Captain's Wood
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SP951035 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Captain's Wood | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.622576 51.723448, -0.622701 51.723445, -0.622832 51.723455, -0.622956 51.723559, -0.62293 51.723571, -0.623253 51.723837, -0.623411 51.723764, -0.623629 51.723611, -0.624513 51.723193, -0.625027 51.722914, -0.625138 51.722966, -0.625418 51.723146, -0.625534 51.723234, -0.625659 51.723381, -0.62573 51.723443, -0.62602 51.723646, -0.626074 51.723704, -0.626151 51.723853, -0.626365 51.724583, -0.626352 51.724649, -0.626301 51.724726, -0.626235 51.724756, -0.626093 51.724798, -0.626064 51.724816, -0.62608 51.725096, -0.626106 51.725316, -0.625942 51.725354, -0.625965 51.725453, -0.626016 51.725856, -0.62606 51.726108, -0.626166 51.726434, -0.626383 51.726928, -0.626408 51.726929, -0.62641 51.726939, -0.627103 51.726875, -0.627103 51.726853, -0.627448 51.726813, -0.627392 51.726438, -0.627356 51.726283, -0.627382 51.726144, -0.627372 51.725908, -0.627418 51.725702, -0.627528 51.725494, -0.627644 51.725121, -0.627667 51.725001, -0.627815 51.724622, -0.627817 51.724606, -0.627802 51.724584, -0.627665 51.724517, -0.627642 51.724475, -0.627634 51.724436, -0.627666 51.724264, -0.627704 51.724162, -0.627849 51.723856, -0.627896 51.723595, -0.627905 51.723487, -0.627901 51.723342, -0.627884 51.723233, -0.62786 51.723141, -0.627869 51.72305, -0.627862 51.72296, -0.627822 51.722871, -0.62779 51.722851, -0.627722 51.722849, -0.627625 51.722875, -0.627543 51.722881, -0.627494 51.722872, -0.62744 51.722843, -0.62738 51.722784, -0.627272 51.72263, -0.627245 51.722579, -0.627186 51.722506, -0.627065 51.722384, -0.627014 51.722317, -0.626907 51.722201, -0.626838 51.722152, -0.62676 51.722157, -0.626666 51.722199, -0.626596 51.722219, -0.626531 51.722235, -0.626456 51.72224, -0.626385 51.722195, -0.626317 51.722167, -0.626077 51.722098, -0.626042 51.722075, -0.625972 51.72205, -0.625751 51.722017, -0.625505 51.721943, -0.625368 51.721916, -0.625308 51.721889, -0.625216 51.721873, -0.624943 51.721796, -0.62465 51.721703, -0.624598 51.721665, -0.624419 51.721606, -0.624351 51.72161, -0.624176 51.72158, -0.624092 51.72155, -0.623724 51.721461, -0.623442 51.721344, -0.623283 51.721262, -0.623069 51.721172, -0.622873 51.721103, -0.622494 51.72093, -0.622263 51.720857, -0.622165 51.720839, -0.622004 51.720849, -0.621768 51.720825, -0.621575 51.720746, -0.621494 51.720698, -0.621369 51.7206, -0.621325 51.720551, -0.621317 51.720508, -0.621419 51.720362, -0.621531 51.720234, -0.621654 51.720115, -0.6218 51.719992, -0.621815 51.719965, -0.621807 51.719927, -0.621616 51.719752, -0.621556 51.719664, -0.621526 51.719602, -0.621483 51.719562, -0.621433 51.719483, -0.621351 51.719392, -0.621191 51.719185, -0.621137 51.719062, -0.621102 51.71903, -0.621037 51.719017, -0.620867 51.719052, -0.620638 51.719131, -0.6207 51.719252, -0.62071 51.719295, -0.620714 51.719336, -0.620685 51.719477, -0.620601 51.719645, -0.620392 51.719982, -0.620216 51.72023, -0.620078 51.720451, -0.619935 51.720786, -0.619893 51.720901, -0.619854 51.72105, -0.619974 51.721056, -0.62005 51.721082, -0.620232 51.721066, -0.620272 51.721077, -0.620306 51.721158, -0.620383 51.721257, -0.6206 51.721437, -0.620828 51.721643, -0.620909 51.721692, -0.621346 51.721896, -0.621505 51.721999, -0.621874 51.722507, -0.622576 51.723448)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.624377 51.722831)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SP951035",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Captain's Wood",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.622576 51.723448, -0.622701 51.723445, -0.622832 51.723455, -0.622956 51.723559, -0.62293 51.723571, -0.623253 51.723837, -0.623411 51.723764, -0.623629 51.723611, -0.624513 51.723193, -0.625027 51.722914, -0.625138 51.722966, -0.625418 51.723146, -0.625534 51.723234, -0.625659 51.723381, -0.62573 51.723443, -0.62602 51.723646, -0.626074 51.723704, -0.626151 51.723853, -0.626365 51.724583, -0.626352 51.724649, -0.626301 51.724726, -0.626235 51.724756, -0.626093 51.724798, -0.626064 51.724816, -0.62608 51.725096, -0.626106 51.725316, -0.625942 51.725354, -0.625965 51.725453, -0.626016 51.725856, -0.62606 51.726108, -0.626166 51.726434, -0.626383 51.726928, -0.626408 51.726929, -0.62641 51.726939, -0.627103 51.726875, -0.627103 51.726853, -0.627448 51.726813, -0.627392 51.726438, -0.627356 51.726283, -0.627382 51.726144, -0.627372 51.725908, -0.627418 51.725702, -0.627528 51.725494, -0.627644 51.725121, -0.627667 51.725001, -0.627815 51.724622, -0.627817 51.724606, -0.627802 51.724584, -0.627665 51.724517, -0.627642 51.724475, -0.627634 51.724436, -0.627666 51.724264, -0.627704 51.724162, -0.627849 51.723856, -0.627896 51.723595, -0.627905 51.723487, -0.627901 51.723342, -0.627884 51.723233, -0.62786 51.723141, -0.627869 51.72305, -0.627862 51.72296, -0.627822 51.722871, -0.62779 51.722851, -0.627722 51.722849, -0.627625 51.722875, -0.627543 51.722881, -0.627494 51.722872, -0.62744 51.722843, -0.62738 51.722784, -0.627272 51.72263, -0.627245 51.722579, -0.627186 51.722506, -0.627065 51.722384, -0.627014 51.722317, -0.626907 51.722201, -0.626838 51.722152, -0.62676 51.722157, -0.626666 51.722199, -0.626596 51.722219, -0.626531 51.722235, -0.626456 51.72224, -0.626385 51.722195, -0.626317 51.722167, -0.626077 51.722098, -0.626042 51.722075, -0.625972 51.72205, -0.625751 51.722017, -0.625505 51.721943, -0.625368 51.721916, -0.625308 51.721889, -0.625216 51.721873, -0.624943 51.721796, -0.62465 51.721703, -0.624598 51.721665, -0.624419 51.721606, -0.624351 51.72161, -0.624176 51.72158, -0.624092 51.72155, -0.623724 51.721461, -0.623442 51.721344, -0.623283 51.721262, -0.623069 51.721172, -0.622873 51.721103, -0.622494 51.72093, -0.622263 51.720857, -0.622165 51.720839, -0.622004 51.720849, -0.621768 51.720825, -0.621575 51.720746, -0.621494 51.720698, -0.621369 51.7206, -0.621325 51.720551, -0.621317 51.720508, -0.621419 51.720362, -0.621531 51.720234, -0.621654 51.720115, -0.6218 51.719992, -0.621815 51.719965, -0.621807 51.719927, -0.621616 51.719752, -0.621556 51.719664, -0.621526 51.719602, -0.621483 51.719562, -0.621433 51.719483, -0.621351 51.719392, -0.621191 51.719185, -0.621137 51.719062, -0.621102 51.71903, -0.621037 51.719017, -0.620867 51.719052, -0.620638 51.719131, -0.6207 51.719252, -0.62071 51.719295, -0.620714 51.719336, -0.620685 51.719477, -0.620601 51.719645, -0.620392 51.719982, -0.620216 51.72023, -0.620078 51.720451, -0.619935 51.720786, -0.619893 51.720901, -0.619854 51.72105, -0.619974 51.721056, -0.62005 51.721082, -0.620232 51.721066, -0.620272 51.721077, -0.620306 51.721158, -0.620383 51.721257, -0.6206 51.721437, -0.620828 51.721643, -0.620909 51.721692, -0.621346 51.721896, -0.621505 51.721999, -0.621874 51.722507, -0.622576 51.723448)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.624377 51.722831)",
"entity": 45250237,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2024
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.