Martin Mere
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | UK9005111 | Facts |
Prefix | special-protection-area | Facts |
Name | Martin Mere | Facts |
Dataset | Special protection area | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2003-12-03 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.885672 53.626044, -2.885772 53.626058, -2.886002 53.626108, -2.886286 53.626086, -2.887941 53.62353, -2.88894 53.621892, -2.889186 53.621479, -2.889417 53.621066, -2.888833 53.620843, -2.888058 53.620561, -2.88772 53.620467, -2.882831 53.619472, -2.879183 53.618713, -2.877211 53.618324, -2.877056 53.618556, -2.876982 53.618682, -2.876707 53.61931, -2.876677 53.619412, -2.87667 53.619586, -2.876575 53.619865, -2.876499 53.619936, -2.876305 53.620041, -2.876024 53.620137, -2.87583 53.620331, -2.875485 53.620256, -2.875182 53.620204, -2.87398 53.620058, -2.873573 53.61999, -2.872474 53.619751, -2.871205 53.619439, -2.871179 53.619477, -2.871083 53.619459, -2.87073 53.619454, -2.870736 53.619483, -2.870437 53.619452, -2.870544 53.619856, -2.870422 53.619869, -2.870399 53.619786, -2.870482 53.619778, -2.870445 53.619762, -2.870423 53.619728, -2.870302 53.619649, -2.870176 53.619615, -2.86938 53.61949, -2.869219 53.619471, -2.869119 53.61945, -2.86902 53.619411, -2.868967 53.619339, -2.8689 53.619301, -2.868686 53.619222, -2.868613 53.619204, -2.868579 53.619206, -2.868264 53.619423, -2.86796 53.619951, -2.867715 53.620347, -2.867323 53.62107, -2.867335 53.621083, -2.867324 53.621114, -2.867272 53.621172, -2.867137 53.621367, -2.866984 53.621642, -2.86696 53.62166, -2.866878 53.621809, -2.866847 53.621832, -2.866814 53.621918, -2.866723 53.6221, -2.86668 53.622216, -2.866678 53.622289, -2.866744 53.622567, -2.866782 53.622653, -2.866854 53.622771, -2.866901 53.622821, -2.867026 53.622891, -2.867334 53.622889, -2.867419 53.622896, -2.867482 53.622918, -2.867599 53.623027, -2.867624 53.62308, -2.868017 53.623278, -2.868104 53.623329, -2.868162 53.623372, -2.868247 53.623474, -2.868319 53.62353, -2.868366 53.623529, -2.868424 53.623549, -2.868529 53.623643, -2.868584 53.623705, -2.868652 53.623822, -2.868696 53.623876, -2.868743 53.623976, -2.868745 53.623995, -2.868762 53.62401, -2.868784 53.624086, -2.868866 53.624213, -2.868892 53.624219, -2.869046 53.62434, -2.869112 53.624405, -2.869193 53.624505, -2.869298 53.624711, -2.869362 53.624891, -2.869413 53.624989, -2.869456 53.625029, -2.86978 53.625195, -2.869852 53.625244, -2.869917 53.625303, -2.869954 53.625342, -2.870011 53.625427, -2.870069 53.625514, -2.870129 53.625628, -2.870216 53.625763, -2.870236 53.625779, -2.870282 53.625793, -2.870347 53.625785, -2.870683 53.625636, -2.870877 53.625592, -2.871061 53.625594, -2.871224 53.625629, -2.871355 53.625674, -2.871385 53.625675, -2.871476 53.62567, -2.87167 53.625641, -2.871745 53.625619, -2.871864 53.625615, -2.871929 53.625598, -2.871967 53.625578, -2.872123 53.625592, -2.872372 53.625552, -2.872426 53.625722, -2.872385 53.625727, -2.872406 53.625795, -2.87252 53.625781, -2.873103 53.627602, -2.873437 53.627583, -2.873883 53.62903, -2.874204 53.630014, -2.874337 53.630472, -2.874567 53.631196, -2.874649 53.631526, -2.876615 53.630549, -2.879451 53.629124, -2.879781 53.628951, -2.880798 53.628444, -2.882238 53.627709, -2.885357 53.626137, -2.885418 53.626099, -2.885446 53.625985, -2.885526 53.625991, -2.885672 53.626044)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.877943 53.623744)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "UK9005111",
"prefix": "special-protection-area",
"name": "Martin Mere",
"dataset": "special-protection-area",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2003-12-03",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.885672 53.626044, -2.885772 53.626058, -2.886002 53.626108, -2.886286 53.626086, -2.887941 53.62353, -2.88894 53.621892, -2.889186 53.621479, -2.889417 53.621066, -2.888833 53.620843, -2.888058 53.620561, -2.88772 53.620467, -2.882831 53.619472, -2.879183 53.618713, -2.877211 53.618324, -2.877056 53.618556, -2.876982 53.618682, -2.876707 53.61931, -2.876677 53.619412, -2.87667 53.619586, -2.876575 53.619865, -2.876499 53.619936, -2.876305 53.620041, -2.876024 53.620137, -2.87583 53.620331, -2.875485 53.620256, -2.875182 53.620204, -2.87398 53.620058, -2.873573 53.61999, -2.872474 53.619751, -2.871205 53.619439, -2.871179 53.619477, -2.871083 53.619459, -2.87073 53.619454, -2.870736 53.619483, -2.870437 53.619452, -2.870544 53.619856, -2.870422 53.619869, -2.870399 53.619786, -2.870482 53.619778, -2.870445 53.619762, -2.870423 53.619728, -2.870302 53.619649, -2.870176 53.619615, -2.86938 53.61949, -2.869219 53.619471, -2.869119 53.61945, -2.86902 53.619411, -2.868967 53.619339, -2.8689 53.619301, -2.868686 53.619222, -2.868613 53.619204, -2.868579 53.619206, -2.868264 53.619423, -2.86796 53.619951, -2.867715 53.620347, -2.867323 53.62107, -2.867335 53.621083, -2.867324 53.621114, -2.867272 53.621172, -2.867137 53.621367, -2.866984 53.621642, -2.86696 53.62166, -2.866878 53.621809, -2.866847 53.621832, -2.866814 53.621918, -2.866723 53.6221, -2.86668 53.622216, -2.866678 53.622289, -2.866744 53.622567, -2.866782 53.622653, -2.866854 53.622771, -2.866901 53.622821, -2.867026 53.622891, -2.867334 53.622889, -2.867419 53.622896, -2.867482 53.622918, -2.867599 53.623027, -2.867624 53.62308, -2.868017 53.623278, -2.868104 53.623329, -2.868162 53.623372, -2.868247 53.623474, -2.868319 53.62353, -2.868366 53.623529, -2.868424 53.623549, -2.868529 53.623643, -2.868584 53.623705, -2.868652 53.623822, -2.868696 53.623876, -2.868743 53.623976, -2.868745 53.623995, -2.868762 53.62401, -2.868784 53.624086, -2.868866 53.624213, -2.868892 53.624219, -2.869046 53.62434, -2.869112 53.624405, -2.869193 53.624505, -2.869298 53.624711, -2.869362 53.624891, -2.869413 53.624989, -2.869456 53.625029, -2.86978 53.625195, -2.869852 53.625244, -2.869917 53.625303, -2.869954 53.625342, -2.870011 53.625427, -2.870069 53.625514, -2.870129 53.625628, -2.870216 53.625763, -2.870236 53.625779, -2.870282 53.625793, -2.870347 53.625785, -2.870683 53.625636, -2.870877 53.625592, -2.871061 53.625594, -2.871224 53.625629, -2.871355 53.625674, -2.871385 53.625675, -2.871476 53.62567, -2.87167 53.625641, -2.871745 53.625619, -2.871864 53.625615, -2.871929 53.625598, -2.871967 53.625578, -2.872123 53.625592, -2.872372 53.625552, -2.872426 53.625722, -2.872385 53.625727, -2.872406 53.625795, -2.87252 53.625781, -2.873103 53.627602, -2.873437 53.627583, -2.873883 53.62903, -2.874204 53.630014, -2.874337 53.630472, -2.874567 53.631196, -2.874649 53.631526, -2.876615 53.630549, -2.879451 53.629124, -2.879781 53.628951, -2.880798 53.628444, -2.882238 53.627709, -2.885357 53.626137, -2.885418 53.626099, -2.885446 53.625985, -2.885526 53.625991, -2.885672 53.626044)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.877943 53.623744)",
"entity": 14900003
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.