Local nature reserve

Captain's Wood

Field Value Fact links
Reference SP951035 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Captain's Wood Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.622576 51.723448, -0.622701 51.723445, -0.622832 51.723455, -0.622956 51.723559, -0.62293 51.723571, -0.623253 51.723837, -0.623411 51.723764, -0.623629 51.723611, -0.624513 51.723193, -0.625027 51.722914, -0.625138 51.722966, -0.625418 51.723146, -0.625534 51.723234, -0.625659 51.723381, -0.62573 51.723443, -0.62602 51.723646, -0.626074 51.723704, -0.626151 51.723853, -0.626365 51.724583, -0.626352 51.724649, -0.626301 51.724726, -0.626235 51.724756, -0.626093 51.724798, -0.626064 51.724816, -0.62608 51.725096, -0.626106 51.725316, -0.625942 51.725354, -0.625965 51.725453, -0.626016 51.725856, -0.62606 51.726108, -0.626166 51.726434, -0.626383 51.726928, -0.626408 51.726929, -0.62641 51.726939, -0.627103 51.726875, -0.627103 51.726853, -0.627448 51.726813, -0.627392 51.726438, -0.627356 51.726283, -0.627382 51.726144, -0.627372 51.725908, -0.627418 51.725702, -0.627528 51.725494, -0.627644 51.725121, -0.627667 51.725001, -0.627815 51.724622, -0.627817 51.724606, -0.627802 51.724584, -0.627665 51.724517, -0.627642 51.724475, -0.627634 51.724436, -0.627666 51.724264, -0.627704 51.724162, -0.627849 51.723856, -0.627896 51.723595, -0.627905 51.723487, -0.627901 51.723342, -0.627884 51.723233, -0.62786 51.723141, -0.627869 51.72305, -0.627862 51.72296, -0.627822 51.722871, -0.62779 51.722851, -0.627722 51.722849, -0.627625 51.722875, -0.627543 51.722881, -0.627494 51.722872, -0.62744 51.722843, -0.62738 51.722784, -0.627272 51.72263, -0.627245 51.722579, -0.627186 51.722506, -0.627065 51.722384, -0.627014 51.722317, -0.626907 51.722201, -0.626838 51.722152, -0.62676 51.722157, -0.626666 51.722199, -0.626596 51.722219, -0.626531 51.722235, -0.626456 51.72224, -0.626385 51.722195, -0.626317 51.722167, -0.626077 51.722098, -0.626042 51.722075, -0.625972 51.72205, -0.625751 51.722017, -0.625505 51.721943, -0.625368 51.721916, -0.625308 51.721889, -0.625216 51.721873, -0.624943 51.721796, -0.62465 51.721703, -0.624598 51.721665, -0.624419 51.721606, -0.624351 51.72161, -0.624176 51.72158, -0.624092 51.72155, -0.623724 51.721461, -0.623442 51.721344, -0.623283 51.721262, -0.623069 51.721172, -0.622873 51.721103, -0.622494 51.72093, -0.622263 51.720857, -0.622165 51.720839, -0.622004 51.720849, -0.621768 51.720825, -0.621575 51.720746, -0.621494 51.720698, -0.621369 51.7206, -0.621325 51.720551, -0.621317 51.720508, -0.621419 51.720362, -0.621531 51.720234, -0.621654 51.720115, -0.6218 51.719992, -0.621815 51.719965, -0.621807 51.719927, -0.621616 51.719752, -0.621556 51.719664, -0.621526 51.719602, -0.621483 51.719562, -0.621433 51.719483, -0.621351 51.719392, -0.621191 51.719185, -0.621137 51.719062, -0.621102 51.71903, -0.621037 51.719017, -0.620867 51.719052, -0.620638 51.719131, -0.6207 51.719252, -0.62071 51.719295, -0.620714 51.719336, -0.620685 51.719477, -0.620601 51.719645, -0.620392 51.719982, -0.620216 51.72023, -0.620078 51.720451, -0.619935 51.720786, -0.619893 51.720901, -0.619854 51.72105, -0.619974 51.721056, -0.62005 51.721082, -0.620232 51.721066, -0.620272 51.721077, -0.620306 51.721158, -0.620383 51.721257, -0.6206 51.721437, -0.620828 51.721643, -0.620909 51.721692, -0.621346 51.721896, -0.621505 51.721999, -0.621874 51.722507, -0.622576 51.723448))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.624377 51.722831) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SP951035",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Captain's Wood",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.622576 51.723448, -0.622701 51.723445, -0.622832 51.723455, -0.622956 51.723559, -0.62293 51.723571, -0.623253 51.723837, -0.623411 51.723764, -0.623629 51.723611, -0.624513 51.723193, -0.625027 51.722914, -0.625138 51.722966, -0.625418 51.723146, -0.625534 51.723234, -0.625659 51.723381, -0.62573 51.723443, -0.62602 51.723646, -0.626074 51.723704, -0.626151 51.723853, -0.626365 51.724583, -0.626352 51.724649, -0.626301 51.724726, -0.626235 51.724756, -0.626093 51.724798, -0.626064 51.724816, -0.62608 51.725096, -0.626106 51.725316, -0.625942 51.725354, -0.625965 51.725453, -0.626016 51.725856, -0.62606 51.726108, -0.626166 51.726434, -0.626383 51.726928, -0.626408 51.726929, -0.62641 51.726939, -0.627103 51.726875, -0.627103 51.726853, -0.627448 51.726813, -0.627392 51.726438, -0.627356 51.726283, -0.627382 51.726144, -0.627372 51.725908, -0.627418 51.725702, -0.627528 51.725494, -0.627644 51.725121, -0.627667 51.725001, -0.627815 51.724622, -0.627817 51.724606, -0.627802 51.724584, -0.627665 51.724517, -0.627642 51.724475, -0.627634 51.724436, -0.627666 51.724264, -0.627704 51.724162, -0.627849 51.723856, -0.627896 51.723595, -0.627905 51.723487, -0.627901 51.723342, -0.627884 51.723233, -0.62786 51.723141, -0.627869 51.72305, -0.627862 51.72296, -0.627822 51.722871, -0.62779 51.722851, -0.627722 51.722849, -0.627625 51.722875, -0.627543 51.722881, -0.627494 51.722872, -0.62744 51.722843, -0.62738 51.722784, -0.627272 51.72263, -0.627245 51.722579, -0.627186 51.722506, -0.627065 51.722384, -0.627014 51.722317, -0.626907 51.722201, -0.626838 51.722152, -0.62676 51.722157, -0.626666 51.722199, -0.626596 51.722219, -0.626531 51.722235, -0.626456 51.72224, -0.626385 51.722195, -0.626317 51.722167, -0.626077 51.722098, -0.626042 51.722075, -0.625972 51.72205, -0.625751 51.722017, -0.625505 51.721943, -0.625368 51.721916, -0.625308 51.721889, -0.625216 51.721873, -0.624943 51.721796, -0.62465 51.721703, -0.624598 51.721665, -0.624419 51.721606, -0.624351 51.72161, -0.624176 51.72158, -0.624092 51.72155, -0.623724 51.721461, -0.623442 51.721344, -0.623283 51.721262, -0.623069 51.721172, -0.622873 51.721103, -0.622494 51.72093, -0.622263 51.720857, -0.622165 51.720839, -0.622004 51.720849, -0.621768 51.720825, -0.621575 51.720746, -0.621494 51.720698, -0.621369 51.7206, -0.621325 51.720551, -0.621317 51.720508, -0.621419 51.720362, -0.621531 51.720234, -0.621654 51.720115, -0.6218 51.719992, -0.621815 51.719965, -0.621807 51.719927, -0.621616 51.719752, -0.621556 51.719664, -0.621526 51.719602, -0.621483 51.719562, -0.621433 51.719483, -0.621351 51.719392, -0.621191 51.719185, -0.621137 51.719062, -0.621102 51.71903, -0.621037 51.719017, -0.620867 51.719052, -0.620638 51.719131, -0.6207 51.719252, -0.62071 51.719295, -0.620714 51.719336, -0.620685 51.719477, -0.620601 51.719645, -0.620392 51.719982, -0.620216 51.72023, -0.620078 51.720451, -0.619935 51.720786, -0.619893 51.720901, -0.619854 51.72105, -0.619974 51.721056, -0.62005 51.721082, -0.620232 51.721066, -0.620272 51.721077, -0.620306 51.721158, -0.620383 51.721257, -0.6206 51.721437, -0.620828 51.721643, -0.620909 51.721692, -0.621346 51.721896, -0.621505 51.721999, -0.621874 51.722507, -0.622576 51.723448)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.624377 51.722831)",
    "entity": 45250237,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area