Local nature reserve

Bingham Linear Park

Field Value Fact links
Reference SK708388 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Bingham Linear Park Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.940283 52.940232, -0.932814 52.937426, -0.932099 52.937146, -0.931044 52.936711, -0.929882 52.936215, -0.928886 52.935824, -0.928488 52.935658, -0.927104 52.93505, -0.926388 52.9347, -0.926082 52.934565, -0.92589 52.934463, -0.925977 52.934456, -0.925964 52.934447, -0.926378 52.934422, -0.926397 52.934432, -0.926466 52.934426, -0.926763 52.934571, -0.92722 52.934778, -0.929812 52.935916, -0.93018 52.936068, -0.931513 52.936544, -0.933467 52.937304, -0.933517 52.93733, -0.933516 52.93736, -0.933524 52.937364, -0.933575 52.937383, -0.933644 52.937377, -0.934781 52.937859, -0.936091 52.938374, -0.937505 52.938952, -0.940483 52.940142, -0.942305 52.940845, -0.942299 52.940866, -0.942337 52.940881, -0.942371 52.940871, -0.944936 52.941843, -0.946509 52.942455, -0.947175 52.942699, -0.949916 52.943742, -0.951971 52.944513, -0.952255 52.944627, -0.952778 52.944855, -0.952596 52.945032, -0.95252 52.945041, -0.952152 52.945004, -0.949649 52.943992, -0.946253 52.942641, -0.944532 52.941936, -0.942131 52.940973, -0.940283 52.940232)), ((-0.952863 52.945271, -0.952975 52.945234, -0.953103 52.945118, -0.953348 52.945088, -0.953513 52.945114, -0.954321 52.945427, -0.957577 52.946647, -0.957771 52.94636, -0.957907 52.946273, -0.957974 52.946179, -0.957965 52.946327, -0.957904 52.946775, -0.957858 52.946959, -0.957781 52.947195, -0.957116 52.946961, -0.956416 52.946694, -0.953628 52.945579, -0.952863 52.945271)), ((-0.96494 52.949919, -0.964867 52.949889, -0.964856 52.9499, -0.964709 52.949844, -0.964617 52.949824, -0.964194 52.94965, -0.963997 52.949557, -0.963641 52.949365, -0.963155 52.949157, -0.962514 52.948927, -0.962513 52.948916, -0.961921 52.94871, -0.960706 52.948249, -0.959724 52.9479, -0.9594 52.947798, -0.959013 52.94766, -0.958163 52.947342, -0.957909 52.947234, -0.957996 52.946859, -0.958042 52.946725, -0.958094 52.946515, -0.958128 52.946312, -0.958303 52.946305, -0.958515 52.946316, -0.958541 52.946437, -0.958532 52.946533, -0.958449 52.947018, -0.958647 52.94708, -0.958879 52.947174, -0.960282 52.947795, -0.961072 52.948124, -0.962173 52.948565, -0.9634 52.949101, -0.963702 52.949202, -0.964253 52.949352, -0.964522 52.949436, -0.96564 52.949874, -0.965995 52.950003, -0.966237 52.949793, -0.966358 52.950112, -0.965931 52.950168, -0.965621 52.950195, -0.965298 52.950113, -0.965059 52.949995, -0.964925 52.949929, -0.96494 52.949919))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.947126 52.942799) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SK708388",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Bingham Linear Park",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.940283 52.940232, -0.932814 52.937426, -0.932099 52.937146, -0.931044 52.936711, -0.929882 52.936215, -0.928886 52.935824, -0.928488 52.935658, -0.927104 52.93505, -0.926388 52.9347, -0.926082 52.934565, -0.92589 52.934463, -0.925977 52.934456, -0.925964 52.934447, -0.926378 52.934422, -0.926397 52.934432, -0.926466 52.934426, -0.926763 52.934571, -0.92722 52.934778, -0.929812 52.935916, -0.93018 52.936068, -0.931513 52.936544, -0.933467 52.937304, -0.933517 52.93733, -0.933516 52.93736, -0.933524 52.937364, -0.933575 52.937383, -0.933644 52.937377, -0.934781 52.937859, -0.936091 52.938374, -0.937505 52.938952, -0.940483 52.940142, -0.942305 52.940845, -0.942299 52.940866, -0.942337 52.940881, -0.942371 52.940871, -0.944936 52.941843, -0.946509 52.942455, -0.947175 52.942699, -0.949916 52.943742, -0.951971 52.944513, -0.952255 52.944627, -0.952778 52.944855, -0.952596 52.945032, -0.95252 52.945041, -0.952152 52.945004, -0.949649 52.943992, -0.946253 52.942641, -0.944532 52.941936, -0.942131 52.940973, -0.940283 52.940232)), ((-0.952863 52.945271, -0.952975 52.945234, -0.953103 52.945118, -0.953348 52.945088, -0.953513 52.945114, -0.954321 52.945427, -0.957577 52.946647, -0.957771 52.94636, -0.957907 52.946273, -0.957974 52.946179, -0.957965 52.946327, -0.957904 52.946775, -0.957858 52.946959, -0.957781 52.947195, -0.957116 52.946961, -0.956416 52.946694, -0.953628 52.945579, -0.952863 52.945271)), ((-0.96494 52.949919, -0.964867 52.949889, -0.964856 52.9499, -0.964709 52.949844, -0.964617 52.949824, -0.964194 52.94965, -0.963997 52.949557, -0.963641 52.949365, -0.963155 52.949157, -0.962514 52.948927, -0.962513 52.948916, -0.961921 52.94871, -0.960706 52.948249, -0.959724 52.9479, -0.9594 52.947798, -0.959013 52.94766, -0.958163 52.947342, -0.957909 52.947234, -0.957996 52.946859, -0.958042 52.946725, -0.958094 52.946515, -0.958128 52.946312, -0.958303 52.946305, -0.958515 52.946316, -0.958541 52.946437, -0.958532 52.946533, -0.958449 52.947018, -0.958647 52.94708, -0.958879 52.947174, -0.960282 52.947795, -0.961072 52.948124, -0.962173 52.948565, -0.9634 52.949101, -0.963702 52.949202, -0.964253 52.949352, -0.964522 52.949436, -0.96564 52.949874, -0.965995 52.950003, -0.966237 52.949793, -0.966358 52.950112, -0.965931 52.950168, -0.965621 52.950195, -0.965298 52.950113, -0.965059 52.949995, -0.964925 52.949929, -0.96494 52.949919)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.947126 52.942799)",
    "entity": 45250126,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area