Local nature reserve

Henlow Common and Langford Meadows

Field Value Fact links
Reference TL182407 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Henlow Common and Langford Meadows Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.277576 52.051647, -0.277574 52.051508, -0.277611 52.050656, -0.277711 52.050301, -0.27781 52.050024, -0.278223 52.049143, -0.278333 52.048929, -0.278484 52.048699, -0.278626 52.048517, -0.278852 52.048286, -0.278938 52.048217, -0.279295 52.048004, -0.278544 52.047766, -0.278064 52.047626, -0.278 52.047802, -0.277973 52.047921, -0.277899 52.048134, -0.277834 52.04827, -0.277787 52.048309, -0.277266 52.048586, -0.276762 52.048837, -0.276631 52.048874, -0.276334 52.048922, -0.276294 52.048942, -0.276266 52.048965, -0.276153 52.049099, -0.276082 52.049144, -0.275918 52.049228, -0.275852 52.04928, -0.275847 52.049297, -0.275855 52.049412, -0.275836 52.049445, -0.275799 52.049461, -0.275722 52.049478, -0.27542 52.049535, -0.275356 52.049558, -0.275276 52.049635, -0.275193 52.049741, -0.2752 52.04976, -0.27525 52.049783, -0.275274 52.049806, -0.275279 52.049849, -0.275261 52.049877, -0.275204 52.049911, -0.27491 52.050037, -0.27466 52.050215, -0.274379 52.050358, -0.274342 52.050409, -0.274357 52.05052, -0.274355 52.050563, -0.274289 52.050716, -0.274312 52.050763, -0.274339 52.050789, -0.274449 52.050854, -0.274541 52.050946, -0.274648 52.051136, -0.274699 52.051278, -0.274821 52.05142, -0.275061 52.051676, -0.275173 52.051861, -0.275213 52.051911, -0.275299 52.051996, -0.27535 52.052033, -0.275451 52.052099, -0.275515 52.052117, -0.275059 52.052183, -0.275077 52.052334, -0.275114 52.05244, -0.275119 52.052533, -0.275106 52.052644, -0.27508 52.052772, -0.274885 52.053363, -0.274844 52.053547, -0.27488 52.053652, -0.274917 52.05372, -0.274962 52.053855, -0.274984 52.053961, -0.27498 52.05404, -0.274956 52.054097, -0.274933 52.054124, -0.274747 52.054296, -0.274709 52.054345, -0.274682 52.054419, -0.274681 52.054515, -0.274733 52.054757, -0.274901 52.05528, -0.274919 52.0554, -0.27492 52.055556, -0.27491 52.055613, -0.274919 52.055652, -0.274979 52.055714, -0.275291 52.055917, -0.275345 52.055961, -0.275414 52.056052, -0.275483 52.056173, -0.275595 52.056402, -0.275632 52.056497, -0.275655 52.05658, -0.275699 52.056881, -0.27576 52.056988, -0.275906 52.057184, -0.27597 52.057305, -0.275976 52.057376, -0.275953 52.05748, -0.278678 52.057177, -0.278668 52.057159, -0.278666 52.057115, -0.278714 52.056964, -0.278729 52.056793, -0.278758 52.056756, -0.278837 52.05671, -0.278854 52.056692, -0.278839 52.056664, -0.278689 52.056573, -0.278587 52.05646, -0.27853 52.056467, -0.278419 52.056533, -0.27835 52.05659, -0.278292 52.056613, -0.278224 52.056618, -0.278143 52.056581, -0.27806 52.056524, -0.278012 52.056469, -0.277968 52.056289, -0.277905 52.056232, -0.277867 52.056219, -0.277787 52.056214, -0.277469 52.056321, -0.277359 52.056348, -0.277289 52.056339, -0.277071 52.056276, -0.276976 52.056231, -0.27696 52.05619, -0.27696 52.056141, -0.276939 52.056088, -0.276889 52.056022, -0.276769 52.055914, -0.276765 52.055831, -0.277012 52.055665, -0.277154 52.055584, -0.27732 52.055459, -0.277501 52.055342, -0.277724 52.055239, -0.277844 52.055192, -0.27803 52.055133, -0.278179 52.055104, -0.278357 52.055049, -0.27844 52.054981, -0.278758 52.054665, -0.278827 52.054614, -0.277541 52.054284, -0.277518 52.053912, -0.277517 52.053681, -0.277534 52.053103, -0.277566 52.052408, -0.277569 52.052001, -0.277586 52.051887, -0.277576 52.051647))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.276541 52.052823) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TL182407",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Henlow Common and Langford Meadows",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.277576 52.051647, -0.277574 52.051508, -0.277611 52.050656, -0.277711 52.050301, -0.27781 52.050024, -0.278223 52.049143, -0.278333 52.048929, -0.278484 52.048699, -0.278626 52.048517, -0.278852 52.048286, -0.278938 52.048217, -0.279295 52.048004, -0.278544 52.047766, -0.278064 52.047626, -0.278 52.047802, -0.277973 52.047921, -0.277899 52.048134, -0.277834 52.04827, -0.277787 52.048309, -0.277266 52.048586, -0.276762 52.048837, -0.276631 52.048874, -0.276334 52.048922, -0.276294 52.048942, -0.276266 52.048965, -0.276153 52.049099, -0.276082 52.049144, -0.275918 52.049228, -0.275852 52.04928, -0.275847 52.049297, -0.275855 52.049412, -0.275836 52.049445, -0.275799 52.049461, -0.275722 52.049478, -0.27542 52.049535, -0.275356 52.049558, -0.275276 52.049635, -0.275193 52.049741, -0.2752 52.04976, -0.27525 52.049783, -0.275274 52.049806, -0.275279 52.049849, -0.275261 52.049877, -0.275204 52.049911, -0.27491 52.050037, -0.27466 52.050215, -0.274379 52.050358, -0.274342 52.050409, -0.274357 52.05052, -0.274355 52.050563, -0.274289 52.050716, -0.274312 52.050763, -0.274339 52.050789, -0.274449 52.050854, -0.274541 52.050946, -0.274648 52.051136, -0.274699 52.051278, -0.274821 52.05142, -0.275061 52.051676, -0.275173 52.051861, -0.275213 52.051911, -0.275299 52.051996, -0.27535 52.052033, -0.275451 52.052099, -0.275515 52.052117, -0.275059 52.052183, -0.275077 52.052334, -0.275114 52.05244, -0.275119 52.052533, -0.275106 52.052644, -0.27508 52.052772, -0.274885 52.053363, -0.274844 52.053547, -0.27488 52.053652, -0.274917 52.05372, -0.274962 52.053855, -0.274984 52.053961, -0.27498 52.05404, -0.274956 52.054097, -0.274933 52.054124, -0.274747 52.054296, -0.274709 52.054345, -0.274682 52.054419, -0.274681 52.054515, -0.274733 52.054757, -0.274901 52.05528, -0.274919 52.0554, -0.27492 52.055556, -0.27491 52.055613, -0.274919 52.055652, -0.274979 52.055714, -0.275291 52.055917, -0.275345 52.055961, -0.275414 52.056052, -0.275483 52.056173, -0.275595 52.056402, -0.275632 52.056497, -0.275655 52.05658, -0.275699 52.056881, -0.27576 52.056988, -0.275906 52.057184, -0.27597 52.057305, -0.275976 52.057376, -0.275953 52.05748, -0.278678 52.057177, -0.278668 52.057159, -0.278666 52.057115, -0.278714 52.056964, -0.278729 52.056793, -0.278758 52.056756, -0.278837 52.05671, -0.278854 52.056692, -0.278839 52.056664, -0.278689 52.056573, -0.278587 52.05646, -0.27853 52.056467, -0.278419 52.056533, -0.27835 52.05659, -0.278292 52.056613, -0.278224 52.056618, -0.278143 52.056581, -0.27806 52.056524, -0.278012 52.056469, -0.277968 52.056289, -0.277905 52.056232, -0.277867 52.056219, -0.277787 52.056214, -0.277469 52.056321, -0.277359 52.056348, -0.277289 52.056339, -0.277071 52.056276, -0.276976 52.056231, -0.27696 52.05619, -0.27696 52.056141, -0.276939 52.056088, -0.276889 52.056022, -0.276769 52.055914, -0.276765 52.055831, -0.277012 52.055665, -0.277154 52.055584, -0.27732 52.055459, -0.277501 52.055342, -0.277724 52.055239, -0.277844 52.055192, -0.27803 52.055133, -0.278179 52.055104, -0.278357 52.055049, -0.27844 52.054981, -0.278758 52.054665, -0.278827 52.054614, -0.277541 52.054284, -0.277518 52.053912, -0.277517 52.053681, -0.277534 52.053103, -0.277566 52.052408, -0.277569 52.052001, -0.277586 52.051887, -0.277576 52.051647)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.276541 52.052823)",
    "entity": 45250572,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area