Brownfield land


Field Value Fact links
Reference BR0010a Facts
Prefix brownfield-land Facts
Name BR0010a Facts
Dataset Brownfield land no fact link
Organisation Plymouth City Council no fact link
Start date 2017-12-22 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-12-01 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Point POINT (-4.130772 50.369582) Facts
Notes 20/02046/FUL is an permission for 170 dwellings. _Where there is a planning application, the figure in 'MinNetDwellings' is the number of dwellings specified in the planning permission subject to: 1. If dwellings have been started or completed on site, then the 'MinNetDwellings' figure is reduced to show the remainder as at the last housing survey, and; 2. If the planning permission includes land that is greenfield then the 'MinNetDwellings' figure only refers to dwellings in the planning permission on Brownfield Land. Where there is no planning permission 'MinNetDwellings' is (at 2020-11-12) an estimate based on a density calculation undertaken by the authority informed by site analysis and expressed in the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan Submission document, (as amended by major modifications), in accordance with the DCLG document 'Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard: Preparing and publishing a register' by showing 'The minimum net number of dwellings that the local authority estimates the site should support'. Where there is no planning permission and 'NetDwellingsRangeFrom' is used the figure in 'NetDwellingsRangeFrom' equals the figure in 'MinNetDwellings'. Where there is no planning permission and 'NetDwellingsRangeTo' is used, the figure in 'NetDwellingsRangeTo' is estimated at 10% higher (rounding up) than 'MinNetDwellings'. Facts
Hectares 0.43 Facts
Deliverable yes Facts
Site address Sugar House, Sutton Harbour Facts
Site plan url Facts
Ownership status not owned by a public authority Facts
Maximum net dwellings 0 Facts
Minimum net dwellings 0 Facts
Planning permission date 2022-06-07 Facts
Planning permission type full planning permission Facts
Planning permission status permissioned Facts
Planning permission history| Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "BR0010a",
    "prefix": "brownfield-land",
    "name": "BR0010a",
    "dataset": "brownfield-land",
    "organisation-entity": "253",
    "start-date": "2017-12-22",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-12-01",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "",
    "point": "POINT (-4.130772 50.369582)",
    "entity": 1706615,
    "notes": "20/02046/FUL is an permission for 170 dwellings. _Where there is a planning application, the figure in 'MinNetDwellings'\u0090 is the number of dwellings specified in the planning permission subject to: 1. If dwellings have been started or completed on site, then the 'MinNetDwellings'\u0090 figure is reduced to show the remainder as at the last housing survey, and; 2. If the planning permission includes land that is greenfield then the 'MinNetDwellings'\u0090 figure only refers to dwellings in the planning permission on Brownfield Land. Where there is no planning permission 'MinNetDwellings\u0090' is (at 2020-11-12) an estimate based on a density calculation undertaken by the authority informed by site analysis and expressed in the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan Submission document, (as amended by major modifications), in accordance with the DCLG document 'Brownfield Land Registers Data Standard: Preparing and publishing a register'\u0090 by showing 'The minimum net number of dwellings that the local authority estimates the site should support'\u0090. Where there is no planning permission and 'NetDwellingsRangeFrom\u0090' is used the figure in 'NetDwellingsRangeFrom'\u0090 equals the figure in 'MinNetDwellings'\u0090. Where there is no planning permission and 'NetDwellingsRangeTo\u0090' is used, the figure in 'NetDwellingsRangeTo'\u0090 is estimated at 10% higher (rounding up) than 'MinNetDwellings\u0090'.",
    "hectares": "0.43",
    "deliverable": "yes",
    "site-address": "Sugar House, Sutton Harbour",
    "site-plan-url": "",
    "ownership-status": "not owned by a public authority",
    "maximum-net-dwellings": "0",
    "minimum-net-dwellings": "0",
    "planning-permission-date": "2022-06-07",
    "planning-permission-type": "full planning permission",
    "planning-permission-status": "permissioned",
    "planning-permission-history": "|"

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Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area