National nature reserve
Barton Hills
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | TL088297 | Facts |
Prefix | national-nature-reserve | Facts |
Name | Barton Hills | Facts |
Dataset | National nature reserve | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2003-12-05 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.414114 51.959501, -0.414398 51.95996, -0.414437 51.960012, -0.414918 51.960229, -0.415265 51.960309, -0.415776 51.960474, -0.416625 51.960623, -0.416877 51.960646, -0.417129 51.960653, -0.417557 51.960679, -0.417863 51.960688, -0.41802 51.960679, -0.418033 51.960654, -0.417994 51.960624, -0.418017 51.960604, -0.418035 51.960435, -0.41818 51.960101, -0.418312 51.959937, -0.418381 51.959705, -0.418398 51.958872, -0.418102 51.958863, -0.418217 51.958317, -0.418905 51.958364, -0.419077 51.957985, -0.419091 51.957914, -0.419099 51.957678, -0.4191 51.957403, -0.419079 51.957292, -0.419041 51.957172, -0.418936 51.956982, -0.418468 51.956325, -0.418392 51.956182, -0.418225 51.955802, -0.418148 51.955664, -0.418121 51.955599, -0.418122 51.955574, -0.418184 51.955521, -0.418344 51.955444, -0.418425 51.955381, -0.418477 51.955293, -0.418494 51.955231, -0.418558 51.955151, -0.418571 51.955102, -0.418556 51.955023, -0.418519 51.954956, -0.418464 51.9549, -0.419445 51.954544, -0.41946 51.954565, -0.419456 51.954643, -0.419481 51.954718, -0.419595 51.954907, -0.419684 51.955079, -0.419746 51.955307, -0.419766 51.955351, -0.419965 51.955988, -0.420005 51.956076, -0.42008 51.956182, -0.420196 51.956331, -0.420284 51.956423, -0.4204 51.956528, -0.420495 51.9566, -0.42054 51.956632, -0.420613 51.956667, -0.420875 51.956767, -0.421131 51.956886, -0.421328 51.957019, -0.421406 51.957104, -0.421459 51.957189, -0.421492 51.957343, -0.421492 51.957476, -0.421447 51.957738, -0.42144 51.95787, -0.42153 51.958149, -0.421593 51.958272, -0.421594 51.958386, -0.421675 51.958675, -0.421733 51.958815, -0.421765 51.958932, -0.421772 51.959017, -0.421747 51.959205, -0.42176 51.959278, -0.421785 51.959313, -0.422004 51.959345, -0.422163 51.959341, -0.422284 51.959354, -0.422323 51.959344, -0.422356 51.959298, -0.422389 51.959312, -0.422417 51.959314, -0.422621 51.95931, -0.422847 51.959295, -0.422974 51.959264, -0.423096 51.959216, -0.423189 51.95921, -0.423219 51.959221, -0.423225 51.959254, -0.423252 51.959269, -0.423865 51.95938, -0.424129 51.959415, -0.424125 51.959066, -0.424143 51.958801, -0.42414 51.958605, -0.424109 51.958378, -0.424037 51.95817, -0.423877 51.957851, -0.4237 51.957528, -0.423677 51.957474, -0.423672 51.957428, -0.423646 51.957342, -0.423249 51.956783, -0.422446 51.955697, -0.422174 51.955309, -0.422046 51.955094, -0.422021 51.955039, -0.421975 51.954898, -0.421895 51.954572, -0.421823 51.954364, -0.421787 51.954293, -0.421702 51.954162, -0.421539 51.953974, -0.421353 51.953823, -0.421113 51.95366, -0.420878 51.953525, -0.420623 51.953402, -0.416965 51.951893, -0.41654 51.951083, -0.415092 51.951621, -0.411054 51.953155, -0.411236 51.953342, -0.411234 51.953367, -0.411381 51.953523, -0.412114 51.954357, -0.412328 51.955049, -0.413025 51.955013, -0.413238 51.955784, -0.41332 51.956049, -0.413386 51.956227, -0.413763 51.956549, -0.413643 51.956614, -0.414457 51.957514, -0.414834 51.957457, -0.416574 51.959044, -0.417173 51.959357, -0.417348 51.959668, -0.417187 51.959704, -0.416893 51.959731, -0.416722 51.959758, -0.416365 51.959773, -0.416281 51.959764, -0.415981 51.959676, -0.415802 51.95956, -0.415662 51.95944, -0.41561 51.959384, -0.415576 51.959366, -0.415295 51.959291, -0.41507 51.959275, -0.414912 51.959284, -0.414723 51.959328, -0.414299 51.959496, -0.414114 51.959501)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.417383 51.955632)
Facts |
Nature reserve status | Declared | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "TL088297",
"prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
"name": "Barton Hills",
"dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2003-12-05",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.414114 51.959501, -0.414398 51.95996, -0.414437 51.960012, -0.414918 51.960229, -0.415265 51.960309, -0.415776 51.960474, -0.416625 51.960623, -0.416877 51.960646, -0.417129 51.960653, -0.417557 51.960679, -0.417863 51.960688, -0.41802 51.960679, -0.418033 51.960654, -0.417994 51.960624, -0.418017 51.960604, -0.418035 51.960435, -0.41818 51.960101, -0.418312 51.959937, -0.418381 51.959705, -0.418398 51.958872, -0.418102 51.958863, -0.418217 51.958317, -0.418905 51.958364, -0.419077 51.957985, -0.419091 51.957914, -0.419099 51.957678, -0.4191 51.957403, -0.419079 51.957292, -0.419041 51.957172, -0.418936 51.956982, -0.418468 51.956325, -0.418392 51.956182, -0.418225 51.955802, -0.418148 51.955664, -0.418121 51.955599, -0.418122 51.955574, -0.418184 51.955521, -0.418344 51.955444, -0.418425 51.955381, -0.418477 51.955293, -0.418494 51.955231, -0.418558 51.955151, -0.418571 51.955102, -0.418556 51.955023, -0.418519 51.954956, -0.418464 51.9549, -0.419445 51.954544, -0.41946 51.954565, -0.419456 51.954643, -0.419481 51.954718, -0.419595 51.954907, -0.419684 51.955079, -0.419746 51.955307, -0.419766 51.955351, -0.419965 51.955988, -0.420005 51.956076, -0.42008 51.956182, -0.420196 51.956331, -0.420284 51.956423, -0.4204 51.956528, -0.420495 51.9566, -0.42054 51.956632, -0.420613 51.956667, -0.420875 51.956767, -0.421131 51.956886, -0.421328 51.957019, -0.421406 51.957104, -0.421459 51.957189, -0.421492 51.957343, -0.421492 51.957476, -0.421447 51.957738, -0.42144 51.95787, -0.42153 51.958149, -0.421593 51.958272, -0.421594 51.958386, -0.421675 51.958675, -0.421733 51.958815, -0.421765 51.958932, -0.421772 51.959017, -0.421747 51.959205, -0.42176 51.959278, -0.421785 51.959313, -0.422004 51.959345, -0.422163 51.959341, -0.422284 51.959354, -0.422323 51.959344, -0.422356 51.959298, -0.422389 51.959312, -0.422417 51.959314, -0.422621 51.95931, -0.422847 51.959295, -0.422974 51.959264, -0.423096 51.959216, -0.423189 51.95921, -0.423219 51.959221, -0.423225 51.959254, -0.423252 51.959269, -0.423865 51.95938, -0.424129 51.959415, -0.424125 51.959066, -0.424143 51.958801, -0.42414 51.958605, -0.424109 51.958378, -0.424037 51.95817, -0.423877 51.957851, -0.4237 51.957528, -0.423677 51.957474, -0.423672 51.957428, -0.423646 51.957342, -0.423249 51.956783, -0.422446 51.955697, -0.422174 51.955309, -0.422046 51.955094, -0.422021 51.955039, -0.421975 51.954898, -0.421895 51.954572, -0.421823 51.954364, -0.421787 51.954293, -0.421702 51.954162, -0.421539 51.953974, -0.421353 51.953823, -0.421113 51.95366, -0.420878 51.953525, -0.420623 51.953402, -0.416965 51.951893, -0.41654 51.951083, -0.415092 51.951621, -0.411054 51.953155, -0.411236 51.953342, -0.411234 51.953367, -0.411381 51.953523, -0.412114 51.954357, -0.412328 51.955049, -0.413025 51.955013, -0.413238 51.955784, -0.41332 51.956049, -0.413386 51.956227, -0.413763 51.956549, -0.413643 51.956614, -0.414457 51.957514, -0.414834 51.957457, -0.416574 51.959044, -0.417173 51.959357, -0.417348 51.959668, -0.417187 51.959704, -0.416893 51.959731, -0.416722 51.959758, -0.416365 51.959773, -0.416281 51.959764, -0.415981 51.959676, -0.415802 51.95956, -0.415662 51.95944, -0.41561 51.959384, -0.415576 51.959366, -0.415295 51.959291, -0.41507 51.959275, -0.414912 51.959284, -0.414723 51.959328, -0.414299 51.959496, -0.414114 51.959501)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.417383 51.955632)",
"entity": 45000003,
"nature-reserve-status": "Declared"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.