Archaeological priority area

Tower Hamlets APA 2.9: Whitechapel Summary and Definition The Whitechapel APA runs along the Whitechapel Road corridor from its junction with Osborn Street near Aldgate as far as Whitechapel Tube station and the Mile End APA. It is a Tier 2 APA for

Field Value Fact links
Reference 78206 Facts
Prefix archaeological-priority-area Facts
Name Tower Hamlets APA 2.9: Whitechapel Summary and Definition The Whitechapel APA runs along the Whitechapel Road corridor from its junction with Osborn Street near Aldgate as far as Whitechapel Tube station and the Mile End APA. It is a Tier 2 APA for Facts
Dataset Archaeological priority area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.062282 51.520009, -0.062382 51.520443, -0.062917 51.520433, -0.063642 51.520351, -0.063683 51.520332, -0.063698 51.520314, -0.063704 51.52029, -0.063698 51.520264, -0.063318 51.519678, -0.063573 51.519604, -0.063619 51.519615, -0.063682 51.519586, -0.063673 51.519561, -0.063838 51.519497, -0.063898 51.519574, -0.063896 51.519649, -0.064908 51.519659, -0.064913 51.519196, -0.064904 51.519079, -0.06557 51.518793, -0.065854 51.518675, -0.065887 51.518684, -0.066966 51.518223, -0.067192 51.518138, -0.06742 51.518034, -0.068518 51.517695, -0.0689 51.517589, -0.069854 51.517397, -0.069871 51.517429, -0.070548 51.517298, -0.070518 51.517259, -0.07039 51.517149, -0.070309 51.517068, -0.070003 51.51661, -0.069855 51.516375, -0.069748 51.516182, -0.069713 51.516141, -0.069427 51.516102, -0.069224 51.515918, -0.068811 51.5153, -0.068684 51.515139, -0.068593 51.515, -0.068378 51.514984, -0.067795 51.514963, -0.067404 51.514936, -0.066961 51.514888, -0.066423 51.514843, -0.066412 51.514953, -0.066415 51.515178, -0.066518 51.51544, -0.066146 51.515457, -0.066124 51.515467, -0.066102 51.51549, -0.066098 51.515518, -0.066248 51.515829, -0.066641 51.516578, -0.066672 51.516659, -0.066714 51.516859, -0.066731 51.516891, -0.066543 51.516976, -0.066372 51.517032, -0.066258 51.517053, -0.065813 51.517042, -0.065647 51.517048, -0.065644 51.51703, -0.065625 51.51702, -0.065259 51.517012, -0.065233 51.517028, -0.064962 51.517014, -0.063685 51.517167, -0.06366 51.517159, -0.06361 51.517165, -0.063432 51.517188, -0.06341 51.517202, -0.063342 51.517211, -0.062549 51.517304, -0.062523 51.517322, -0.06248 51.51733, -0.062586 51.517703, -0.062914 51.518421, -0.061978 51.518634, -0.061695 51.518684, -0.06111 51.518815, -0.061237 51.519032, -0.061389 51.519256, -0.061432 51.519247, -0.061593 51.519491, -0.061722 51.519651, -0.061768 51.519843, -0.061814 51.519839, -0.061831 51.519912, -0.062207 51.519882, -0.062241 51.519975, -0.062274 51.519973, -0.062282 51.520009))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.065807 51.517591) Facts
Archaeological risk tier Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "78206",
    "prefix": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "name": "Tower Hamlets APA 2.9: Whitechapel Summary and Definition The Whitechapel APA runs along the Whitechapel Road corridor from its junction with Osborn Street near Aldgate as far as Whitechapel Tube station and the Mile End APA. It is a Tier 2 APA for",
    "dataset": "archaeological-priority-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.062282 51.520009, -0.062382 51.520443, -0.062917 51.520433, -0.063642 51.520351, -0.063683 51.520332, -0.063698 51.520314, -0.063704 51.52029, -0.063698 51.520264, -0.063318 51.519678, -0.063573 51.519604, -0.063619 51.519615, -0.063682 51.519586, -0.063673 51.519561, -0.063838 51.519497, -0.063898 51.519574, -0.063896 51.519649, -0.064908 51.519659, -0.064913 51.519196, -0.064904 51.519079, -0.06557 51.518793, -0.065854 51.518675, -0.065887 51.518684, -0.066966 51.518223, -0.067192 51.518138, -0.06742 51.518034, -0.068518 51.517695, -0.0689 51.517589, -0.069854 51.517397, -0.069871 51.517429, -0.070548 51.517298, -0.070518 51.517259, -0.07039 51.517149, -0.070309 51.517068, -0.070003 51.51661, -0.069855 51.516375, -0.069748 51.516182, -0.069713 51.516141, -0.069427 51.516102, -0.069224 51.515918, -0.068811 51.5153, -0.068684 51.515139, -0.068593 51.515, -0.068378 51.514984, -0.067795 51.514963, -0.067404 51.514936, -0.066961 51.514888, -0.066423 51.514843, -0.066412 51.514953, -0.066415 51.515178, -0.066518 51.51544, -0.066146 51.515457, -0.066124 51.515467, -0.066102 51.51549, -0.066098 51.515518, -0.066248 51.515829, -0.066641 51.516578, -0.066672 51.516659, -0.066714 51.516859, -0.066731 51.516891, -0.066543 51.516976, -0.066372 51.517032, -0.066258 51.517053, -0.065813 51.517042, -0.065647 51.517048, -0.065644 51.51703, -0.065625 51.51702, -0.065259 51.517012, -0.065233 51.517028, -0.064962 51.517014, -0.063685 51.517167, -0.06366 51.517159, -0.06361 51.517165, -0.063432 51.517188, -0.06341 51.517202, -0.063342 51.517211, -0.062549 51.517304, -0.062523 51.517322, -0.06248 51.51733, -0.062586 51.517703, -0.062914 51.518421, -0.061978 51.518634, -0.061695 51.518684, -0.06111 51.518815, -0.061237 51.519032, -0.061389 51.519256, -0.061432 51.519247, -0.061593 51.519491, -0.061722 51.519651, -0.061768 51.519843, -0.061814 51.519839, -0.061831 51.519912, -0.062207 51.519882, -0.062241 51.519975, -0.062274 51.519973, -0.062282 51.520009)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.065807 51.517591)",
    "entity": 40031,
    "archaeological-risk-tier": "Archaeological Priority Area - Tier II"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area