Special area of conservation

Staverton Park & The Thicks, Wantisden

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK0012741 Facts
Prefix special-area-of-conservation Facts
Name Staverton Park & The Thicks, Wantisden Facts
Dataset Special area of conservation no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2015-08-26 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-18 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.440184 52.099357, 1.44095 52.099365, 1.44213 52.099416, 1.442147 52.099399, 1.441513 52.099296, 1.440729 52.099185, 1.440325 52.099114, 1.440086 52.099062, 1.439858 52.099034, 1.439795 52.09903, 1.439531 52.099056, 1.439113 52.099126, 1.438139 52.099462, 1.437714 52.099562, 1.43692 52.100155, 1.436856 52.100379, 1.437401 52.100758, 1.43779 52.100818, 1.438357 52.100733, 1.438621 52.100614, 1.438738 52.100514, 1.439049 52.100164, 1.439467 52.099821, 1.439706 52.099613, 1.439892 52.099484, 1.440112 52.099383, 1.440184 52.099357)), ((1.438992 52.109717, 1.439057 52.109728, 1.439177 52.109723, 1.43925 52.109705, 1.439268 52.109686, 1.439239 52.109554, 1.439191 52.109468, 1.439137 52.109405, 1.440066 52.109602, 1.440187 52.109613, 1.440346 52.109603, 1.440522 52.109565, 1.441196 52.109281, 1.441248 52.109265, 1.441866 52.109333, 1.442073 52.109327, 1.442619 52.109257, 1.444446 52.108983, 1.444613 52.108743, 1.444667 52.108546, 1.444621 52.108305, 1.444419 52.10798, 1.444199 52.107686, 1.444138 52.106927, 1.444147 52.106836, 1.444138 52.106726, 1.444143 52.106177, 1.444123 52.105855, 1.444151 52.105759, 1.444148 52.10574, 1.444112 52.105688, 1.444109 52.105666, 1.444149 52.105556, 1.44413 52.105463, 1.444164 52.105126, 1.444288 52.104843, 1.444419 52.10461, 1.444434 52.104532, 1.444391 52.104199, 1.444435 52.104118, 1.444577 52.10391, 1.444607 52.103875, 1.4447 52.103837, 1.445063 52.103714, 1.445102 52.103707, 1.447148 52.103764, 1.449191 52.103872, 1.449394 52.103511, 1.449461 52.103363, 1.449508 52.10323, 1.449545 52.10304, 1.449546 52.102866, 1.449564 52.102711, 1.449644 52.102409, 1.449699 52.102251, 1.449718 52.102215, 1.449739 52.102196, 1.449938 52.102043, 1.449538 52.101658, 1.449304 52.101461, 1.449177 52.10138, 1.449011 52.101307, 1.448793 52.101425, 1.448684 52.101591, 1.448558 52.101654, 1.44834 52.101552, 1.448772 52.101202, 1.448253 52.101059, 1.447735 52.100902, 1.446372 52.100398, 1.446043 52.10028, 1.445759 52.100191, 1.44552 52.100127, 1.443209 52.099632, 1.442521 52.099474, 1.44184 52.100917, 1.441145 52.102348, 1.441139 52.102377, 1.441088 52.10236, 1.440538 52.102457, 1.440207 52.102552, 1.440087 52.102596, 1.439941 52.102615, 1.439716 52.102848, 1.438926 52.103806, 1.437199 52.103412, 1.436764 52.103421, 1.435287 52.103601, 1.433481 52.103726, 1.43279 52.103742, 1.431267 52.103496, 1.431319 52.103568, 1.43108 52.103725, 1.431181 52.103984, 1.431499 52.104346, 1.431573 52.104401, 1.431727 52.104446, 1.431933 52.104472, 1.432089 52.104511, 1.432207 52.104551, 1.432363 52.104569, 1.432328 52.104661, 1.432335 52.10475, 1.432327 52.104804, 1.432311 52.104889, 1.432293 52.104919, 1.432282 52.104962, 1.432294 52.10505, 1.432281 52.105156, 1.432286 52.10523, 1.432279 52.105685, 1.432237 52.106053, 1.432206 52.106565, 1.432228 52.107083, 1.432227 52.107182, 1.432214 52.107272, 1.432211 52.107762, 1.432013 52.109479, 1.432246 52.109476, 1.432217 52.109761, 1.433486 52.109866, 1.434977 52.109943, 1.435721 52.109999, 1.435946 52.109992, 1.436791 52.109809, 1.438992 52.109717))) Facts
Point POINT (1.439937 52.105158) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK0012741",
    "prefix": "special-area-of-conservation",
    "name": "Staverton Park & The Thicks, Wantisden",
    "dataset": "special-area-of-conservation",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2015-08-26",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-18",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.440184 52.099357, 1.44095 52.099365, 1.44213 52.099416, 1.442147 52.099399, 1.441513 52.099296, 1.440729 52.099185, 1.440325 52.099114, 1.440086 52.099062, 1.439858 52.099034, 1.439795 52.09903, 1.439531 52.099056, 1.439113 52.099126, 1.438139 52.099462, 1.437714 52.099562, 1.43692 52.100155, 1.436856 52.100379, 1.437401 52.100758, 1.43779 52.100818, 1.438357 52.100733, 1.438621 52.100614, 1.438738 52.100514, 1.439049 52.100164, 1.439467 52.099821, 1.439706 52.099613, 1.439892 52.099484, 1.440112 52.099383, 1.440184 52.099357)), ((1.438992 52.109717, 1.439057 52.109728, 1.439177 52.109723, 1.43925 52.109705, 1.439268 52.109686, 1.439239 52.109554, 1.439191 52.109468, 1.439137 52.109405, 1.440066 52.109602, 1.440187 52.109613, 1.440346 52.109603, 1.440522 52.109565, 1.441196 52.109281, 1.441248 52.109265, 1.441866 52.109333, 1.442073 52.109327, 1.442619 52.109257, 1.444446 52.108983, 1.444613 52.108743, 1.444667 52.108546, 1.444621 52.108305, 1.444419 52.10798, 1.444199 52.107686, 1.444138 52.106927, 1.444147 52.106836, 1.444138 52.106726, 1.444143 52.106177, 1.444123 52.105855, 1.444151 52.105759, 1.444148 52.10574, 1.444112 52.105688, 1.444109 52.105666, 1.444149 52.105556, 1.44413 52.105463, 1.444164 52.105126, 1.444288 52.104843, 1.444419 52.10461, 1.444434 52.104532, 1.444391 52.104199, 1.444435 52.104118, 1.444577 52.10391, 1.444607 52.103875, 1.4447 52.103837, 1.445063 52.103714, 1.445102 52.103707, 1.447148 52.103764, 1.449191 52.103872, 1.449394 52.103511, 1.449461 52.103363, 1.449508 52.10323, 1.449545 52.10304, 1.449546 52.102866, 1.449564 52.102711, 1.449644 52.102409, 1.449699 52.102251, 1.449718 52.102215, 1.449739 52.102196, 1.449938 52.102043, 1.449538 52.101658, 1.449304 52.101461, 1.449177 52.10138, 1.449011 52.101307, 1.448793 52.101425, 1.448684 52.101591, 1.448558 52.101654, 1.44834 52.101552, 1.448772 52.101202, 1.448253 52.101059, 1.447735 52.100902, 1.446372 52.100398, 1.446043 52.10028, 1.445759 52.100191, 1.44552 52.100127, 1.443209 52.099632, 1.442521 52.099474, 1.44184 52.100917, 1.441145 52.102348, 1.441139 52.102377, 1.441088 52.10236, 1.440538 52.102457, 1.440207 52.102552, 1.440087 52.102596, 1.439941 52.102615, 1.439716 52.102848, 1.438926 52.103806, 1.437199 52.103412, 1.436764 52.103421, 1.435287 52.103601, 1.433481 52.103726, 1.43279 52.103742, 1.431267 52.103496, 1.431319 52.103568, 1.43108 52.103725, 1.431181 52.103984, 1.431499 52.104346, 1.431573 52.104401, 1.431727 52.104446, 1.431933 52.104472, 1.432089 52.104511, 1.432207 52.104551, 1.432363 52.104569, 1.432328 52.104661, 1.432335 52.10475, 1.432327 52.104804, 1.432311 52.104889, 1.432293 52.104919, 1.432282 52.104962, 1.432294 52.10505, 1.432281 52.105156, 1.432286 52.10523, 1.432279 52.105685, 1.432237 52.106053, 1.432206 52.106565, 1.432228 52.107083, 1.432227 52.107182, 1.432214 52.107272, 1.432211 52.107762, 1.432013 52.109479, 1.432246 52.109476, 1.432217 52.109761, 1.433486 52.109866, 1.434977 52.109943, 1.435721 52.109999, 1.435946 52.109992, 1.436791 52.109809, 1.438992 52.109717)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.439937 52.105158)",
    "entity": 14800034

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area