Built up area
South Broomhill
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | E63007119 | Facts |
Prefix | statistical-geography | Facts |
Name | South Broomhill | Facts |
Dataset | Built up area | no fact link |
Organisation | Office for National Statistics | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-06-11 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638553 55.296728, -1.638555 55.296503, -1.638948 55.296504, -1.63895 55.296279, -1.639344 55.296281, -1.639348 55.295831, -1.639742 55.295833, -1.639744 55.295608, -1.640138 55.295609, -1.64014 55.295384, -1.640533 55.295386, -1.640535 55.295161, -1.640929 55.295162, -1.640933 55.294713, -1.64172 55.294715, -1.641724 55.294266, -1.642118 55.294267, -1.64212 55.294042, -1.642514 55.294044, -1.642516 55.293819, -1.642909 55.29382, -1.642911 55.293595, -1.643305 55.293596, -1.643309 55.293147, -1.642915 55.293146, -1.642918 55.292921, -1.642524 55.29292, -1.642526 55.292696, -1.642132 55.292695, -1.642134 55.29247, -1.641741 55.292469, -1.641743 55.292244, -1.639381 55.292237, -1.639383 55.292012, -1.637808 55.292008, -1.63781 55.291783, -1.635842 55.291777, -1.635838 55.292227, -1.635444 55.292226, -1.635442 55.29245, -1.635048 55.292449, -1.635046 55.292674, -1.634653 55.292672, -1.634651 55.292897, -1.634257 55.292896, -1.634255 55.293121, -1.633861 55.293119, -1.633859 55.293344, -1.633465 55.293343, -1.633463 55.293567, -1.63307 55.293566, -1.633068 55.293791, -1.632674 55.29379, -1.632672 55.294014, -1.632278 55.294013, -1.632276 55.294238, -1.631882 55.294237, -1.63188 55.294461, -1.631487 55.29446, -1.631485 55.294685, -1.631091 55.294683, -1.631089 55.294908, -1.630695 55.294907, -1.630693 55.295131, -1.629906 55.295129, -1.629904 55.295354, -1.62951 55.295353, -1.629508 55.295577, -1.629114 55.295576, -1.629112 55.295801, -1.628718 55.2958, -1.628716 55.296024, -1.627929 55.296022, -1.627927 55.296246, -1.627533 55.296245, -1.627523 55.297368, -1.627916 55.29737, -1.627914 55.297594, -1.628308 55.297595, -1.628306 55.29782, -1.628699 55.297821, -1.628697 55.298046, -1.629091 55.298047, -1.629089 55.298272, -1.629483 55.298273, -1.629481 55.298498, -1.629874 55.298499, -1.62987 55.298948, -1.630264 55.298949, -1.630262 55.299174, -1.631049 55.299176, -1.631047 55.299401, -1.631835 55.299403, -1.631837 55.299178, -1.632624 55.299181, -1.632626 55.298956, -1.634201 55.298961, -1.634203 55.298736, -1.634597 55.298738, -1.634599 55.298513, -1.634993 55.298514, -1.634995 55.298289, -1.635388 55.298291, -1.635391 55.298066, -1.635784 55.298067, -1.635786 55.297843, -1.63618 55.297844, -1.636182 55.297619, -1.636576 55.29762, -1.636578 55.297396, -1.636972 55.297397, -1.636974 55.297172, -1.637367 55.297173, -1.637365 55.297398, -1.637759 55.297399, -1.637761 55.297174, -1.638155 55.297176, -1.638157 55.296951, -1.638551 55.296952, -1.638553 55.296728)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.635139 55.295446)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "E63007119",
"prefix": "statistical-geography",
"name": "South Broomhill",
"dataset": "built-up-area",
"organisation-entity": "10",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-06-11",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638553 55.296728, -1.638555 55.296503, -1.638948 55.296504, -1.63895 55.296279, -1.639344 55.296281, -1.639348 55.295831, -1.639742 55.295833, -1.639744 55.295608, -1.640138 55.295609, -1.64014 55.295384, -1.640533 55.295386, -1.640535 55.295161, -1.640929 55.295162, -1.640933 55.294713, -1.64172 55.294715, -1.641724 55.294266, -1.642118 55.294267, -1.64212 55.294042, -1.642514 55.294044, -1.642516 55.293819, -1.642909 55.29382, -1.642911 55.293595, -1.643305 55.293596, -1.643309 55.293147, -1.642915 55.293146, -1.642918 55.292921, -1.642524 55.29292, -1.642526 55.292696, -1.642132 55.292695, -1.642134 55.29247, -1.641741 55.292469, -1.641743 55.292244, -1.639381 55.292237, -1.639383 55.292012, -1.637808 55.292008, -1.63781 55.291783, -1.635842 55.291777, -1.635838 55.292227, -1.635444 55.292226, -1.635442 55.29245, -1.635048 55.292449, -1.635046 55.292674, -1.634653 55.292672, -1.634651 55.292897, -1.634257 55.292896, -1.634255 55.293121, -1.633861 55.293119, -1.633859 55.293344, -1.633465 55.293343, -1.633463 55.293567, -1.63307 55.293566, -1.633068 55.293791, -1.632674 55.29379, -1.632672 55.294014, -1.632278 55.294013, -1.632276 55.294238, -1.631882 55.294237, -1.63188 55.294461, -1.631487 55.29446, -1.631485 55.294685, -1.631091 55.294683, -1.631089 55.294908, -1.630695 55.294907, -1.630693 55.295131, -1.629906 55.295129, -1.629904 55.295354, -1.62951 55.295353, -1.629508 55.295577, -1.629114 55.295576, -1.629112 55.295801, -1.628718 55.2958, -1.628716 55.296024, -1.627929 55.296022, -1.627927 55.296246, -1.627533 55.296245, -1.627523 55.297368, -1.627916 55.29737, -1.627914 55.297594, -1.628308 55.297595, -1.628306 55.29782, -1.628699 55.297821, -1.628697 55.298046, -1.629091 55.298047, -1.629089 55.298272, -1.629483 55.298273, -1.629481 55.298498, -1.629874 55.298499, -1.62987 55.298948, -1.630264 55.298949, -1.630262 55.299174, -1.631049 55.299176, -1.631047 55.299401, -1.631835 55.299403, -1.631837 55.299178, -1.632624 55.299181, -1.632626 55.298956, -1.634201 55.298961, -1.634203 55.298736, -1.634597 55.298738, -1.634599 55.298513, -1.634993 55.298514, -1.634995 55.298289, -1.635388 55.298291, -1.635391 55.298066, -1.635784 55.298067, -1.635786 55.297843, -1.63618 55.297844, -1.636182 55.297619, -1.636576 55.29762, -1.636578 55.297396, -1.636972 55.297397, -1.636974 55.297172, -1.637367 55.297173, -1.637365 55.297398, -1.637759 55.297399, -1.637761 55.297174, -1.638155 55.297176, -1.638157 55.296951, -1.638551 55.296952, -1.638553 55.296728)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.635139 55.295446)",
"entity": 2500027
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.