Local nature reserve

Black Bobbies Field Thornaby

Field Value Fact links
Reference NZ447166 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Black Bobbies Field Thornaby Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.307924 54.54382, -1.308018 54.544308, -1.30813 54.544305, -1.308162 54.544644, -1.308588 54.544634, -1.308593 54.544688, -1.308166 54.544699, -1.308181 54.544828, -1.308311 54.544824, -1.308325 54.545109, -1.308182 54.545182, -1.30833 54.545226, -1.308501 54.545259, -1.308806 54.545336, -1.309032 54.54542, -1.309111 54.545367, -1.309192 54.545299, -1.309263 54.545274, -1.309349 54.545217, -1.309338 54.545212, -1.309348 54.545202, -1.309451 54.545153, -1.309501 54.545119, -1.309551 54.54507, -1.309712 54.54497, -1.309776 54.544948, -1.309811 54.54492, -1.309802 54.544907, -1.309899 54.544843, -1.310029 54.544773, -1.310073 54.544734, -1.310086 54.544687, -1.310111 54.544679, -1.310216 54.544598, -1.310301 54.544549, -1.310373 54.544471, -1.310375 54.544453, -1.310409 54.544441, -1.310453 54.544388, -1.310466 54.544361, -1.310472 54.544274, -1.310511 54.544252, -1.31059 54.544171, -1.310629 54.544119, -1.310733 54.543938, -1.310746 54.54389, -1.310774 54.54384, -1.310775 54.543788, -1.310782 54.543778, -1.310813 54.543766, -1.310873 54.543691, -1.310886 54.543663, -1.310943 54.543484, -1.310944 54.543432, -1.310937 54.543416, -1.310958 54.543383, -1.310943 54.54334, -1.310964 54.543256, -1.310953 54.543156, -1.310933 54.543071, -1.310918 54.543044, -1.310783 54.542941, -1.310817 54.542921, -1.310845 54.542892, -1.310848 54.542849, -1.310757 54.542725, -1.31075 54.542712, -1.310757 54.542697, -1.31075 54.542676, -1.310726 54.542649, -1.310724 54.542624, -1.310675 54.542543, -1.310615 54.542478, -1.310585 54.542465, -1.310555 54.54244, -1.310506 54.542382, -1.310427 54.542326, -1.310326 54.54222, -1.310168 54.542105, -1.310133 54.542067, -1.310079 54.542031, -1.310047 54.541991, -1.309557 54.541622, -1.309481 54.54158, -1.309407 54.54152, -1.309379 54.541511, -1.309351 54.541487, -1.309354 54.541465, -1.309289 54.54141, -1.309261 54.5414, -1.309262 54.541384, -1.309144 54.541284, -1.309102 54.54126, -1.309048 54.541245, -1.309041 54.541236, -1.30906 54.541226, -1.309057 54.541205, -1.30899 54.54115, -1.308843 54.541092, -1.308815 54.541074, -1.308713 54.540976, -1.308731 54.540946, -1.308729 54.540936, -1.30862 54.540877, -1.30842 54.540702, -1.308402 54.540698, -1.30837 54.540707, -1.308276 54.540645, -1.308269 54.540633, -1.308271 54.540608, -1.308213 54.540582, -1.308184 54.54056, -1.30813 54.540508, -1.308115 54.540476, -1.308026 54.540386, -1.307977 54.540372, -1.307982 54.54035, -1.307974 54.540337, -1.307902 54.54028, -1.30777 54.540151, -1.307709 54.540155, -1.307696 54.540146, -1.307605 54.540043, -1.307598 54.540023, -1.307524 54.539956, -1.307474 54.539846, -1.30742 54.539815, -1.307347 54.539754, -1.30735 54.539716, -1.307391 54.539702, -1.307382 54.539694, -1.307349 54.539705, -1.307331 54.539641, -1.307267 54.539603, -1.307234 54.539569, -1.307221 54.539537, -1.307208 54.539457, -1.307164 54.539432, -1.307185 54.539404, -1.306471 54.539488, -1.306629 54.539608, -1.30681 54.539784, -1.306891 54.539883, -1.306951 54.539973, -1.307029 54.540117, -1.307124 54.540113, -1.307163 54.540202, -1.307185 54.540277, -1.307197 54.540438, -1.307224 54.540622, -1.307291 54.54062, -1.307428 54.540641, -1.307461 54.540653, -1.307474 54.54067, -1.307477 54.5407, -1.307629 54.540802, -1.307819 54.540897, -1.308059 54.540989, -1.308092 54.54134, -1.307918 54.541536, -1.307954 54.542053, -1.308123 54.543067, -1.308202 54.543661, -1.308212 54.543661, -1.308222 54.543708, -1.307907 54.543729, -1.307924 54.54382))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.309055 54.542894) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "NZ447166",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Black Bobbies Field Thornaby",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.307924 54.54382, -1.308018 54.544308, -1.30813 54.544305, -1.308162 54.544644, -1.308588 54.544634, -1.308593 54.544688, -1.308166 54.544699, -1.308181 54.544828, -1.308311 54.544824, -1.308325 54.545109, -1.308182 54.545182, -1.30833 54.545226, -1.308501 54.545259, -1.308806 54.545336, -1.309032 54.54542, -1.309111 54.545367, -1.309192 54.545299, -1.309263 54.545274, -1.309349 54.545217, -1.309338 54.545212, -1.309348 54.545202, -1.309451 54.545153, -1.309501 54.545119, -1.309551 54.54507, -1.309712 54.54497, -1.309776 54.544948, -1.309811 54.54492, -1.309802 54.544907, -1.309899 54.544843, -1.310029 54.544773, -1.310073 54.544734, -1.310086 54.544687, -1.310111 54.544679, -1.310216 54.544598, -1.310301 54.544549, -1.310373 54.544471, -1.310375 54.544453, -1.310409 54.544441, -1.310453 54.544388, -1.310466 54.544361, -1.310472 54.544274, -1.310511 54.544252, -1.31059 54.544171, -1.310629 54.544119, -1.310733 54.543938, -1.310746 54.54389, -1.310774 54.54384, -1.310775 54.543788, -1.310782 54.543778, -1.310813 54.543766, -1.310873 54.543691, -1.310886 54.543663, -1.310943 54.543484, -1.310944 54.543432, -1.310937 54.543416, -1.310958 54.543383, -1.310943 54.54334, -1.310964 54.543256, -1.310953 54.543156, -1.310933 54.543071, -1.310918 54.543044, -1.310783 54.542941, -1.310817 54.542921, -1.310845 54.542892, -1.310848 54.542849, -1.310757 54.542725, -1.31075 54.542712, -1.310757 54.542697, -1.31075 54.542676, -1.310726 54.542649, -1.310724 54.542624, -1.310675 54.542543, -1.310615 54.542478, -1.310585 54.542465, -1.310555 54.54244, -1.310506 54.542382, -1.310427 54.542326, -1.310326 54.54222, -1.310168 54.542105, -1.310133 54.542067, -1.310079 54.542031, -1.310047 54.541991, -1.309557 54.541622, -1.309481 54.54158, -1.309407 54.54152, -1.309379 54.541511, -1.309351 54.541487, -1.309354 54.541465, -1.309289 54.54141, -1.309261 54.5414, -1.309262 54.541384, -1.309144 54.541284, -1.309102 54.54126, -1.309048 54.541245, -1.309041 54.541236, -1.30906 54.541226, -1.309057 54.541205, -1.30899 54.54115, -1.308843 54.541092, -1.308815 54.541074, -1.308713 54.540976, -1.308731 54.540946, -1.308729 54.540936, -1.30862 54.540877, -1.30842 54.540702, -1.308402 54.540698, -1.30837 54.540707, -1.308276 54.540645, -1.308269 54.540633, -1.308271 54.540608, -1.308213 54.540582, -1.308184 54.54056, -1.30813 54.540508, -1.308115 54.540476, -1.308026 54.540386, -1.307977 54.540372, -1.307982 54.54035, -1.307974 54.540337, -1.307902 54.54028, -1.30777 54.540151, -1.307709 54.540155, -1.307696 54.540146, -1.307605 54.540043, -1.307598 54.540023, -1.307524 54.539956, -1.307474 54.539846, -1.30742 54.539815, -1.307347 54.539754, -1.30735 54.539716, -1.307391 54.539702, -1.307382 54.539694, -1.307349 54.539705, -1.307331 54.539641, -1.307267 54.539603, -1.307234 54.539569, -1.307221 54.539537, -1.307208 54.539457, -1.307164 54.539432, -1.307185 54.539404, -1.306471 54.539488, -1.306629 54.539608, -1.30681 54.539784, -1.306891 54.539883, -1.306951 54.539973, -1.307029 54.540117, -1.307124 54.540113, -1.307163 54.540202, -1.307185 54.540277, -1.307197 54.540438, -1.307224 54.540622, -1.307291 54.54062, -1.307428 54.540641, -1.307461 54.540653, -1.307474 54.54067, -1.307477 54.5407, -1.307629 54.540802, -1.307819 54.540897, -1.308059 54.540989, -1.308092 54.54134, -1.307918 54.541536, -1.307954 54.542053, -1.308123 54.543067, -1.308202 54.543661, -1.308212 54.543661, -1.308222 54.543708, -1.307907 54.543729, -1.307924 54.54382)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.309055 54.542894)",
    "entity": 45250101,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area