Agricultural land classification


Field Value Fact links
Reference S8/Urban Facts
Prefix agricultural-land-classification Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Agricultural land classification no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-07-15 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.074859 52.972649, -2.073518 52.9722, -2.072325 52.971392, -2.071431 52.970943, -2.070984 52.970943, -2.070687 52.971393, -2.070689 52.972381, -2.068307 52.973102, -2.067265 52.973372, -2.065925 52.973373, -2.064585 52.973194, -2.063542 52.972835, -2.061904 52.973285, -2.059672 52.973916, -2.057587 52.974186, -2.053716 52.974368, -2.051334 52.974908, -2.048058 52.975449, -2.047015 52.97455, -2.045971 52.973382, -2.044778 52.972214, -2.047458 52.971404, -2.049095 52.970774, -2.050435 52.970234, -2.050582 52.969156, -2.050581 52.968257, -2.052665 52.967537, -2.0546 52.966727, -2.055641 52.966007, -2.054152 52.965738, -2.05296 52.965379, -2.053406 52.965109, -2.054299 52.9643, -2.055044 52.96372, -2.055728 52.963919, -2.056548 52.964036, -2.056757 52.964098, -2.057594 52.964462, -2.061825 52.965693, -2.06196 52.965738, -2.062393 52.965935, -2.063627 52.966305, -2.064095 52.96652, -2.065196 52.966849, -2.065375 52.966912, -2.067237 52.967777, -2.070275 52.968734, -2.070483 52.968815, -2.074644 52.970835, -2.079441 52.972454, -2.079605 52.972526, -2.084272 52.974927, -2.085599 52.975611, -2.083352 52.97516, -2.080223 52.974353, -2.079428 52.974167, -2.077541 52.973726, -2.0762 52.973277, -2.074859 52.972649)), ((-2.096359 52.997571, -2.095998 52.997633, -2.095799 52.997668, -2.095705 52.997684, -2.095017 52.997803, -2.093527 52.997625, -2.092036 52.997266, -2.091439 52.996817, -2.090842 52.996278, -2.090835 52.993132, -2.090982 52.992143, -2.091128 52.990795, -2.090977 52.989716, -2.091124 52.988727, -2.092315 52.988277, -2.093357 52.988006, -2.093952 52.987467, -2.094845 52.987016, -2.095886 52.986566, -2.09663 52.986026, -2.09648 52.985487, -2.095883 52.984948, -2.093796 52.98459, -2.091859 52.983963, -2.090667 52.983694, -2.090219 52.983514, -2.090069 52.982795, -2.090068 52.982166, -2.08962 52.981717, -2.088427 52.981269, -2.086192 52.980461, -2.085595 52.980282, -2.086339 52.979652, -2.087677 52.978483, -2.088718 52.977673, -2.089102 52.977285, -2.089293 52.977357, -2.089427 52.977429, -2.089783 52.97773, -2.091122 52.978451, -2.09147 52.97863, -2.092489 52.979011, -2.092609 52.979074, -2.093046 52.979441, -2.097336 52.981647, -2.098349 52.982344, -2.099365 52.982886, -2.099737 52.983092, -2.099767 52.983119, -2.099857 52.983155, -2.100705 52.983919, -2.10149 52.984524, -2.111256 52.991298, -2.111301 52.991334, -2.112728 52.99284, -2.11184 52.992395, -2.110797 52.992216, -2.108264 52.992038, -2.105582 52.991951, -2.104688 52.992132, -2.103944 52.992312, -2.103051 52.992493, -2.102604 52.992763, -2.10201 52.993572, -2.101566 52.994831, -2.101271 52.995638, -2.100378 52.99654, -2.099396 52.996897, -2.098889 52.997081, -2.09749 52.997363, -2.097102 52.997442, -2.096885 52.997479, -2.096359 52.997571)), ((-2.125031 53.020608, -2.12518 53.020338, -2.125179 53.020068, -2.125625 53.019708, -2.125922 53.019438, -2.126071 53.019168, -2.126368 53.018898, -2.126367 53.018628, -2.126515 53.018269, -2.126365 53.01782, -2.125916 53.01737, -2.124872 53.017102, -2.123828 53.016923, -2.123231 53.016564, -2.122634 53.016385, -2.122335 53.015936, -2.122184 53.015397, -2.122333 53.015127, -2.122779 53.014857, -2.123374 53.014587, -2.123671 53.014137, -2.123223 53.013688, -2.122625 53.013239, -2.121879 53.01279, -2.120835 53.012611, -2.120238 53.012342, -2.119492 53.011894, -2.118894 53.011265, -2.118891 53.010186, -2.118592 53.009827, -2.117845 53.009378, -2.114563 53.007943, -2.113965 53.007494, -2.113815 53.006865, -2.113813 53.006326, -2.113961 53.005876, -2.114556 53.005516, -2.115301 53.005246, -2.116938 53.004705, -2.11813 53.004614, -2.119024 53.004343, -2.119768 53.003983, -2.120958 53.003263, -2.120956 53.002633, -2.120657 53.002184, -2.11991 53.001556, -2.119014 53.000748, -2.118266 52.99958, -2.117369 52.998502, -2.11677 52.997604, -2.115724 52.996526, -2.115276 52.995807, -2.114528 52.994909, -2.114063 52.994211, -2.116579 52.996148, -2.117312 52.996545, -2.117719 52.996693, -2.117809 52.996738, -2.12787 53.002266, -2.127918 53.002308, -2.143797 53.013571, -2.143871 53.013634, -2.151931 53.022354, -2.152007 53.022416, -2.140883 53.026918, -2.135024 53.031867, -2.134905 53.031653, -2.134306 53.030845, -2.134006 53.030306, -2.133707 53.029947, -2.133855 53.029677, -2.134152 53.029317, -2.134747 53.028957, -2.134747 53.028687, -2.134596 53.028238, -2.134446 53.027968, -2.133847 53.02725, -2.131755 53.025724, -2.130859 53.025006, -2.13026 53.024377, -2.129365 53.024199, -2.127129 53.024111, -2.12534 53.024203, -2.124147 53.024114, -2.123401 53.023935, -2.122804 53.023576, -2.122802 53.022857, -2.12295 53.022587, -2.123247 53.022317, -2.123395 53.021868, -2.123556 53.021706, -2.123675 53.021585, -2.123841 53.021418, -2.124437 53.021237, -2.124734 53.020967, -2.125031 53.020608))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.109968 53.000105) Facts
Agricultural land classification grade Urban Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "dataset": "agricultural-land-classification",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
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    "entry-date": "2024-07-15",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.074859 52.972649, -2.073518 52.9722, -2.072325 52.971392, -2.071431 52.970943, -2.070984 52.970943, -2.070687 52.971393, -2.070689 52.972381, -2.068307 52.973102, -2.067265 52.973372, -2.065925 52.973373, -2.064585 52.973194, -2.063542 52.972835, -2.061904 52.973285, -2.059672 52.973916, -2.057587 52.974186, -2.053716 52.974368, -2.051334 52.974908, -2.048058 52.975449, -2.047015 52.97455, -2.045971 52.973382, -2.044778 52.972214, -2.047458 52.971404, -2.049095 52.970774, -2.050435 52.970234, -2.050582 52.969156, -2.050581 52.968257, -2.052665 52.967537, -2.0546 52.966727, -2.055641 52.966007, -2.054152 52.965738, -2.05296 52.965379, -2.053406 52.965109, -2.054299 52.9643, -2.055044 52.96372, -2.055728 52.963919, -2.056548 52.964036, -2.056757 52.964098, -2.057594 52.964462, -2.061825 52.965693, -2.06196 52.965738, -2.062393 52.965935, -2.063627 52.966305, -2.064095 52.96652, -2.065196 52.966849, -2.065375 52.966912, -2.067237 52.967777, -2.070275 52.968734, -2.070483 52.968815, -2.074644 52.970835, -2.079441 52.972454, -2.079605 52.972526, -2.084272 52.974927, -2.085599 52.975611, -2.083352 52.97516, -2.080223 52.974353, -2.079428 52.974167, -2.077541 52.973726, -2.0762 52.973277, -2.074859 52.972649)), ((-2.096359 52.997571, -2.095998 52.997633, -2.095799 52.997668, -2.095705 52.997684, -2.095017 52.997803, -2.093527 52.997625, -2.092036 52.997266, -2.091439 52.996817, -2.090842 52.996278, -2.090835 52.993132, -2.090982 52.992143, -2.091128 52.990795, -2.090977 52.989716, -2.091124 52.988727, -2.092315 52.988277, -2.093357 52.988006, -2.093952 52.987467, -2.094845 52.987016, -2.095886 52.986566, -2.09663 52.986026, -2.09648 52.985487, -2.095883 52.984948, -2.093796 52.98459, -2.091859 52.983963, -2.090667 52.983694, -2.090219 52.983514, -2.090069 52.982795, -2.090068 52.982166, -2.08962 52.981717, -2.088427 52.981269, -2.086192 52.980461, -2.085595 52.980282, -2.086339 52.979652, -2.087677 52.978483, -2.088718 52.977673, -2.089102 52.977285, -2.089293 52.977357, -2.089427 52.977429, -2.089783 52.97773, -2.091122 52.978451, -2.09147 52.97863, -2.092489 52.979011, -2.092609 52.979074, -2.093046 52.979441, -2.097336 52.981647, -2.098349 52.982344, -2.099365 52.982886, -2.099737 52.983092, -2.099767 52.983119, -2.099857 52.983155, -2.100705 52.983919, -2.10149 52.984524, -2.111256 52.991298, -2.111301 52.991334, -2.112728 52.99284, -2.11184 52.992395, -2.110797 52.992216, -2.108264 52.992038, -2.105582 52.991951, -2.104688 52.992132, -2.103944 52.992312, -2.103051 52.992493, -2.102604 52.992763, -2.10201 52.993572, -2.101566 52.994831, -2.101271 52.995638, -2.100378 52.99654, -2.099396 52.996897, -2.098889 52.997081, -2.09749 52.997363, -2.097102 52.997442, -2.096885 52.997479, -2.096359 52.997571)), ((-2.125031 53.020608, -2.12518 53.020338, -2.125179 53.020068, -2.125625 53.019708, -2.125922 53.019438, -2.126071 53.019168, -2.126368 53.018898, -2.126367 53.018628, -2.126515 53.018269, -2.126365 53.01782, -2.125916 53.01737, -2.124872 53.017102, -2.123828 53.016923, -2.123231 53.016564, -2.122634 53.016385, -2.122335 53.015936, -2.122184 53.015397, -2.122333 53.015127, -2.122779 53.014857, -2.123374 53.014587, -2.123671 53.014137, -2.123223 53.013688, -2.122625 53.013239, -2.121879 53.01279, -2.120835 53.012611, -2.120238 53.012342, -2.119492 53.011894, -2.118894 53.011265, -2.118891 53.010186, -2.118592 53.009827, -2.117845 53.009378, -2.114563 53.007943, -2.113965 53.007494, -2.113815 53.006865, -2.113813 53.006326, -2.113961 53.005876, -2.114556 53.005516, -2.115301 53.005246, -2.116938 53.004705, -2.11813 53.004614, -2.119024 53.004343, -2.119768 53.003983, -2.120958 53.003263, -2.120956 53.002633, -2.120657 53.002184, -2.11991 53.001556, -2.119014 53.000748, -2.118266 52.99958, -2.117369 52.998502, -2.11677 52.997604, -2.115724 52.996526, -2.115276 52.995807, -2.114528 52.994909, -2.114063 52.994211, -2.116579 52.996148, -2.117312 52.996545, -2.117719 52.996693, -2.117809 52.996738, -2.12787 53.002266, -2.127918 53.002308, -2.143797 53.013571, -2.143871 53.013634, -2.151931 53.022354, -2.152007 53.022416, -2.140883 53.026918, -2.135024 53.031867, -2.134905 53.031653, -2.134306 53.030845, -2.134006 53.030306, -2.133707 53.029947, -2.133855 53.029677, -2.134152 53.029317, -2.134747 53.028957, -2.134747 53.028687, -2.134596 53.028238, -2.134446 53.027968, -2.133847 53.02725, -2.131755 53.025724, -2.130859 53.025006, -2.13026 53.024377, -2.129365 53.024199, -2.127129 53.024111, -2.12534 53.024203, -2.124147 53.024114, -2.123401 53.023935, -2.122804 53.023576, -2.122802 53.022857, -2.12295 53.022587, -2.123247 53.022317, -2.123395 53.021868, -2.123556 53.021706, -2.123675 53.021585, -2.123841 53.021418, -2.124437 53.021237, -2.124734 53.020967, -2.125031 53.020608)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.109968 53.000105)",
    "entity": 32226,
    "agricultural-land-classification-grade": "Urban"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area