Local nature reserve

Codsall Coppice

Field Value Fact links
Reference SO954857 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Codsall Coppice Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.067098 52.469688, -2.066986 52.469687, -2.066654 52.469711, -2.066589 52.469731, -2.066572 52.469777, -2.066593 52.469917, -2.066624 52.470048, -2.066878 52.470093, -2.067573 52.470241, -2.067962 52.470283, -2.068467 52.470316, -2.068316 52.470042, -2.068404 52.470009, -2.068419 52.470036, -2.068498 52.470008, -2.068489 52.469979, -2.068847 52.469848, -2.069105 52.469743, -2.069121 52.469747, -2.069209 52.469824, -2.069291 52.469788, -2.06927 52.469765, -2.069254 52.46973, -2.069254 52.469704, -2.069265 52.469691, -2.069468 52.469617, -2.06955 52.469688, -2.069633 52.469652, -2.069677 52.469608, -2.069863 52.469522, -2.069822 52.469487, -2.070177 52.469326, -2.070335 52.469228, -2.070432 52.468998, -2.070504 52.468871, -2.070532 52.468834, -2.070598 52.468772, -2.07068 52.468731, -2.070643 52.468675, -2.070645 52.468661, -2.070689 52.468609, -2.070778 52.468572, -2.070727 52.468477, -2.070658 52.468377, -2.070589 52.468131, -2.070364 52.4682, -2.070221 52.468255, -2.070194 52.468272, -2.070104 52.4683, -2.070071 52.468323, -2.069984 52.468357, -2.069955 52.468381, -2.069921 52.468381, -2.069714 52.468473, -2.069642 52.468506, -2.069649 52.468511, -2.069561 52.468558, -2.069446 52.468646, -2.069446 52.468655, -2.069304 52.468748, -2.069308 52.468754, -2.069235 52.468785, -2.069227 52.468782, -2.069135 52.468827, -2.069125 52.468819, -2.068752 52.468994, -2.068756 52.468998, -2.0686 52.469055, -2.068595 52.46905, -2.068526 52.469099, -2.068256 52.469194, -2.068105 52.469268, -2.068092 52.469286, -2.067969 52.469326, -2.067962 52.469344, -2.067984 52.469446, -2.067951 52.469489, -2.067865 52.469542, -2.067763 52.469589, -2.067665 52.469626, -2.06729 52.469699, -2.067227 52.469702, -2.067098 52.469688))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.068891 52.469357) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SO954857",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Codsall Coppice",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.067098 52.469688, -2.066986 52.469687, -2.066654 52.469711, -2.066589 52.469731, -2.066572 52.469777, -2.066593 52.469917, -2.066624 52.470048, -2.066878 52.470093, -2.067573 52.470241, -2.067962 52.470283, -2.068467 52.470316, -2.068316 52.470042, -2.068404 52.470009, -2.068419 52.470036, -2.068498 52.470008, -2.068489 52.469979, -2.068847 52.469848, -2.069105 52.469743, -2.069121 52.469747, -2.069209 52.469824, -2.069291 52.469788, -2.06927 52.469765, -2.069254 52.46973, -2.069254 52.469704, -2.069265 52.469691, -2.069468 52.469617, -2.06955 52.469688, -2.069633 52.469652, -2.069677 52.469608, -2.069863 52.469522, -2.069822 52.469487, -2.070177 52.469326, -2.070335 52.469228, -2.070432 52.468998, -2.070504 52.468871, -2.070532 52.468834, -2.070598 52.468772, -2.07068 52.468731, -2.070643 52.468675, -2.070645 52.468661, -2.070689 52.468609, -2.070778 52.468572, -2.070727 52.468477, -2.070658 52.468377, -2.070589 52.468131, -2.070364 52.4682, -2.070221 52.468255, -2.070194 52.468272, -2.070104 52.4683, -2.070071 52.468323, -2.069984 52.468357, -2.069955 52.468381, -2.069921 52.468381, -2.069714 52.468473, -2.069642 52.468506, -2.069649 52.468511, -2.069561 52.468558, -2.069446 52.468646, -2.069446 52.468655, -2.069304 52.468748, -2.069308 52.468754, -2.069235 52.468785, -2.069227 52.468782, -2.069135 52.468827, -2.069125 52.468819, -2.068752 52.468994, -2.068756 52.468998, -2.0686 52.469055, -2.068595 52.46905, -2.068526 52.469099, -2.068256 52.469194, -2.068105 52.469268, -2.068092 52.469286, -2.067969 52.469326, -2.067962 52.469344, -2.067984 52.469446, -2.067951 52.469489, -2.067865 52.469542, -2.067763 52.469589, -2.067665 52.469626, -2.06729 52.469699, -2.067227 52.469702, -2.067098 52.469688)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.068891 52.469357)",
    "entity": 45250304,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area