Local nature reserve

Bidston Moss

Field Value Fact links
Reference SJ285910 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Bidston Moss Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.075605 53.409912, -3.075686 53.409921, -3.076425 53.410066, -3.076862 53.410129, -3.07686 53.410137, -3.076716 53.410161, -3.076436 53.410182, -3.076153 53.410219, -3.076043 53.410242, -3.075876 53.410296, -3.075683 53.410383, -3.075535 53.410469, -3.075362 53.410598, -3.075271 53.410683, -3.075112 53.410792, -3.07548 53.410115, -3.075566 53.409984, -3.075605 53.409912)), ((-3.074868 53.411464, -3.074922 53.411469, -3.074996 53.411455, -3.075051 53.411417, -3.075077 53.411358, -3.075057 53.411229, -3.075059 53.411184, -3.075082 53.411108, -3.075124 53.411032, -3.075263 53.410844, -3.075415 53.410664, -3.075473 53.410611, -3.075604 53.410519, -3.075785 53.410423, -3.075922 53.410363, -3.07613 53.410296, -3.07632 53.410259, -3.076763 53.410218, -3.077176 53.410151, -3.077248 53.410158, -3.077624 53.410273, -3.077996 53.410342, -3.078811 53.410473, -3.079726 53.410592, -3.07982 53.410631, -3.079879 53.410723, -3.079796 53.410949, -3.079857 53.411014, -3.079855 53.411115, -3.07993 53.411182, -3.078799 53.411674, -3.076912 53.412406, -3.076229 53.412644, -3.075901 53.412748, -3.075656 53.412852, -3.07554 53.412882, -3.075426 53.412895, -3.075265 53.412897, -3.075078 53.412883, -3.074652 53.412809, -3.074355 53.412693, -3.07429 53.412651, -3.074265 53.41262, -3.074258 53.412589, -3.074264 53.412518, -3.074301 53.412398, -3.07472 53.411539, -3.074862 53.411477, -3.074868 53.411464))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.076811 53.411381) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SJ285910",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Bidston Moss",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.075605 53.409912, -3.075686 53.409921, -3.076425 53.410066, -3.076862 53.410129, -3.07686 53.410137, -3.076716 53.410161, -3.076436 53.410182, -3.076153 53.410219, -3.076043 53.410242, -3.075876 53.410296, -3.075683 53.410383, -3.075535 53.410469, -3.075362 53.410598, -3.075271 53.410683, -3.075112 53.410792, -3.07548 53.410115, -3.075566 53.409984, -3.075605 53.409912)), ((-3.074868 53.411464, -3.074922 53.411469, -3.074996 53.411455, -3.075051 53.411417, -3.075077 53.411358, -3.075057 53.411229, -3.075059 53.411184, -3.075082 53.411108, -3.075124 53.411032, -3.075263 53.410844, -3.075415 53.410664, -3.075473 53.410611, -3.075604 53.410519, -3.075785 53.410423, -3.075922 53.410363, -3.07613 53.410296, -3.07632 53.410259, -3.076763 53.410218, -3.077176 53.410151, -3.077248 53.410158, -3.077624 53.410273, -3.077996 53.410342, -3.078811 53.410473, -3.079726 53.410592, -3.07982 53.410631, -3.079879 53.410723, -3.079796 53.410949, -3.079857 53.411014, -3.079855 53.411115, -3.07993 53.411182, -3.078799 53.411674, -3.076912 53.412406, -3.076229 53.412644, -3.075901 53.412748, -3.075656 53.412852, -3.07554 53.412882, -3.075426 53.412895, -3.075265 53.412897, -3.075078 53.412883, -3.074652 53.412809, -3.074355 53.412693, -3.07429 53.412651, -3.074265 53.41262, -3.074258 53.412589, -3.074264 53.412518, -3.074301 53.412398, -3.07472 53.411539, -3.074862 53.411477, -3.074868 53.411464)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.076811 53.411381)",
    "entity": 45250120,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area