Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine's Abbey and St. Martin's Church
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000093 | Facts |
Prefix | world-heritage-site-buffer-zone | Facts |
Name | Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine's Abbey and St. Martin's Church | Facts |
Dataset | World heritage site buffer zone | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1988-01-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2008-01-01 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((1.083583 51.283331, 1.08318 51.283115, 1.082442 51.282833, 1.082294 51.282907, 1.082122 51.282781, 1.082114 51.282595, 1.081915 51.282508, 1.081508 51.281766, 1.081223 51.281789, 1.080828 51.281377, 1.080738 51.281332, 1.080515 51.28112, 1.080348 51.280996, 1.080068 51.280843, 1.079764 51.280586, 1.07968 51.280466, 1.079494 51.280285, 1.079208 51.28005, 1.078945 51.279929, 1.07878 51.27983, 1.080349 51.27887, 1.080541 51.278769, 1.080649 51.278736, 1.081557 51.27823, 1.081958 51.27797, 1.082172 51.277814, 1.082501 51.277623, 1.082699 51.277611, 1.083014 51.277427, 1.082927 51.277352, 1.08309 51.277271, 1.083461 51.277172, 1.083866 51.277203, 1.084049 51.277265, 1.084372 51.277125, 1.084594 51.277087, 1.08554 51.277037, 1.085793 51.277011, 1.085644 51.276759, 1.08581 51.276726, 1.085802 51.27669, 1.085959 51.276664, 1.085983 51.276715, 1.08629 51.276649, 1.086525 51.276585, 1.086527 51.27654, 1.086636 51.276483, 1.087793 51.276318, 1.088663 51.275895, 1.088951 51.276143, 1.08923 51.276504, 1.089384 51.276814, 1.089444 51.277036, 1.090205 51.276968, 1.090207 51.276843, 1.090238 51.276839, 1.09048 51.276644, 1.090822 51.276564, 1.091061 51.276475, 1.091398 51.276331, 1.091583 51.276195, 1.091779 51.276379, 1.091814 51.276516, 1.092204 51.276547, 1.092454 51.276547, 1.092697 51.276822, 1.093375 51.276587, 1.093536 51.276771, 1.093543 51.2768, 1.093526 51.276858, 1.093686 51.27703, 1.094009 51.277127, 1.094185 51.277093, 1.094229 51.277217, 1.094216 51.277249, 1.094683 51.277285, 1.094715 51.277313, 1.095353 51.277459, 1.096244 51.27758, 1.096196 51.27777, 1.096124 51.277772, 1.095455 51.277908, 1.095111 51.277962, 1.095026 51.277987, 1.094603 51.278299, 1.094158 51.278672, 1.09335 51.278796, 1.093446 51.278935, 1.093303 51.279002, 1.093178 51.278887, 1.092942 51.279185, 1.092504 51.279046, 1.09241 51.27917, 1.092019 51.279353, 1.090627 51.279973, 1.089962 51.280253, 1.08946 51.280458, 1.08922 51.280544, 1.088903 51.280681, 1.088688 51.280818, 1.088578 51.280936, 1.088313 51.28117, 1.087977 51.281413, 1.087945 51.281465, 1.087231 51.282012, 1.086831 51.281831, 1.085406 51.282582, 1.085277 51.282489, 1.084966 51.282635, 1.084902 51.282645, 1.084604 51.282798, 1.084408 51.282925, 1.084291 51.282852, 1.084202 51.282825, 1.083583 51.283331), (1.082991 51.281869, 1.083154 51.281996, 1.083285 51.28211, 1.083729 51.281812, 1.083769 51.281767, 1.083961 51.281635, 1.084998 51.280965, 1.085146 51.280857, 1.085204 51.280787, 1.085421 51.280265, 1.085615 51.279833, 1.085649 51.27974, 1.085631 51.279652, 1.085588 51.279553, 1.085357 51.279248, 1.085372 51.279235, 1.084717 51.278278, 1.084664 51.278166, 1.0835 51.278457, 1.082391 51.278845, 1.082315 51.278854, 1.081355 51.279208, 1.081153 51.27929, 1.081091 51.279325, 1.080989 51.279459, 1.080845 51.279967, 1.080845 51.280005, 1.081066 51.28035, 1.082092 51.281539, 1.082222 51.281535, 1.082416 51.281513, 1.082468 51.281515, 1.082517 51.281527, 1.082649 51.281592, 1.082991 51.281869), (1.087944 51.279944, 1.088039 51.280074, 1.088685 51.280657, 1.088723 51.280633, 1.08884 51.280593, 1.08894 51.280541, 1.090482 51.279912, 1.091546 51.279438, 1.091846 51.279297, 1.09178 51.279227, 1.09166 51.279138, 1.09104 51.278721, 1.090734 51.278505, 1.090518 51.278522, 1.090147 51.277696, 1.090069 51.277547, 1.089536 51.277418, 1.089437 51.277409, 1.089335 51.277401, 1.088885 51.27741, 1.088627 51.277428, 1.088395 51.277412, 1.088038 51.27746, 1.087929 51.277484, 1.087522 51.277525, 1.086322 51.27768, 1.086389 51.277898, 1.086371 51.277968, 1.0865 51.278175, 1.086651 51.278448, 1.086864 51.279015, 1.086868 51.279097, 1.086842 51.279127, 1.086901 51.279217, 1.08703 51.279378, 1.087046 51.279439, 1.087082 51.279503, 1.087105 51.279588, 1.087357 51.279924, 1.08779 51.279798, 1.087944 51.279944), (1.093194 51.278461, 1.093245 51.278534, 1.093271 51.278601, 1.093301 51.278621, 1.093451 51.278617, 1.094112 51.278524, 1.094187 51.2785, 1.094439 51.278342, 1.094277 51.277953, 1.094145 51.277965, 1.094067 51.277961, 1.094029 51.277945, 1.093924 51.277873, 1.093783 51.277874, 1.093165 51.277951, 1.093144 51.277988, 1.093083 51.278293, 1.0931 51.278346, 1.093159 51.278408, 1.093194 51.278461)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (1.086737 51.279161)
Facts |
Notes | Buffer Zone | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
World heritage site | 1000093 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000093",
"prefix": "world-heritage-site-buffer-zone",
"name": "Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine's Abbey and St. Martin's Church",
"dataset": "world-heritage-site-buffer-zone",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1988-01-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2008-01-01",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.083583 51.283331, 1.08318 51.283115, 1.082442 51.282833, 1.082294 51.282907, 1.082122 51.282781, 1.082114 51.282595, 1.081915 51.282508, 1.081508 51.281766, 1.081223 51.281789, 1.080828 51.281377, 1.080738 51.281332, 1.080515 51.28112, 1.080348 51.280996, 1.080068 51.280843, 1.079764 51.280586, 1.07968 51.280466, 1.079494 51.280285, 1.079208 51.28005, 1.078945 51.279929, 1.07878 51.27983, 1.080349 51.27887, 1.080541 51.278769, 1.080649 51.278736, 1.081557 51.27823, 1.081958 51.27797, 1.082172 51.277814, 1.082501 51.277623, 1.082699 51.277611, 1.083014 51.277427, 1.082927 51.277352, 1.08309 51.277271, 1.083461 51.277172, 1.083866 51.277203, 1.084049 51.277265, 1.084372 51.277125, 1.084594 51.277087, 1.08554 51.277037, 1.085793 51.277011, 1.085644 51.276759, 1.08581 51.276726, 1.085802 51.27669, 1.085959 51.276664, 1.085983 51.276715, 1.08629 51.276649, 1.086525 51.276585, 1.086527 51.27654, 1.086636 51.276483, 1.087793 51.276318, 1.088663 51.275895, 1.088951 51.276143, 1.08923 51.276504, 1.089384 51.276814, 1.089444 51.277036, 1.090205 51.276968, 1.090207 51.276843, 1.090238 51.276839, 1.09048 51.276644, 1.090822 51.276564, 1.091061 51.276475, 1.091398 51.276331, 1.091583 51.276195, 1.091779 51.276379, 1.091814 51.276516, 1.092204 51.276547, 1.092454 51.276547, 1.092697 51.276822, 1.093375 51.276587, 1.093536 51.276771, 1.093543 51.2768, 1.093526 51.276858, 1.093686 51.27703, 1.094009 51.277127, 1.094185 51.277093, 1.094229 51.277217, 1.094216 51.277249, 1.094683 51.277285, 1.094715 51.277313, 1.095353 51.277459, 1.096244 51.27758, 1.096196 51.27777, 1.096124 51.277772, 1.095455 51.277908, 1.095111 51.277962, 1.095026 51.277987, 1.094603 51.278299, 1.094158 51.278672, 1.09335 51.278796, 1.093446 51.278935, 1.093303 51.279002, 1.093178 51.278887, 1.092942 51.279185, 1.092504 51.279046, 1.09241 51.27917, 1.092019 51.279353, 1.090627 51.279973, 1.089962 51.280253, 1.08946 51.280458, 1.08922 51.280544, 1.088903 51.280681, 1.088688 51.280818, 1.088578 51.280936, 1.088313 51.28117, 1.087977 51.281413, 1.087945 51.281465, 1.087231 51.282012, 1.086831 51.281831, 1.085406 51.282582, 1.085277 51.282489, 1.084966 51.282635, 1.084902 51.282645, 1.084604 51.282798, 1.084408 51.282925, 1.084291 51.282852, 1.084202 51.282825, 1.083583 51.283331), (1.082991 51.281869, 1.083154 51.281996, 1.083285 51.28211, 1.083729 51.281812, 1.083769 51.281767, 1.083961 51.281635, 1.084998 51.280965, 1.085146 51.280857, 1.085204 51.280787, 1.085421 51.280265, 1.085615 51.279833, 1.085649 51.27974, 1.085631 51.279652, 1.085588 51.279553, 1.085357 51.279248, 1.085372 51.279235, 1.084717 51.278278, 1.084664 51.278166, 1.0835 51.278457, 1.082391 51.278845, 1.082315 51.278854, 1.081355 51.279208, 1.081153 51.27929, 1.081091 51.279325, 1.080989 51.279459, 1.080845 51.279967, 1.080845 51.280005, 1.081066 51.28035, 1.082092 51.281539, 1.082222 51.281535, 1.082416 51.281513, 1.082468 51.281515, 1.082517 51.281527, 1.082649 51.281592, 1.082991 51.281869), (1.087944 51.279944, 1.088039 51.280074, 1.088685 51.280657, 1.088723 51.280633, 1.08884 51.280593, 1.08894 51.280541, 1.090482 51.279912, 1.091546 51.279438, 1.091846 51.279297, 1.09178 51.279227, 1.09166 51.279138, 1.09104 51.278721, 1.090734 51.278505, 1.090518 51.278522, 1.090147 51.277696, 1.090069 51.277547, 1.089536 51.277418, 1.089437 51.277409, 1.089335 51.277401, 1.088885 51.27741, 1.088627 51.277428, 1.088395 51.277412, 1.088038 51.27746, 1.087929 51.277484, 1.087522 51.277525, 1.086322 51.27768, 1.086389 51.277898, 1.086371 51.277968, 1.0865 51.278175, 1.086651 51.278448, 1.086864 51.279015, 1.086868 51.279097, 1.086842 51.279127, 1.086901 51.279217, 1.08703 51.279378, 1.087046 51.279439, 1.087082 51.279503, 1.087105 51.279588, 1.087357 51.279924, 1.08779 51.279798, 1.087944 51.279944), (1.093194 51.278461, 1.093245 51.278534, 1.093271 51.278601, 1.093301 51.278621, 1.093451 51.278617, 1.094112 51.278524, 1.094187 51.2785, 1.094439 51.278342, 1.094277 51.277953, 1.094145 51.277965, 1.094067 51.277961, 1.094029 51.277945, 1.093924 51.277873, 1.093783 51.277874, 1.093165 51.277951, 1.093144 51.277988, 1.093083 51.278293, 1.0931 51.278346, 1.093159 51.278408, 1.093194 51.278461)))",
"point": "POINT (1.086737 51.279161)",
"entity": 16110001,
"notes": "Buffer Zone",
"documentation-url": "",
"world-heritage-site": "1000093"
© Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
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