Local nature reserve
Bingham Linear Park
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SK708388 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Bingham Linear Park | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.940283 52.940232, -0.932814 52.937426, -0.932099 52.937146, -0.931044 52.936711, -0.929882 52.936215, -0.928886 52.935824, -0.928488 52.935658, -0.927104 52.93505, -0.926388 52.9347, -0.926082 52.934565, -0.92589 52.934463, -0.925977 52.934456, -0.925964 52.934447, -0.926378 52.934422, -0.926397 52.934432, -0.926466 52.934426, -0.926763 52.934571, -0.92722 52.934778, -0.929812 52.935916, -0.93018 52.936068, -0.931513 52.936544, -0.933467 52.937304, -0.933517 52.93733, -0.933516 52.93736, -0.933524 52.937364, -0.933575 52.937383, -0.933644 52.937377, -0.934781 52.937859, -0.936091 52.938374, -0.937505 52.938952, -0.940483 52.940142, -0.942305 52.940845, -0.942299 52.940866, -0.942337 52.940881, -0.942371 52.940871, -0.944936 52.941843, -0.946509 52.942455, -0.947175 52.942699, -0.949916 52.943742, -0.951971 52.944513, -0.952255 52.944627, -0.952778 52.944855, -0.952596 52.945032, -0.95252 52.945041, -0.952152 52.945004, -0.949649 52.943992, -0.946253 52.942641, -0.944532 52.941936, -0.942131 52.940973, -0.940283 52.940232)), ((-0.952863 52.945271, -0.952975 52.945234, -0.953103 52.945118, -0.953348 52.945088, -0.953513 52.945114, -0.954321 52.945427, -0.957577 52.946647, -0.957771 52.94636, -0.957907 52.946273, -0.957974 52.946179, -0.957965 52.946327, -0.957904 52.946775, -0.957858 52.946959, -0.957781 52.947195, -0.957116 52.946961, -0.956416 52.946694, -0.953628 52.945579, -0.952863 52.945271)), ((-0.96494 52.949919, -0.964867 52.949889, -0.964856 52.9499, -0.964709 52.949844, -0.964617 52.949824, -0.964194 52.94965, -0.963997 52.949557, -0.963641 52.949365, -0.963155 52.949157, -0.962514 52.948927, -0.962513 52.948916, -0.961921 52.94871, -0.960706 52.948249, -0.959724 52.9479, -0.9594 52.947798, -0.959013 52.94766, -0.958163 52.947342, -0.957909 52.947234, -0.957996 52.946859, -0.958042 52.946725, -0.958094 52.946515, -0.958128 52.946312, -0.958303 52.946305, -0.958515 52.946316, -0.958541 52.946437, -0.958532 52.946533, -0.958449 52.947018, -0.958647 52.94708, -0.958879 52.947174, -0.960282 52.947795, -0.961072 52.948124, -0.962173 52.948565, -0.9634 52.949101, -0.963702 52.949202, -0.964253 52.949352, -0.964522 52.949436, -0.96564 52.949874, -0.965995 52.950003, -0.966237 52.949793, -0.966358 52.950112, -0.965931 52.950168, -0.965621 52.950195, -0.965298 52.950113, -0.965059 52.949995, -0.964925 52.949929, -0.96494 52.949919)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.947126 52.942799)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SK708388",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Bingham Linear Park",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.940283 52.940232, -0.932814 52.937426, -0.932099 52.937146, -0.931044 52.936711, -0.929882 52.936215, -0.928886 52.935824, -0.928488 52.935658, -0.927104 52.93505, -0.926388 52.9347, -0.926082 52.934565, -0.92589 52.934463, -0.925977 52.934456, -0.925964 52.934447, -0.926378 52.934422, -0.926397 52.934432, -0.926466 52.934426, -0.926763 52.934571, -0.92722 52.934778, -0.929812 52.935916, -0.93018 52.936068, -0.931513 52.936544, -0.933467 52.937304, -0.933517 52.93733, -0.933516 52.93736, -0.933524 52.937364, -0.933575 52.937383, -0.933644 52.937377, -0.934781 52.937859, -0.936091 52.938374, -0.937505 52.938952, -0.940483 52.940142, -0.942305 52.940845, -0.942299 52.940866, -0.942337 52.940881, -0.942371 52.940871, -0.944936 52.941843, -0.946509 52.942455, -0.947175 52.942699, -0.949916 52.943742, -0.951971 52.944513, -0.952255 52.944627, -0.952778 52.944855, -0.952596 52.945032, -0.95252 52.945041, -0.952152 52.945004, -0.949649 52.943992, -0.946253 52.942641, -0.944532 52.941936, -0.942131 52.940973, -0.940283 52.940232)), ((-0.952863 52.945271, -0.952975 52.945234, -0.953103 52.945118, -0.953348 52.945088, -0.953513 52.945114, -0.954321 52.945427, -0.957577 52.946647, -0.957771 52.94636, -0.957907 52.946273, -0.957974 52.946179, -0.957965 52.946327, -0.957904 52.946775, -0.957858 52.946959, -0.957781 52.947195, -0.957116 52.946961, -0.956416 52.946694, -0.953628 52.945579, -0.952863 52.945271)), ((-0.96494 52.949919, -0.964867 52.949889, -0.964856 52.9499, -0.964709 52.949844, -0.964617 52.949824, -0.964194 52.94965, -0.963997 52.949557, -0.963641 52.949365, -0.963155 52.949157, -0.962514 52.948927, -0.962513 52.948916, -0.961921 52.94871, -0.960706 52.948249, -0.959724 52.9479, -0.9594 52.947798, -0.959013 52.94766, -0.958163 52.947342, -0.957909 52.947234, -0.957996 52.946859, -0.958042 52.946725, -0.958094 52.946515, -0.958128 52.946312, -0.958303 52.946305, -0.958515 52.946316, -0.958541 52.946437, -0.958532 52.946533, -0.958449 52.947018, -0.958647 52.94708, -0.958879 52.947174, -0.960282 52.947795, -0.961072 52.948124, -0.962173 52.948565, -0.9634 52.949101, -0.963702 52.949202, -0.964253 52.949352, -0.964522 52.949436, -0.96564 52.949874, -0.965995 52.950003, -0.966237 52.949793, -0.966358 52.950112, -0.965931 52.950168, -0.965621 52.950195, -0.965298 52.950113, -0.965059 52.949995, -0.964925 52.949929, -0.96494 52.949919)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.947126 52.942799)",
"entity": 45250126,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.