Local nature reserve


Field Value Fact links
Reference SK402332 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Elvaston Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.406237 52.893568, -1.406096 52.893544, -1.406086 52.893475, -1.40606 52.893459, -1.405961 52.893426, -1.405161 52.893231, -1.404569 52.893092, -1.404056 52.892982, -1.403901 52.89294, -1.403851 52.893036, -1.403662 52.893351, -1.403126 52.893458, -1.402926 52.893458, -1.402449 52.893656, -1.402478 52.893674, -1.402503 52.893718, -1.401547 52.894075, -1.398331 52.895499, -1.397963 52.895473, -1.397833 52.895486, -1.397403 52.895581, -1.397376 52.895709, -1.397151 52.895685, -1.396859 52.895626, -1.396794 52.895606, -1.396709 52.895751, -1.396706 52.895788, -1.396746 52.895893, -1.396879 52.896177, -1.3969 52.896236, -1.396899 52.896262, -1.396877 52.896294, -1.396691 52.896388, -1.396577 52.89646, -1.396554 52.896503, -1.396558 52.896564, -1.396572 52.896607, -1.396632 52.896724, -1.396675 52.896792, -1.396709 52.896829, -1.396758 52.89685, -1.396981 52.896885, -1.397436 52.896935, -1.397465 52.896912, -1.397513 52.896919, -1.397532 52.89694, -1.397703 52.896963, -1.397704 52.896948, -1.397796 52.89678, -1.397875 52.896781, -1.397896 52.896697, -1.398174 52.896724, -1.398163 52.896769, -1.398338 52.896783, -1.398329 52.896728, -1.398362 52.896231, -1.398515 52.896017, -1.398564 52.895926, -1.40075 52.895421, -1.400811 52.895399, -1.400851 52.895376, -1.401241 52.895043, -1.401621 52.894737, -1.402089 52.894346, -1.40218 52.894259, -1.402321 52.8942, -1.402428 52.894371, -1.402472 52.894536, -1.40252 52.894674, -1.402579 52.894801, -1.4027 52.895023, -1.402802 52.895285, -1.402829 52.895318, -1.403046 52.89547, -1.403102 52.895525, -1.403138 52.895588, -1.403139 52.895626, -1.403083 52.895762, -1.403018 52.896002, -1.402978 52.896106, -1.40298 52.896173, -1.403016 52.89626, -1.403165 52.896521, -1.403275 52.896644, -1.403507 52.896869, -1.403532 52.896907, -1.403533 52.896931, -1.40357 52.896973, -1.403378 52.897348, -1.403391 52.897383, -1.403386 52.897405, -1.403407 52.897412, -1.403482 52.897411, -1.403568 52.897429, -1.404082 52.897467, -1.40455 52.89754, -1.404693 52.89757, -1.404844 52.897576, -1.405129 52.897612, -1.405399 52.897614, -1.40594 52.897601, -1.406041 52.897457, -1.4062 52.897193, -1.406466 52.896847, -1.406611 52.896634, -1.406676 52.896559, -1.406498 52.896531, -1.406083 52.89637, -1.406481 52.894627, -1.40647 52.894393, -1.40648 52.894066, -1.406472 52.893928, -1.406511 52.893768, -1.406531 52.893604, -1.406239 52.893558, -1.406237 52.893568), (-1.397641 52.896904, -1.397674 52.896909, -1.397659 52.896949, -1.397626 52.896944, -1.397641 52.896904))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.40323 52.895317) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SK402332",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Elvaston",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.406237 52.893568, -1.406096 52.893544, -1.406086 52.893475, -1.40606 52.893459, -1.405961 52.893426, -1.405161 52.893231, -1.404569 52.893092, -1.404056 52.892982, -1.403901 52.89294, -1.403851 52.893036, -1.403662 52.893351, -1.403126 52.893458, -1.402926 52.893458, -1.402449 52.893656, -1.402478 52.893674, -1.402503 52.893718, -1.401547 52.894075, -1.398331 52.895499, -1.397963 52.895473, -1.397833 52.895486, -1.397403 52.895581, -1.397376 52.895709, -1.397151 52.895685, -1.396859 52.895626, -1.396794 52.895606, -1.396709 52.895751, -1.396706 52.895788, -1.396746 52.895893, -1.396879 52.896177, -1.3969 52.896236, -1.396899 52.896262, -1.396877 52.896294, -1.396691 52.896388, -1.396577 52.89646, -1.396554 52.896503, -1.396558 52.896564, -1.396572 52.896607, -1.396632 52.896724, -1.396675 52.896792, -1.396709 52.896829, -1.396758 52.89685, -1.396981 52.896885, -1.397436 52.896935, -1.397465 52.896912, -1.397513 52.896919, -1.397532 52.89694, -1.397703 52.896963, -1.397704 52.896948, -1.397796 52.89678, -1.397875 52.896781, -1.397896 52.896697, -1.398174 52.896724, -1.398163 52.896769, -1.398338 52.896783, -1.398329 52.896728, -1.398362 52.896231, -1.398515 52.896017, -1.398564 52.895926, -1.40075 52.895421, -1.400811 52.895399, -1.400851 52.895376, -1.401241 52.895043, -1.401621 52.894737, -1.402089 52.894346, -1.40218 52.894259, -1.402321 52.8942, -1.402428 52.894371, -1.402472 52.894536, -1.40252 52.894674, -1.402579 52.894801, -1.4027 52.895023, -1.402802 52.895285, -1.402829 52.895318, -1.403046 52.89547, -1.403102 52.895525, -1.403138 52.895588, -1.403139 52.895626, -1.403083 52.895762, -1.403018 52.896002, -1.402978 52.896106, -1.40298 52.896173, -1.403016 52.89626, -1.403165 52.896521, -1.403275 52.896644, -1.403507 52.896869, -1.403532 52.896907, -1.403533 52.896931, -1.40357 52.896973, -1.403378 52.897348, -1.403391 52.897383, -1.403386 52.897405, -1.403407 52.897412, -1.403482 52.897411, -1.403568 52.897429, -1.404082 52.897467, -1.40455 52.89754, -1.404693 52.89757, -1.404844 52.897576, -1.405129 52.897612, -1.405399 52.897614, -1.40594 52.897601, -1.406041 52.897457, -1.4062 52.897193, -1.406466 52.896847, -1.406611 52.896634, -1.406676 52.896559, -1.406498 52.896531, -1.406083 52.89637, -1.406481 52.894627, -1.40647 52.894393, -1.40648 52.894066, -1.406472 52.893928, -1.406511 52.893768, -1.406531 52.893604, -1.406239 52.893558, -1.406237 52.893568), (-1.397641 52.896904, -1.397674 52.896909, -1.397659 52.896949, -1.397626 52.896944, -1.397641 52.896904)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.40323 52.895317)",
    "entity": 45250439,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area