Local nature reserve

Cleeve Prior Bank

Field Value Fact links
Reference SP075490 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Cleeve Prior Bank Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.889391 52.140985, -1.88931 52.14111, -1.889095 52.141387, -1.888758 52.141794, -1.888491 52.142076, -1.888137 52.142433, -1.887987 52.142553, -1.887888 52.142677, -1.887155 52.143307, -1.886789 52.143581, -1.886277 52.143991, -1.886007 52.144184, -1.885761 52.14432, -1.885421 52.144535, -1.885375 52.144585, -1.885332 52.1446, -1.88604 52.144958, -1.886258 52.145053, -1.886466 52.145133, -1.88654 52.145054, -1.886675 52.144858, -1.886734 52.144812, -1.886792 52.144741, -1.886851 52.144695, -1.886883 52.14464, -1.886951 52.144583, -1.887017 52.144487, -1.887053 52.14445, -1.887078 52.144388, -1.887168 52.144316, -1.887263 52.14419, -1.88731 52.144147, -1.887698 52.143857, -1.887789 52.14376, -1.887828 52.143711, -1.887872 52.143631, -1.887921 52.143585, -1.888284 52.143306, -1.888595 52.143096, -1.889024 52.142783, -1.889327 52.142617, -1.889397 52.142594, -1.889472 52.142544, -1.889497 52.14252, -1.889528 52.142465, -1.889545 52.142456, -1.889566 52.142415, -1.889639 52.142368, -1.88972 52.142278, -1.889751 52.142208, -1.889777 52.142197, -1.889818 52.142199, -1.889879 52.142109, -1.889881 52.142094, -1.889926 52.142066, -1.890035 52.141963, -1.890083 52.141935, -1.890096 52.141909, -1.890204 52.14183, -1.890392 52.14171, -1.890478 52.141638, -1.890584 52.141498, -1.8906 52.141428, -1.890659 52.141322, -1.890668 52.141283, -1.890747 52.141112, -1.890826 52.140808, -1.891032 52.140478, -1.891139 52.140274, -1.891174 52.140225, -1.89124 52.140156, -1.891565 52.139882, -1.891797 52.139674, -1.891964 52.139488, -1.892179 52.139221, -1.892304 52.139043, -1.892304 52.138977, -1.892324 52.138954, -1.892098 52.138879, -1.892188 52.138555, -1.892306 52.138215, -1.892491 52.137814, -1.892517 52.137735, -1.892538 52.13759, -1.892632 52.137322, -1.892657 52.137223, -1.892709 52.136835, -1.892718 52.136698, -1.892773 52.136597, -1.892774 52.13652, -1.892801 52.136465, -1.892917 52.136143, -1.893127 52.135752, -1.893147 52.135673, -1.893191 52.13562, -1.893253 52.135518, -1.893294 52.13544, -1.893313 52.135364, -1.893379 52.135264, -1.893606 52.135058, -1.893872 52.134835, -1.893993 52.134692, -1.894084 52.134545, -1.894322 52.133925, -1.894371 52.133836, -1.894416 52.133774, -1.894279 52.133629, -1.894192 52.133559, -1.894081 52.133507, -1.893872 52.133447, -1.89357 52.133375, -1.893557 52.133351, -1.893469 52.133332, -1.89343 52.13344, -1.893301 52.133735, -1.893295 52.133781, -1.893286 52.133796, -1.89311 52.13408, -1.893008 52.134212, -1.892835 52.13441, -1.892807 52.134471, -1.892653 52.134694, -1.892565 52.134807, -1.892547 52.134865, -1.892437 52.135018, -1.892324 52.13523, -1.892191 52.135433, -1.892098 52.135645, -1.89206 52.135676, -1.891907 52.136055, -1.891904 52.136127, -1.891784 52.136478, -1.891764 52.136515, -1.891711 52.136666, -1.891669 52.136807, -1.891681 52.136839, -1.891511 52.137375, -1.891357 52.137821, -1.891183 52.138229, -1.891163 52.138285, -1.891139 52.138399, -1.891029 52.138592, -1.890925 52.13873, -1.890893 52.138836, -1.890428 52.139468, -1.889935 52.140163, -1.889833 52.140346, -1.889686 52.140524, -1.889573 52.14063, -1.889471 52.140797, -1.889391 52.140985))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.890598 52.139434) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SP075490",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Cleeve Prior Bank",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.889391 52.140985, -1.88931 52.14111, -1.889095 52.141387, -1.888758 52.141794, -1.888491 52.142076, -1.888137 52.142433, -1.887987 52.142553, -1.887888 52.142677, -1.887155 52.143307, -1.886789 52.143581, -1.886277 52.143991, -1.886007 52.144184, -1.885761 52.14432, -1.885421 52.144535, -1.885375 52.144585, -1.885332 52.1446, -1.88604 52.144958, -1.886258 52.145053, -1.886466 52.145133, -1.88654 52.145054, -1.886675 52.144858, -1.886734 52.144812, -1.886792 52.144741, -1.886851 52.144695, -1.886883 52.14464, -1.886951 52.144583, -1.887017 52.144487, -1.887053 52.14445, -1.887078 52.144388, -1.887168 52.144316, -1.887263 52.14419, -1.88731 52.144147, -1.887698 52.143857, -1.887789 52.14376, -1.887828 52.143711, -1.887872 52.143631, -1.887921 52.143585, -1.888284 52.143306, -1.888595 52.143096, -1.889024 52.142783, -1.889327 52.142617, -1.889397 52.142594, -1.889472 52.142544, -1.889497 52.14252, -1.889528 52.142465, -1.889545 52.142456, -1.889566 52.142415, -1.889639 52.142368, -1.88972 52.142278, -1.889751 52.142208, -1.889777 52.142197, -1.889818 52.142199, -1.889879 52.142109, -1.889881 52.142094, -1.889926 52.142066, -1.890035 52.141963, -1.890083 52.141935, -1.890096 52.141909, -1.890204 52.14183, -1.890392 52.14171, -1.890478 52.141638, -1.890584 52.141498, -1.8906 52.141428, -1.890659 52.141322, -1.890668 52.141283, -1.890747 52.141112, -1.890826 52.140808, -1.891032 52.140478, -1.891139 52.140274, -1.891174 52.140225, -1.89124 52.140156, -1.891565 52.139882, -1.891797 52.139674, -1.891964 52.139488, -1.892179 52.139221, -1.892304 52.139043, -1.892304 52.138977, -1.892324 52.138954, -1.892098 52.138879, -1.892188 52.138555, -1.892306 52.138215, -1.892491 52.137814, -1.892517 52.137735, -1.892538 52.13759, -1.892632 52.137322, -1.892657 52.137223, -1.892709 52.136835, -1.892718 52.136698, -1.892773 52.136597, -1.892774 52.13652, -1.892801 52.136465, -1.892917 52.136143, -1.893127 52.135752, -1.893147 52.135673, -1.893191 52.13562, -1.893253 52.135518, -1.893294 52.13544, -1.893313 52.135364, -1.893379 52.135264, -1.893606 52.135058, -1.893872 52.134835, -1.893993 52.134692, -1.894084 52.134545, -1.894322 52.133925, -1.894371 52.133836, -1.894416 52.133774, -1.894279 52.133629, -1.894192 52.133559, -1.894081 52.133507, -1.893872 52.133447, -1.89357 52.133375, -1.893557 52.133351, -1.893469 52.133332, -1.89343 52.13344, -1.893301 52.133735, -1.893295 52.133781, -1.893286 52.133796, -1.89311 52.13408, -1.893008 52.134212, -1.892835 52.13441, -1.892807 52.134471, -1.892653 52.134694, -1.892565 52.134807, -1.892547 52.134865, -1.892437 52.135018, -1.892324 52.13523, -1.892191 52.135433, -1.892098 52.135645, -1.89206 52.135676, -1.891907 52.136055, -1.891904 52.136127, -1.891784 52.136478, -1.891764 52.136515, -1.891711 52.136666, -1.891669 52.136807, -1.891681 52.136839, -1.891511 52.137375, -1.891357 52.137821, -1.891183 52.138229, -1.891163 52.138285, -1.891139 52.138399, -1.891029 52.138592, -1.890925 52.13873, -1.890893 52.138836, -1.890428 52.139468, -1.889935 52.140163, -1.889833 52.140346, -1.889686 52.140524, -1.889573 52.14063, -1.889471 52.140797, -1.889391 52.140985)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.890598 52.139434)",
    "entity": 45250294,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area