Archaeological priority area

Summary and Definition The Archaeological Priority Area covers a large part of the Fairlop Plain. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because it covers an area of identified prehistoric activity that includes probable Bronze Age barrows and a series of Iron

Field Value Fact links
Reference 78000 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Summary and Definition The Archaeological Priority Area covers a large part of the Fairlop Plain. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because it covers an area of identified prehistoric activity that includes probable Bronze Age barrows and a series of Iron Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.130351 51.60238, 0.124522 51.606423, 0.120725 51.604837, 0.12029 51.604639, 0.117638 51.603497, 0.117197 51.603299, 0.116182 51.60287, 0.115117 51.6024, 0.114662 51.602221, 0.114016 51.602005, 0.113262 51.601736, 0.10891 51.600488, 0.107579 51.60012, 0.105132 51.599418, 0.105177 51.599353, 0.111651 51.591318, 0.1036 51.591691, 0.1043 51.589642, 0.104025 51.589006, 0.10402 51.588802, 0.103007 51.586939, 0.101893 51.587003, 0.098072 51.586536, 0.0949 51.586228, 0.093569 51.586212, 0.095133 51.582448, 0.09511 51.582241, 0.095582 51.581405, 0.099818 51.582174, 0.099898 51.582244, 0.099754 51.582853, 0.099876 51.583018, 0.099729 51.583139, 0.099376 51.58336, 0.100622 51.583608, 0.101454 51.58376, 0.101663 51.583757, 0.101709 51.583892, 0.10296 51.58364, 0.103275 51.58355, 0.10369 51.583474, 0.103807 51.583453, 0.103976 51.58348, 0.104909 51.582979, 0.105183 51.582808, 0.105206 51.582818, 0.105354 51.582732, 0.105993 51.583109, 0.106506 51.583457, 0.106556 51.583459, 0.107994 51.583055, 0.108256 51.58295, 0.108601 51.582874, 0.108751 51.582863, 0.108788 51.582833, 0.108839 51.582713, 0.108889 51.582557, 0.108877 51.582296, 0.108908 51.582129, 0.110832 51.582451, 0.113112 51.582612, 0.115562 51.582646, 0.115581 51.582713, 0.115585 51.583312, 0.115654 51.583811, 0.115751 51.583923, 0.115551 51.584055, 0.115193 51.584233, 0.114705 51.584585, 0.115371 51.584714, 0.115636 51.58463, 0.115822 51.584802, 0.117457 51.58512, 0.117488 51.585305, 0.117672 51.585302, 0.11821 51.58505, 0.118472 51.585259, 0.11913 51.585618, 0.119711 51.585793, 0.120542 51.585921, 0.124137 51.588797, 0.126891 51.58889, 0.127989 51.589327, 0.123619 51.593418, 0.119818 51.596894, 0.120714 51.59792, 0.121016 51.5985, 0.121256 51.598738, 0.122012 51.599224, 0.12241 51.599388, 0.12274 51.599597, 0.123594 51.599724, 0.124194 51.599799, 0.125576 51.60043, 0.130351 51.60238))) Facts
Point POINT (0.113869 51.592615) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "78000",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Summary and Definition The Archaeological Priority Area covers a large part of the Fairlop Plain. The APA is classified as Tier 2 because it covers an area of identified prehistoric activity that includes probable Bronze Age barrows and a series of Iron",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.130351 51.60238, 0.124522 51.606423, 0.120725 51.604837, 0.12029 51.604639, 0.117638 51.603497, 0.117197 51.603299, 0.116182 51.60287, 0.115117 51.6024, 0.114662 51.602221, 0.114016 51.602005, 0.113262 51.601736, 0.10891 51.600488, 0.107579 51.60012, 0.105132 51.599418, 0.105177 51.599353, 0.111651 51.591318, 0.1036 51.591691, 0.1043 51.589642, 0.104025 51.589006, 0.10402 51.588802, 0.103007 51.586939, 0.101893 51.587003, 0.098072 51.586536, 0.0949 51.586228, 0.093569 51.586212, 0.095133 51.582448, 0.09511 51.582241, 0.095582 51.581405, 0.099818 51.582174, 0.099898 51.582244, 0.099754 51.582853, 0.099876 51.583018, 0.099729 51.583139, 0.099376 51.58336, 0.100622 51.583608, 0.101454 51.58376, 0.101663 51.583757, 0.101709 51.583892, 0.10296 51.58364, 0.103275 51.58355, 0.10369 51.583474, 0.103807 51.583453, 0.103976 51.58348, 0.104909 51.582979, 0.105183 51.582808, 0.105206 51.582818, 0.105354 51.582732, 0.105993 51.583109, 0.106506 51.583457, 0.106556 51.583459, 0.107994 51.583055, 0.108256 51.58295, 0.108601 51.582874, 0.108751 51.582863, 0.108788 51.582833, 0.108839 51.582713, 0.108889 51.582557, 0.108877 51.582296, 0.108908 51.582129, 0.110832 51.582451, 0.113112 51.582612, 0.115562 51.582646, 0.115581 51.582713, 0.115585 51.583312, 0.115654 51.583811, 0.115751 51.583923, 0.115551 51.584055, 0.115193 51.584233, 0.114705 51.584585, 0.115371 51.584714, 0.115636 51.58463, 0.115822 51.584802, 0.117457 51.58512, 0.117488 51.585305, 0.117672 51.585302, 0.11821 51.58505, 0.118472 51.585259, 0.11913 51.585618, 0.119711 51.585793, 0.120542 51.585921, 0.124137 51.588797, 0.126891 51.58889, 0.127989 51.589327, 0.123619 51.593418, 0.119818 51.596894, 0.120714 51.59792, 0.121016 51.5985, 0.121256 51.598738, 0.122012 51.599224, 0.12241 51.599388, 0.12274 51.599597, 0.123594 51.599724, 0.124194 51.599799, 0.125576 51.60043, 0.130351 51.60238)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.113869 51.592615)",
    "entity": 40055,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area