Local nature reserve
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SK402332 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Elvaston | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.406237 52.893568, -1.406096 52.893544, -1.406086 52.893475, -1.40606 52.893459, -1.405961 52.893426, -1.405161 52.893231, -1.404569 52.893092, -1.404056 52.892982, -1.403901 52.89294, -1.403851 52.893036, -1.403662 52.893351, -1.403126 52.893458, -1.402926 52.893458, -1.402449 52.893656, -1.402478 52.893674, -1.402503 52.893718, -1.401547 52.894075, -1.398331 52.895499, -1.397963 52.895473, -1.397833 52.895486, -1.397403 52.895581, -1.397376 52.895709, -1.397151 52.895685, -1.396859 52.895626, -1.396794 52.895606, -1.396709 52.895751, -1.396706 52.895788, -1.396746 52.895893, -1.396879 52.896177, -1.3969 52.896236, -1.396899 52.896262, -1.396877 52.896294, -1.396691 52.896388, -1.396577 52.89646, -1.396554 52.896503, -1.396558 52.896564, -1.396572 52.896607, -1.396632 52.896724, -1.396675 52.896792, -1.396709 52.896829, -1.396758 52.89685, -1.396981 52.896885, -1.397436 52.896935, -1.397465 52.896912, -1.397513 52.896919, -1.397532 52.89694, -1.397703 52.896963, -1.397704 52.896948, -1.397796 52.89678, -1.397875 52.896781, -1.397896 52.896697, -1.398174 52.896724, -1.398163 52.896769, -1.398338 52.896783, -1.398329 52.896728, -1.398362 52.896231, -1.398515 52.896017, -1.398564 52.895926, -1.40075 52.895421, -1.400811 52.895399, -1.400851 52.895376, -1.401241 52.895043, -1.401621 52.894737, -1.402089 52.894346, -1.40218 52.894259, -1.402321 52.8942, -1.402428 52.894371, -1.402472 52.894536, -1.40252 52.894674, -1.402579 52.894801, -1.4027 52.895023, -1.402802 52.895285, -1.402829 52.895318, -1.403046 52.89547, -1.403102 52.895525, -1.403138 52.895588, -1.403139 52.895626, -1.403083 52.895762, -1.403018 52.896002, -1.402978 52.896106, -1.40298 52.896173, -1.403016 52.89626, -1.403165 52.896521, -1.403275 52.896644, -1.403507 52.896869, -1.403532 52.896907, -1.403533 52.896931, -1.40357 52.896973, -1.403378 52.897348, -1.403391 52.897383, -1.403386 52.897405, -1.403407 52.897412, -1.403482 52.897411, -1.403568 52.897429, -1.404082 52.897467, -1.40455 52.89754, -1.404693 52.89757, -1.404844 52.897576, -1.405129 52.897612, -1.405399 52.897614, -1.40594 52.897601, -1.406041 52.897457, -1.4062 52.897193, -1.406466 52.896847, -1.406611 52.896634, -1.406676 52.896559, -1.406498 52.896531, -1.406083 52.89637, -1.406481 52.894627, -1.40647 52.894393, -1.40648 52.894066, -1.406472 52.893928, -1.406511 52.893768, -1.406531 52.893604, -1.406239 52.893558, -1.406237 52.893568), (-1.397641 52.896904, -1.397674 52.896909, -1.397659 52.896949, -1.397626 52.896944, -1.397641 52.896904)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.40323 52.895317)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SK402332",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Elvaston",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.406237 52.893568, -1.406096 52.893544, -1.406086 52.893475, -1.40606 52.893459, -1.405961 52.893426, -1.405161 52.893231, -1.404569 52.893092, -1.404056 52.892982, -1.403901 52.89294, -1.403851 52.893036, -1.403662 52.893351, -1.403126 52.893458, -1.402926 52.893458, -1.402449 52.893656, -1.402478 52.893674, -1.402503 52.893718, -1.401547 52.894075, -1.398331 52.895499, -1.397963 52.895473, -1.397833 52.895486, -1.397403 52.895581, -1.397376 52.895709, -1.397151 52.895685, -1.396859 52.895626, -1.396794 52.895606, -1.396709 52.895751, -1.396706 52.895788, -1.396746 52.895893, -1.396879 52.896177, -1.3969 52.896236, -1.396899 52.896262, -1.396877 52.896294, -1.396691 52.896388, -1.396577 52.89646, -1.396554 52.896503, -1.396558 52.896564, -1.396572 52.896607, -1.396632 52.896724, -1.396675 52.896792, -1.396709 52.896829, -1.396758 52.89685, -1.396981 52.896885, -1.397436 52.896935, -1.397465 52.896912, -1.397513 52.896919, -1.397532 52.89694, -1.397703 52.896963, -1.397704 52.896948, -1.397796 52.89678, -1.397875 52.896781, -1.397896 52.896697, -1.398174 52.896724, -1.398163 52.896769, -1.398338 52.896783, -1.398329 52.896728, -1.398362 52.896231, -1.398515 52.896017, -1.398564 52.895926, -1.40075 52.895421, -1.400811 52.895399, -1.400851 52.895376, -1.401241 52.895043, -1.401621 52.894737, -1.402089 52.894346, -1.40218 52.894259, -1.402321 52.8942, -1.402428 52.894371, -1.402472 52.894536, -1.40252 52.894674, -1.402579 52.894801, -1.4027 52.895023, -1.402802 52.895285, -1.402829 52.895318, -1.403046 52.89547, -1.403102 52.895525, -1.403138 52.895588, -1.403139 52.895626, -1.403083 52.895762, -1.403018 52.896002, -1.402978 52.896106, -1.40298 52.896173, -1.403016 52.89626, -1.403165 52.896521, -1.403275 52.896644, -1.403507 52.896869, -1.403532 52.896907, -1.403533 52.896931, -1.40357 52.896973, -1.403378 52.897348, -1.403391 52.897383, -1.403386 52.897405, -1.403407 52.897412, -1.403482 52.897411, -1.403568 52.897429, -1.404082 52.897467, -1.40455 52.89754, -1.404693 52.89757, -1.404844 52.897576, -1.405129 52.897612, -1.405399 52.897614, -1.40594 52.897601, -1.406041 52.897457, -1.4062 52.897193, -1.406466 52.896847, -1.406611 52.896634, -1.406676 52.896559, -1.406498 52.896531, -1.406083 52.89637, -1.406481 52.894627, -1.40647 52.894393, -1.40648 52.894066, -1.406472 52.893928, -1.406511 52.893768, -1.406531 52.893604, -1.406239 52.893558, -1.406237 52.893568), (-1.397641 52.896904, -1.397674 52.896909, -1.397659 52.896949, -1.397626 52.896944, -1.397641 52.896904)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.40323 52.895317)",
"entity": 45250439,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.