Local nature reserve

Asker's Meadow

Field Value Fact links
Reference SY468924 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Asker's Meadow Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.751653 50.730812, -2.75166 50.730814, -2.75174 50.730745, -2.751784 50.730692, -2.751897 50.730734, -2.751947 50.730742, -2.751948 50.730764, -2.752037 50.730764, -2.752082 50.730795, -2.752653 50.730974, -2.75269 50.730994, -2.752714 50.731023, -2.752707 50.73105, -2.752683 50.731077, -2.752471 50.731228, -2.752305 50.731365, -2.752095 50.731658, -2.752059 50.731683, -2.751986 50.731711, -2.751987 50.731732, -2.751923 50.731833, -2.751919 50.731857, -2.751942 50.731858, -2.752197 50.73173, -2.752233 50.731629, -2.752265 50.731584, -2.752335 50.731519, -2.752525 50.731298, -2.752676 50.731172, -2.75293 50.731039, -2.75324 50.730913, -2.753552 50.730818, -2.753707 50.730813, -2.753784 50.730787, -2.754011 50.730773, -2.754406 50.730789, -2.754616 50.730758, -2.755498 50.73055, -2.755667 50.730496, -2.755919 50.730395, -2.756015 50.730355, -2.756099 50.730308, -2.75617 50.730252, -2.75623 50.730192, -2.756303 50.730098, -2.756355 50.730014, -2.756375 50.729915, -2.756366 50.729788, -2.756357 50.729751, -2.756271 50.729595, -2.756179 50.729466, -2.756172 50.729396, -2.756179 50.729338, -2.756187 50.729332, -2.756161 50.729308, -2.755986 50.729303, -2.755895 50.729258, -2.755864 50.72922, -2.755865 50.729133, -2.755854 50.72911, -2.75578 50.729066, -2.75577 50.729052, -2.755792 50.728991, -2.755869 50.728857, -2.755878 50.728821, -2.755879 50.72879, -2.755848 50.728669, -2.755753 50.728426, -2.755744 50.728382, -2.755752 50.728306, -2.75581 50.728207, -2.755825 50.728156, -2.755821 50.728076, -2.755807 50.728012, -2.755818 50.727905, -2.75584 50.727803, -2.755874 50.727726, -2.755995 50.727611, -2.756084 50.727562, -2.756653 50.727327, -2.756677 50.727322, -2.756702 50.727328, -2.756748 50.727318, -2.757045 50.727141, -2.75718 50.727085, -2.757259 50.727071, -2.75731 50.727077, -2.757581 50.727144, -2.757822 50.727183, -2.75802 50.727231, -2.758061 50.727233, -2.758064 50.727202, -2.758054 50.727201, -2.758039 50.727069, -2.757925 50.727044, -2.757732 50.727029, -2.757683 50.727014, -2.757406 50.726979, -2.757262 50.726965, -2.757059 50.726961, -2.75603 50.727007, -2.755944 50.727036, -2.755852 50.727037, -2.755843 50.727026, -2.755824 50.727024, -2.754588 50.727119, -2.754329 50.727126, -2.754291 50.727154, -2.754091 50.727429, -2.753813 50.72788, -2.753556 50.728236, -2.753437 50.728394, -2.753285 50.728555, -2.75321 50.728648, -2.752863 50.729107, -2.752085 50.730191, -2.752055 50.73026, -2.751979 50.730373, -2.751952 50.730389, -2.751653 50.730812))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.754449 50.729163) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SY468924",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Asker's Meadow",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.751653 50.730812, -2.75166 50.730814, -2.75174 50.730745, -2.751784 50.730692, -2.751897 50.730734, -2.751947 50.730742, -2.751948 50.730764, -2.752037 50.730764, -2.752082 50.730795, -2.752653 50.730974, -2.75269 50.730994, -2.752714 50.731023, -2.752707 50.73105, -2.752683 50.731077, -2.752471 50.731228, -2.752305 50.731365, -2.752095 50.731658, -2.752059 50.731683, -2.751986 50.731711, -2.751987 50.731732, -2.751923 50.731833, -2.751919 50.731857, -2.751942 50.731858, -2.752197 50.73173, -2.752233 50.731629, -2.752265 50.731584, -2.752335 50.731519, -2.752525 50.731298, -2.752676 50.731172, -2.75293 50.731039, -2.75324 50.730913, -2.753552 50.730818, -2.753707 50.730813, -2.753784 50.730787, -2.754011 50.730773, -2.754406 50.730789, -2.754616 50.730758, -2.755498 50.73055, -2.755667 50.730496, -2.755919 50.730395, -2.756015 50.730355, -2.756099 50.730308, -2.75617 50.730252, -2.75623 50.730192, -2.756303 50.730098, -2.756355 50.730014, -2.756375 50.729915, -2.756366 50.729788, -2.756357 50.729751, -2.756271 50.729595, -2.756179 50.729466, -2.756172 50.729396, -2.756179 50.729338, -2.756187 50.729332, -2.756161 50.729308, -2.755986 50.729303, -2.755895 50.729258, -2.755864 50.72922, -2.755865 50.729133, -2.755854 50.72911, -2.75578 50.729066, -2.75577 50.729052, -2.755792 50.728991, -2.755869 50.728857, -2.755878 50.728821, -2.755879 50.72879, -2.755848 50.728669, -2.755753 50.728426, -2.755744 50.728382, -2.755752 50.728306, -2.75581 50.728207, -2.755825 50.728156, -2.755821 50.728076, -2.755807 50.728012, -2.755818 50.727905, -2.75584 50.727803, -2.755874 50.727726, -2.755995 50.727611, -2.756084 50.727562, -2.756653 50.727327, -2.756677 50.727322, -2.756702 50.727328, -2.756748 50.727318, -2.757045 50.727141, -2.75718 50.727085, -2.757259 50.727071, -2.75731 50.727077, -2.757581 50.727144, -2.757822 50.727183, -2.75802 50.727231, -2.758061 50.727233, -2.758064 50.727202, -2.758054 50.727201, -2.758039 50.727069, -2.757925 50.727044, -2.757732 50.727029, -2.757683 50.727014, -2.757406 50.726979, -2.757262 50.726965, -2.757059 50.726961, -2.75603 50.727007, -2.755944 50.727036, -2.755852 50.727037, -2.755843 50.727026, -2.755824 50.727024, -2.754588 50.727119, -2.754329 50.727126, -2.754291 50.727154, -2.754091 50.727429, -2.753813 50.72788, -2.753556 50.728236, -2.753437 50.728394, -2.753285 50.728555, -2.75321 50.728648, -2.752863 50.729107, -2.752085 50.730191, -2.752055 50.73026, -2.751979 50.730373, -2.751952 50.730389, -2.751653 50.730812)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.754449 50.729163)",
    "entity": 45250052,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area