Special protection area

Leighton Moss

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK9005091 Facts
Prefix special-protection-area Facts
Name Leighton Moss Facts
Dataset Special protection area no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-03 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.797258 54.169828, -2.797974 54.170117, -2.798042 54.170157, -2.798192 54.17019, -2.798257 54.170126, -2.79833 54.169978, -2.798363 54.169934, -2.798446 54.169883, -2.798602 54.16982, -2.79873 54.169684, -2.798817 54.169613, -2.79889 54.16958, -2.798945 54.169569, -2.7993 54.169552, -2.799375 54.16952, -2.799415 54.169481, -2.799508 54.169354, -2.799677 54.169225, -2.799748 54.16909, -2.79992 54.168962, -2.800011 54.168755, -2.800423 54.168497, -2.800759 54.168369, -2.80112 54.168272, -2.801394 54.168347, -2.801812 54.168288, -2.801816 54.168148, -2.801831 54.168132, -2.801854 54.168043, -2.801939 54.167838, -2.802002 54.167648, -2.802091 54.167473, -2.802243 54.167285, -2.802424 54.167187, -2.802453 54.167135, -2.802497 54.167005, -2.802522 54.166972, -2.802725 54.166842, -2.802776 54.166793, -2.803284 54.165913, -2.803801 54.164987, -2.804019 54.164617, -2.804202 54.16452, -2.80431 54.164473, -2.804271 54.164465, -2.804279 54.164435, -2.804525 54.164429, -2.804597 54.16402, -2.80474 54.16303, -2.804439 54.162891, -2.804186 54.162725, -2.80335 54.162103, -2.800765 54.160212, -2.800632 54.160144, -2.800724 54.160074, -2.800685 54.160057, -2.800626 54.160102, -2.800588 54.160096, -2.800132 54.159738, -2.799895 54.15957, -2.799736 54.159439, -2.799581 54.159331, -2.799494 54.159252, -2.799393 54.159196, -2.799224 54.159079, -2.798894 54.1588, -2.798544 54.15854, -2.798511 54.158501, -2.798414 54.158455, -2.798353 54.158414, -2.797719 54.158875, -2.797503 54.159043, -2.79707 54.159353, -2.797056 54.159345, -2.797021 54.159372, -2.797041 54.159384, -2.795463 54.160518, -2.794587 54.161194, -2.788887 54.165446, -2.788939 54.165454, -2.788988 54.165422, -2.788977 54.165516, -2.789029 54.16552, -2.789021 54.165555, -2.78898 54.165557, -2.789019 54.165642, -2.789038 54.165744, -2.789032 54.165818, -2.788997 54.16592, -2.788624 54.166578, -2.788088 54.167657, -2.788006 54.167839, -2.787641 54.168534, -2.787572 54.16863, -2.7875 54.168705, -2.787385 54.168783, -2.786439 54.169303, -2.78622 54.169436, -2.785686 54.169738, -2.78414 54.170601, -2.783642 54.170856, -2.783587 54.170899, -2.783569 54.170936, -2.783601 54.171812, -2.783624 54.173276, -2.783814 54.174501, -2.783823 54.174596, -2.78383 54.174841, -2.783808 54.175457, -2.783799 54.176112, -2.783791 54.176183, -2.784129 54.176185, -2.78419 54.176159, -2.784321 54.17612, -2.784738 54.176041, -2.784933 54.175978, -2.785012 54.175941, -2.785045 54.175898, -2.785108 54.175925, -2.78517 54.175938, -2.78552 54.175918, -2.785963 54.175947, -2.786118 54.175946, -2.786229 54.17593, -2.786369 54.175872, -2.786517 54.17588, -2.786699 54.175828, -2.786688 54.175811, -2.786692 54.175749, -2.786794 54.175584, -2.786804 54.175554, -2.786749 54.175457, -2.786742 54.175406, -2.786781 54.175307, -2.786816 54.175245, -2.786887 54.1752, -2.786937 54.175125, -2.786895 54.175046, -2.786781 54.174953, -2.786771 54.174933, -2.786783 54.174895, -2.786848 54.174847, -2.786947 54.174848, -2.78698 54.174874, -2.786973 54.174963, -2.786978 54.17499, -2.786997 54.175023, -2.787079 54.175093, -2.787125 54.175108, -2.787161 54.175107, -2.787208 54.175089, -2.787234 54.17506, -2.787419 54.17501, -2.78747 54.17501, -2.787894 54.174942, -2.788026 54.17494, -2.788071 54.17495, -2.788086 54.174964, -2.788084 54.175024, -2.788631 54.174831, -2.789857 54.174603, -2.791234 54.174308, -2.79259 54.174198, -2.793222 54.173941, -2.793433 54.17371, -2.793602 54.173275, -2.79332 54.173234, -2.797258 54.169828))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.794043 54.167466) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK9005091",
    "prefix": "special-protection-area",
    "name": "Leighton Moss",
    "dataset": "special-protection-area",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-03",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.797258 54.169828, -2.797974 54.170117, -2.798042 54.170157, -2.798192 54.17019, -2.798257 54.170126, -2.79833 54.169978, -2.798363 54.169934, -2.798446 54.169883, -2.798602 54.16982, -2.79873 54.169684, -2.798817 54.169613, -2.79889 54.16958, -2.798945 54.169569, -2.7993 54.169552, -2.799375 54.16952, -2.799415 54.169481, -2.799508 54.169354, -2.799677 54.169225, -2.799748 54.16909, -2.79992 54.168962, -2.800011 54.168755, -2.800423 54.168497, -2.800759 54.168369, -2.80112 54.168272, -2.801394 54.168347, -2.801812 54.168288, -2.801816 54.168148, -2.801831 54.168132, -2.801854 54.168043, -2.801939 54.167838, -2.802002 54.167648, -2.802091 54.167473, -2.802243 54.167285, -2.802424 54.167187, -2.802453 54.167135, -2.802497 54.167005, -2.802522 54.166972, -2.802725 54.166842, -2.802776 54.166793, -2.803284 54.165913, -2.803801 54.164987, -2.804019 54.164617, -2.804202 54.16452, -2.80431 54.164473, -2.804271 54.164465, -2.804279 54.164435, -2.804525 54.164429, -2.804597 54.16402, -2.80474 54.16303, -2.804439 54.162891, -2.804186 54.162725, -2.80335 54.162103, -2.800765 54.160212, -2.800632 54.160144, -2.800724 54.160074, -2.800685 54.160057, -2.800626 54.160102, -2.800588 54.160096, -2.800132 54.159738, -2.799895 54.15957, -2.799736 54.159439, -2.799581 54.159331, -2.799494 54.159252, -2.799393 54.159196, -2.799224 54.159079, -2.798894 54.1588, -2.798544 54.15854, -2.798511 54.158501, -2.798414 54.158455, -2.798353 54.158414, -2.797719 54.158875, -2.797503 54.159043, -2.79707 54.159353, -2.797056 54.159345, -2.797021 54.159372, -2.797041 54.159384, -2.795463 54.160518, -2.794587 54.161194, -2.788887 54.165446, -2.788939 54.165454, -2.788988 54.165422, -2.788977 54.165516, -2.789029 54.16552, -2.789021 54.165555, -2.78898 54.165557, -2.789019 54.165642, -2.789038 54.165744, -2.789032 54.165818, -2.788997 54.16592, -2.788624 54.166578, -2.788088 54.167657, -2.788006 54.167839, -2.787641 54.168534, -2.787572 54.16863, -2.7875 54.168705, -2.787385 54.168783, -2.786439 54.169303, -2.78622 54.169436, -2.785686 54.169738, -2.78414 54.170601, -2.783642 54.170856, -2.783587 54.170899, -2.783569 54.170936, -2.783601 54.171812, -2.783624 54.173276, -2.783814 54.174501, -2.783823 54.174596, -2.78383 54.174841, -2.783808 54.175457, -2.783799 54.176112, -2.783791 54.176183, -2.784129 54.176185, -2.78419 54.176159, -2.784321 54.17612, -2.784738 54.176041, -2.784933 54.175978, -2.785012 54.175941, -2.785045 54.175898, -2.785108 54.175925, -2.78517 54.175938, -2.78552 54.175918, -2.785963 54.175947, -2.786118 54.175946, -2.786229 54.17593, -2.786369 54.175872, -2.786517 54.17588, -2.786699 54.175828, -2.786688 54.175811, -2.786692 54.175749, -2.786794 54.175584, -2.786804 54.175554, -2.786749 54.175457, -2.786742 54.175406, -2.786781 54.175307, -2.786816 54.175245, -2.786887 54.1752, -2.786937 54.175125, -2.786895 54.175046, -2.786781 54.174953, -2.786771 54.174933, -2.786783 54.174895, -2.786848 54.174847, -2.786947 54.174848, -2.78698 54.174874, -2.786973 54.174963, -2.786978 54.17499, -2.786997 54.175023, -2.787079 54.175093, -2.787125 54.175108, -2.787161 54.175107, -2.787208 54.175089, -2.787234 54.17506, -2.787419 54.17501, -2.78747 54.17501, -2.787894 54.174942, -2.788026 54.17494, -2.788071 54.17495, -2.788086 54.174964, -2.788084 54.175024, -2.788631 54.174831, -2.789857 54.174603, -2.791234 54.174308, -2.79259 54.174198, -2.793222 54.173941, -2.793433 54.17371, -2.793602 54.173275, -2.79332 54.173234, -2.797258 54.169828)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.794043 54.167466)",
    "entity": 14900001

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area