Tree preservation zone


Field Value Fact links
Reference 16 Facts
Prefix tree-preservation-zone Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Tree preservation zone no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date 1948-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-05-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.906508 51.591747, -0.906514 51.591665, -0.905661 51.591327, -0.905497 51.591225, -0.905459 51.591176, -0.905444 51.591121, -0.905391 51.590438, -0.905377 51.590355, -0.905142 51.589587, -0.905145 51.589563, -0.905163 51.589528, -0.905203 51.589494, -0.905327 51.589449, -0.905458 51.58942, -0.904836 51.589474, -0.904557 51.589487, -0.904016 51.589581, -0.903844 51.5896, -0.903345 51.589633, -0.903034 51.58968, -0.902871 51.589691, -0.902724 51.589716, -0.902605 51.589727, -0.902648 51.589686, -0.902647 51.589669, -0.902636 51.589652, -0.902596 51.589623, -0.902548 51.589602, -0.902206 51.589503, -0.902132 51.589548, -0.90212 51.589572, -0.902114 51.589615, -0.90194 51.589806, -0.901839 51.589866, -0.901611 51.590024, -0.901221 51.590228, -0.901093 51.590325, -0.901083 51.590341, -0.901036 51.590345, -0.901012 51.590328, -0.900657 51.590219, -0.900533 51.590202, -0.900233 51.590368, -0.899763 51.590658, -0.899799 51.590701, -0.899915 51.590904, -0.89999 51.591055, -0.900195 51.591287, -0.900303 51.591432, -0.900617 51.591761, -0.9007 51.591871, -0.900768 51.591941, -0.900799 51.591965, -0.900909 51.592012, -0.901052 51.59203, -0.901193 51.592035, -0.901421 51.592029, -0.901503 51.592035, -0.901669 51.592025, -0.902041 51.59206, -0.902263 51.592093, -0.902414 51.592103, -0.902933 51.592165, -0.90326 51.592186, -0.903487 51.59219, -0.90408 51.592169, -0.904279 51.59214, -0.904497 51.592078, -0.904701 51.592007, -0.9049 51.591956, -0.905246 51.5919, -0.905828 51.591782, -0.906229 51.591732, -0.906508 51.591747))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.903045 51.59092) Facts
Notes Not specified Facts
Tree preservation order IPO/1948 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "16",
    "prefix": "tree-preservation-zone",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "tree-preservation-zone",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "1948-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-05-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.906508 51.591747, -0.906514 51.591665, -0.905661 51.591327, -0.905497 51.591225, -0.905459 51.591176, -0.905444 51.591121, -0.905391 51.590438, -0.905377 51.590355, -0.905142 51.589587, -0.905145 51.589563, -0.905163 51.589528, -0.905203 51.589494, -0.905327 51.589449, -0.905458 51.58942, -0.904836 51.589474, -0.904557 51.589487, -0.904016 51.589581, -0.903844 51.5896, -0.903345 51.589633, -0.903034 51.58968, -0.902871 51.589691, -0.902724 51.589716, -0.902605 51.589727, -0.902648 51.589686, -0.902647 51.589669, -0.902636 51.589652, -0.902596 51.589623, -0.902548 51.589602, -0.902206 51.589503, -0.902132 51.589548, -0.90212 51.589572, -0.902114 51.589615, -0.90194 51.589806, -0.901839 51.589866, -0.901611 51.590024, -0.901221 51.590228, -0.901093 51.590325, -0.901083 51.590341, -0.901036 51.590345, -0.901012 51.590328, -0.900657 51.590219, -0.900533 51.590202, -0.900233 51.590368, -0.899763 51.590658, -0.899799 51.590701, -0.899915 51.590904, -0.89999 51.591055, -0.900195 51.591287, -0.900303 51.591432, -0.900617 51.591761, -0.9007 51.591871, -0.900768 51.591941, -0.900799 51.591965, -0.900909 51.592012, -0.901052 51.59203, -0.901193 51.592035, -0.901421 51.592029, -0.901503 51.592035, -0.901669 51.592025, -0.902041 51.59206, -0.902263 51.592093, -0.902414 51.592103, -0.902933 51.592165, -0.90326 51.592186, -0.903487 51.59219, -0.90408 51.592169, -0.904279 51.59214, -0.904497 51.592078, -0.904701 51.592007, -0.9049 51.591956, -0.905246 51.5919, -0.905828 51.591782, -0.906229 51.591732, -0.906508 51.591747)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.903045 51.59092)",
    "entity": 19100015,
    "notes": "Not specified",
    "tree-preservation-order": "IPO/1948"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area