National nature reserve

Monks Wood

Field Value Fact links
Reference TL197800 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Monks Wood Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2006-03-09 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234142 52.412207, -0.234454 52.412449, -0.234539 52.412467, -0.234576 52.412483, -0.234777 52.412654, -0.235029 52.412429, -0.235665 52.41211, -0.235997 52.41193, -0.236249 52.411768, -0.236502 52.41158, -0.236711 52.411467, -0.236875 52.411403, -0.237022 52.411367, -0.237359 52.411324, -0.237598 52.41126, -0.237842 52.411234, -0.238899 52.411191, -0.239563 52.411138, -0.23984 52.411127, -0.240033 52.411159, -0.240212 52.411204, -0.240368 52.411266, -0.240599 52.411343, -0.241212 52.411521, -0.241451 52.41157, -0.241888 52.411636, -0.241943 52.411591, -0.24198 52.411543, -0.241993 52.411479, -0.242034 52.411381, -0.242035 52.411312, -0.242044 52.411268, -0.242092 52.411257, -0.242112 52.41126, -0.242249 52.4113, -0.242379 52.411349, -0.242596 52.41134, -0.242724 52.411319, -0.243323 52.411172, -0.243741 52.411123, -0.244021 52.411072, -0.244558 52.410957, -0.244835 52.410846, -0.245145 52.41071, -0.245431 52.410629, -0.245946 52.410361, -0.246053 52.410323, -0.246175 52.410295, -0.246287 52.410249, -0.246307 52.410226, -0.246311 52.410202, -0.246465 52.409155, -0.246526 52.408404, -0.247104 52.408573, -0.247633 52.408744, -0.247743 52.408587, -0.247932 52.408425, -0.247956 52.408392, -0.248008 52.40828, -0.248098 52.408139, -0.248235 52.407953, -0.248338 52.407832, -0.248412 52.407756, -0.248629 52.407573, -0.248736 52.407433, -0.248833 52.40735, -0.248899 52.407277, -0.249086 52.40714, -0.249256 52.406995, -0.249302 52.406919, -0.249611 52.406538, -0.24982 52.406297, -0.250338 52.405732, -0.250373 52.405698, -0.250451 52.405659, -0.250776 52.405109, -0.25163 52.403627, -0.252144 52.402661, -0.252442 52.402119, -0.252483 52.402058, -0.252609 52.401956, -0.252466 52.401809, -0.251629 52.401041, -0.251318 52.40077, -0.251302 52.400696, -0.250371 52.399694, -0.250281 52.39961, -0.249699 52.398922, -0.249611 52.398855, -0.249499 52.398788, -0.249246 52.39856, -0.249166 52.398439, -0.249094 52.398467, -0.248747 52.398493, -0.248385 52.398567, -0.247163 52.398757, -0.246825 52.398797, -0.246222 52.398909, -0.24607 52.398929, -0.245655 52.398964, -0.245519 52.398984, -0.243544 52.399667, -0.243353 52.39975, -0.242883 52.399913, -0.242358 52.40011, -0.239922 52.39786, -0.239832 52.397906, -0.24223 52.400148, -0.240353 52.400806, -0.236893 52.402054, -0.236407 52.402223, -0.236279 52.402014, -0.235275 52.401087, -0.235159 52.401128, -0.236184 52.402048, -0.236357 52.402242, -0.237426 52.403773, -0.235519 52.403849, -0.234174 52.403888, -0.234074 52.403929, -0.233845 52.403953, -0.233735 52.404, -0.233452 52.404043, -0.233306 52.404095, -0.23292 52.404142, -0.232866 52.404138, -0.23197 52.403982, -0.231922 52.40396, -0.231826 52.403891, -0.23171 52.403855, -0.231626 52.403784, -0.23148 52.403619, -0.231396 52.403444, -0.231304 52.403346, -0.231213 52.403299, -0.230956 52.4029, -0.23064 52.402496, -0.230282 52.402496, -0.230172 52.402487, -0.230078 52.402468, -0.2299 52.402475, -0.229759 52.402465, -0.229562 52.402431, -0.228913 52.402286, -0.228593 52.402235, -0.228318 52.402203, -0.227727 52.402175, -0.227163 52.402202, -0.22716 52.402246, -0.227209 52.402492, -0.227226 52.402613, -0.227234 52.40278, -0.227253 52.402863, -0.22731 52.40301, -0.227389 52.403166, -0.227418 52.403251, -0.227526 52.40331, -0.227581 52.40336, -0.228059 52.403854, -0.228153 52.403979, -0.228174 52.40402, -0.228218 52.404214, -0.228198 52.404403, -0.228206 52.404502, -0.228255 52.404783, -0.228279 52.404851, -0.228357 52.404982, -0.228417 52.405059, -0.22847 52.405109, -0.228608 52.405213, -0.228755 52.405374, -0.228986 52.405581, -0.229078 52.405646, -0.229203 52.40572, -0.229394 52.405869, -0.229484 52.405895, -0.229984 52.405929, -0.23023 52.405954, -0.230445 52.406011, -0.230653 52.406089, -0.230829 52.406177, -0.230923 52.406262, -0.230986 52.406346, -0.231106 52.406574, -0.231118 52.406654, -0.231088 52.406735, -0.231062 52.406985, -0.230804 52.407702, -0.230783 52.407804, -0.230752 52.408064, -0.230681 52.408298, -0.230673 52.40839, -0.230709 52.408531, -0.230716 52.40872, -0.230702 52.408779, -0.230629 52.408971, -0.230605 52.409133, -0.229627 52.409291, -0.229194 52.409374, -0.228362 52.409516, -0.228373 52.40958, -0.228437 52.4097, -0.228669 52.409898, -0.228746 52.409949, -0.228852 52.410004, -0.229223 52.410165, -0.230044 52.410489, -0.230603 52.410737, -0.230771 52.41082, -0.230935 52.410917, -0.231178 52.411084, -0.232245 52.411921, -0.232387 52.412004, -0.232634 52.412121, -0.232974 52.412261, -0.233644 52.412421, -0.233944 52.412502, -0.234131 52.4122, -0.234142 52.412207))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.240577 52.405663) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TL197800",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Monks Wood",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2006-03-09",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234142 52.412207, -0.234454 52.412449, -0.234539 52.412467, -0.234576 52.412483, -0.234777 52.412654, -0.235029 52.412429, -0.235665 52.41211, -0.235997 52.41193, -0.236249 52.411768, -0.236502 52.41158, -0.236711 52.411467, -0.236875 52.411403, -0.237022 52.411367, -0.237359 52.411324, -0.237598 52.41126, -0.237842 52.411234, -0.238899 52.411191, -0.239563 52.411138, -0.23984 52.411127, -0.240033 52.411159, -0.240212 52.411204, -0.240368 52.411266, -0.240599 52.411343, -0.241212 52.411521, -0.241451 52.41157, -0.241888 52.411636, -0.241943 52.411591, -0.24198 52.411543, -0.241993 52.411479, -0.242034 52.411381, -0.242035 52.411312, -0.242044 52.411268, -0.242092 52.411257, -0.242112 52.41126, -0.242249 52.4113, -0.242379 52.411349, -0.242596 52.41134, -0.242724 52.411319, -0.243323 52.411172, -0.243741 52.411123, -0.244021 52.411072, -0.244558 52.410957, -0.244835 52.410846, -0.245145 52.41071, -0.245431 52.410629, -0.245946 52.410361, -0.246053 52.410323, -0.246175 52.410295, -0.246287 52.410249, -0.246307 52.410226, -0.246311 52.410202, -0.246465 52.409155, -0.246526 52.408404, -0.247104 52.408573, -0.247633 52.408744, -0.247743 52.408587, -0.247932 52.408425, -0.247956 52.408392, -0.248008 52.40828, -0.248098 52.408139, -0.248235 52.407953, -0.248338 52.407832, -0.248412 52.407756, -0.248629 52.407573, -0.248736 52.407433, -0.248833 52.40735, -0.248899 52.407277, -0.249086 52.40714, -0.249256 52.406995, -0.249302 52.406919, -0.249611 52.406538, -0.24982 52.406297, -0.250338 52.405732, -0.250373 52.405698, -0.250451 52.405659, -0.250776 52.405109, -0.25163 52.403627, -0.252144 52.402661, -0.252442 52.402119, -0.252483 52.402058, -0.252609 52.401956, -0.252466 52.401809, -0.251629 52.401041, -0.251318 52.40077, -0.251302 52.400696, -0.250371 52.399694, -0.250281 52.39961, -0.249699 52.398922, -0.249611 52.398855, -0.249499 52.398788, -0.249246 52.39856, -0.249166 52.398439, -0.249094 52.398467, -0.248747 52.398493, -0.248385 52.398567, -0.247163 52.398757, -0.246825 52.398797, -0.246222 52.398909, -0.24607 52.398929, -0.245655 52.398964, -0.245519 52.398984, -0.243544 52.399667, -0.243353 52.39975, -0.242883 52.399913, -0.242358 52.40011, -0.239922 52.39786, -0.239832 52.397906, -0.24223 52.400148, -0.240353 52.400806, -0.236893 52.402054, -0.236407 52.402223, -0.236279 52.402014, -0.235275 52.401087, -0.235159 52.401128, -0.236184 52.402048, -0.236357 52.402242, -0.237426 52.403773, -0.235519 52.403849, -0.234174 52.403888, -0.234074 52.403929, -0.233845 52.403953, -0.233735 52.404, -0.233452 52.404043, -0.233306 52.404095, -0.23292 52.404142, -0.232866 52.404138, -0.23197 52.403982, -0.231922 52.40396, -0.231826 52.403891, -0.23171 52.403855, -0.231626 52.403784, -0.23148 52.403619, -0.231396 52.403444, -0.231304 52.403346, -0.231213 52.403299, -0.230956 52.4029, -0.23064 52.402496, -0.230282 52.402496, -0.230172 52.402487, -0.230078 52.402468, -0.2299 52.402475, -0.229759 52.402465, -0.229562 52.402431, -0.228913 52.402286, -0.228593 52.402235, -0.228318 52.402203, -0.227727 52.402175, -0.227163 52.402202, -0.22716 52.402246, -0.227209 52.402492, -0.227226 52.402613, -0.227234 52.40278, -0.227253 52.402863, -0.22731 52.40301, -0.227389 52.403166, -0.227418 52.403251, -0.227526 52.40331, -0.227581 52.40336, -0.228059 52.403854, -0.228153 52.403979, -0.228174 52.40402, -0.228218 52.404214, -0.228198 52.404403, -0.228206 52.404502, -0.228255 52.404783, -0.228279 52.404851, -0.228357 52.404982, -0.228417 52.405059, -0.22847 52.405109, -0.228608 52.405213, -0.228755 52.405374, -0.228986 52.405581, -0.229078 52.405646, -0.229203 52.40572, -0.229394 52.405869, -0.229484 52.405895, -0.229984 52.405929, -0.23023 52.405954, -0.230445 52.406011, -0.230653 52.406089, -0.230829 52.406177, -0.230923 52.406262, -0.230986 52.406346, -0.231106 52.406574, -0.231118 52.406654, -0.231088 52.406735, -0.231062 52.406985, -0.230804 52.407702, -0.230783 52.407804, -0.230752 52.408064, -0.230681 52.408298, -0.230673 52.40839, -0.230709 52.408531, -0.230716 52.40872, -0.230702 52.408779, -0.230629 52.408971, -0.230605 52.409133, -0.229627 52.409291, -0.229194 52.409374, -0.228362 52.409516, -0.228373 52.40958, -0.228437 52.4097, -0.228669 52.409898, -0.228746 52.409949, -0.228852 52.410004, -0.229223 52.410165, -0.230044 52.410489, -0.230603 52.410737, -0.230771 52.41082, -0.230935 52.410917, -0.231178 52.411084, -0.232245 52.411921, -0.232387 52.412004, -0.232634 52.412121, -0.232974 52.412261, -0.233644 52.412421, -0.233944 52.412502, -0.234131 52.4122, -0.234142 52.412207)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.240577 52.405663)",
    "entity": 45000148,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area