Built up area

South Broomhill

Field Value Fact links
Reference E63007119 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name South Broomhill Facts
Dataset Built up area no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-06-11 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638553 55.296728, -1.638555 55.296503, -1.638948 55.296504, -1.63895 55.296279, -1.639344 55.296281, -1.639348 55.295831, -1.639742 55.295833, -1.639744 55.295608, -1.640138 55.295609, -1.64014 55.295384, -1.640533 55.295386, -1.640535 55.295161, -1.640929 55.295162, -1.640933 55.294713, -1.64172 55.294715, -1.641724 55.294266, -1.642118 55.294267, -1.64212 55.294042, -1.642514 55.294044, -1.642516 55.293819, -1.642909 55.29382, -1.642911 55.293595, -1.643305 55.293596, -1.643309 55.293147, -1.642915 55.293146, -1.642918 55.292921, -1.642524 55.29292, -1.642526 55.292696, -1.642132 55.292695, -1.642134 55.29247, -1.641741 55.292469, -1.641743 55.292244, -1.639381 55.292237, -1.639383 55.292012, -1.637808 55.292008, -1.63781 55.291783, -1.635842 55.291777, -1.635838 55.292227, -1.635444 55.292226, -1.635442 55.29245, -1.635048 55.292449, -1.635046 55.292674, -1.634653 55.292672, -1.634651 55.292897, -1.634257 55.292896, -1.634255 55.293121, -1.633861 55.293119, -1.633859 55.293344, -1.633465 55.293343, -1.633463 55.293567, -1.63307 55.293566, -1.633068 55.293791, -1.632674 55.29379, -1.632672 55.294014, -1.632278 55.294013, -1.632276 55.294238, -1.631882 55.294237, -1.63188 55.294461, -1.631487 55.29446, -1.631485 55.294685, -1.631091 55.294683, -1.631089 55.294908, -1.630695 55.294907, -1.630693 55.295131, -1.629906 55.295129, -1.629904 55.295354, -1.62951 55.295353, -1.629508 55.295577, -1.629114 55.295576, -1.629112 55.295801, -1.628718 55.2958, -1.628716 55.296024, -1.627929 55.296022, -1.627927 55.296246, -1.627533 55.296245, -1.627523 55.297368, -1.627916 55.29737, -1.627914 55.297594, -1.628308 55.297595, -1.628306 55.29782, -1.628699 55.297821, -1.628697 55.298046, -1.629091 55.298047, -1.629089 55.298272, -1.629483 55.298273, -1.629481 55.298498, -1.629874 55.298499, -1.62987 55.298948, -1.630264 55.298949, -1.630262 55.299174, -1.631049 55.299176, -1.631047 55.299401, -1.631835 55.299403, -1.631837 55.299178, -1.632624 55.299181, -1.632626 55.298956, -1.634201 55.298961, -1.634203 55.298736, -1.634597 55.298738, -1.634599 55.298513, -1.634993 55.298514, -1.634995 55.298289, -1.635388 55.298291, -1.635391 55.298066, -1.635784 55.298067, -1.635786 55.297843, -1.63618 55.297844, -1.636182 55.297619, -1.636576 55.29762, -1.636578 55.297396, -1.636972 55.297397, -1.636974 55.297172, -1.637367 55.297173, -1.637365 55.297398, -1.637759 55.297399, -1.637761 55.297174, -1.638155 55.297176, -1.638157 55.296951, -1.638551 55.296952, -1.638553 55.296728))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.635139 55.295446) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E63007119",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "South Broomhill",
    "dataset": "built-up-area",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-06-11",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638553 55.296728, -1.638555 55.296503, -1.638948 55.296504, -1.63895 55.296279, -1.639344 55.296281, -1.639348 55.295831, -1.639742 55.295833, -1.639744 55.295608, -1.640138 55.295609, -1.64014 55.295384, -1.640533 55.295386, -1.640535 55.295161, -1.640929 55.295162, -1.640933 55.294713, -1.64172 55.294715, -1.641724 55.294266, -1.642118 55.294267, -1.64212 55.294042, -1.642514 55.294044, -1.642516 55.293819, -1.642909 55.29382, -1.642911 55.293595, -1.643305 55.293596, -1.643309 55.293147, -1.642915 55.293146, -1.642918 55.292921, -1.642524 55.29292, -1.642526 55.292696, -1.642132 55.292695, -1.642134 55.29247, -1.641741 55.292469, -1.641743 55.292244, -1.639381 55.292237, -1.639383 55.292012, -1.637808 55.292008, -1.63781 55.291783, -1.635842 55.291777, -1.635838 55.292227, -1.635444 55.292226, -1.635442 55.29245, -1.635048 55.292449, -1.635046 55.292674, -1.634653 55.292672, -1.634651 55.292897, -1.634257 55.292896, -1.634255 55.293121, -1.633861 55.293119, -1.633859 55.293344, -1.633465 55.293343, -1.633463 55.293567, -1.63307 55.293566, -1.633068 55.293791, -1.632674 55.29379, -1.632672 55.294014, -1.632278 55.294013, -1.632276 55.294238, -1.631882 55.294237, -1.63188 55.294461, -1.631487 55.29446, -1.631485 55.294685, -1.631091 55.294683, -1.631089 55.294908, -1.630695 55.294907, -1.630693 55.295131, -1.629906 55.295129, -1.629904 55.295354, -1.62951 55.295353, -1.629508 55.295577, -1.629114 55.295576, -1.629112 55.295801, -1.628718 55.2958, -1.628716 55.296024, -1.627929 55.296022, -1.627927 55.296246, -1.627533 55.296245, -1.627523 55.297368, -1.627916 55.29737, -1.627914 55.297594, -1.628308 55.297595, -1.628306 55.29782, -1.628699 55.297821, -1.628697 55.298046, -1.629091 55.298047, -1.629089 55.298272, -1.629483 55.298273, -1.629481 55.298498, -1.629874 55.298499, -1.62987 55.298948, -1.630264 55.298949, -1.630262 55.299174, -1.631049 55.299176, -1.631047 55.299401, -1.631835 55.299403, -1.631837 55.299178, -1.632624 55.299181, -1.632626 55.298956, -1.634201 55.298961, -1.634203 55.298736, -1.634597 55.298738, -1.634599 55.298513, -1.634993 55.298514, -1.634995 55.298289, -1.635388 55.298291, -1.635391 55.298066, -1.635784 55.298067, -1.635786 55.297843, -1.63618 55.297844, -1.636182 55.297619, -1.636576 55.29762, -1.636578 55.297396, -1.636972 55.297397, -1.636974 55.297172, -1.637367 55.297173, -1.637365 55.297398, -1.637759 55.297399, -1.637761 55.297174, -1.638155 55.297176, -1.638157 55.296951, -1.638551 55.296952, -1.638553 55.296728)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.635139 55.295446)",
    "entity": 2500027

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area