Archaeological priority area

Iron Age prehistoric earthwork, a short section of which was excavated at 120-124 King Street. May have protected a single farmstead, but may have been a more substantial settlement - a 'proto-town', or possibly have been a long linear territorial bounda

Field Value Fact links
Reference 77705 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Iron Age prehistoric earthwork, a short section of which was excavated at 120-124 King Street. May have protected a single farmstead, but may have been a more substantial settlement - a 'proto-town', or possibly have been a long linear territorial bounda Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.233059 51.491368, -0.233039 51.491226, -0.231906 51.491119, -0.23159 51.491104, -0.231281 51.491112, -0.229775 51.491196, -0.229229 51.491235, -0.229078 51.491261, -0.229082 51.491763, -0.229052 51.49228, -0.229027 51.492488, -0.229407 51.492501, -0.229404 51.492583, -0.229491 51.49317, -0.22971 51.494491, -0.229178 51.494474, -0.229212 51.494717, -0.229319 51.49534, -0.229319 51.495374, -0.23002 51.495352, -0.234568 51.495467, -0.234571 51.495333, -0.234605 51.494939, -0.23467 51.494452, -0.23504 51.49283, -0.235632 51.492871, -0.235701 51.492882, -0.235751 51.492314, -0.235728 51.492165, -0.233444 51.492131, -0.23321 51.492013, -0.233059 51.491368))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.23202 51.493339) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "77705",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Iron Age prehistoric earthwork, a short section of which was excavated at 120-124 King Street. May have protected a single farmstead, but may have been a more substantial settlement - a 'proto-town', or possibly have been a long linear territorial bounda",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.233059 51.491368, -0.233039 51.491226, -0.231906 51.491119, -0.23159 51.491104, -0.231281 51.491112, -0.229775 51.491196, -0.229229 51.491235, -0.229078 51.491261, -0.229082 51.491763, -0.229052 51.49228, -0.229027 51.492488, -0.229407 51.492501, -0.229404 51.492583, -0.229491 51.49317, -0.22971 51.494491, -0.229178 51.494474, -0.229212 51.494717, -0.229319 51.49534, -0.229319 51.495374, -0.23002 51.495352, -0.234568 51.495467, -0.234571 51.495333, -0.234605 51.494939, -0.23467 51.494452, -0.23504 51.49283, -0.235632 51.492871, -0.235701 51.492882, -0.235751 51.492314, -0.235728 51.492165, -0.233444 51.492131, -0.23321 51.492013, -0.233059 51.491368)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.23202 51.493339)",
    "entity": 40033,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area