Local nature reserve

Adderbury Lakes

Field Value Fact links
Reference SP477355 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Adderbury Lakes Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2013-02-20 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.306565 52.014874, -1.306578 52.014835, -1.306648 52.014722, -1.306837 52.014465, -1.306863 52.014416, -1.306876 52.014347, -1.30687 52.014313, -1.306858 52.014279, -1.306811 52.014205, -1.30676 52.0142, -1.306731 52.014367, -1.30671 52.014436, -1.306598 52.014598, -1.306501 52.014758, -1.306483 52.014846, -1.306304 52.014755, -1.306334 52.014868, -1.306328 52.014925, -1.306283 52.015005, -1.306109 52.015195, -1.306112 52.01522, -1.306092 52.015242, -1.306076 52.015248, -1.306031 52.015243, -1.305956 52.0153, -1.305919 52.015315, -1.305839 52.015301, -1.305816 52.015326, -1.305612 52.015384, -1.305425 52.015496, -1.305117 52.016067, -1.304878 52.016144, -1.30483 52.01619, -1.304725 52.016325, -1.304468 52.016743, -1.304314 52.016962, -1.304142 52.017164, -1.304063 52.017219, -1.303951 52.017257, -1.303511 52.017289, -1.303452 52.017347, -1.303401 52.017355, -1.3034 52.017409, -1.303782 52.017445, -1.30423 52.017512, -1.30447 52.017536, -1.304581 52.017528, -1.304691 52.017502, -1.304834 52.017482, -1.305063 52.017468, -1.30542 52.017466, -1.305591 52.017484, -1.306479 52.017628, -1.306515 52.017536, -1.30661 52.017459, -1.306402 52.017468, -1.306309 52.017495, -1.306286 52.017484, -1.306174 52.017493, -1.306041 52.017491, -1.305901 52.017466, -1.305273 52.017274, -1.305107 52.017261, -1.304975 52.01728, -1.304793 52.017289, -1.304726 52.017271, -1.30529 52.016608, -1.30544 52.016463, -1.305564 52.016398, -1.305884 52.01635, -1.305987 52.016255, -1.306 52.016145, -1.305946 52.015948, -1.305901 52.015909, -1.305841 52.01588, -1.305987 52.015754, -1.306226 52.01564, -1.306309 52.015585, -1.306356 52.015544, -1.306433 52.015452, -1.306444 52.015405, -1.306435 52.015368, -1.306364 52.015211, -1.306484 52.015102, -1.306522 52.015055, -1.306599 52.014885, -1.306565 52.014874))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.305285 52.016379) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SP477355",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Adderbury Lakes",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2013-02-20",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.306565 52.014874, -1.306578 52.014835, -1.306648 52.014722, -1.306837 52.014465, -1.306863 52.014416, -1.306876 52.014347, -1.30687 52.014313, -1.306858 52.014279, -1.306811 52.014205, -1.30676 52.0142, -1.306731 52.014367, -1.30671 52.014436, -1.306598 52.014598, -1.306501 52.014758, -1.306483 52.014846, -1.306304 52.014755, -1.306334 52.014868, -1.306328 52.014925, -1.306283 52.015005, -1.306109 52.015195, -1.306112 52.01522, -1.306092 52.015242, -1.306076 52.015248, -1.306031 52.015243, -1.305956 52.0153, -1.305919 52.015315, -1.305839 52.015301, -1.305816 52.015326, -1.305612 52.015384, -1.305425 52.015496, -1.305117 52.016067, -1.304878 52.016144, -1.30483 52.01619, -1.304725 52.016325, -1.304468 52.016743, -1.304314 52.016962, -1.304142 52.017164, -1.304063 52.017219, -1.303951 52.017257, -1.303511 52.017289, -1.303452 52.017347, -1.303401 52.017355, -1.3034 52.017409, -1.303782 52.017445, -1.30423 52.017512, -1.30447 52.017536, -1.304581 52.017528, -1.304691 52.017502, -1.304834 52.017482, -1.305063 52.017468, -1.30542 52.017466, -1.305591 52.017484, -1.306479 52.017628, -1.306515 52.017536, -1.30661 52.017459, -1.306402 52.017468, -1.306309 52.017495, -1.306286 52.017484, -1.306174 52.017493, -1.306041 52.017491, -1.305901 52.017466, -1.305273 52.017274, -1.305107 52.017261, -1.304975 52.01728, -1.304793 52.017289, -1.304726 52.017271, -1.30529 52.016608, -1.30544 52.016463, -1.305564 52.016398, -1.305884 52.01635, -1.305987 52.016255, -1.306 52.016145, -1.305946 52.015948, -1.305901 52.015909, -1.305841 52.01588, -1.305987 52.015754, -1.306226 52.01564, -1.306309 52.015585, -1.306356 52.015544, -1.306433 52.015452, -1.306444 52.015405, -1.306435 52.015368, -1.306364 52.015211, -1.306484 52.015102, -1.306522 52.015055, -1.306599 52.014885, -1.306565 52.014874)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.305285 52.016379)",
    "entity": 45250011,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area