World heritage site

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000102 Facts
Prefix world-heritage-site Facts
Name Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Facts
Dataset World heritage site no fact link
Organisation Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government no fact link
Start date 2003-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-09-13 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.29288 51.472173, -0.292842 51.472314, -0.292489 51.473191, -0.292237 51.473883, -0.292116 51.47426, -0.291307 51.475758, -0.291175 51.476102, -0.290187 51.478447, -0.290009 51.478773, -0.289952 51.478847, -0.289903 51.47893, -0.288796 51.48037, -0.287849 51.481451, -0.287473 51.481895, -0.286773 51.4826, -0.286679 51.482803, -0.286768 51.483095, -0.287432 51.483334, -0.289599 51.484019, -0.290206 51.484186, -0.290523 51.484257, -0.290616 51.484283, -0.290648 51.484309, -0.290706 51.484368, -0.290826 51.484536, -0.290856 51.484632, -0.290821 51.484678, -0.289842 51.485013, -0.289923 51.48516, -0.290018 51.485307, -0.290196 51.485705, -0.290232 51.485813, -0.290307 51.485956, -0.290364 51.486032, -0.290481 51.486108, -0.290673 51.48614, -0.290833 51.48613, -0.293908 51.485372, -0.294312 51.485244, -0.295289 51.484801, -0.296776 51.483882, -0.297227 51.483581, -0.297528 51.48336, -0.298038 51.482926, -0.299099 51.481985, -0.300115 51.481192, -0.301062 51.48044, -0.30168 51.479966, -0.302257 51.4795, -0.302616 51.479164, -0.302919 51.478911, -0.303272 51.478533, -0.303895 51.477909, -0.304173 51.477618, -0.305028 51.476657, -0.305784 51.475848, -0.306192 51.475462, -0.306345 51.47529, -0.30682 51.474876, -0.307154 51.474665, -0.307649 51.474435, -0.309684 51.473644, -0.310056 51.473487, -0.30998 51.473391, -0.309954 51.473382, -0.309895 51.473331, -0.309824 51.473284, -0.309739 51.473246, -0.30958 51.473202, -0.308276 51.472967, -0.30743 51.472784, -0.306222 51.472471, -0.306091 51.472427, -0.305458 51.472248, -0.305331 51.472254, -0.305072 51.472242, -0.304818 51.472247, -0.303817 51.472299, -0.302824 51.472289, -0.302253 51.472239, -0.302081 51.472211, -0.301975 51.472185, -0.301758 51.472107, -0.300879 51.471732, -0.300484 51.47161, -0.300206 51.47156, -0.300081 51.471516, -0.299261 51.47118, -0.299157 51.471108, -0.298366 51.470863, -0.298115 51.47081, -0.297704 51.470758, -0.296568 51.470658, -0.294215 51.470503, -0.294211 51.470445, -0.293447 51.470372, -0.29321 51.471367, -0.293146 51.471499, -0.29288 51.472173))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.296842 51.477628) Facts
Notes Core Area Facts
Wikidata Q18748726 Facts
Wikipedia Royal_Botanic_Gardens,_Kew Facts
Documentation url Facts
World heritage convention site 1084 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000102",
    "prefix": "world-heritage-site",
    "name": "Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew",
    "dataset": "world-heritage-site",
    "organisation-entity": "600001",
    "start-date": "2003-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-09-13",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.29288 51.472173, -0.292842 51.472314, -0.292489 51.473191, -0.292237 51.473883, -0.292116 51.47426, -0.291307 51.475758, -0.291175 51.476102, -0.290187 51.478447, -0.290009 51.478773, -0.289952 51.478847, -0.289903 51.47893, -0.288796 51.48037, -0.287849 51.481451, -0.287473 51.481895, -0.286773 51.4826, -0.286679 51.482803, -0.286768 51.483095, -0.287432 51.483334, -0.289599 51.484019, -0.290206 51.484186, -0.290523 51.484257, -0.290616 51.484283, -0.290648 51.484309, -0.290706 51.484368, -0.290826 51.484536, -0.290856 51.484632, -0.290821 51.484678, -0.289842 51.485013, -0.289923 51.48516, -0.290018 51.485307, -0.290196 51.485705, -0.290232 51.485813, -0.290307 51.485956, -0.290364 51.486032, -0.290481 51.486108, -0.290673 51.48614, -0.290833 51.48613, -0.293908 51.485372, -0.294312 51.485244, -0.295289 51.484801, -0.296776 51.483882, -0.297227 51.483581, -0.297528 51.48336, -0.298038 51.482926, -0.299099 51.481985, -0.300115 51.481192, -0.301062 51.48044, -0.30168 51.479966, -0.302257 51.4795, -0.302616 51.479164, -0.302919 51.478911, -0.303272 51.478533, -0.303895 51.477909, -0.304173 51.477618, -0.305028 51.476657, -0.305784 51.475848, -0.306192 51.475462, -0.306345 51.47529, -0.30682 51.474876, -0.307154 51.474665, -0.307649 51.474435, -0.309684 51.473644, -0.310056 51.473487, -0.30998 51.473391, -0.309954 51.473382, -0.309895 51.473331, -0.309824 51.473284, -0.309739 51.473246, -0.30958 51.473202, -0.308276 51.472967, -0.30743 51.472784, -0.306222 51.472471, -0.306091 51.472427, -0.305458 51.472248, -0.305331 51.472254, -0.305072 51.472242, -0.304818 51.472247, -0.303817 51.472299, -0.302824 51.472289, -0.302253 51.472239, -0.302081 51.472211, -0.301975 51.472185, -0.301758 51.472107, -0.300879 51.471732, -0.300484 51.47161, -0.300206 51.47156, -0.300081 51.471516, -0.299261 51.47118, -0.299157 51.471108, -0.298366 51.470863, -0.298115 51.47081, -0.297704 51.470758, -0.296568 51.470658, -0.294215 51.470503, -0.294211 51.470445, -0.293447 51.470372, -0.29321 51.471367, -0.293146 51.471499, -0.29288 51.472173)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.296842 51.477628)",
    "entity": 16100013,
    "notes": "Core Area",
    "wikidata": "Q18748726",
    "wikipedia": "Royal_Botanic_Gardens,_Kew",
    "documentation-url": "",
    "world-heritage-convention-site": "1084"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area