Site of special scientific interest

Catmore and Winterly Copses

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1002954 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Catmore and Winterly Copses Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2014-01-15 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-21 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.462272 51.392939, -1.462886 51.39298, -1.462959 51.39298, -1.463018 51.392967, -1.463069 51.392929, -1.463224 51.392777, -1.463413 51.392553, -1.463683 51.392306, -1.463732 51.392272, -1.463933 51.392171, -1.464208 51.39208, -1.464374 51.392037, -1.464511 51.392011, -1.465232 51.391958, -1.465305 51.391818, -1.465345 51.391639, -1.465402 51.391498, -1.465496 51.391351, -1.465589 51.391256, -1.465762 51.391123, -1.465904 51.39103, -1.466054 51.390948, -1.466256 51.390856, -1.466405 51.390801, -1.466544 51.390757, -1.466706 51.390718, -1.46673 51.39069, -1.466838 51.390666, -1.467013 51.390639, -1.467129 51.390634, -1.467504 51.390665, -1.467378 51.390572, -1.46725 51.390424, -1.467158 51.390286, -1.467102 51.390113, -1.467062 51.38988, -1.467028 51.389605, -1.467015 51.389361, -1.467027 51.389128, -1.467143 51.388928, -1.467167 51.388841, -1.467171 51.387938, -1.466957 51.387821, -1.466976 51.387657, -1.467012 51.387509, -1.467072 51.387346, -1.467134 51.387214, -1.46692 51.387196, -1.46658 51.387152, -1.465248 51.388329, -1.464429 51.389069, -1.463856 51.389048, -1.463393 51.389051, -1.463402 51.389013, -1.463405 51.388871, -1.463421 51.388778, -1.463511 51.388536, -1.463562 51.388359, -1.463587 51.388311, -1.463464 51.388246, -1.463325 51.388205, -1.463229 51.388188, -1.461921 51.38809, -1.461863 51.388136, -1.461844 51.388162, -1.461842 51.388183, -1.461867 51.388301, -1.46191 51.388403, -1.462001 51.388554, -1.462094 51.388687, -1.462158 51.388755, -1.462412 51.388973, -1.462427 51.388995, -1.462429 51.389023, -1.462406 51.389057, -1.462346 51.389094, -1.462232 51.389143, -1.462151 51.389202, -1.461909 51.389354, -1.461706 51.389531, -1.461627 51.389619, -1.461394 51.389927, -1.461287 51.390111, -1.461222 51.390193, -1.461158 51.390384, -1.460938 51.390689, -1.460902 51.390777, -1.46088 51.390805, -1.460858 51.390857, -1.460805 51.391006, -1.46078 51.391038, -1.460713 51.391079, -1.460653 51.391088, -1.460527 51.391125, -1.460077 51.391159, -1.459816 51.391201, -1.459776 51.391122, -1.459387 51.390897, -1.458966 51.390678, -1.458708 51.390524, -1.458405 51.390386, -1.458259 51.390339, -1.458205 51.390384, -1.458061 51.390534, -1.457908 51.390722, -1.457779 51.390912, -1.457665 51.391061, -1.457649 51.391091, -1.457628 51.391169, -1.457594 51.391211, -1.457535 51.391258, -1.45749 51.391378, -1.45747 51.391475, -1.457515 51.391559, -1.457554 51.391694, -1.457596 51.391783, -1.457669 51.391987, -1.457668 51.392026, -1.457649 51.392045, -1.45762 51.392057, -1.457361 51.391999, -1.457319 51.392006, -1.457248 51.392048, -1.457109 51.392159, -1.457074 51.392196, -1.456985 51.392341, -1.456926 51.392412, -1.4569 51.392463, -1.456801 51.39255, -1.456719 51.392679, -1.456458 51.392714, -1.456089 51.3927, -1.455436 51.392633, -1.455373 51.392613, -1.455342 51.392591, -1.455312 51.39265, -1.455318 51.392679, -1.455448 51.392838, -1.455542 51.392994, -1.455672 51.393178, -1.455724 51.393229, -1.455825 51.393531, -1.45589 51.39365, -1.455959 51.393734, -1.456104 51.393847, -1.456176 51.393882, -1.456266 51.393894, -1.456548 51.393909, -1.457369 51.39389, -1.457585 51.393853, -1.457843 51.393776, -1.457956 51.393729, -1.458157 51.393626, -1.45846 51.393407, -1.458558 51.393353, -1.458601 51.393318, -1.459162 51.393043, -1.459254 51.392958, -1.459292 51.392939, -1.459296 51.3929, -1.459445 51.392879, -1.459537 51.392856, -1.459888 51.392809, -1.460209 51.392787, -1.460745 51.392777, -1.461048 51.392782, -1.461544 51.392818, -1.461733 51.392874, -1.461886 51.392904, -1.462181 51.392924, -1.462272 51.392939))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.462208 51.390923) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "name": "Catmore and Winterly Copses",
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© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area