Special area of conservation

Great Yews

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK0012770 Facts
Prefix special-area-of-conservation Facts
Name Great Yews Facts
Dataset Special area of conservation no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2015-05-27 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-18 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.824573 51.006702, -1.824816 51.00686, -1.825382 51.0072, -1.828631 51.009, -1.828604 51.009086, -1.829248 51.009211, -1.829595 51.009268, -1.830399 51.009429, -1.830642 51.00948, -1.831531 51.009697, -1.831881 51.00981, -1.83288 51.01019, -1.834404 51.00986, -1.835677 51.009596, -1.835726 51.009549, -1.835667 51.009441, -1.835646 51.009285, -1.83561 51.009169, -1.835558 51.009065, -1.835524 51.009025, -1.835506 51.008982, -1.835447 51.008892, -1.835414 51.008819, -1.835003 51.008269, -1.83475 51.007892, -1.834607 51.007699, -1.83436 51.007393, -1.8342 51.00716, -1.834141 51.007053, -1.834077 51.00696, -1.833861 51.006695, -1.833526 51.006261, -1.832942 51.005458, -1.831565 51.003617, -1.831465 51.003722, -1.831412 51.003711, -1.830978 51.003688, -1.830974 51.003767, -1.831128 51.003949, -1.830341 51.004325, -1.82918 51.004846, -1.827634 51.005436, -1.825991 51.006081, -1.825417 51.006333, -1.825415 51.006378, -1.825326 51.006375, -1.824573 51.006702))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.83066 51.007234) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK0012770",
    "prefix": "special-area-of-conservation",
    "name": "Great Yews",
    "dataset": "special-area-of-conservation",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2015-05-27",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-18",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.824573 51.006702, -1.824816 51.00686, -1.825382 51.0072, -1.828631 51.009, -1.828604 51.009086, -1.829248 51.009211, -1.829595 51.009268, -1.830399 51.009429, -1.830642 51.00948, -1.831531 51.009697, -1.831881 51.00981, -1.83288 51.01019, -1.834404 51.00986, -1.835677 51.009596, -1.835726 51.009549, -1.835667 51.009441, -1.835646 51.009285, -1.83561 51.009169, -1.835558 51.009065, -1.835524 51.009025, -1.835506 51.008982, -1.835447 51.008892, -1.835414 51.008819, -1.835003 51.008269, -1.83475 51.007892, -1.834607 51.007699, -1.83436 51.007393, -1.8342 51.00716, -1.834141 51.007053, -1.834077 51.00696, -1.833861 51.006695, -1.833526 51.006261, -1.832942 51.005458, -1.831565 51.003617, -1.831465 51.003722, -1.831412 51.003711, -1.830978 51.003688, -1.830974 51.003767, -1.831128 51.003949, -1.830341 51.004325, -1.82918 51.004846, -1.827634 51.005436, -1.825991 51.006081, -1.825417 51.006333, -1.825415 51.006378, -1.825326 51.006375, -1.824573 51.006702)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.83066 51.007234)",
    "entity": 14800039

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area