Brownfield site
St Michaels Hotel And Spa 7 Stracey Road Falmouth TR11 4NB
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | BR18 | Facts |
Prefix | brownfield-site | Facts |
Name | St Michaels Hotel And Spa 7 Stracey Road Falmouth TR11 4NB | Facts |
Dataset | Brownfield site | no fact link |
Organisation | Cornwall Council | no fact link |
Start date | 2017-12-12 | no fact link |
End date | 2020-04-01 | no fact link |
Entry date | 2022-09-15 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.068386 50.146401, -5.068549 50.14639, -5.069291 50.146295, -5.069767 50.146262, -5.069822 50.146251, -5.069871 50.146223, -5.069903 50.146187, -5.069925 50.146122, -5.069874 50.145806, -5.069847 50.145715, -5.069796 50.145633, -5.069722 50.145549, -5.069617 50.145462, -5.069638 50.145229, -5.069406 50.145183, -5.069115 50.145092, -5.068795 50.145014, -5.068486 50.144967, -5.068266 50.144946, -5.068163 50.144944, -5.06799 50.144961, -5.067748 50.145005, -5.067829 50.145501, -5.067871 50.145692, -5.067919 50.146041, -5.068324 50.146012, -5.068386 50.146401)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-5.068808 50.145662)
Facts |
Notes | Part revises PA14/07349 for the demolition of Captains House and Tremor buildings and erection of 14 residential apartments; demolition of The Cottage and erection of 3 residential apartments | Facts |
Brownfield site | BR18 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "BR18",
"prefix": "brownfield-site",
"name": "St Michaels Hotel And Spa 7 Stracey Road Falmouth TR11 4NB",
"dataset": "brownfield-site",
"organisation-entity": "92",
"start-date": "2017-12-12",
"end-date": "2020-04-01",
"entry-date": "2022-09-15",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.068386 50.146401, -5.068549 50.14639, -5.069291 50.146295, -5.069767 50.146262, -5.069822 50.146251, -5.069871 50.146223, -5.069903 50.146187, -5.069925 50.146122, -5.069874 50.145806, -5.069847 50.145715, -5.069796 50.145633, -5.069722 50.145549, -5.069617 50.145462, -5.069638 50.145229, -5.069406 50.145183, -5.069115 50.145092, -5.068795 50.145014, -5.068486 50.144967, -5.068266 50.144946, -5.068163 50.144944, -5.06799 50.144961, -5.067748 50.145005, -5.067829 50.145501, -5.067871 50.145692, -5.067919 50.146041, -5.068324 50.146012, -5.068386 50.146401)))",
"point": "POINT (-5.068808 50.145662)",
"entity": 1800007,
"notes": "Part revises PA14/07349 for the demolition of Captains House and Tremor buildings and erection of 14 residential apartments; demolition of The Cottage and erection of 3 residential apartments",
"brownfield-site": "BR18"
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