Local nature reserve
Ash Priors Common
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | ST152288 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Ash Priors Common | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-03-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.213868 51.05281, -3.213865 51.052926, -3.213751 51.052921, -3.213716 51.052897, -3.213586 51.052844, -3.213569 51.05281, -3.213524 51.052791, -3.21348 51.052759, -3.213215 51.052521, -3.212988 51.052247, -3.212956 51.05217, -3.212845 51.052028, -3.212794 51.05191, -3.212686 51.051737, -3.212699 51.051665, -3.212627 51.051603, -3.212653 51.051378, -3.212435 51.051237, -3.212375 51.051189, -3.212153 51.050971, -3.212058 51.0509, -3.211961 51.050847, -3.211716 51.050632, -3.211492 51.050419, -3.211487 51.050398, -3.211502 51.050375, -3.211332 51.050377, -3.211031 51.050433, -3.210936 51.050441, -3.210825 51.050466, -3.210763 51.050467, -3.210706 51.050449, -3.210589 51.050435, -3.210518 51.050508, -3.210485 51.050531, -3.210163 51.050614, -3.210051 51.050655, -3.209977 51.05066, -3.209908 51.050687, -3.209683 51.050712, -3.20915 51.05085, -3.208479 51.050995, -3.207944 51.051139, -3.207555 51.051211, -3.207381 51.051275, -3.207265 51.051356, -3.20701 51.051432, -3.206646 51.051492, -3.206198 51.051546, -3.205566 51.051497, -3.205319 51.051495, -3.20522 51.051509, -3.20509 51.051506, -3.205023 51.051578, -3.204957 51.051676, -3.20481 51.05184, -3.204715 51.051961, -3.204666 51.052043, -3.204551 51.052176, -3.204537 51.052261, -3.204512 51.052288, -3.204503 51.05232, -3.204474 51.052335, -3.204321 51.052606, -3.204197 51.052859, -3.204142 51.052919, -3.204089 51.052957, -3.204035 51.05298, -3.203938 51.053006, -3.20396 51.053033, -3.203875 51.053099, -3.203865 51.053127, -3.204254 51.053151, -3.204453 51.053136, -3.204703 51.053133, -3.20495 51.0531, -3.205287 51.053121, -3.20533 51.053128, -3.205427 51.053162, -3.205578 51.053151, -3.205687 51.053171, -3.205759 51.053173, -3.205929 51.053158, -3.206537 51.053223, -3.207013 51.053246, -3.207125 51.053239, -3.207154 51.053251, -3.20724 51.053254, -3.20728 51.053269, -3.207354 51.053338, -3.207439 51.053369, -3.207563 51.053377, -3.208053 51.053435, -3.20812 51.053461, -3.208195 51.053478, -3.20832 51.053492, -3.208376 51.053521, -3.20867 51.053559, -3.209174 51.053702, -3.209296 51.053748, -3.209341 51.053793, -3.209452 51.053872, -3.209855 51.054007, -3.209929 51.054045, -3.209963 51.054081, -3.210036 51.054099, -3.210161 51.054151, -3.210379 51.054187, -3.210646 51.054289, -3.210801 51.054336, -3.21085 51.054315, -3.211207 51.054459, -3.211271 51.054506, -3.211384 51.054551, -3.21149 51.054569, -3.211716 51.054644, -3.211869 51.054678, -3.212102 51.054696, -3.212228 51.054691, -3.212405 51.054709, -3.212703 51.054765, -3.213134 51.054823, -3.213436 51.054876, -3.213613 51.054891, -3.213729 51.054913, -3.213766 51.054859, -3.214934 51.055017, -3.215064 51.055041, -3.215225 51.054907, -3.215294 51.054874, -3.215389 51.054845, -3.215694 51.054801, -3.215457 51.054658, -3.215041 51.054366, -3.215011 51.054296, -3.214918 51.054219, -3.214754 51.054051, -3.214696 51.053981, -3.214556 51.053691, -3.214474 51.053555, -3.214381 51.053482, -3.21434 51.053435, -3.214334 51.053401, -3.214353 51.053392, -3.214339 51.053354, -3.214297 51.053362, -3.214214 51.053255, -3.214086 51.053054, -3.214028 51.052944, -3.213962 51.052757, -3.213941 51.052835, -3.213868 51.05281)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-3.210092 51.05269)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "ST152288",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Ash Priors Common",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-03-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.213868 51.05281, -3.213865 51.052926, -3.213751 51.052921, -3.213716 51.052897, -3.213586 51.052844, -3.213569 51.05281, -3.213524 51.052791, -3.21348 51.052759, -3.213215 51.052521, -3.212988 51.052247, -3.212956 51.05217, -3.212845 51.052028, -3.212794 51.05191, -3.212686 51.051737, -3.212699 51.051665, -3.212627 51.051603, -3.212653 51.051378, -3.212435 51.051237, -3.212375 51.051189, -3.212153 51.050971, -3.212058 51.0509, -3.211961 51.050847, -3.211716 51.050632, -3.211492 51.050419, -3.211487 51.050398, -3.211502 51.050375, -3.211332 51.050377, -3.211031 51.050433, -3.210936 51.050441, -3.210825 51.050466, -3.210763 51.050467, -3.210706 51.050449, -3.210589 51.050435, -3.210518 51.050508, -3.210485 51.050531, -3.210163 51.050614, -3.210051 51.050655, -3.209977 51.05066, -3.209908 51.050687, -3.209683 51.050712, -3.20915 51.05085, -3.208479 51.050995, -3.207944 51.051139, -3.207555 51.051211, -3.207381 51.051275, -3.207265 51.051356, -3.20701 51.051432, -3.206646 51.051492, -3.206198 51.051546, -3.205566 51.051497, -3.205319 51.051495, -3.20522 51.051509, -3.20509 51.051506, -3.205023 51.051578, -3.204957 51.051676, -3.20481 51.05184, -3.204715 51.051961, -3.204666 51.052043, -3.204551 51.052176, -3.204537 51.052261, -3.204512 51.052288, -3.204503 51.05232, -3.204474 51.052335, -3.204321 51.052606, -3.204197 51.052859, -3.204142 51.052919, -3.204089 51.052957, -3.204035 51.05298, -3.203938 51.053006, -3.20396 51.053033, -3.203875 51.053099, -3.203865 51.053127, -3.204254 51.053151, -3.204453 51.053136, -3.204703 51.053133, -3.20495 51.0531, -3.205287 51.053121, -3.20533 51.053128, -3.205427 51.053162, -3.205578 51.053151, -3.205687 51.053171, -3.205759 51.053173, -3.205929 51.053158, -3.206537 51.053223, -3.207013 51.053246, -3.207125 51.053239, -3.207154 51.053251, -3.20724 51.053254, -3.20728 51.053269, -3.207354 51.053338, -3.207439 51.053369, -3.207563 51.053377, -3.208053 51.053435, -3.20812 51.053461, -3.208195 51.053478, -3.20832 51.053492, -3.208376 51.053521, -3.20867 51.053559, -3.209174 51.053702, -3.209296 51.053748, -3.209341 51.053793, -3.209452 51.053872, -3.209855 51.054007, -3.209929 51.054045, -3.209963 51.054081, -3.210036 51.054099, -3.210161 51.054151, -3.210379 51.054187, -3.210646 51.054289, -3.210801 51.054336, -3.21085 51.054315, -3.211207 51.054459, -3.211271 51.054506, -3.211384 51.054551, -3.21149 51.054569, -3.211716 51.054644, -3.211869 51.054678, -3.212102 51.054696, -3.212228 51.054691, -3.212405 51.054709, -3.212703 51.054765, -3.213134 51.054823, -3.213436 51.054876, -3.213613 51.054891, -3.213729 51.054913, -3.213766 51.054859, -3.214934 51.055017, -3.215064 51.055041, -3.215225 51.054907, -3.215294 51.054874, -3.215389 51.054845, -3.215694 51.054801, -3.215457 51.054658, -3.215041 51.054366, -3.215011 51.054296, -3.214918 51.054219, -3.214754 51.054051, -3.214696 51.053981, -3.214556 51.053691, -3.214474 51.053555, -3.214381 51.053482, -3.21434 51.053435, -3.214334 51.053401, -3.214353 51.053392, -3.214339 51.053354, -3.214297 51.053362, -3.214214 51.053255, -3.214086 51.053054, -3.214028 51.052944, -3.213962 51.052757, -3.213941 51.052835, -3.213868 51.05281)))",
"point": "POINT (-3.210092 51.05269)",
"entity": 45250049,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.