National nature reserve

Barton Hills

Field Value Fact links
Reference TL088297 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Barton Hills Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.414114 51.959501, -0.414398 51.95996, -0.414437 51.960012, -0.414918 51.960229, -0.415265 51.960309, -0.415776 51.960474, -0.416625 51.960623, -0.416877 51.960646, -0.417129 51.960653, -0.417557 51.960679, -0.417863 51.960688, -0.41802 51.960679, -0.418033 51.960654, -0.417994 51.960624, -0.418017 51.960604, -0.418035 51.960435, -0.41818 51.960101, -0.418312 51.959937, -0.418381 51.959705, -0.418398 51.958872, -0.418102 51.958863, -0.418217 51.958317, -0.418905 51.958364, -0.419077 51.957985, -0.419091 51.957914, -0.419099 51.957678, -0.4191 51.957403, -0.419079 51.957292, -0.419041 51.957172, -0.418936 51.956982, -0.418468 51.956325, -0.418392 51.956182, -0.418225 51.955802, -0.418148 51.955664, -0.418121 51.955599, -0.418122 51.955574, -0.418184 51.955521, -0.418344 51.955444, -0.418425 51.955381, -0.418477 51.955293, -0.418494 51.955231, -0.418558 51.955151, -0.418571 51.955102, -0.418556 51.955023, -0.418519 51.954956, -0.418464 51.9549, -0.419445 51.954544, -0.41946 51.954565, -0.419456 51.954643, -0.419481 51.954718, -0.419595 51.954907, -0.419684 51.955079, -0.419746 51.955307, -0.419766 51.955351, -0.419965 51.955988, -0.420005 51.956076, -0.42008 51.956182, -0.420196 51.956331, -0.420284 51.956423, -0.4204 51.956528, -0.420495 51.9566, -0.42054 51.956632, -0.420613 51.956667, -0.420875 51.956767, -0.421131 51.956886, -0.421328 51.957019, -0.421406 51.957104, -0.421459 51.957189, -0.421492 51.957343, -0.421492 51.957476, -0.421447 51.957738, -0.42144 51.95787, -0.42153 51.958149, -0.421593 51.958272, -0.421594 51.958386, -0.421675 51.958675, -0.421733 51.958815, -0.421765 51.958932, -0.421772 51.959017, -0.421747 51.959205, -0.42176 51.959278, -0.421785 51.959313, -0.422004 51.959345, -0.422163 51.959341, -0.422284 51.959354, -0.422323 51.959344, -0.422356 51.959298, -0.422389 51.959312, -0.422417 51.959314, -0.422621 51.95931, -0.422847 51.959295, -0.422974 51.959264, -0.423096 51.959216, -0.423189 51.95921, -0.423219 51.959221, -0.423225 51.959254, -0.423252 51.959269, -0.423865 51.95938, -0.424129 51.959415, -0.424125 51.959066, -0.424143 51.958801, -0.42414 51.958605, -0.424109 51.958378, -0.424037 51.95817, -0.423877 51.957851, -0.4237 51.957528, -0.423677 51.957474, -0.423672 51.957428, -0.423646 51.957342, -0.423249 51.956783, -0.422446 51.955697, -0.422174 51.955309, -0.422046 51.955094, -0.422021 51.955039, -0.421975 51.954898, -0.421895 51.954572, -0.421823 51.954364, -0.421787 51.954293, -0.421702 51.954162, -0.421539 51.953974, -0.421353 51.953823, -0.421113 51.95366, -0.420878 51.953525, -0.420623 51.953402, -0.416965 51.951893, -0.41654 51.951083, -0.415092 51.951621, -0.411054 51.953155, -0.411236 51.953342, -0.411234 51.953367, -0.411381 51.953523, -0.412114 51.954357, -0.412328 51.955049, -0.413025 51.955013, -0.413238 51.955784, -0.41332 51.956049, -0.413386 51.956227, -0.413763 51.956549, -0.413643 51.956614, -0.414457 51.957514, -0.414834 51.957457, -0.416574 51.959044, -0.417173 51.959357, -0.417348 51.959668, -0.417187 51.959704, -0.416893 51.959731, -0.416722 51.959758, -0.416365 51.959773, -0.416281 51.959764, -0.415981 51.959676, -0.415802 51.95956, -0.415662 51.95944, -0.41561 51.959384, -0.415576 51.959366, -0.415295 51.959291, -0.41507 51.959275, -0.414912 51.959284, -0.414723 51.959328, -0.414299 51.959496, -0.414114 51.959501))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.417383 51.955632) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TL088297",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Barton Hills",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.414114 51.959501, -0.414398 51.95996, -0.414437 51.960012, -0.414918 51.960229, -0.415265 51.960309, -0.415776 51.960474, -0.416625 51.960623, -0.416877 51.960646, -0.417129 51.960653, -0.417557 51.960679, -0.417863 51.960688, -0.41802 51.960679, -0.418033 51.960654, -0.417994 51.960624, -0.418017 51.960604, -0.418035 51.960435, -0.41818 51.960101, -0.418312 51.959937, -0.418381 51.959705, -0.418398 51.958872, -0.418102 51.958863, -0.418217 51.958317, -0.418905 51.958364, -0.419077 51.957985, -0.419091 51.957914, -0.419099 51.957678, -0.4191 51.957403, -0.419079 51.957292, -0.419041 51.957172, -0.418936 51.956982, -0.418468 51.956325, -0.418392 51.956182, -0.418225 51.955802, -0.418148 51.955664, -0.418121 51.955599, -0.418122 51.955574, -0.418184 51.955521, -0.418344 51.955444, -0.418425 51.955381, -0.418477 51.955293, -0.418494 51.955231, -0.418558 51.955151, -0.418571 51.955102, -0.418556 51.955023, -0.418519 51.954956, -0.418464 51.9549, -0.419445 51.954544, -0.41946 51.954565, -0.419456 51.954643, -0.419481 51.954718, -0.419595 51.954907, -0.419684 51.955079, -0.419746 51.955307, -0.419766 51.955351, -0.419965 51.955988, -0.420005 51.956076, -0.42008 51.956182, -0.420196 51.956331, -0.420284 51.956423, -0.4204 51.956528, -0.420495 51.9566, -0.42054 51.956632, -0.420613 51.956667, -0.420875 51.956767, -0.421131 51.956886, -0.421328 51.957019, -0.421406 51.957104, -0.421459 51.957189, -0.421492 51.957343, -0.421492 51.957476, -0.421447 51.957738, -0.42144 51.95787, -0.42153 51.958149, -0.421593 51.958272, -0.421594 51.958386, -0.421675 51.958675, -0.421733 51.958815, -0.421765 51.958932, -0.421772 51.959017, -0.421747 51.959205, -0.42176 51.959278, -0.421785 51.959313, -0.422004 51.959345, -0.422163 51.959341, -0.422284 51.959354, -0.422323 51.959344, -0.422356 51.959298, -0.422389 51.959312, -0.422417 51.959314, -0.422621 51.95931, -0.422847 51.959295, -0.422974 51.959264, -0.423096 51.959216, -0.423189 51.95921, -0.423219 51.959221, -0.423225 51.959254, -0.423252 51.959269, -0.423865 51.95938, -0.424129 51.959415, -0.424125 51.959066, -0.424143 51.958801, -0.42414 51.958605, -0.424109 51.958378, -0.424037 51.95817, -0.423877 51.957851, -0.4237 51.957528, -0.423677 51.957474, -0.423672 51.957428, -0.423646 51.957342, -0.423249 51.956783, -0.422446 51.955697, -0.422174 51.955309, -0.422046 51.955094, -0.422021 51.955039, -0.421975 51.954898, -0.421895 51.954572, -0.421823 51.954364, -0.421787 51.954293, -0.421702 51.954162, -0.421539 51.953974, -0.421353 51.953823, -0.421113 51.95366, -0.420878 51.953525, -0.420623 51.953402, -0.416965 51.951893, -0.41654 51.951083, -0.415092 51.951621, -0.411054 51.953155, -0.411236 51.953342, -0.411234 51.953367, -0.411381 51.953523, -0.412114 51.954357, -0.412328 51.955049, -0.413025 51.955013, -0.413238 51.955784, -0.41332 51.956049, -0.413386 51.956227, -0.413763 51.956549, -0.413643 51.956614, -0.414457 51.957514, -0.414834 51.957457, -0.416574 51.959044, -0.417173 51.959357, -0.417348 51.959668, -0.417187 51.959704, -0.416893 51.959731, -0.416722 51.959758, -0.416365 51.959773, -0.416281 51.959764, -0.415981 51.959676, -0.415802 51.95956, -0.415662 51.95944, -0.41561 51.959384, -0.415576 51.959366, -0.415295 51.959291, -0.41507 51.959275, -0.414912 51.959284, -0.414723 51.959328, -0.414299 51.959496, -0.414114 51.959501)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.417383 51.955632)",
    "entity": 45000003,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area