Local nature reserve

Edolph's Copse

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ235423 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Edolph's Copse Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.235737 51.165181, -0.2357 51.165129, -0.235772 51.165105, -0.235818 51.165041, -0.235787 51.164955, -0.235751 51.164887, -0.235627 51.164743, -0.235535 51.164521, -0.235479 51.164366, -0.235469 51.164308, -0.235385 51.164293, -0.235377 51.164267, -0.235466 51.164223, -0.235453 51.163927, -0.235433 51.163695, -0.23509 51.163742, -0.234764 51.163776, -0.234472 51.163768, -0.234169 51.163734, -0.234106 51.163747, -0.233974 51.163756, -0.23356 51.163739, -0.233501 51.163728, -0.233415 51.163674, -0.233378 51.163677, -0.233062 51.163706, -0.232494 51.163961, -0.232192 51.163963, -0.232089 51.163774, -0.232121 51.163617, -0.231541 51.163032, -0.231518 51.16303, -0.231452 51.163072, -0.231368 51.163865, -0.231287 51.163921, -0.231099 51.164023, -0.23104 51.164063, -0.230861 51.164243, -0.230622 51.16443, -0.23056 51.164577, -0.230542 51.164639, -0.230489 51.164889, -0.230454 51.164896, -0.230396 51.16494, -0.23035 51.165042, -0.230259 51.165143, -0.230233 51.165223, -0.230114 51.165415, -0.229667 51.165451, -0.22946 51.165432, -0.229371 51.165485, -0.229317 51.16553, -0.229284 51.165584, -0.229209 51.165784, -0.229189 51.165818, -0.22918 51.165991, -0.229123 51.16617, -0.22913 51.166207, -0.229159 51.166228, -0.229285 51.166251, -0.229884 51.166392, -0.229888 51.166403, -0.229948 51.16643, -0.230217 51.166531, -0.230843 51.16667, -0.230861 51.166681, -0.230862 51.166698, -0.23085 51.166749, -0.230823 51.166809, -0.230453 51.167278, -0.230427 51.167328, -0.230416 51.167398, -0.230394 51.167455, -0.230345 51.167507, -0.230294 51.167524, -0.230223 51.167532, -0.229887 51.16754, -0.229677 51.167533, -0.229523 51.167511, -0.229126 51.167417, -0.229052 51.167458, -0.22908 51.167507, -0.229116 51.167535, -0.229174 51.167556, -0.229993 51.167684, -0.230137 51.167736, -0.230258 51.167801, -0.230465 51.16798, -0.230783 51.1682, -0.230829 51.168272, -0.230855 51.168287, -0.230886 51.168283, -0.230988 51.168227, -0.23119 51.168154, -0.231356 51.168109, -0.231517 51.168077, -0.231553 51.168182, -0.23165 51.168187, -0.231799 51.168228, -0.232089 51.168374, -0.232468 51.168615, -0.232904 51.168923, -0.233124 51.169089, -0.233167 51.169079, -0.233241 51.169033, -0.23337 51.168996, -0.233501 51.168972, -0.233571 51.16899, -0.233933 51.16958, -0.233953 51.169585, -0.233968 51.1696, -0.234067 51.169783, -0.234084 51.169975, -0.234074 51.170128, -0.234118 51.170391, -0.234046 51.170474, -0.234026 51.170516, -0.234056 51.170707, -0.234468 51.170812, -0.235145 51.172324, -0.235254 51.172285, -0.235489 51.172148, -0.235718 51.172046, -0.235983 51.171839, -0.236078 51.171755, -0.236577 51.171243, -0.236608 51.171156, -0.23658 51.170903, -0.236643 51.170579, -0.236664 51.170048, -0.236774 51.169873, -0.237137 51.169466, -0.237183 51.169384, -0.237176 51.169357, -0.236883 51.169242, -0.236756 51.169179, -0.236474 51.168985, -0.236392 51.168896, -0.236275 51.168797, -0.236132 51.168555, -0.236035 51.16846, -0.235639 51.168134, -0.235596 51.168067, -0.235527 51.167844, -0.235509 51.167707, -0.235513 51.16767, -0.235564 51.167553, -0.235708 51.167379, -0.236298 51.166868, -0.236439 51.16673, -0.236507 51.166607, -0.236619 51.166063, -0.236614 51.166007, -0.236583 51.165961, -0.236456 51.165855, -0.23624 51.165723, -0.236182 51.165674, -0.236103 51.16559, -0.236069 51.16542, -0.235932 51.165225, -0.23586 51.165195, -0.235749 51.165197, -0.235737 51.165181))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.233629 51.167081) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ235423",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Edolph's Copse",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.235737 51.165181, -0.2357 51.165129, -0.235772 51.165105, -0.235818 51.165041, -0.235787 51.164955, -0.235751 51.164887, -0.235627 51.164743, -0.235535 51.164521, -0.235479 51.164366, -0.235469 51.164308, -0.235385 51.164293, -0.235377 51.164267, -0.235466 51.164223, -0.235453 51.163927, -0.235433 51.163695, -0.23509 51.163742, -0.234764 51.163776, -0.234472 51.163768, -0.234169 51.163734, -0.234106 51.163747, -0.233974 51.163756, -0.23356 51.163739, -0.233501 51.163728, -0.233415 51.163674, -0.233378 51.163677, -0.233062 51.163706, -0.232494 51.163961, -0.232192 51.163963, -0.232089 51.163774, -0.232121 51.163617, -0.231541 51.163032, -0.231518 51.16303, -0.231452 51.163072, -0.231368 51.163865, -0.231287 51.163921, -0.231099 51.164023, -0.23104 51.164063, -0.230861 51.164243, -0.230622 51.16443, -0.23056 51.164577, -0.230542 51.164639, -0.230489 51.164889, -0.230454 51.164896, -0.230396 51.16494, -0.23035 51.165042, -0.230259 51.165143, -0.230233 51.165223, -0.230114 51.165415, -0.229667 51.165451, -0.22946 51.165432, -0.229371 51.165485, -0.229317 51.16553, -0.229284 51.165584, -0.229209 51.165784, -0.229189 51.165818, -0.22918 51.165991, -0.229123 51.16617, -0.22913 51.166207, -0.229159 51.166228, -0.229285 51.166251, -0.229884 51.166392, -0.229888 51.166403, -0.229948 51.16643, -0.230217 51.166531, -0.230843 51.16667, -0.230861 51.166681, -0.230862 51.166698, -0.23085 51.166749, -0.230823 51.166809, -0.230453 51.167278, -0.230427 51.167328, -0.230416 51.167398, -0.230394 51.167455, -0.230345 51.167507, -0.230294 51.167524, -0.230223 51.167532, -0.229887 51.16754, -0.229677 51.167533, -0.229523 51.167511, -0.229126 51.167417, -0.229052 51.167458, -0.22908 51.167507, -0.229116 51.167535, -0.229174 51.167556, -0.229993 51.167684, -0.230137 51.167736, -0.230258 51.167801, -0.230465 51.16798, -0.230783 51.1682, -0.230829 51.168272, -0.230855 51.168287, -0.230886 51.168283, -0.230988 51.168227, -0.23119 51.168154, -0.231356 51.168109, -0.231517 51.168077, -0.231553 51.168182, -0.23165 51.168187, -0.231799 51.168228, -0.232089 51.168374, -0.232468 51.168615, -0.232904 51.168923, -0.233124 51.169089, -0.233167 51.169079, -0.233241 51.169033, -0.23337 51.168996, -0.233501 51.168972, -0.233571 51.16899, -0.233933 51.16958, -0.233953 51.169585, -0.233968 51.1696, -0.234067 51.169783, -0.234084 51.169975, -0.234074 51.170128, -0.234118 51.170391, -0.234046 51.170474, -0.234026 51.170516, -0.234056 51.170707, -0.234468 51.170812, -0.235145 51.172324, -0.235254 51.172285, -0.235489 51.172148, -0.235718 51.172046, -0.235983 51.171839, -0.236078 51.171755, -0.236577 51.171243, -0.236608 51.171156, -0.23658 51.170903, -0.236643 51.170579, -0.236664 51.170048, -0.236774 51.169873, -0.237137 51.169466, -0.237183 51.169384, -0.237176 51.169357, -0.236883 51.169242, -0.236756 51.169179, -0.236474 51.168985, -0.236392 51.168896, -0.236275 51.168797, -0.236132 51.168555, -0.236035 51.16846, -0.235639 51.168134, -0.235596 51.168067, -0.235527 51.167844, -0.235509 51.167707, -0.235513 51.16767, -0.235564 51.167553, -0.235708 51.167379, -0.236298 51.166868, -0.236439 51.16673, -0.236507 51.166607, -0.236619 51.166063, -0.236614 51.166007, -0.236583 51.165961, -0.236456 51.165855, -0.23624 51.165723, -0.236182 51.165674, -0.236103 51.16559, -0.236069 51.16542, -0.235932 51.165225, -0.23586 51.165195, -0.235749 51.165197, -0.235737 51.165181)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.233629 51.167081)",
    "entity": 45250434,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area