Local nature reserve
Asker's Meadow
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SY468924 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Asker's Meadow | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.751653 50.730812, -2.75166 50.730814, -2.75174 50.730745, -2.751784 50.730692, -2.751897 50.730734, -2.751947 50.730742, -2.751948 50.730764, -2.752037 50.730764, -2.752082 50.730795, -2.752653 50.730974, -2.75269 50.730994, -2.752714 50.731023, -2.752707 50.73105, -2.752683 50.731077, -2.752471 50.731228, -2.752305 50.731365, -2.752095 50.731658, -2.752059 50.731683, -2.751986 50.731711, -2.751987 50.731732, -2.751923 50.731833, -2.751919 50.731857, -2.751942 50.731858, -2.752197 50.73173, -2.752233 50.731629, -2.752265 50.731584, -2.752335 50.731519, -2.752525 50.731298, -2.752676 50.731172, -2.75293 50.731039, -2.75324 50.730913, -2.753552 50.730818, -2.753707 50.730813, -2.753784 50.730787, -2.754011 50.730773, -2.754406 50.730789, -2.754616 50.730758, -2.755498 50.73055, -2.755667 50.730496, -2.755919 50.730395, -2.756015 50.730355, -2.756099 50.730308, -2.75617 50.730252, -2.75623 50.730192, -2.756303 50.730098, -2.756355 50.730014, -2.756375 50.729915, -2.756366 50.729788, -2.756357 50.729751, -2.756271 50.729595, -2.756179 50.729466, -2.756172 50.729396, -2.756179 50.729338, -2.756187 50.729332, -2.756161 50.729308, -2.755986 50.729303, -2.755895 50.729258, -2.755864 50.72922, -2.755865 50.729133, -2.755854 50.72911, -2.75578 50.729066, -2.75577 50.729052, -2.755792 50.728991, -2.755869 50.728857, -2.755878 50.728821, -2.755879 50.72879, -2.755848 50.728669, -2.755753 50.728426, -2.755744 50.728382, -2.755752 50.728306, -2.75581 50.728207, -2.755825 50.728156, -2.755821 50.728076, -2.755807 50.728012, -2.755818 50.727905, -2.75584 50.727803, -2.755874 50.727726, -2.755995 50.727611, -2.756084 50.727562, -2.756653 50.727327, -2.756677 50.727322, -2.756702 50.727328, -2.756748 50.727318, -2.757045 50.727141, -2.75718 50.727085, -2.757259 50.727071, -2.75731 50.727077, -2.757581 50.727144, -2.757822 50.727183, -2.75802 50.727231, -2.758061 50.727233, -2.758064 50.727202, -2.758054 50.727201, -2.758039 50.727069, -2.757925 50.727044, -2.757732 50.727029, -2.757683 50.727014, -2.757406 50.726979, -2.757262 50.726965, -2.757059 50.726961, -2.75603 50.727007, -2.755944 50.727036, -2.755852 50.727037, -2.755843 50.727026, -2.755824 50.727024, -2.754588 50.727119, -2.754329 50.727126, -2.754291 50.727154, -2.754091 50.727429, -2.753813 50.72788, -2.753556 50.728236, -2.753437 50.728394, -2.753285 50.728555, -2.75321 50.728648, -2.752863 50.729107, -2.752085 50.730191, -2.752055 50.73026, -2.751979 50.730373, -2.751952 50.730389, -2.751653 50.730812)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.754449 50.729163)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SY468924",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Asker's Meadow",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.751653 50.730812, -2.75166 50.730814, -2.75174 50.730745, -2.751784 50.730692, -2.751897 50.730734, -2.751947 50.730742, -2.751948 50.730764, -2.752037 50.730764, -2.752082 50.730795, -2.752653 50.730974, -2.75269 50.730994, -2.752714 50.731023, -2.752707 50.73105, -2.752683 50.731077, -2.752471 50.731228, -2.752305 50.731365, -2.752095 50.731658, -2.752059 50.731683, -2.751986 50.731711, -2.751987 50.731732, -2.751923 50.731833, -2.751919 50.731857, -2.751942 50.731858, -2.752197 50.73173, -2.752233 50.731629, -2.752265 50.731584, -2.752335 50.731519, -2.752525 50.731298, -2.752676 50.731172, -2.75293 50.731039, -2.75324 50.730913, -2.753552 50.730818, -2.753707 50.730813, -2.753784 50.730787, -2.754011 50.730773, -2.754406 50.730789, -2.754616 50.730758, -2.755498 50.73055, -2.755667 50.730496, -2.755919 50.730395, -2.756015 50.730355, -2.756099 50.730308, -2.75617 50.730252, -2.75623 50.730192, -2.756303 50.730098, -2.756355 50.730014, -2.756375 50.729915, -2.756366 50.729788, -2.756357 50.729751, -2.756271 50.729595, -2.756179 50.729466, -2.756172 50.729396, -2.756179 50.729338, -2.756187 50.729332, -2.756161 50.729308, -2.755986 50.729303, -2.755895 50.729258, -2.755864 50.72922, -2.755865 50.729133, -2.755854 50.72911, -2.75578 50.729066, -2.75577 50.729052, -2.755792 50.728991, -2.755869 50.728857, -2.755878 50.728821, -2.755879 50.72879, -2.755848 50.728669, -2.755753 50.728426, -2.755744 50.728382, -2.755752 50.728306, -2.75581 50.728207, -2.755825 50.728156, -2.755821 50.728076, -2.755807 50.728012, -2.755818 50.727905, -2.75584 50.727803, -2.755874 50.727726, -2.755995 50.727611, -2.756084 50.727562, -2.756653 50.727327, -2.756677 50.727322, -2.756702 50.727328, -2.756748 50.727318, -2.757045 50.727141, -2.75718 50.727085, -2.757259 50.727071, -2.75731 50.727077, -2.757581 50.727144, -2.757822 50.727183, -2.75802 50.727231, -2.758061 50.727233, -2.758064 50.727202, -2.758054 50.727201, -2.758039 50.727069, -2.757925 50.727044, -2.757732 50.727029, -2.757683 50.727014, -2.757406 50.726979, -2.757262 50.726965, -2.757059 50.726961, -2.75603 50.727007, -2.755944 50.727036, -2.755852 50.727037, -2.755843 50.727026, -2.755824 50.727024, -2.754588 50.727119, -2.754329 50.727126, -2.754291 50.727154, -2.754091 50.727429, -2.753813 50.72788, -2.753556 50.728236, -2.753437 50.728394, -2.753285 50.728555, -2.75321 50.728648, -2.752863 50.729107, -2.752085 50.730191, -2.752055 50.73026, -2.751979 50.730373, -2.751952 50.730389, -2.751653 50.730812)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.754449 50.729163)",
"entity": 45250052,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.