Local nature reserve

Elmbridge Open Space

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ202673 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Elmbridge Open Space Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.269897 51.389407, -0.269937 51.389523, -0.269998 51.389653, -0.270623 51.390837, -0.27083 51.391146, -0.271659 51.391969, -0.272043 51.392325, -0.272603 51.392862, -0.272988 51.393247, -0.274094 51.394184, -0.274211 51.394292, -0.274304 51.394395, -0.275316 51.395866, -0.275481 51.396146, -0.275552 51.396288, -0.275691 51.396735, -0.275846 51.397146, -0.276023 51.397133, -0.276021 51.397091, -0.276107 51.397082, -0.276368 51.397076, -0.276625 51.397054, -0.276669 51.397033, -0.276843 51.397004, -0.276906 51.396984, -0.276937 51.396966, -0.277015 51.396893, -0.277038 51.39686, -0.277037 51.396824, -0.27701 51.396781, -0.276492 51.395573, -0.276446 51.395421, -0.276445 51.395339, -0.276462 51.39528, -0.276293 51.395347, -0.276134 51.395397, -0.276057 51.395259, -0.275952 51.39499, -0.275801 51.394668, -0.275556 51.394169, -0.275457 51.39401, -0.275375 51.393914, -0.275262 51.393803, -0.274517 51.393165, -0.274371 51.393027, -0.274112 51.392758, -0.273829 51.392442, -0.273416 51.392086, -0.273133 51.391825, -0.272723 51.391423, -0.272345 51.391035, -0.272215 51.390897, -0.272102 51.390745, -0.272044 51.39068, -0.271925 51.39064, -0.271847 51.3907, -0.271421 51.389863, -0.27121 51.389488, -0.270817 51.388491, -0.270727 51.388272, -0.270704 51.388255, -0.269942 51.38862, -0.269964 51.388664, -0.269964 51.388727, -0.269921 51.388848, -0.269903 51.389023, -0.269865 51.389271, -0.269897 51.389407))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.273321 51.392781) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ202673",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Elmbridge Open Space",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.269897 51.389407, -0.269937 51.389523, -0.269998 51.389653, -0.270623 51.390837, -0.27083 51.391146, -0.271659 51.391969, -0.272043 51.392325, -0.272603 51.392862, -0.272988 51.393247, -0.274094 51.394184, -0.274211 51.394292, -0.274304 51.394395, -0.275316 51.395866, -0.275481 51.396146, -0.275552 51.396288, -0.275691 51.396735, -0.275846 51.397146, -0.276023 51.397133, -0.276021 51.397091, -0.276107 51.397082, -0.276368 51.397076, -0.276625 51.397054, -0.276669 51.397033, -0.276843 51.397004, -0.276906 51.396984, -0.276937 51.396966, -0.277015 51.396893, -0.277038 51.39686, -0.277037 51.396824, -0.27701 51.396781, -0.276492 51.395573, -0.276446 51.395421, -0.276445 51.395339, -0.276462 51.39528, -0.276293 51.395347, -0.276134 51.395397, -0.276057 51.395259, -0.275952 51.39499, -0.275801 51.394668, -0.275556 51.394169, -0.275457 51.39401, -0.275375 51.393914, -0.275262 51.393803, -0.274517 51.393165, -0.274371 51.393027, -0.274112 51.392758, -0.273829 51.392442, -0.273416 51.392086, -0.273133 51.391825, -0.272723 51.391423, -0.272345 51.391035, -0.272215 51.390897, -0.272102 51.390745, -0.272044 51.39068, -0.271925 51.39064, -0.271847 51.3907, -0.271421 51.389863, -0.27121 51.389488, -0.270817 51.388491, -0.270727 51.388272, -0.270704 51.388255, -0.269942 51.38862, -0.269964 51.388664, -0.269964 51.388727, -0.269921 51.388848, -0.269903 51.389023, -0.269865 51.389271, -0.269897 51.389407)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.273321 51.392781)",
    "entity": 45250437,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area