Local nature reserve
Bidston Moss
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SJ285910 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Bidston Moss | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.075605 53.409912, -3.075686 53.409921, -3.076425 53.410066, -3.076862 53.410129, -3.07686 53.410137, -3.076716 53.410161, -3.076436 53.410182, -3.076153 53.410219, -3.076043 53.410242, -3.075876 53.410296, -3.075683 53.410383, -3.075535 53.410469, -3.075362 53.410598, -3.075271 53.410683, -3.075112 53.410792, -3.07548 53.410115, -3.075566 53.409984, -3.075605 53.409912)), ((-3.074868 53.411464, -3.074922 53.411469, -3.074996 53.411455, -3.075051 53.411417, -3.075077 53.411358, -3.075057 53.411229, -3.075059 53.411184, -3.075082 53.411108, -3.075124 53.411032, -3.075263 53.410844, -3.075415 53.410664, -3.075473 53.410611, -3.075604 53.410519, -3.075785 53.410423, -3.075922 53.410363, -3.07613 53.410296, -3.07632 53.410259, -3.076763 53.410218, -3.077176 53.410151, -3.077248 53.410158, -3.077624 53.410273, -3.077996 53.410342, -3.078811 53.410473, -3.079726 53.410592, -3.07982 53.410631, -3.079879 53.410723, -3.079796 53.410949, -3.079857 53.411014, -3.079855 53.411115, -3.07993 53.411182, -3.078799 53.411674, -3.076912 53.412406, -3.076229 53.412644, -3.075901 53.412748, -3.075656 53.412852, -3.07554 53.412882, -3.075426 53.412895, -3.075265 53.412897, -3.075078 53.412883, -3.074652 53.412809, -3.074355 53.412693, -3.07429 53.412651, -3.074265 53.41262, -3.074258 53.412589, -3.074264 53.412518, -3.074301 53.412398, -3.07472 53.411539, -3.074862 53.411477, -3.074868 53.411464)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-3.076811 53.411381)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SJ285910",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Bidston Moss",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.075605 53.409912, -3.075686 53.409921, -3.076425 53.410066, -3.076862 53.410129, -3.07686 53.410137, -3.076716 53.410161, -3.076436 53.410182, -3.076153 53.410219, -3.076043 53.410242, -3.075876 53.410296, -3.075683 53.410383, -3.075535 53.410469, -3.075362 53.410598, -3.075271 53.410683, -3.075112 53.410792, -3.07548 53.410115, -3.075566 53.409984, -3.075605 53.409912)), ((-3.074868 53.411464, -3.074922 53.411469, -3.074996 53.411455, -3.075051 53.411417, -3.075077 53.411358, -3.075057 53.411229, -3.075059 53.411184, -3.075082 53.411108, -3.075124 53.411032, -3.075263 53.410844, -3.075415 53.410664, -3.075473 53.410611, -3.075604 53.410519, -3.075785 53.410423, -3.075922 53.410363, -3.07613 53.410296, -3.07632 53.410259, -3.076763 53.410218, -3.077176 53.410151, -3.077248 53.410158, -3.077624 53.410273, -3.077996 53.410342, -3.078811 53.410473, -3.079726 53.410592, -3.07982 53.410631, -3.079879 53.410723, -3.079796 53.410949, -3.079857 53.411014, -3.079855 53.411115, -3.07993 53.411182, -3.078799 53.411674, -3.076912 53.412406, -3.076229 53.412644, -3.075901 53.412748, -3.075656 53.412852, -3.07554 53.412882, -3.075426 53.412895, -3.075265 53.412897, -3.075078 53.412883, -3.074652 53.412809, -3.074355 53.412693, -3.07429 53.412651, -3.074265 53.41262, -3.074258 53.412589, -3.074264 53.412518, -3.074301 53.412398, -3.07472 53.411539, -3.074862 53.411477, -3.074868 53.411464)))",
"point": "POINT (-3.076811 53.411381)",
"entity": 45250120,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.