Local nature reserve

Boscombe Chine

Field Value Fact links
Reference SZ108912 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Boscombe Chine Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.844604 50.720167, -1.844562 50.720182, -1.844523 50.720176, -1.844425 50.720106, -1.844405 50.720102, -1.844378 50.72011, -1.844354 50.720137, -1.844317 50.720147, -1.844283 50.720146, -1.844252 50.720124, -1.844215 50.720137, -1.84415 50.720127, -1.844123 50.720164, -1.844094 50.720184, -1.844047 50.720205, -1.843971 50.720218, -1.843902 50.720264, -1.844008 50.720291, -1.84399 50.720337, -1.844045 50.720383, -1.844192 50.720465, -1.844196 50.720475, -1.844183 50.720516, -1.844524 50.720573, -1.845156 50.720657, -1.84535 50.720701, -1.845606 50.720787, -1.846133 50.721016, -1.84623 50.721065, -1.846634 50.721292, -1.846653 50.721306, -1.846682 50.721371, -1.846858 50.72127, -1.846876 50.721245, -1.847054 50.721223, -1.847084 50.721262, -1.847128 50.72139, -1.847213 50.721551, -1.847221 50.721602, -1.847215 50.721704, -1.847182 50.721706, -1.846998 50.721843, -1.84697 50.721882, -1.846964 50.721939, -1.846988 50.722019, -1.847112 50.722272, -1.847156 50.722328, -1.847246 50.722416, -1.84757 50.72237, -1.84758 50.722358, -1.847492 50.722193, -1.847433 50.721838, -1.847502 50.721365, -1.847502 50.721303, -1.847488 50.721231, -1.847526 50.721233, -1.848354 50.72104, -1.848462 50.720997, -1.848574 50.720964, -1.849001 50.720857, -1.849395 50.720737, -1.8495 50.720692, -1.849652 50.720607, -1.849676 50.720588, -1.849752 50.720496, -1.849858 50.720416, -1.84992 50.72035, -1.849954 50.720329, -1.849959 50.720314, -1.849951 50.720293, -1.849876 50.720205, -1.849901 50.720196, -1.84986 50.720156, -1.849778 50.720124, -1.84971 50.720118, -1.849248 50.720148, -1.849231 50.720153, -1.849214 50.72017, -1.849214 50.720181, -1.849236 50.720197, -1.849119 50.720205, -1.849133 50.720192, -1.84913 50.72017, -1.849081 50.720158, -1.848009 50.72023, -1.847875 50.720283, -1.847588 50.720421, -1.847405 50.720474, -1.847361 50.720476, -1.84724 50.720447, -1.847187 50.720417, -1.847163 50.720389, -1.847154 50.720323, -1.847166 50.720276, -1.847178 50.720261, -1.847222 50.720231, -1.847324 50.72019, -1.847297 50.720172, -1.847261 50.720167, -1.847018 50.720172, -1.846859 50.720208, -1.846657 50.720217, -1.846558 50.720178, -1.846098 50.720249, -1.846058 50.720229, -1.845708 50.720172, -1.845671 50.720182, -1.845644 50.720177, -1.845609 50.720156, -1.845456 50.720135, -1.845233 50.720131, -1.845005 50.720178, -1.844956 50.720173, -1.844761 50.720109, -1.844604 50.720167))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.84712 50.720717) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SZ108912",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Boscombe Chine",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.844604 50.720167, -1.844562 50.720182, -1.844523 50.720176, -1.844425 50.720106, -1.844405 50.720102, -1.844378 50.72011, -1.844354 50.720137, -1.844317 50.720147, -1.844283 50.720146, -1.844252 50.720124, -1.844215 50.720137, -1.84415 50.720127, -1.844123 50.720164, -1.844094 50.720184, -1.844047 50.720205, -1.843971 50.720218, -1.843902 50.720264, -1.844008 50.720291, -1.84399 50.720337, -1.844045 50.720383, -1.844192 50.720465, -1.844196 50.720475, -1.844183 50.720516, -1.844524 50.720573, -1.845156 50.720657, -1.84535 50.720701, -1.845606 50.720787, -1.846133 50.721016, -1.84623 50.721065, -1.846634 50.721292, -1.846653 50.721306, -1.846682 50.721371, -1.846858 50.72127, -1.846876 50.721245, -1.847054 50.721223, -1.847084 50.721262, -1.847128 50.72139, -1.847213 50.721551, -1.847221 50.721602, -1.847215 50.721704, -1.847182 50.721706, -1.846998 50.721843, -1.84697 50.721882, -1.846964 50.721939, -1.846988 50.722019, -1.847112 50.722272, -1.847156 50.722328, -1.847246 50.722416, -1.84757 50.72237, -1.84758 50.722358, -1.847492 50.722193, -1.847433 50.721838, -1.847502 50.721365, -1.847502 50.721303, -1.847488 50.721231, -1.847526 50.721233, -1.848354 50.72104, -1.848462 50.720997, -1.848574 50.720964, -1.849001 50.720857, -1.849395 50.720737, -1.8495 50.720692, -1.849652 50.720607, -1.849676 50.720588, -1.849752 50.720496, -1.849858 50.720416, -1.84992 50.72035, -1.849954 50.720329, -1.849959 50.720314, -1.849951 50.720293, -1.849876 50.720205, -1.849901 50.720196, -1.84986 50.720156, -1.849778 50.720124, -1.84971 50.720118, -1.849248 50.720148, -1.849231 50.720153, -1.849214 50.72017, -1.849214 50.720181, -1.849236 50.720197, -1.849119 50.720205, -1.849133 50.720192, -1.84913 50.72017, -1.849081 50.720158, -1.848009 50.72023, -1.847875 50.720283, -1.847588 50.720421, -1.847405 50.720474, -1.847361 50.720476, -1.84724 50.720447, -1.847187 50.720417, -1.847163 50.720389, -1.847154 50.720323, -1.847166 50.720276, -1.847178 50.720261, -1.847222 50.720231, -1.847324 50.72019, -1.847297 50.720172, -1.847261 50.720167, -1.847018 50.720172, -1.846859 50.720208, -1.846657 50.720217, -1.846558 50.720178, -1.846098 50.720249, -1.846058 50.720229, -1.845708 50.720172, -1.845671 50.720182, -1.845644 50.720177, -1.845609 50.720156, -1.845456 50.720135, -1.845233 50.720131, -1.845005 50.720178, -1.844956 50.720173, -1.844761 50.720109, -1.844604 50.720167)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.84712 50.720717)",
    "entity": 45250127,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area