Local nature reserve

Ash Priors Common

Field Value Fact links
Reference ST152288 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Ash Priors Common Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.213868 51.05281, -3.213865 51.052926, -3.213751 51.052921, -3.213716 51.052897, -3.213586 51.052844, -3.213569 51.05281, -3.213524 51.052791, -3.21348 51.052759, -3.213215 51.052521, -3.212988 51.052247, -3.212956 51.05217, -3.212845 51.052028, -3.212794 51.05191, -3.212686 51.051737, -3.212699 51.051665, -3.212627 51.051603, -3.212653 51.051378, -3.212435 51.051237, -3.212375 51.051189, -3.212153 51.050971, -3.212058 51.0509, -3.211961 51.050847, -3.211716 51.050632, -3.211492 51.050419, -3.211487 51.050398, -3.211502 51.050375, -3.211332 51.050377, -3.211031 51.050433, -3.210936 51.050441, -3.210825 51.050466, -3.210763 51.050467, -3.210706 51.050449, -3.210589 51.050435, -3.210518 51.050508, -3.210485 51.050531, -3.210163 51.050614, -3.210051 51.050655, -3.209977 51.05066, -3.209908 51.050687, -3.209683 51.050712, -3.20915 51.05085, -3.208479 51.050995, -3.207944 51.051139, -3.207555 51.051211, -3.207381 51.051275, -3.207265 51.051356, -3.20701 51.051432, -3.206646 51.051492, -3.206198 51.051546, -3.205566 51.051497, -3.205319 51.051495, -3.20522 51.051509, -3.20509 51.051506, -3.205023 51.051578, -3.204957 51.051676, -3.20481 51.05184, -3.204715 51.051961, -3.204666 51.052043, -3.204551 51.052176, -3.204537 51.052261, -3.204512 51.052288, -3.204503 51.05232, -3.204474 51.052335, -3.204321 51.052606, -3.204197 51.052859, -3.204142 51.052919, -3.204089 51.052957, -3.204035 51.05298, -3.203938 51.053006, -3.20396 51.053033, -3.203875 51.053099, -3.203865 51.053127, -3.204254 51.053151, -3.204453 51.053136, -3.204703 51.053133, -3.20495 51.0531, -3.205287 51.053121, -3.20533 51.053128, -3.205427 51.053162, -3.205578 51.053151, -3.205687 51.053171, -3.205759 51.053173, -3.205929 51.053158, -3.206537 51.053223, -3.207013 51.053246, -3.207125 51.053239, -3.207154 51.053251, -3.20724 51.053254, -3.20728 51.053269, -3.207354 51.053338, -3.207439 51.053369, -3.207563 51.053377, -3.208053 51.053435, -3.20812 51.053461, -3.208195 51.053478, -3.20832 51.053492, -3.208376 51.053521, -3.20867 51.053559, -3.209174 51.053702, -3.209296 51.053748, -3.209341 51.053793, -3.209452 51.053872, -3.209855 51.054007, -3.209929 51.054045, -3.209963 51.054081, -3.210036 51.054099, -3.210161 51.054151, -3.210379 51.054187, -3.210646 51.054289, -3.210801 51.054336, -3.21085 51.054315, -3.211207 51.054459, -3.211271 51.054506, -3.211384 51.054551, -3.21149 51.054569, -3.211716 51.054644, -3.211869 51.054678, -3.212102 51.054696, -3.212228 51.054691, -3.212405 51.054709, -3.212703 51.054765, -3.213134 51.054823, -3.213436 51.054876, -3.213613 51.054891, -3.213729 51.054913, -3.213766 51.054859, -3.214934 51.055017, -3.215064 51.055041, -3.215225 51.054907, -3.215294 51.054874, -3.215389 51.054845, -3.215694 51.054801, -3.215457 51.054658, -3.215041 51.054366, -3.215011 51.054296, -3.214918 51.054219, -3.214754 51.054051, -3.214696 51.053981, -3.214556 51.053691, -3.214474 51.053555, -3.214381 51.053482, -3.21434 51.053435, -3.214334 51.053401, -3.214353 51.053392, -3.214339 51.053354, -3.214297 51.053362, -3.214214 51.053255, -3.214086 51.053054, -3.214028 51.052944, -3.213962 51.052757, -3.213941 51.052835, -3.213868 51.05281))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.210092 51.05269) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "ST152288",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Ash Priors Common",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.213868 51.05281, -3.213865 51.052926, -3.213751 51.052921, -3.213716 51.052897, -3.213586 51.052844, -3.213569 51.05281, -3.213524 51.052791, -3.21348 51.052759, -3.213215 51.052521, -3.212988 51.052247, -3.212956 51.05217, -3.212845 51.052028, -3.212794 51.05191, -3.212686 51.051737, -3.212699 51.051665, -3.212627 51.051603, -3.212653 51.051378, -3.212435 51.051237, -3.212375 51.051189, -3.212153 51.050971, -3.212058 51.0509, -3.211961 51.050847, -3.211716 51.050632, -3.211492 51.050419, -3.211487 51.050398, -3.211502 51.050375, -3.211332 51.050377, -3.211031 51.050433, -3.210936 51.050441, -3.210825 51.050466, -3.210763 51.050467, -3.210706 51.050449, -3.210589 51.050435, -3.210518 51.050508, -3.210485 51.050531, -3.210163 51.050614, -3.210051 51.050655, -3.209977 51.05066, -3.209908 51.050687, -3.209683 51.050712, -3.20915 51.05085, -3.208479 51.050995, -3.207944 51.051139, -3.207555 51.051211, -3.207381 51.051275, -3.207265 51.051356, -3.20701 51.051432, -3.206646 51.051492, -3.206198 51.051546, -3.205566 51.051497, -3.205319 51.051495, -3.20522 51.051509, -3.20509 51.051506, -3.205023 51.051578, -3.204957 51.051676, -3.20481 51.05184, -3.204715 51.051961, -3.204666 51.052043, -3.204551 51.052176, -3.204537 51.052261, -3.204512 51.052288, -3.204503 51.05232, -3.204474 51.052335, -3.204321 51.052606, -3.204197 51.052859, -3.204142 51.052919, -3.204089 51.052957, -3.204035 51.05298, -3.203938 51.053006, -3.20396 51.053033, -3.203875 51.053099, -3.203865 51.053127, -3.204254 51.053151, -3.204453 51.053136, -3.204703 51.053133, -3.20495 51.0531, -3.205287 51.053121, -3.20533 51.053128, -3.205427 51.053162, -3.205578 51.053151, -3.205687 51.053171, -3.205759 51.053173, -3.205929 51.053158, -3.206537 51.053223, -3.207013 51.053246, -3.207125 51.053239, -3.207154 51.053251, -3.20724 51.053254, -3.20728 51.053269, -3.207354 51.053338, -3.207439 51.053369, -3.207563 51.053377, -3.208053 51.053435, -3.20812 51.053461, -3.208195 51.053478, -3.20832 51.053492, -3.208376 51.053521, -3.20867 51.053559, -3.209174 51.053702, -3.209296 51.053748, -3.209341 51.053793, -3.209452 51.053872, -3.209855 51.054007, -3.209929 51.054045, -3.209963 51.054081, -3.210036 51.054099, -3.210161 51.054151, -3.210379 51.054187, -3.210646 51.054289, -3.210801 51.054336, -3.21085 51.054315, -3.211207 51.054459, -3.211271 51.054506, -3.211384 51.054551, -3.21149 51.054569, -3.211716 51.054644, -3.211869 51.054678, -3.212102 51.054696, -3.212228 51.054691, -3.212405 51.054709, -3.212703 51.054765, -3.213134 51.054823, -3.213436 51.054876, -3.213613 51.054891, -3.213729 51.054913, -3.213766 51.054859, -3.214934 51.055017, -3.215064 51.055041, -3.215225 51.054907, -3.215294 51.054874, -3.215389 51.054845, -3.215694 51.054801, -3.215457 51.054658, -3.215041 51.054366, -3.215011 51.054296, -3.214918 51.054219, -3.214754 51.054051, -3.214696 51.053981, -3.214556 51.053691, -3.214474 51.053555, -3.214381 51.053482, -3.21434 51.053435, -3.214334 51.053401, -3.214353 51.053392, -3.214339 51.053354, -3.214297 51.053362, -3.214214 51.053255, -3.214086 51.053054, -3.214028 51.052944, -3.213962 51.052757, -3.213941 51.052835, -3.213868 51.05281)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.210092 51.05269)",
    "entity": 45250049,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area