National nature reserve

Foster's Green Meadows

Field Value Fact links
Reference SO978649 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Foster's Green Meadows Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-11-25 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.035473 52.281766, -2.035443 52.281677, -2.034871 52.28157, -2.034543 52.281496, -2.034466 52.281485, -2.034395 52.281491, -2.034001 52.28137, -2.033881 52.281343, -2.033497 52.281281, -2.03211 52.280952, -2.031464 52.28079, -2.030819 52.28066, -2.030675 52.280602, -2.030369 52.280518, -2.030064 52.280456, -2.029949 52.28008, -2.029937 52.28007, -2.029913 52.280008, -2.028886 52.279911, -2.028884 52.280024, -2.02886 52.280158, -2.028696 52.280699, -2.028565 52.280909, -2.028225 52.281273, -2.028347 52.281366, -2.028412 52.281388, -2.028489 52.281474, -2.028538 52.281499, -2.028574 52.281559, -2.028646 52.281589, -2.028767 52.281615, -2.029577 52.282064, -2.029789 52.282201, -2.029899 52.282295, -2.029926 52.282331, -2.030078 52.282426, -2.030278 52.282513, -2.030364 52.282539, -2.030546 52.282576, -2.030895 52.282583, -2.031255 52.282577, -2.031311 52.282505, -2.031516 52.282531, -2.031792 52.28253, -2.031983 52.28259, -2.032584 52.282679, -2.032656 52.28268, -2.032779 52.282641, -2.033166 52.282672, -2.033215 52.282758, -2.033239 52.282851, -2.033386 52.2829, -2.033424 52.282895, -2.033506 52.282857, -2.0338 52.2827, -2.033852 52.282662, -2.034325 52.282839, -2.034902 52.283134, -2.036551 52.283925, -2.036507 52.283943, -2.036601 52.283999, -2.036615 52.283993, -2.036671 52.284036, -2.03608 52.284286, -2.037211 52.284932, -2.037788 52.285252, -2.037862 52.285251, -2.038235 52.285012, -2.038357 52.284897, -2.039059 52.284396, -2.038947 52.28427, -2.038236 52.283902, -2.037438 52.283502, -2.037409 52.283452, -2.037315 52.283356, -2.037106 52.283176, -2.036794 52.28298, -2.036663 52.282918, -2.035965 52.282637, -2.035807 52.282554, -2.035291 52.282324, -2.035393 52.282238, -2.035946 52.281897, -2.035592 52.281756, -2.035473 52.281766))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.033271 52.282291) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SO978649",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Foster's Green Meadows",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-11-25",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.035473 52.281766, -2.035443 52.281677, -2.034871 52.28157, -2.034543 52.281496, -2.034466 52.281485, -2.034395 52.281491, -2.034001 52.28137, -2.033881 52.281343, -2.033497 52.281281, -2.03211 52.280952, -2.031464 52.28079, -2.030819 52.28066, -2.030675 52.280602, -2.030369 52.280518, -2.030064 52.280456, -2.029949 52.28008, -2.029937 52.28007, -2.029913 52.280008, -2.028886 52.279911, -2.028884 52.280024, -2.02886 52.280158, -2.028696 52.280699, -2.028565 52.280909, -2.028225 52.281273, -2.028347 52.281366, -2.028412 52.281388, -2.028489 52.281474, -2.028538 52.281499, -2.028574 52.281559, -2.028646 52.281589, -2.028767 52.281615, -2.029577 52.282064, -2.029789 52.282201, -2.029899 52.282295, -2.029926 52.282331, -2.030078 52.282426, -2.030278 52.282513, -2.030364 52.282539, -2.030546 52.282576, -2.030895 52.282583, -2.031255 52.282577, -2.031311 52.282505, -2.031516 52.282531, -2.031792 52.28253, -2.031983 52.28259, -2.032584 52.282679, -2.032656 52.28268, -2.032779 52.282641, -2.033166 52.282672, -2.033215 52.282758, -2.033239 52.282851, -2.033386 52.2829, -2.033424 52.282895, -2.033506 52.282857, -2.0338 52.2827, -2.033852 52.282662, -2.034325 52.282839, -2.034902 52.283134, -2.036551 52.283925, -2.036507 52.283943, -2.036601 52.283999, -2.036615 52.283993, -2.036671 52.284036, -2.03608 52.284286, -2.037211 52.284932, -2.037788 52.285252, -2.037862 52.285251, -2.038235 52.285012, -2.038357 52.284897, -2.039059 52.284396, -2.038947 52.28427, -2.038236 52.283902, -2.037438 52.283502, -2.037409 52.283452, -2.037315 52.283356, -2.037106 52.283176, -2.036794 52.28298, -2.036663 52.282918, -2.035965 52.282637, -2.035807 52.282554, -2.035291 52.282324, -2.035393 52.282238, -2.035946 52.281897, -2.035592 52.281756, -2.035473 52.281766)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.033271 52.282291)",
    "entity": 45000151,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area