Local nature reserve
Adderbury Lakes
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | SP477355 | Facts |
Prefix | local-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Adderbury Lakes | Facts |
Dataset | Local nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2013-02-20 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.306565 52.014874, -1.306578 52.014835, -1.306648 52.014722, -1.306837 52.014465, -1.306863 52.014416, -1.306876 52.014347, -1.30687 52.014313, -1.306858 52.014279, -1.306811 52.014205, -1.30676 52.0142, -1.306731 52.014367, -1.30671 52.014436, -1.306598 52.014598, -1.306501 52.014758, -1.306483 52.014846, -1.306304 52.014755, -1.306334 52.014868, -1.306328 52.014925, -1.306283 52.015005, -1.306109 52.015195, -1.306112 52.01522, -1.306092 52.015242, -1.306076 52.015248, -1.306031 52.015243, -1.305956 52.0153, -1.305919 52.015315, -1.305839 52.015301, -1.305816 52.015326, -1.305612 52.015384, -1.305425 52.015496, -1.305117 52.016067, -1.304878 52.016144, -1.30483 52.01619, -1.304725 52.016325, -1.304468 52.016743, -1.304314 52.016962, -1.304142 52.017164, -1.304063 52.017219, -1.303951 52.017257, -1.303511 52.017289, -1.303452 52.017347, -1.303401 52.017355, -1.3034 52.017409, -1.303782 52.017445, -1.30423 52.017512, -1.30447 52.017536, -1.304581 52.017528, -1.304691 52.017502, -1.304834 52.017482, -1.305063 52.017468, -1.30542 52.017466, -1.305591 52.017484, -1.306479 52.017628, -1.306515 52.017536, -1.30661 52.017459, -1.306402 52.017468, -1.306309 52.017495, -1.306286 52.017484, -1.306174 52.017493, -1.306041 52.017491, -1.305901 52.017466, -1.305273 52.017274, -1.305107 52.017261, -1.304975 52.01728, -1.304793 52.017289, -1.304726 52.017271, -1.30529 52.016608, -1.30544 52.016463, -1.305564 52.016398, -1.305884 52.01635, -1.305987 52.016255, -1.306 52.016145, -1.305946 52.015948, -1.305901 52.015909, -1.305841 52.01588, -1.305987 52.015754, -1.306226 52.01564, -1.306309 52.015585, -1.306356 52.015544, -1.306433 52.015452, -1.306444 52.015405, -1.306435 52.015368, -1.306364 52.015211, -1.306484 52.015102, -1.306522 52.015055, -1.306599 52.014885, -1.306565 52.014874)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.305285 52.016379)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "SP477355",
"prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
"name": "Adderbury Lakes",
"dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2013-02-20",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.306565 52.014874, -1.306578 52.014835, -1.306648 52.014722, -1.306837 52.014465, -1.306863 52.014416, -1.306876 52.014347, -1.30687 52.014313, -1.306858 52.014279, -1.306811 52.014205, -1.30676 52.0142, -1.306731 52.014367, -1.30671 52.014436, -1.306598 52.014598, -1.306501 52.014758, -1.306483 52.014846, -1.306304 52.014755, -1.306334 52.014868, -1.306328 52.014925, -1.306283 52.015005, -1.306109 52.015195, -1.306112 52.01522, -1.306092 52.015242, -1.306076 52.015248, -1.306031 52.015243, -1.305956 52.0153, -1.305919 52.015315, -1.305839 52.015301, -1.305816 52.015326, -1.305612 52.015384, -1.305425 52.015496, -1.305117 52.016067, -1.304878 52.016144, -1.30483 52.01619, -1.304725 52.016325, -1.304468 52.016743, -1.304314 52.016962, -1.304142 52.017164, -1.304063 52.017219, -1.303951 52.017257, -1.303511 52.017289, -1.303452 52.017347, -1.303401 52.017355, -1.3034 52.017409, -1.303782 52.017445, -1.30423 52.017512, -1.30447 52.017536, -1.304581 52.017528, -1.304691 52.017502, -1.304834 52.017482, -1.305063 52.017468, -1.30542 52.017466, -1.305591 52.017484, -1.306479 52.017628, -1.306515 52.017536, -1.30661 52.017459, -1.306402 52.017468, -1.306309 52.017495, -1.306286 52.017484, -1.306174 52.017493, -1.306041 52.017491, -1.305901 52.017466, -1.305273 52.017274, -1.305107 52.017261, -1.304975 52.01728, -1.304793 52.017289, -1.304726 52.017271, -1.30529 52.016608, -1.30544 52.016463, -1.305564 52.016398, -1.305884 52.01635, -1.305987 52.016255, -1.306 52.016145, -1.305946 52.015948, -1.305901 52.015909, -1.305841 52.01588, -1.305987 52.015754, -1.306226 52.01564, -1.306309 52.015585, -1.306356 52.015544, -1.306433 52.015452, -1.306444 52.015405, -1.306435 52.015368, -1.306364 52.015211, -1.306484 52.015102, -1.306522 52.015055, -1.306599 52.014885, -1.306565 52.014874)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.305285 52.016379)",
"entity": 45250011,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.