Ifton Meadows
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SJ316376 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Ifton Meadows | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013011 52.930557, -3.013052 52.930512, -3.013132 52.930448, -3.013204 52.930426, -3.013249 52.930426, -3.013293 52.930435, -3.013349 52.930459, -3.013461 52.930552, -3.013618 52.930665, -3.01367 52.930638, -3.01378 52.930721, -3.013837 52.930737, -3.013904 52.930723, -3.013932 52.930706, -3.013947 52.930686, -3.013976 52.930672, -3.014068 52.930647, -3.01439 52.930642, -3.01471 52.930672, -3.014861 52.930795, -3.014943 52.930852, -3.015212 52.931094, -3.015389 52.931188, -3.015785 52.931352, -3.016457 52.931577, -3.017007 52.931686, -3.016952 52.931832, -3.016642 52.932403, -3.01654 52.932608, -3.016814 52.932656, -3.016946 52.932669, -3.017631 52.932703, -3.017644 52.932734, -3.017656 52.932885, -3.017703 52.933053, -3.017697 52.93311, -3.01768 52.933147, -3.017658 52.933184, -3.01763 52.933206, -3.017433 52.933273, -3.017382 52.933301, -3.017314 52.933366, -3.01727 52.933433, -3.017532 52.933535, -3.017648 52.93356, -3.017985 52.933668, -3.018862 52.934017, -3.018907 52.934051, -3.019281 52.93423, -3.019316 52.934275, -3.019345 52.934358, -3.019361 52.934382, -3.019481 52.934466, -3.019576 52.934501, -3.019839 52.934501, -3.020022 52.934534, -3.020133 52.934565, -3.020276 52.934618, -3.021065 52.934739, -3.021138 52.934625, -3.021153 52.93423, -3.021138 52.934145, -3.020988 52.933734, -3.020939 52.933518, -3.020931 52.933409, -3.02103 52.932869, -3.021244 52.93285, -3.021157 52.932696, -3.021101 52.932624, -3.021404 52.932612, -3.021443 52.932622, -3.021546 52.932616, -3.021584 52.932611, -3.021793 52.932548, -3.021929 52.932498, -3.022114 52.93241, -3.022176 52.93235, -3.022208 52.932307, -3.022242 52.93223, -3.022238 52.932161, -3.022197 52.932025, -3.022283 52.931732, -3.022238 52.931709, -3.022221 52.931687, -3.022217 52.931653, -3.022231 52.93163, -3.022014 52.931563, -3.021958 52.931519, -3.021929 52.931487, -3.021896 52.931423, -3.021853 52.93139, -3.021761 52.931359, -3.021675 52.931355, -3.0215 52.931375, -3.021367 52.931436, -3.021248 52.931434, -3.021151 52.931423, -3.021077 52.931444, -3.021024 52.93145, -3.020993 52.931444, -3.020946 52.931456, -3.020802 52.931411, -3.020714 52.931399, -3.020676 52.931386, -3.020594 52.931333, -3.020545 52.931312, -3.020429 52.931297, -3.02036 52.931276, -3.020318 52.931248, -3.020259 52.931182, -3.020012 52.931155, -3.019884 52.931073, -3.019634 52.931046, -3.019465 52.930986, -3.019415 52.930956, -3.019332 52.930798, -3.019238 52.930664, -3.019175 52.930598, -3.019171 52.93055, -3.019228 52.930451, -3.019276 52.930391, -3.019348 52.930463, -3.019433 52.930362, -3.019687 52.930011, -3.019755 52.929848, -3.019928 52.929549, -3.019975 52.929452, -3.019817 52.929406, -3.019508 52.929374, -3.019128 52.929369, -3.018823 52.929331, -3.018649 52.929275, -3.018399 52.929155, -3.0158 52.92942, -3.014988 52.929511, -3.014162 52.929749, -3.014092 52.930022, -3.014052 52.930218, -3.012867 52.930348, -3.01289 52.930505, -3.012974 52.930554, -3.013 52.930549, -3.013011 52.930557), (-3.021039 52.931776, -3.021177 52.931783, -3.021188 52.931845, -3.021377 52.931843, -3.021645 52.931901, -3.021852 52.931988, -3.021929 52.932114, -3.021945 52.932265, -3.021883 52.932359, -3.021748 52.932478, -3.021553 52.932544, -3.021386 52.932573, -3.02119 52.932575, -3.021154 52.932619, -3.02094 52.932627, -3.020546 52.932677, -3.020248 52.932701, -3.020699 52.931948, -3.019956 52.931852, -3.02008 52.931734, -3.020207 52.931755, -3.020602 52.931797, -3.021039 52.931776)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-3.018191 52.931549)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SJ316376",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Ifton Meadows",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013011 52.930557, -3.013052 52.930512, -3.013132 52.930448, -3.013204 52.930426, -3.013249 52.930426, -3.013293 52.930435, -3.013349 52.930459, -3.013461 52.930552, -3.013618 52.930665, -3.01367 52.930638, -3.01378 52.930721, -3.013837 52.930737, -3.013904 52.930723, -3.013932 52.930706, -3.013947 52.930686, -3.013976 52.930672, -3.014068 52.930647, -3.01439 52.930642, -3.01471 52.930672, -3.014861 52.930795, -3.014943 52.930852, -3.015212 52.931094, -3.015389 52.931188, -3.015785 52.931352, -3.016457 52.931577, -3.017007 52.931686, -3.016952 52.931832, -3.016642 52.932403, -3.01654 52.932608, -3.016814 52.932656, -3.016946 52.932669, -3.017631 52.932703, -3.017644 52.932734, -3.017656 52.932885, -3.017703 52.933053, -3.017697 52.93311, -3.01768 52.933147, -3.017658 52.933184, -3.01763 52.933206, -3.017433 52.933273, -3.017382 52.933301, -3.017314 52.933366, -3.01727 52.933433, -3.017532 52.933535, -3.017648 52.93356, -3.017985 52.933668, -3.018862 52.934017, -3.018907 52.934051, -3.019281 52.93423, -3.019316 52.934275, -3.019345 52.934358, -3.019361 52.934382, -3.019481 52.934466, -3.019576 52.934501, -3.019839 52.934501, -3.020022 52.934534, -3.020133 52.934565, -3.020276 52.934618, -3.021065 52.934739, -3.021138 52.934625, -3.021153 52.93423, -3.021138 52.934145, -3.020988 52.933734, -3.020939 52.933518, -3.020931 52.933409, -3.02103 52.932869, -3.021244 52.93285, -3.021157 52.932696, -3.021101 52.932624, -3.021404 52.932612, -3.021443 52.932622, -3.021546 52.932616, -3.021584 52.932611, -3.021793 52.932548, -3.021929 52.932498, -3.022114 52.93241, -3.022176 52.93235, -3.022208 52.932307, -3.022242 52.93223, -3.022238 52.932161, -3.022197 52.932025, -3.022283 52.931732, -3.022238 52.931709, -3.022221 52.931687, -3.022217 52.931653, -3.022231 52.93163, -3.022014 52.931563, -3.021958 52.931519, -3.021929 52.931487, -3.021896 52.931423, -3.021853 52.93139, -3.021761 52.931359, -3.021675 52.931355, -3.0215 52.931375, -3.021367 52.931436, -3.021248 52.931434, -3.021151 52.931423, -3.021077 52.931444, -3.021024 52.93145, -3.020993 52.931444, -3.020946 52.931456, -3.020802 52.931411, -3.020714 52.931399, -3.020676 52.931386, -3.020594 52.931333, -3.020545 52.931312, -3.020429 52.931297, -3.02036 52.931276, -3.020318 52.931248, -3.020259 52.931182, -3.020012 52.931155, -3.019884 52.931073, -3.019634 52.931046, -3.019465 52.930986, -3.019415 52.930956, -3.019332 52.930798, -3.019238 52.930664, -3.019175 52.930598, -3.019171 52.93055, -3.019228 52.930451, -3.019276 52.930391, -3.019348 52.930463, -3.019433 52.930362, -3.019687 52.930011, -3.019755 52.929848, -3.019928 52.929549, -3.019975 52.929452, -3.019817 52.929406, -3.019508 52.929374, -3.019128 52.929369, -3.018823 52.929331, -3.018649 52.929275, -3.018399 52.929155, -3.0158 52.92942, -3.014988 52.929511, -3.014162 52.929749, -3.014092 52.930022, -3.014052 52.930218, -3.012867 52.930348, -3.01289 52.930505, -3.012974 52.930554, -3.013 52.930549, -3.013011 52.930557), (-3.021039 52.931776, -3.021177 52.931783, -3.021188 52.931845, -3.021377 52.931843, -3.021645 52.931901, -3.021852 52.931988, -3.021929 52.932114, -3.021945 52.932265, -3.021883 52.932359, -3.021748 52.932478, -3.021553 52.932544, -3.021386 52.932573, -3.02119 52.932575, -3.021154 52.932619, -3.02094 52.932627, -3.020546 52.932677, -3.020248 52.932701, -3.020699 52.931948, -3.019956 52.931852, -3.02008 52.931734, -3.020207 52.931755, -3.020602 52.931797, -3.021039 52.931776)))",
"point": "POINT (-3.018191 52.931549)",
"entity": 45250547,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2024
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.