Archaeological priority area

Twenty Palaeolithic handaxes were found in ‘Town Pits’, probably immediately to the east of the APA. Aside from this there is currently little evidence for prehistoric activity in the area. The settlement of Great Hillingdon was mentioned in the Dom

Field Value Fact links
Reference 76296 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Twenty Palaeolithic handaxes were found in ‘Town Pits’, probably immediately to the east of the APA. Aside from this there is currently little evidence for prehistoric activity in the area. The settlement of Great Hillingdon was mentioned in the Dom Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.459201 51.535234, -0.45953 51.535254, -0.460029 51.535173, -0.460463 51.535115, -0.461114 51.535061, -0.461073 51.534751, -0.463561 51.534514, -0.462487 51.53281, -0.463819 51.53213, -0.463646 51.531232, -0.462346 51.531326, -0.461673 51.531301, -0.4615 51.531513, -0.461334 51.531542, -0.460299 51.530577, -0.460149 51.530488, -0.458608 51.529429, -0.458523 51.529316, -0.458255 51.529717, -0.457214 51.529688, -0.456466 51.531106, -0.456703 51.531267, -0.456726 51.531323, -0.457003 51.531398, -0.457265 51.531544, -0.457175 51.531971, -0.45719 51.532257, -0.457094 51.532486, -0.457019 51.533199, -0.457081 51.533247, -0.457075 51.533778, -0.457201 51.53382, -0.457207 51.53401, -0.45734 51.534234, -0.457564 51.534379, -0.457715 51.534421, -0.457882 51.534741, -0.458178 51.535022, -0.458719 51.535188, -0.459201 51.535234))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.459839 51.532581) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "76296",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Twenty Palaeolithic handaxes were found in \u2018Town Pits\u2019, probably immediately to the east of the APA. Aside from this there is currently little evidence for prehistoric activity in the area. The settlement of Great Hillingdon was mentioned in the Dom",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.459201 51.535234, -0.45953 51.535254, -0.460029 51.535173, -0.460463 51.535115, -0.461114 51.535061, -0.461073 51.534751, -0.463561 51.534514, -0.462487 51.53281, -0.463819 51.53213, -0.463646 51.531232, -0.462346 51.531326, -0.461673 51.531301, -0.4615 51.531513, -0.461334 51.531542, -0.460299 51.530577, -0.460149 51.530488, -0.458608 51.529429, -0.458523 51.529316, -0.458255 51.529717, -0.457214 51.529688, -0.456466 51.531106, -0.456703 51.531267, -0.456726 51.531323, -0.457003 51.531398, -0.457265 51.531544, -0.457175 51.531971, -0.45719 51.532257, -0.457094 51.532486, -0.457019 51.533199, -0.457081 51.533247, -0.457075 51.533778, -0.457201 51.53382, -0.457207 51.53401, -0.45734 51.534234, -0.457564 51.534379, -0.457715 51.534421, -0.457882 51.534741, -0.458178 51.535022, -0.458719 51.535188, -0.459201 51.535234)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.459839 51.532581)",
    "entity": 40053,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area