National nature reserve
Monks Wood
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | TL197800 | Facts |
Prefix | national-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Monks Wood | Facts |
Dataset | National nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2006-03-09 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234142 52.412207, -0.234454 52.412449, -0.234539 52.412467, -0.234576 52.412483, -0.234777 52.412654, -0.235029 52.412429, -0.235665 52.41211, -0.235997 52.41193, -0.236249 52.411768, -0.236502 52.41158, -0.236711 52.411467, -0.236875 52.411403, -0.237022 52.411367, -0.237359 52.411324, -0.237598 52.41126, -0.237842 52.411234, -0.238899 52.411191, -0.239563 52.411138, -0.23984 52.411127, -0.240033 52.411159, -0.240212 52.411204, -0.240368 52.411266, -0.240599 52.411343, -0.241212 52.411521, -0.241451 52.41157, -0.241888 52.411636, -0.241943 52.411591, -0.24198 52.411543, -0.241993 52.411479, -0.242034 52.411381, -0.242035 52.411312, -0.242044 52.411268, -0.242092 52.411257, -0.242112 52.41126, -0.242249 52.4113, -0.242379 52.411349, -0.242596 52.41134, -0.242724 52.411319, -0.243323 52.411172, -0.243741 52.411123, -0.244021 52.411072, -0.244558 52.410957, -0.244835 52.410846, -0.245145 52.41071, -0.245431 52.410629, -0.245946 52.410361, -0.246053 52.410323, -0.246175 52.410295, -0.246287 52.410249, -0.246307 52.410226, -0.246311 52.410202, -0.246465 52.409155, -0.246526 52.408404, -0.247104 52.408573, -0.247633 52.408744, -0.247743 52.408587, -0.247932 52.408425, -0.247956 52.408392, -0.248008 52.40828, -0.248098 52.408139, -0.248235 52.407953, -0.248338 52.407832, -0.248412 52.407756, -0.248629 52.407573, -0.248736 52.407433, -0.248833 52.40735, -0.248899 52.407277, -0.249086 52.40714, -0.249256 52.406995, -0.249302 52.406919, -0.249611 52.406538, -0.24982 52.406297, -0.250338 52.405732, -0.250373 52.405698, -0.250451 52.405659, -0.250776 52.405109, -0.25163 52.403627, -0.252144 52.402661, -0.252442 52.402119, -0.252483 52.402058, -0.252609 52.401956, -0.252466 52.401809, -0.251629 52.401041, -0.251318 52.40077, -0.251302 52.400696, -0.250371 52.399694, -0.250281 52.39961, -0.249699 52.398922, -0.249611 52.398855, -0.249499 52.398788, -0.249246 52.39856, -0.249166 52.398439, -0.249094 52.398467, -0.248747 52.398493, -0.248385 52.398567, -0.247163 52.398757, -0.246825 52.398797, -0.246222 52.398909, -0.24607 52.398929, -0.245655 52.398964, -0.245519 52.398984, -0.243544 52.399667, -0.243353 52.39975, -0.242883 52.399913, -0.242358 52.40011, -0.239922 52.39786, -0.239832 52.397906, -0.24223 52.400148, -0.240353 52.400806, -0.236893 52.402054, -0.236407 52.402223, -0.236279 52.402014, -0.235275 52.401087, -0.235159 52.401128, -0.236184 52.402048, -0.236357 52.402242, -0.237426 52.403773, -0.235519 52.403849, -0.234174 52.403888, -0.234074 52.403929, -0.233845 52.403953, -0.233735 52.404, -0.233452 52.404043, -0.233306 52.404095, -0.23292 52.404142, -0.232866 52.404138, -0.23197 52.403982, -0.231922 52.40396, -0.231826 52.403891, -0.23171 52.403855, -0.231626 52.403784, -0.23148 52.403619, -0.231396 52.403444, -0.231304 52.403346, -0.231213 52.403299, -0.230956 52.4029, -0.23064 52.402496, -0.230282 52.402496, -0.230172 52.402487, -0.230078 52.402468, -0.2299 52.402475, -0.229759 52.402465, -0.229562 52.402431, -0.228913 52.402286, -0.228593 52.402235, -0.228318 52.402203, -0.227727 52.402175, -0.227163 52.402202, -0.22716 52.402246, -0.227209 52.402492, -0.227226 52.402613, -0.227234 52.40278, -0.227253 52.402863, -0.22731 52.40301, -0.227389 52.403166, -0.227418 52.403251, -0.227526 52.40331, -0.227581 52.40336, -0.228059 52.403854, -0.228153 52.403979, -0.228174 52.40402, -0.228218 52.404214, -0.228198 52.404403, -0.228206 52.404502, -0.228255 52.404783, -0.228279 52.404851, -0.228357 52.404982, -0.228417 52.405059, -0.22847 52.405109, -0.228608 52.405213, -0.228755 52.405374, -0.228986 52.405581, -0.229078 52.405646, -0.229203 52.40572, -0.229394 52.405869, -0.229484 52.405895, -0.229984 52.405929, -0.23023 52.405954, -0.230445 52.406011, -0.230653 52.406089, -0.230829 52.406177, -0.230923 52.406262, -0.230986 52.406346, -0.231106 52.406574, -0.231118 52.406654, -0.231088 52.406735, -0.231062 52.406985, -0.230804 52.407702, -0.230783 52.407804, -0.230752 52.408064, -0.230681 52.408298, -0.230673 52.40839, -0.230709 52.408531, -0.230716 52.40872, -0.230702 52.408779, -0.230629 52.408971, -0.230605 52.409133, -0.229627 52.409291, -0.229194 52.409374, -0.228362 52.409516, -0.228373 52.40958, -0.228437 52.4097, -0.228669 52.409898, -0.228746 52.409949, -0.228852 52.410004, -0.229223 52.410165, -0.230044 52.410489, -0.230603 52.410737, -0.230771 52.41082, -0.230935 52.410917, -0.231178 52.411084, -0.232245 52.411921, -0.232387 52.412004, -0.232634 52.412121, -0.232974 52.412261, -0.233644 52.412421, -0.233944 52.412502, -0.234131 52.4122, -0.234142 52.412207)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.240577 52.405663)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "TL197800",
"prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
"name": "Monks Wood",
"dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2006-03-09",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234142 52.412207, -0.234454 52.412449, -0.234539 52.412467, -0.234576 52.412483, -0.234777 52.412654, -0.235029 52.412429, -0.235665 52.41211, -0.235997 52.41193, -0.236249 52.411768, -0.236502 52.41158, -0.236711 52.411467, -0.236875 52.411403, -0.237022 52.411367, -0.237359 52.411324, -0.237598 52.41126, -0.237842 52.411234, -0.238899 52.411191, -0.239563 52.411138, -0.23984 52.411127, -0.240033 52.411159, -0.240212 52.411204, -0.240368 52.411266, -0.240599 52.411343, -0.241212 52.411521, -0.241451 52.41157, -0.241888 52.411636, -0.241943 52.411591, -0.24198 52.411543, -0.241993 52.411479, -0.242034 52.411381, -0.242035 52.411312, -0.242044 52.411268, -0.242092 52.411257, -0.242112 52.41126, -0.242249 52.4113, -0.242379 52.411349, -0.242596 52.41134, -0.242724 52.411319, -0.243323 52.411172, -0.243741 52.411123, -0.244021 52.411072, -0.244558 52.410957, -0.244835 52.410846, -0.245145 52.41071, -0.245431 52.410629, -0.245946 52.410361, -0.246053 52.410323, -0.246175 52.410295, -0.246287 52.410249, -0.246307 52.410226, -0.246311 52.410202, -0.246465 52.409155, -0.246526 52.408404, -0.247104 52.408573, -0.247633 52.408744, -0.247743 52.408587, -0.247932 52.408425, -0.247956 52.408392, -0.248008 52.40828, -0.248098 52.408139, -0.248235 52.407953, -0.248338 52.407832, -0.248412 52.407756, -0.248629 52.407573, -0.248736 52.407433, -0.248833 52.40735, -0.248899 52.407277, -0.249086 52.40714, -0.249256 52.406995, -0.249302 52.406919, -0.249611 52.406538, -0.24982 52.406297, -0.250338 52.405732, -0.250373 52.405698, -0.250451 52.405659, -0.250776 52.405109, -0.25163 52.403627, -0.252144 52.402661, -0.252442 52.402119, -0.252483 52.402058, -0.252609 52.401956, -0.252466 52.401809, -0.251629 52.401041, -0.251318 52.40077, -0.251302 52.400696, -0.250371 52.399694, -0.250281 52.39961, -0.249699 52.398922, -0.249611 52.398855, -0.249499 52.398788, -0.249246 52.39856, -0.249166 52.398439, -0.249094 52.398467, -0.248747 52.398493, -0.248385 52.398567, -0.247163 52.398757, -0.246825 52.398797, -0.246222 52.398909, -0.24607 52.398929, -0.245655 52.398964, -0.245519 52.398984, -0.243544 52.399667, -0.243353 52.39975, -0.242883 52.399913, -0.242358 52.40011, -0.239922 52.39786, -0.239832 52.397906, -0.24223 52.400148, -0.240353 52.400806, -0.236893 52.402054, -0.236407 52.402223, -0.236279 52.402014, -0.235275 52.401087, -0.235159 52.401128, -0.236184 52.402048, -0.236357 52.402242, -0.237426 52.403773, -0.235519 52.403849, -0.234174 52.403888, -0.234074 52.403929, -0.233845 52.403953, -0.233735 52.404, -0.233452 52.404043, -0.233306 52.404095, -0.23292 52.404142, -0.232866 52.404138, -0.23197 52.403982, -0.231922 52.40396, -0.231826 52.403891, -0.23171 52.403855, -0.231626 52.403784, -0.23148 52.403619, -0.231396 52.403444, -0.231304 52.403346, -0.231213 52.403299, -0.230956 52.4029, -0.23064 52.402496, -0.230282 52.402496, -0.230172 52.402487, -0.230078 52.402468, -0.2299 52.402475, -0.229759 52.402465, -0.229562 52.402431, -0.228913 52.402286, -0.228593 52.402235, -0.228318 52.402203, -0.227727 52.402175, -0.227163 52.402202, -0.22716 52.402246, -0.227209 52.402492, -0.227226 52.402613, -0.227234 52.40278, -0.227253 52.402863, -0.22731 52.40301, -0.227389 52.403166, -0.227418 52.403251, -0.227526 52.40331, -0.227581 52.40336, -0.228059 52.403854, -0.228153 52.403979, -0.228174 52.40402, -0.228218 52.404214, -0.228198 52.404403, -0.228206 52.404502, -0.228255 52.404783, -0.228279 52.404851, -0.228357 52.404982, -0.228417 52.405059, -0.22847 52.405109, -0.228608 52.405213, -0.228755 52.405374, -0.228986 52.405581, -0.229078 52.405646, -0.229203 52.40572, -0.229394 52.405869, -0.229484 52.405895, -0.229984 52.405929, -0.23023 52.405954, -0.230445 52.406011, -0.230653 52.406089, -0.230829 52.406177, -0.230923 52.406262, -0.230986 52.406346, -0.231106 52.406574, -0.231118 52.406654, -0.231088 52.406735, -0.231062 52.406985, -0.230804 52.407702, -0.230783 52.407804, -0.230752 52.408064, -0.230681 52.408298, -0.230673 52.40839, -0.230709 52.408531, -0.230716 52.40872, -0.230702 52.408779, -0.230629 52.408971, -0.230605 52.409133, -0.229627 52.409291, -0.229194 52.409374, -0.228362 52.409516, -0.228373 52.40958, -0.228437 52.4097, -0.228669 52.409898, -0.228746 52.409949, -0.228852 52.410004, -0.229223 52.410165, -0.230044 52.410489, -0.230603 52.410737, -0.230771 52.41082, -0.230935 52.410917, -0.231178 52.411084, -0.232245 52.411921, -0.232387 52.412004, -0.232634 52.412121, -0.232974 52.412261, -0.233644 52.412421, -0.233944 52.412502, -0.234131 52.4122, -0.234142 52.412207)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.240577 52.405663)",
"entity": 45000148,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.