Local nature reserve

Ifton Meadows

Field Value Fact links
Reference SJ316376 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Ifton Meadows Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013011 52.930557, -3.013052 52.930512, -3.013132 52.930448, -3.013204 52.930426, -3.013249 52.930426, -3.013293 52.930435, -3.013349 52.930459, -3.013461 52.930552, -3.013618 52.930665, -3.01367 52.930638, -3.01378 52.930721, -3.013837 52.930737, -3.013904 52.930723, -3.013932 52.930706, -3.013947 52.930686, -3.013976 52.930672, -3.014068 52.930647, -3.01439 52.930642, -3.01471 52.930672, -3.014861 52.930795, -3.014943 52.930852, -3.015212 52.931094, -3.015389 52.931188, -3.015785 52.931352, -3.016457 52.931577, -3.017007 52.931686, -3.016952 52.931832, -3.016642 52.932403, -3.01654 52.932608, -3.016814 52.932656, -3.016946 52.932669, -3.017631 52.932703, -3.017644 52.932734, -3.017656 52.932885, -3.017703 52.933053, -3.017697 52.93311, -3.01768 52.933147, -3.017658 52.933184, -3.01763 52.933206, -3.017433 52.933273, -3.017382 52.933301, -3.017314 52.933366, -3.01727 52.933433, -3.017532 52.933535, -3.017648 52.93356, -3.017985 52.933668, -3.018862 52.934017, -3.018907 52.934051, -3.019281 52.93423, -3.019316 52.934275, -3.019345 52.934358, -3.019361 52.934382, -3.019481 52.934466, -3.019576 52.934501, -3.019839 52.934501, -3.020022 52.934534, -3.020133 52.934565, -3.020276 52.934618, -3.021065 52.934739, -3.021138 52.934625, -3.021153 52.93423, -3.021138 52.934145, -3.020988 52.933734, -3.020939 52.933518, -3.020931 52.933409, -3.02103 52.932869, -3.021244 52.93285, -3.021157 52.932696, -3.021101 52.932624, -3.021404 52.932612, -3.021443 52.932622, -3.021546 52.932616, -3.021584 52.932611, -3.021793 52.932548, -3.021929 52.932498, -3.022114 52.93241, -3.022176 52.93235, -3.022208 52.932307, -3.022242 52.93223, -3.022238 52.932161, -3.022197 52.932025, -3.022283 52.931732, -3.022238 52.931709, -3.022221 52.931687, -3.022217 52.931653, -3.022231 52.93163, -3.022014 52.931563, -3.021958 52.931519, -3.021929 52.931487, -3.021896 52.931423, -3.021853 52.93139, -3.021761 52.931359, -3.021675 52.931355, -3.0215 52.931375, -3.021367 52.931436, -3.021248 52.931434, -3.021151 52.931423, -3.021077 52.931444, -3.021024 52.93145, -3.020993 52.931444, -3.020946 52.931456, -3.020802 52.931411, -3.020714 52.931399, -3.020676 52.931386, -3.020594 52.931333, -3.020545 52.931312, -3.020429 52.931297, -3.02036 52.931276, -3.020318 52.931248, -3.020259 52.931182, -3.020012 52.931155, -3.019884 52.931073, -3.019634 52.931046, -3.019465 52.930986, -3.019415 52.930956, -3.019332 52.930798, -3.019238 52.930664, -3.019175 52.930598, -3.019171 52.93055, -3.019228 52.930451, -3.019276 52.930391, -3.019348 52.930463, -3.019433 52.930362, -3.019687 52.930011, -3.019755 52.929848, -3.019928 52.929549, -3.019975 52.929452, -3.019817 52.929406, -3.019508 52.929374, -3.019128 52.929369, -3.018823 52.929331, -3.018649 52.929275, -3.018399 52.929155, -3.0158 52.92942, -3.014988 52.929511, -3.014162 52.929749, -3.014092 52.930022, -3.014052 52.930218, -3.012867 52.930348, -3.01289 52.930505, -3.012974 52.930554, -3.013 52.930549, -3.013011 52.930557), (-3.021039 52.931776, -3.021177 52.931783, -3.021188 52.931845, -3.021377 52.931843, -3.021645 52.931901, -3.021852 52.931988, -3.021929 52.932114, -3.021945 52.932265, -3.021883 52.932359, -3.021748 52.932478, -3.021553 52.932544, -3.021386 52.932573, -3.02119 52.932575, -3.021154 52.932619, -3.02094 52.932627, -3.020546 52.932677, -3.020248 52.932701, -3.020699 52.931948, -3.019956 52.931852, -3.02008 52.931734, -3.020207 52.931755, -3.020602 52.931797, -3.021039 52.931776))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.018191 52.931549) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SJ316376",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Ifton Meadows",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013011 52.930557, -3.013052 52.930512, -3.013132 52.930448, -3.013204 52.930426, -3.013249 52.930426, -3.013293 52.930435, -3.013349 52.930459, -3.013461 52.930552, -3.013618 52.930665, -3.01367 52.930638, -3.01378 52.930721, -3.013837 52.930737, -3.013904 52.930723, -3.013932 52.930706, -3.013947 52.930686, -3.013976 52.930672, -3.014068 52.930647, -3.01439 52.930642, -3.01471 52.930672, -3.014861 52.930795, -3.014943 52.930852, -3.015212 52.931094, -3.015389 52.931188, -3.015785 52.931352, -3.016457 52.931577, -3.017007 52.931686, -3.016952 52.931832, -3.016642 52.932403, -3.01654 52.932608, -3.016814 52.932656, -3.016946 52.932669, -3.017631 52.932703, -3.017644 52.932734, -3.017656 52.932885, -3.017703 52.933053, -3.017697 52.93311, -3.01768 52.933147, -3.017658 52.933184, -3.01763 52.933206, -3.017433 52.933273, -3.017382 52.933301, -3.017314 52.933366, -3.01727 52.933433, -3.017532 52.933535, -3.017648 52.93356, -3.017985 52.933668, -3.018862 52.934017, -3.018907 52.934051, -3.019281 52.93423, -3.019316 52.934275, -3.019345 52.934358, -3.019361 52.934382, -3.019481 52.934466, -3.019576 52.934501, -3.019839 52.934501, -3.020022 52.934534, -3.020133 52.934565, -3.020276 52.934618, -3.021065 52.934739, -3.021138 52.934625, -3.021153 52.93423, -3.021138 52.934145, -3.020988 52.933734, -3.020939 52.933518, -3.020931 52.933409, -3.02103 52.932869, -3.021244 52.93285, -3.021157 52.932696, -3.021101 52.932624, -3.021404 52.932612, -3.021443 52.932622, -3.021546 52.932616, -3.021584 52.932611, -3.021793 52.932548, -3.021929 52.932498, -3.022114 52.93241, -3.022176 52.93235, -3.022208 52.932307, -3.022242 52.93223, -3.022238 52.932161, -3.022197 52.932025, -3.022283 52.931732, -3.022238 52.931709, -3.022221 52.931687, -3.022217 52.931653, -3.022231 52.93163, -3.022014 52.931563, -3.021958 52.931519, -3.021929 52.931487, -3.021896 52.931423, -3.021853 52.93139, -3.021761 52.931359, -3.021675 52.931355, -3.0215 52.931375, -3.021367 52.931436, -3.021248 52.931434, -3.021151 52.931423, -3.021077 52.931444, -3.021024 52.93145, -3.020993 52.931444, -3.020946 52.931456, -3.020802 52.931411, -3.020714 52.931399, -3.020676 52.931386, -3.020594 52.931333, -3.020545 52.931312, -3.020429 52.931297, -3.02036 52.931276, -3.020318 52.931248, -3.020259 52.931182, -3.020012 52.931155, -3.019884 52.931073, -3.019634 52.931046, -3.019465 52.930986, -3.019415 52.930956, -3.019332 52.930798, -3.019238 52.930664, -3.019175 52.930598, -3.019171 52.93055, -3.019228 52.930451, -3.019276 52.930391, -3.019348 52.930463, -3.019433 52.930362, -3.019687 52.930011, -3.019755 52.929848, -3.019928 52.929549, -3.019975 52.929452, -3.019817 52.929406, -3.019508 52.929374, -3.019128 52.929369, -3.018823 52.929331, -3.018649 52.929275, -3.018399 52.929155, -3.0158 52.92942, -3.014988 52.929511, -3.014162 52.929749, -3.014092 52.930022, -3.014052 52.930218, -3.012867 52.930348, -3.01289 52.930505, -3.012974 52.930554, -3.013 52.930549, -3.013011 52.930557), (-3.021039 52.931776, -3.021177 52.931783, -3.021188 52.931845, -3.021377 52.931843, -3.021645 52.931901, -3.021852 52.931988, -3.021929 52.932114, -3.021945 52.932265, -3.021883 52.932359, -3.021748 52.932478, -3.021553 52.932544, -3.021386 52.932573, -3.02119 52.932575, -3.021154 52.932619, -3.02094 52.932627, -3.020546 52.932677, -3.020248 52.932701, -3.020699 52.931948, -3.019956 52.931852, -3.02008 52.931734, -3.020207 52.931755, -3.020602 52.931797, -3.021039 52.931776)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.018191 52.931549)",
    "entity": 45250547,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area