Special protection area

Martin Mere

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK9005111 Facts
Prefix special-protection-area Facts
Name Martin Mere Facts
Dataset Special protection area no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-03 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.885672 53.626044, -2.885772 53.626058, -2.886002 53.626108, -2.886286 53.626086, -2.887941 53.62353, -2.88894 53.621892, -2.889186 53.621479, -2.889417 53.621066, -2.888833 53.620843, -2.888058 53.620561, -2.88772 53.620467, -2.882831 53.619472, -2.879183 53.618713, -2.877211 53.618324, -2.877056 53.618556, -2.876982 53.618682, -2.876707 53.61931, -2.876677 53.619412, -2.87667 53.619586, -2.876575 53.619865, -2.876499 53.619936, -2.876305 53.620041, -2.876024 53.620137, -2.87583 53.620331, -2.875485 53.620256, -2.875182 53.620204, -2.87398 53.620058, -2.873573 53.61999, -2.872474 53.619751, -2.871205 53.619439, -2.871179 53.619477, -2.871083 53.619459, -2.87073 53.619454, -2.870736 53.619483, -2.870437 53.619452, -2.870544 53.619856, -2.870422 53.619869, -2.870399 53.619786, -2.870482 53.619778, -2.870445 53.619762, -2.870423 53.619728, -2.870302 53.619649, -2.870176 53.619615, -2.86938 53.61949, -2.869219 53.619471, -2.869119 53.61945, -2.86902 53.619411, -2.868967 53.619339, -2.8689 53.619301, -2.868686 53.619222, -2.868613 53.619204, -2.868579 53.619206, -2.868264 53.619423, -2.86796 53.619951, -2.867715 53.620347, -2.867323 53.62107, -2.867335 53.621083, -2.867324 53.621114, -2.867272 53.621172, -2.867137 53.621367, -2.866984 53.621642, -2.86696 53.62166, -2.866878 53.621809, -2.866847 53.621832, -2.866814 53.621918, -2.866723 53.6221, -2.86668 53.622216, -2.866678 53.622289, -2.866744 53.622567, -2.866782 53.622653, -2.866854 53.622771, -2.866901 53.622821, -2.867026 53.622891, -2.867334 53.622889, -2.867419 53.622896, -2.867482 53.622918, -2.867599 53.623027, -2.867624 53.62308, -2.868017 53.623278, -2.868104 53.623329, -2.868162 53.623372, -2.868247 53.623474, -2.868319 53.62353, -2.868366 53.623529, -2.868424 53.623549, -2.868529 53.623643, -2.868584 53.623705, -2.868652 53.623822, -2.868696 53.623876, -2.868743 53.623976, -2.868745 53.623995, -2.868762 53.62401, -2.868784 53.624086, -2.868866 53.624213, -2.868892 53.624219, -2.869046 53.62434, -2.869112 53.624405, -2.869193 53.624505, -2.869298 53.624711, -2.869362 53.624891, -2.869413 53.624989, -2.869456 53.625029, -2.86978 53.625195, -2.869852 53.625244, -2.869917 53.625303, -2.869954 53.625342, -2.870011 53.625427, -2.870069 53.625514, -2.870129 53.625628, -2.870216 53.625763, -2.870236 53.625779, -2.870282 53.625793, -2.870347 53.625785, -2.870683 53.625636, -2.870877 53.625592, -2.871061 53.625594, -2.871224 53.625629, -2.871355 53.625674, -2.871385 53.625675, -2.871476 53.62567, -2.87167 53.625641, -2.871745 53.625619, -2.871864 53.625615, -2.871929 53.625598, -2.871967 53.625578, -2.872123 53.625592, -2.872372 53.625552, -2.872426 53.625722, -2.872385 53.625727, -2.872406 53.625795, -2.87252 53.625781, -2.873103 53.627602, -2.873437 53.627583, -2.873883 53.62903, -2.874204 53.630014, -2.874337 53.630472, -2.874567 53.631196, -2.874649 53.631526, -2.876615 53.630549, -2.879451 53.629124, -2.879781 53.628951, -2.880798 53.628444, -2.882238 53.627709, -2.885357 53.626137, -2.885418 53.626099, -2.885446 53.625985, -2.885526 53.625991, -2.885672 53.626044))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.877943 53.623744) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK9005111",
    "prefix": "special-protection-area",
    "name": "Martin Mere",
    "dataset": "special-protection-area",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-03",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.885672 53.626044, -2.885772 53.626058, -2.886002 53.626108, -2.886286 53.626086, -2.887941 53.62353, -2.88894 53.621892, -2.889186 53.621479, -2.889417 53.621066, -2.888833 53.620843, -2.888058 53.620561, -2.88772 53.620467, -2.882831 53.619472, -2.879183 53.618713, -2.877211 53.618324, -2.877056 53.618556, -2.876982 53.618682, -2.876707 53.61931, -2.876677 53.619412, -2.87667 53.619586, -2.876575 53.619865, -2.876499 53.619936, -2.876305 53.620041, -2.876024 53.620137, -2.87583 53.620331, -2.875485 53.620256, -2.875182 53.620204, -2.87398 53.620058, -2.873573 53.61999, -2.872474 53.619751, -2.871205 53.619439, -2.871179 53.619477, -2.871083 53.619459, -2.87073 53.619454, -2.870736 53.619483, -2.870437 53.619452, -2.870544 53.619856, -2.870422 53.619869, -2.870399 53.619786, -2.870482 53.619778, -2.870445 53.619762, -2.870423 53.619728, -2.870302 53.619649, -2.870176 53.619615, -2.86938 53.61949, -2.869219 53.619471, -2.869119 53.61945, -2.86902 53.619411, -2.868967 53.619339, -2.8689 53.619301, -2.868686 53.619222, -2.868613 53.619204, -2.868579 53.619206, -2.868264 53.619423, -2.86796 53.619951, -2.867715 53.620347, -2.867323 53.62107, -2.867335 53.621083, -2.867324 53.621114, -2.867272 53.621172, -2.867137 53.621367, -2.866984 53.621642, -2.86696 53.62166, -2.866878 53.621809, -2.866847 53.621832, -2.866814 53.621918, -2.866723 53.6221, -2.86668 53.622216, -2.866678 53.622289, -2.866744 53.622567, -2.866782 53.622653, -2.866854 53.622771, -2.866901 53.622821, -2.867026 53.622891, -2.867334 53.622889, -2.867419 53.622896, -2.867482 53.622918, -2.867599 53.623027, -2.867624 53.62308, -2.868017 53.623278, -2.868104 53.623329, -2.868162 53.623372, -2.868247 53.623474, -2.868319 53.62353, -2.868366 53.623529, -2.868424 53.623549, -2.868529 53.623643, -2.868584 53.623705, -2.868652 53.623822, -2.868696 53.623876, -2.868743 53.623976, -2.868745 53.623995, -2.868762 53.62401, -2.868784 53.624086, -2.868866 53.624213, -2.868892 53.624219, -2.869046 53.62434, -2.869112 53.624405, -2.869193 53.624505, -2.869298 53.624711, -2.869362 53.624891, -2.869413 53.624989, -2.869456 53.625029, -2.86978 53.625195, -2.869852 53.625244, -2.869917 53.625303, -2.869954 53.625342, -2.870011 53.625427, -2.870069 53.625514, -2.870129 53.625628, -2.870216 53.625763, -2.870236 53.625779, -2.870282 53.625793, -2.870347 53.625785, -2.870683 53.625636, -2.870877 53.625592, -2.871061 53.625594, -2.871224 53.625629, -2.871355 53.625674, -2.871385 53.625675, -2.871476 53.62567, -2.87167 53.625641, -2.871745 53.625619, -2.871864 53.625615, -2.871929 53.625598, -2.871967 53.625578, -2.872123 53.625592, -2.872372 53.625552, -2.872426 53.625722, -2.872385 53.625727, -2.872406 53.625795, -2.87252 53.625781, -2.873103 53.627602, -2.873437 53.627583, -2.873883 53.62903, -2.874204 53.630014, -2.874337 53.630472, -2.874567 53.631196, -2.874649 53.631526, -2.876615 53.630549, -2.879451 53.629124, -2.879781 53.628951, -2.880798 53.628444, -2.882238 53.627709, -2.885357 53.626137, -2.885418 53.626099, -2.885446 53.625985, -2.885526 53.625991, -2.885672 53.626044)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.877943 53.623744)",
    "entity": 14900003

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area