Local nature reserve

Biddulph Valley Way (Whitemoor)

Field Value Fact links
Reference SJ885606 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Biddulph Valley Way (Whitemoor) Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.17157 53.138475, -2.171553 53.138289, -2.17147 53.137982, -2.171445 53.137921, -2.171441 53.137883, -2.171443 53.137864, -2.17155 53.137623, -2.171534 53.137585, -2.171566 53.13754, -2.17157 53.137504, -2.171559 53.137465, -2.171449 53.137459, -2.171016 53.13756, -2.171017 53.137581, -2.170914 53.13761, -2.170866 53.137641, -2.170864 53.137661, -2.170874 53.137675, -2.171096 53.137828, -2.171186 53.137996, -2.171253 53.138147, -2.171262 53.138183, -2.171282 53.138371, -2.171279 53.138461, -2.171265 53.138558, -2.171339 53.138698, -2.171409 53.138987, -2.171436 53.139372, -2.171524 53.139807, -2.171557 53.140303, -2.171567 53.140342, -2.171636 53.140463, -2.171692 53.140844, -2.171774 53.141048, -2.171782 53.141131, -2.171778 53.141245, -2.171872 53.141438, -2.171898 53.141548, -2.1719 53.141596, -2.171892 53.141635, -2.171871 53.141679, -2.171798 53.14178, -2.171769 53.141851, -2.171756 53.141911, -2.171754 53.141967, -2.171767 53.142085, -2.171821 53.14216, -2.171803 53.14217, -2.171949 53.142268, -2.172133 53.142375, -2.172176 53.142418, -2.172185 53.142437, -2.172189 53.142457, -2.172162 53.142771, -2.172185 53.142887, -2.172263 53.143035, -2.172272 53.143072, -2.172253 53.14335, -2.172258 53.143378, -2.172291 53.143412, -2.172432 53.143511, -2.172459 53.143507, -2.172466 53.143547, -2.172422 53.143677, -2.172458 53.143825, -2.172495 53.143907, -2.172591 53.143981, -2.17261 53.144022, -2.172596 53.144083, -2.172509 53.144188, -2.172487 53.144225, -2.172481 53.144257, -2.172496 53.14429, -2.172618 53.144373, -2.172666 53.144416, -2.172599 53.144657, -2.172598 53.144694, -2.172646 53.144982, -2.172639 53.145257, -2.17277 53.145508, -2.172805 53.145599, -2.172933 53.146029, -2.173172 53.146262, -2.173239 53.14664, -2.173229 53.146761, -2.173242 53.14688, -2.173269 53.146945, -2.17334 53.147051, -2.173354 53.147084, -2.17335 53.147384, -2.173316 53.147557, -2.173323 53.147577, -2.173446 53.147473, -2.173514 53.147283, -2.173719 53.147149, -2.17368 53.147081, -2.173559 53.146977, -2.173496 53.146972, -2.173497 53.146865, -2.17348 53.146786, -2.173419 53.146634, -2.173393 53.146546, -2.173393 53.146521, -2.173496 53.146256, -2.173498 53.146233, -2.173453 53.146055, -2.173452 53.146025, -2.173521 53.145884, -2.173727 53.145641, -2.1738 53.145536, -2.173839 53.145458, -2.173843 53.145402, -2.173815 53.145322, -2.173753 53.145226, -2.173564 53.144827, -2.173517 53.144705, -2.173492 53.144665, -2.173415 53.144608, -2.172987 53.14437, -2.172935 53.144336, -2.172927 53.14432, -2.172942 53.144092, -2.172996 53.144009, -2.173005 53.143976, -2.172968 53.143909, -2.172896 53.14384, -2.172878 53.143812, -2.172885 53.14379, -2.172947 53.143697, -2.172955 53.143672, -2.172938 53.14364, -2.172838 53.143535, -2.172815 53.143492, -2.172788 53.143392, -2.172782 53.143231, -2.172819 53.143125, -2.172894 53.142989, -2.172956 53.142917, -2.173 53.142883, -2.173053 53.142826, -2.173162 53.142685, -2.173184 53.142627, -2.173185 53.142547, -2.173138 53.142479, -2.173026 53.142385, -2.172944 53.142297, -2.172765 53.142166, -2.17274 53.142131, -2.172688 53.142018, -2.172631 53.141918, -2.172613 53.141869, -2.172536 53.141535, -2.172451 53.141247, -2.172329 53.140872, -2.172238 53.140626, -2.172238 53.14044, -2.17218 53.139995, -2.172091 53.139863, -2.172061 53.139858, -2.172006 53.139692, -2.172034 53.139411, -2.171976 53.139271, -2.171739 53.139012, -2.17171 53.138932, -2.171689 53.138815, -2.17166 53.13872, -2.17157 53.138475))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.172471 53.142578) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SJ885606",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Biddulph Valley Way (Whitemoor)",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.17157 53.138475, -2.171553 53.138289, -2.17147 53.137982, -2.171445 53.137921, -2.171441 53.137883, -2.171443 53.137864, -2.17155 53.137623, -2.171534 53.137585, -2.171566 53.13754, -2.17157 53.137504, -2.171559 53.137465, -2.171449 53.137459, -2.171016 53.13756, -2.171017 53.137581, -2.170914 53.13761, -2.170866 53.137641, -2.170864 53.137661, -2.170874 53.137675, -2.171096 53.137828, -2.171186 53.137996, -2.171253 53.138147, -2.171262 53.138183, -2.171282 53.138371, -2.171279 53.138461, -2.171265 53.138558, -2.171339 53.138698, -2.171409 53.138987, -2.171436 53.139372, -2.171524 53.139807, -2.171557 53.140303, -2.171567 53.140342, -2.171636 53.140463, -2.171692 53.140844, -2.171774 53.141048, -2.171782 53.141131, -2.171778 53.141245, -2.171872 53.141438, -2.171898 53.141548, -2.1719 53.141596, -2.171892 53.141635, -2.171871 53.141679, -2.171798 53.14178, -2.171769 53.141851, -2.171756 53.141911, -2.171754 53.141967, -2.171767 53.142085, -2.171821 53.14216, -2.171803 53.14217, -2.171949 53.142268, -2.172133 53.142375, -2.172176 53.142418, -2.172185 53.142437, -2.172189 53.142457, -2.172162 53.142771, -2.172185 53.142887, -2.172263 53.143035, -2.172272 53.143072, -2.172253 53.14335, -2.172258 53.143378, -2.172291 53.143412, -2.172432 53.143511, -2.172459 53.143507, -2.172466 53.143547, -2.172422 53.143677, -2.172458 53.143825, -2.172495 53.143907, -2.172591 53.143981, -2.17261 53.144022, -2.172596 53.144083, -2.172509 53.144188, -2.172487 53.144225, -2.172481 53.144257, -2.172496 53.14429, -2.172618 53.144373, -2.172666 53.144416, -2.172599 53.144657, -2.172598 53.144694, -2.172646 53.144982, -2.172639 53.145257, -2.17277 53.145508, -2.172805 53.145599, -2.172933 53.146029, -2.173172 53.146262, -2.173239 53.14664, -2.173229 53.146761, -2.173242 53.14688, -2.173269 53.146945, -2.17334 53.147051, -2.173354 53.147084, -2.17335 53.147384, -2.173316 53.147557, -2.173323 53.147577, -2.173446 53.147473, -2.173514 53.147283, -2.173719 53.147149, -2.17368 53.147081, -2.173559 53.146977, -2.173496 53.146972, -2.173497 53.146865, -2.17348 53.146786, -2.173419 53.146634, -2.173393 53.146546, -2.173393 53.146521, -2.173496 53.146256, -2.173498 53.146233, -2.173453 53.146055, -2.173452 53.146025, -2.173521 53.145884, -2.173727 53.145641, -2.1738 53.145536, -2.173839 53.145458, -2.173843 53.145402, -2.173815 53.145322, -2.173753 53.145226, -2.173564 53.144827, -2.173517 53.144705, -2.173492 53.144665, -2.173415 53.144608, -2.172987 53.14437, -2.172935 53.144336, -2.172927 53.14432, -2.172942 53.144092, -2.172996 53.144009, -2.173005 53.143976, -2.172968 53.143909, -2.172896 53.14384, -2.172878 53.143812, -2.172885 53.14379, -2.172947 53.143697, -2.172955 53.143672, -2.172938 53.14364, -2.172838 53.143535, -2.172815 53.143492, -2.172788 53.143392, -2.172782 53.143231, -2.172819 53.143125, -2.172894 53.142989, -2.172956 53.142917, -2.173 53.142883, -2.173053 53.142826, -2.173162 53.142685, -2.173184 53.142627, -2.173185 53.142547, -2.173138 53.142479, -2.173026 53.142385, -2.172944 53.142297, -2.172765 53.142166, -2.17274 53.142131, -2.172688 53.142018, -2.172631 53.141918, -2.172613 53.141869, -2.172536 53.141535, -2.172451 53.141247, -2.172329 53.140872, -2.172238 53.140626, -2.172238 53.14044, -2.17218 53.139995, -2.172091 53.139863, -2.172061 53.139858, -2.172006 53.139692, -2.172034 53.139411, -2.171976 53.139271, -2.171739 53.139012, -2.17171 53.138932, -2.171689 53.138815, -2.17166 53.13872, -2.17157 53.138475)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.172471 53.142578)",
    "entity": 45250119,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area