, -1.942248 53.748463, -1.94226 53.748373, -1.942254 53.748354, -1.942151 53.748267, -1.942136 53.748251, -1.942124 53.74822, -1.942136 53.748169, -1.942166 53.748131, -1.942219 53.748087, -1.942345 53.748008, -1.942421 53.748031, -1.942506 53.74804, -1.942572 53.748036, -1.942697 53.747995, -1.942788 53.747953, -1.942876 53.747891, -1.942888 53.747823, -1.942873 53.747788, -1.942843 53.747757, -1.942764 53.747714, -1.942603 53.74766, -1.94257 53.747627, -1.942546 53.747584, -1.942157 53.747587, -1.94212 53.747605, -1.942112 53.74762, -1.942109 53.747575, -1.942109 53.747505, -1.942305 53.74733, -1.942434 53.747174, -1.94248 53.747087, -1.94251 53.746976, -1.942506 53.746871, -1.94249 53.746797, -1.942456 53.746751, -1.942277 53.746642, -1.942256 53.746621, -1.942227 53.746569, -1.942229 53.746524, -1.942276 53.746487, -1.942508 53.746403, -1.942579 53.746363, -1.94261 53.746327, -1.942696 53.74618, -1.942753 53.745957, -1.94277 53.745922, -1.942834 53.745858, -1.942965 53.745788, -1.943088 53.745684, -1.942988 53.745616, -1.94274 53.745411, -1.942636 53.745346, -1.94256 53.74531, -1.94277 53.745125, -1.942925 53.745171, -1.943374 53.745341, -1.943612 53.74544, -1.944416 53.74592, -1.944754 53.746108, -1.94499 53.746228, -1.945018 53.746271, -1.945072 53.746274, -1.945115 53.746301, -1.945139 53.746301, -1.945315 53.746372, -1.945578 53.746426, -1.946174 53.746593, -1.946887 53.746748, -1.947574 53.746882, -1.948979 53.747131, -1.949158 53.747169, -1.949943 53.747392, -1.949931 53.747408, -1.949867 53.747433, -1.949765 53.747528, -1.949714 53.747555, -1.94965 53.747609, -1.949623 53.747648, -1.949568 53.747683, -1.949483 53.747776, -1.949449 53.747829, -1.949334 53.747909, -1.949213 53.747933, -1.949175 53.747931, -1.949049 53.747901, -1.948988 53.747856, -1.948869 53.747823, -1.948805 53.747793, -1.948699 53.747793, -1.948562 53.747808, -1.948528 53.747818, -1.9485 53.747841, -1.948371 53.74797, -1.948239 53.748085, -1.948181 53.748117, -1.948122 53.748134, -1.948087 53.748135, -1.948045 53.748125, -1.947977 53.748094, -1.947828 53.748007, -1.947764 53.747956, -1.947673 53.747904, -1.947442 53.747863, -1.947394 53.747862, -1.94732 53.74788, -1.947222 53.747812, -1.947136 53.747767, -1.947112 53.747823, -1.947206 53.747874, -1.947297 53.747937, -1.947606 53.748225, -1.947816 53.748363, -1.947902 53.748383, -1.94784 53.748429, -1.947769 53.748403, -1.947731 53.748431, -1.947547 53.748343, -1.947405 53.74829, -1.947244 53.748251, -1.947 53.748157, -1.946238 53.74901, -1.946974 53.74936, -1.946985 53.749453, -1.947006 53.749503, -1.947025 53.749526, -1.947003 53.749555, -1.948078 53.749993, -1.948241 53.750089, -1.948404 53.750197, -1.948822 53.750404, -1.948934 53.750485, -1.949208 53.750732, -1.949003 53.750745, -1.948556 53.750564, -1.948521 53.750538, -1.948344 53.750447, -1.948013 53.750303, -1.947867 53.750248, -1.947629 53.750176, -1.947279 53.750083, -1.947028 53.750001, -1.946126 53.749656, -1.945946 53.74957, -1.945933 53.749562)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.945052 53.747563)",
"entity": 45250576,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2024
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.