Local nature reserve

Ditton Quarry

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ715575 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Ditton Quarry Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.457106 51.290973, 0.456768 51.290798, 0.456547 51.290731, 0.456429 51.290715, 0.456385 51.290723, 0.45626 51.290901, 0.456242 51.290937, 0.456204 51.290939, 0.456118 51.290899, 0.456108 51.290842, 0.456172 51.290756, 0.456204 51.290694, 0.456228 51.290624, 0.456452 51.290616, 0.456802 51.290573, 0.457055 51.290514, 0.457202 51.290494, 0.457311 51.290441, 0.457515 51.290437, 0.457693 51.290527, 0.457833 51.290469, 0.457991 51.290419, 0.458254 51.290358, 0.458508 51.29016, 0.458663 51.290074, 0.458737 51.290056, 0.458893 51.290086, 0.459 51.290119, 0.459142 51.290181, 0.459308 51.290238, 0.459382 51.290331, 0.459428 51.290407, 0.45933 51.29065, 0.459364 51.290734, 0.459415 51.29081, 0.459488 51.290825, 0.459606 51.290885, 0.459741 51.2909, 0.45981 51.29092, 0.459857 51.290907, 0.459916 51.290906, 0.459958 51.290964, 0.460203 51.290878, 0.460292 51.290854, 0.460406 51.290797, 0.460598 51.290596, 0.46072 51.290643, 0.460818 51.290732, 0.460867 51.290905, 0.461069 51.291458, 0.461056 51.291463, 0.461193 51.291764, 0.461001 51.291828, 0.460717 51.291941, 0.459949 51.292214, 0.45894 51.292672, 0.458211 51.293061, 0.458191 51.293029, 0.458013 51.293044, 0.457634 51.293036, 0.457698 51.292509, 0.457774 51.291755, 0.457538 51.291338, 0.457493 51.291271, 0.457436 51.291208, 0.457286 51.291082, 0.457106 51.290973))) Facts
Point POINT (0.45889 51.291468) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ715575",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Ditton Quarry",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.457106 51.290973, 0.456768 51.290798, 0.456547 51.290731, 0.456429 51.290715, 0.456385 51.290723, 0.45626 51.290901, 0.456242 51.290937, 0.456204 51.290939, 0.456118 51.290899, 0.456108 51.290842, 0.456172 51.290756, 0.456204 51.290694, 0.456228 51.290624, 0.456452 51.290616, 0.456802 51.290573, 0.457055 51.290514, 0.457202 51.290494, 0.457311 51.290441, 0.457515 51.290437, 0.457693 51.290527, 0.457833 51.290469, 0.457991 51.290419, 0.458254 51.290358, 0.458508 51.29016, 0.458663 51.290074, 0.458737 51.290056, 0.458893 51.290086, 0.459 51.290119, 0.459142 51.290181, 0.459308 51.290238, 0.459382 51.290331, 0.459428 51.290407, 0.45933 51.29065, 0.459364 51.290734, 0.459415 51.29081, 0.459488 51.290825, 0.459606 51.290885, 0.459741 51.2909, 0.45981 51.29092, 0.459857 51.290907, 0.459916 51.290906, 0.459958 51.290964, 0.460203 51.290878, 0.460292 51.290854, 0.460406 51.290797, 0.460598 51.290596, 0.46072 51.290643, 0.460818 51.290732, 0.460867 51.290905, 0.461069 51.291458, 0.461056 51.291463, 0.461193 51.291764, 0.461001 51.291828, 0.460717 51.291941, 0.459949 51.292214, 0.45894 51.292672, 0.458211 51.293061, 0.458191 51.293029, 0.458013 51.293044, 0.457634 51.293036, 0.457698 51.292509, 0.457774 51.291755, 0.457538 51.291338, 0.457493 51.291271, 0.457436 51.291208, 0.457286 51.291082, 0.457106 51.290973)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.45889 51.291468)",
    "entity": 45250398,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area