Local nature reserve

Afton Marshes

Field Value Fact links
Reference SZ346862 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Afton Marshes Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.51026 50.67233, -1.510259 50.672299, -1.510361 50.672131, -1.510533 50.671996, -1.510601 50.671921, -1.510638 50.671879, -1.510615 50.671869, -1.510822 50.671617, -1.510618 50.671553, -1.510721 50.671441, -1.510088 50.671158, -1.509925 50.671119, -1.509844 50.671219, -1.509752 50.671296, -1.509526 50.671444, -1.508922 50.671877, -1.508551 50.672155, -1.508473 50.672154, -1.508349 50.672227, -1.508039 50.672368, -1.507644 50.672508, -1.507446 50.672588, -1.507328 50.67265, -1.507248 50.672702, -1.507154 50.672779, -1.506994 50.67294, -1.506927 50.67303, -1.506857 50.673153, -1.506833 50.673211, -1.506817 50.673285, -1.506815 50.673371, -1.506834 50.673468, -1.506851 50.673515, -1.506881 50.673565, -1.507001 50.67371, -1.507399 50.674054, -1.507514 50.674141, -1.507653 50.674231, -1.507759 50.674292, -1.507989 50.674406, -1.508318 50.674136, -1.508489 50.674415, -1.508533 50.674427, -1.509041 50.674428, -1.509147 50.674436, -1.509252 50.674453, -1.509315 50.674472, -1.509482 50.674556, -1.509545 50.674598, -1.509787 50.674877, -1.509845 50.674856, -1.509962 50.674936, -1.509944 50.674942, -1.510115 50.674991, -1.510224 50.675066, -1.510288 50.67514, -1.510316 50.675278, -1.510313 50.67533, -1.510266 50.675502, -1.510165 50.675612, -1.510171 50.675624, -1.510241 50.675661, -1.510445 50.675797, -1.510576 50.675848, -1.51065 50.675861, -1.510736 50.675919, -1.51076 50.67596, -1.511042 50.676157, -1.511171 50.676191, -1.51127 50.676228, -1.511506 50.676341, -1.511636 50.676393, -1.511809 50.67642, -1.511728 50.67649, -1.511723 50.676505, -1.511732 50.676547, -1.511938 50.676714, -1.512087 50.676819, -1.512835 50.677196, -1.512955 50.677278, -1.51276 50.67737, -1.512937 50.677432, -1.513098 50.677535, -1.513563 50.677963, -1.513713 50.678145, -1.513794 50.678269, -1.513815 50.678332, -1.513822 50.678394, -1.513778 50.67857, -1.513785 50.678694, -1.513819 50.678929, -1.513846 50.678925, -1.513854 50.678948, -1.513823 50.678952, -1.513913 50.679277, -1.513907 50.679317, -1.513931 50.679372, -1.513951 50.679473, -1.513958 50.679589, -1.513952 50.679646, -1.513881 50.679902, -1.513955 50.679931, -1.513939 50.679962, -1.51369 50.680244, -1.513712 50.680252, -1.5137 50.680263, -1.513863 50.6805, -1.514076 50.680756, -1.51419 50.680751, -1.51496 50.680176, -1.514481 50.679842, -1.514504 50.679809, -1.514726 50.679586, -1.514855 50.679467, -1.514947 50.6794, -1.515002 50.679386, -1.515622 50.679385, -1.515689 50.679376, -1.515732 50.679344, -1.515749 50.679231, -1.515731 50.679006, -1.51557 50.678347, -1.515533 50.678269, -1.515484 50.678106, -1.515423 50.678042, -1.515369 50.678008, -1.514973 50.677852, -1.5149 50.67781, -1.514798 50.677678, -1.514727 50.677544, -1.514731 50.677471, -1.514765 50.677408, -1.514761 50.677348, -1.514475 50.67702, -1.51437 50.676914, -1.514325 50.676881, -1.514124 50.676775, -1.513855 50.676663, -1.513647 50.676546, -1.513432 50.67647, -1.513354 50.676448, -1.512677 50.676336, -1.512981 50.676129, -1.512896 50.676147, -1.512783 50.676159, -1.512691 50.676156, -1.512608 50.676141, -1.512536 50.676115, -1.512242 50.675978, -1.512053 50.675778, -1.51183 50.675581, -1.511792 50.675603, -1.511776 50.675627, -1.511746 50.67564, -1.511676 50.675587, -1.511646 50.675552, -1.511617 50.6755, -1.511592 50.675433, -1.511584 50.675381, -1.511592 50.675348, -1.511711 50.675172, -1.511714 50.675138, -1.5117 50.674998, -1.511718 50.674883, -1.511771 50.674749, -1.511854 50.67458, -1.512014 50.674527, -1.511924 50.674432, -1.511831 50.674283, -1.511714 50.674052, -1.511527 50.673859, -1.511501 50.673843, -1.511413 50.673871, -1.511413 50.67386, -1.511381 50.673861, -1.511041 50.673779, -1.510732 50.673646, -1.510401 50.673469, -1.510338 50.673423, -1.510089 50.67318, -1.510051 50.673105, -1.510039 50.672928, -1.510045 50.672884, -1.510154 50.672626, -1.51026 50.67233))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.511227 50.675307) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SZ346862",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Afton Marshes",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.51026 50.67233, -1.510259 50.672299, -1.510361 50.672131, -1.510533 50.671996, -1.510601 50.671921, -1.510638 50.671879, -1.510615 50.671869, -1.510822 50.671617, -1.510618 50.671553, -1.510721 50.671441, -1.510088 50.671158, -1.509925 50.671119, -1.509844 50.671219, -1.509752 50.671296, -1.509526 50.671444, -1.508922 50.671877, -1.508551 50.672155, -1.508473 50.672154, -1.508349 50.672227, -1.508039 50.672368, -1.507644 50.672508, -1.507446 50.672588, -1.507328 50.67265, -1.507248 50.672702, -1.507154 50.672779, -1.506994 50.67294, -1.506927 50.67303, -1.506857 50.673153, -1.506833 50.673211, -1.506817 50.673285, -1.506815 50.673371, -1.506834 50.673468, -1.506851 50.673515, -1.506881 50.673565, -1.507001 50.67371, -1.507399 50.674054, -1.507514 50.674141, -1.507653 50.674231, -1.507759 50.674292, -1.507989 50.674406, -1.508318 50.674136, -1.508489 50.674415, -1.508533 50.674427, -1.509041 50.674428, -1.509147 50.674436, -1.509252 50.674453, -1.509315 50.674472, -1.509482 50.674556, -1.509545 50.674598, -1.509787 50.674877, -1.509845 50.674856, -1.509962 50.674936, -1.509944 50.674942, -1.510115 50.674991, -1.510224 50.675066, -1.510288 50.67514, -1.510316 50.675278, -1.510313 50.67533, -1.510266 50.675502, -1.510165 50.675612, -1.510171 50.675624, -1.510241 50.675661, -1.510445 50.675797, -1.510576 50.675848, -1.51065 50.675861, -1.510736 50.675919, -1.51076 50.67596, -1.511042 50.676157, -1.511171 50.676191, -1.51127 50.676228, -1.511506 50.676341, -1.511636 50.676393, -1.511809 50.67642, -1.511728 50.67649, -1.511723 50.676505, -1.511732 50.676547, -1.511938 50.676714, -1.512087 50.676819, -1.512835 50.677196, -1.512955 50.677278, -1.51276 50.67737, -1.512937 50.677432, -1.513098 50.677535, -1.513563 50.677963, -1.513713 50.678145, -1.513794 50.678269, -1.513815 50.678332, -1.513822 50.678394, -1.513778 50.67857, -1.513785 50.678694, -1.513819 50.678929, -1.513846 50.678925, -1.513854 50.678948, -1.513823 50.678952, -1.513913 50.679277, -1.513907 50.679317, -1.513931 50.679372, -1.513951 50.679473, -1.513958 50.679589, -1.513952 50.679646, -1.513881 50.679902, -1.513955 50.679931, -1.513939 50.679962, -1.51369 50.680244, -1.513712 50.680252, -1.5137 50.680263, -1.513863 50.6805, -1.514076 50.680756, -1.51419 50.680751, -1.51496 50.680176, -1.514481 50.679842, -1.514504 50.679809, -1.514726 50.679586, -1.514855 50.679467, -1.514947 50.6794, -1.515002 50.679386, -1.515622 50.679385, -1.515689 50.679376, -1.515732 50.679344, -1.515749 50.679231, -1.515731 50.679006, -1.51557 50.678347, -1.515533 50.678269, -1.515484 50.678106, -1.515423 50.678042, -1.515369 50.678008, -1.514973 50.677852, -1.5149 50.67781, -1.514798 50.677678, -1.514727 50.677544, -1.514731 50.677471, -1.514765 50.677408, -1.514761 50.677348, -1.514475 50.67702, -1.51437 50.676914, -1.514325 50.676881, -1.514124 50.676775, -1.513855 50.676663, -1.513647 50.676546, -1.513432 50.67647, -1.513354 50.676448, -1.512677 50.676336, -1.512981 50.676129, -1.512896 50.676147, -1.512783 50.676159, -1.512691 50.676156, -1.512608 50.676141, -1.512536 50.676115, -1.512242 50.675978, -1.512053 50.675778, -1.51183 50.675581, -1.511792 50.675603, -1.511776 50.675627, -1.511746 50.67564, -1.511676 50.675587, -1.511646 50.675552, -1.511617 50.6755, -1.511592 50.675433, -1.511584 50.675381, -1.511592 50.675348, -1.511711 50.675172, -1.511714 50.675138, -1.5117 50.674998, -1.511718 50.674883, -1.511771 50.674749, -1.511854 50.67458, -1.512014 50.674527, -1.511924 50.674432, -1.511831 50.674283, -1.511714 50.674052, -1.511527 50.673859, -1.511501 50.673843, -1.511413 50.673871, -1.511413 50.67386, -1.511381 50.673861, -1.511041 50.673779, -1.510732 50.673646, -1.510401 50.673469, -1.510338 50.673423, -1.510089 50.67318, -1.510051 50.673105, -1.510039 50.672928, -1.510045 50.672884, -1.510154 50.672626, -1.51026 50.67233)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.511227 50.675307)",
    "entity": 45250012,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area