Agricultural land classification

L5/Grade 3

Field Value Fact links
Reference L5/Grade 3 Facts
Prefix agricultural-land-classification Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Agricultural land classification no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-07-15 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.136831 53.492232, -2.139413 53.489918, -2.138773 53.490975, -2.136565 53.493726, -2.136831 53.492232)), ((-2.1734 53.568797, -2.173708 53.569342, -2.173456 53.569218, -2.172095 53.56886, -2.170282 53.568593, -2.168922 53.568235, -2.165751 53.56833, -2.162582 53.568783, -2.161223 53.568875, -2.159411 53.568698, -2.158202 53.56834, -2.157444 53.567622, -2.157139 53.566903, -2.157438 53.566184, -2.158191 53.565464, -2.160451 53.564202, -2.161656 53.563482, -2.16286 53.562671, -2.163462 53.562131, -2.164517 53.56168, -2.165724 53.561319, -2.16678 53.561138, -2.167838 53.561406, -2.168292 53.561765, -2.167992 53.562304, -2.16739 53.562844, -2.167543 53.563294, -2.167695 53.563563, -2.167998 53.563832, -2.168603 53.564011, -2.16981 53.56392, -2.170893 53.563434, -2.17317 53.568323, -2.1734 53.568797)), ((-2.178495 53.57801, -2.179231 53.581401, -2.181153 53.585331, -2.181399 53.586176, -2.181969 53.590076, -2.180835 53.590002, -2.180199 53.589772, -2.179579 53.588893, -2.178819 53.587726, -2.178361 53.586648, -2.177752 53.58548, -2.177448 53.584941, -2.17699 53.583863, -2.176378 53.581887, -2.176065 53.579461, -2.175908 53.577933, -2.176051 53.576135, -2.176198 53.575146, -2.176272 53.573875, -2.178098 53.577103, -2.178495 53.57801))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.169285 53.570366) Facts
Agricultural land classification grade Grade 3 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "L5/Grade 3",
    "prefix": "agricultural-land-classification",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "agricultural-land-classification",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-07-15",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.136831 53.492232, -2.139413 53.489918, -2.138773 53.490975, -2.136565 53.493726, -2.136831 53.492232)), ((-2.1734 53.568797, -2.173708 53.569342, -2.173456 53.569218, -2.172095 53.56886, -2.170282 53.568593, -2.168922 53.568235, -2.165751 53.56833, -2.162582 53.568783, -2.161223 53.568875, -2.159411 53.568698, -2.158202 53.56834, -2.157444 53.567622, -2.157139 53.566903, -2.157438 53.566184, -2.158191 53.565464, -2.160451 53.564202, -2.161656 53.563482, -2.16286 53.562671, -2.163462 53.562131, -2.164517 53.56168, -2.165724 53.561319, -2.16678 53.561138, -2.167838 53.561406, -2.168292 53.561765, -2.167992 53.562304, -2.16739 53.562844, -2.167543 53.563294, -2.167695 53.563563, -2.167998 53.563832, -2.168603 53.564011, -2.16981 53.56392, -2.170893 53.563434, -2.17317 53.568323, -2.1734 53.568797)), ((-2.178495 53.57801, -2.179231 53.581401, -2.181153 53.585331, -2.181399 53.586176, -2.181969 53.590076, -2.180835 53.590002, -2.180199 53.589772, -2.179579 53.588893, -2.178819 53.587726, -2.178361 53.586648, -2.177752 53.58548, -2.177448 53.584941, -2.17699 53.583863, -2.176378 53.581887, -2.176065 53.579461, -2.175908 53.577933, -2.176051 53.576135, -2.176198 53.575146, -2.176272 53.573875, -2.178098 53.577103, -2.178495 53.57801)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.169285 53.570366)",
    "entity": 32344,
    "agricultural-land-classification-grade": "Grade 3"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area