Fore Wood
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1002864 | Facts |
Prefix | site-of-special-scientific-interest | Facts |
Name | Fore Wood | Facts |
Dataset | Site of special scientific interest | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | 2003-12-05 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2023-06-16 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((0.488497 50.886942, 0.488564 50.886918, 0.488633 50.886905, 0.488774 50.88697, 0.488913 50.887, 0.488959 50.887017, 0.489116 50.887131, 0.489169 50.887197, 0.489248 50.887377, 0.489349 50.887471, 0.4894 50.887562, 0.489435 50.887608, 0.489678 50.887868, 0.489792 50.888029, 0.489837 50.888078, 0.489896 50.888052, 0.489963 50.888001, 0.490043 50.887887, 0.490093 50.887853, 0.490274 50.887757, 0.490521 50.887643, 0.490579 50.887606, 0.490596 50.887582, 0.490651 50.887435, 0.490678 50.887339, 0.490753 50.887279, 0.490757 50.887266, 0.490744 50.887239, 0.490629 50.887164, 0.49062 50.887151, 0.490625 50.887093, 0.490669 50.886958, 0.490759 50.886849, 0.490848 50.886771, 0.490906 50.886731, 0.491008 50.886681, 0.491185 50.886614, 0.490816 50.886401, 0.490734 50.886365, 0.490582 50.886317, 0.490319 50.8862, 0.489982 50.886012, 0.489903 50.885977, 0.489758 50.885929, 0.489597 50.885891, 0.489698 50.885784, 0.489848 50.885687, 0.489949 50.885639, 0.490042 50.885607, 0.490246 50.885565, 0.490414 50.885537, 0.490594 50.885524, 0.490574 50.885708, 0.490581 50.885761, 0.490619 50.8858, 0.490779 50.885894, 0.490828 50.885935, 0.490861 50.886002, 0.490895 50.886107, 0.49093 50.886152, 0.491005 50.886198, 0.491192 50.886278, 0.491312 50.886348, 0.491396 50.886374, 0.491481 50.886496, 0.491541 50.886533, 0.491555 50.886565, 0.491583 50.886596, 0.491693 50.886661, 0.491762 50.88668, 0.491873 50.886683, 0.491935 50.886671, 0.492178 50.886556, 0.492201 50.886541, 0.492202 50.886525, 0.492235 50.886513, 0.492543 50.886521, 0.492792 50.886506, 0.493076 50.886394, 0.493217 50.886283, 0.493451 50.886153, 0.493864 50.886077, 0.494063 50.886056, 0.494366 50.886073, 0.494376 50.886141, 0.494692 50.886169, 0.49481 50.886196, 0.49485 50.886212, 0.49489 50.886323, 0.494799 50.886276, 0.49478 50.886278, 0.494691 50.886471, 0.494661 50.886599, 0.494648 50.886923, 0.494459 50.886945, 0.494399 50.886959, 0.494374 50.886977, 0.494531 50.88726, 0.493572 50.887506, 0.493936 50.887848, 0.493997 50.887933, 0.494018 50.887947, 0.494074 50.887962, 0.494669 50.888011, 0.494658 50.888015, 0.494817 50.888028, 0.494882 50.888042, 0.495112 50.888207, 0.495467 50.888507, 0.495505 50.888553, 0.495415 50.888636, 0.49538 50.888699, 0.495342 50.888807, 0.495294 50.889043, 0.495273 50.889289, 0.495236 50.889456, 0.495176 50.889552, 0.495087 50.889619, 0.494744 50.889804, 0.494471 50.889928, 0.494287 50.889999, 0.493992 50.890095, 0.493664 50.890106, 0.493594 50.890149, 0.493521 50.890226, 0.493418 50.890308, 0.493303 50.890368, 0.493165 50.890465, 0.493125 50.8905, 0.49307 50.890592, 0.493011 50.890636, 0.492971 50.89065, 0.492554 50.890725, 0.492195 50.890818, 0.491951 50.890868, 0.491649 50.890952, 0.491261 50.890982, 0.49104 50.89104, 0.4908 50.891132, 0.490754 50.891141, 0.490631 50.891147, 0.490383 50.891125, 0.490303 50.891022, 0.490237 50.890962, 0.490053 50.890864, 0.489644 50.890669, 0.489354 50.890513, 0.489221 50.890461, 0.489104 50.890429, 0.488669 50.890334, 0.488558 50.890096, 0.488557 50.890042, 0.488592 50.889786, 0.48859 50.88975, 0.488574 50.889697, 0.488545 50.889658, 0.488398 50.88952, 0.488381 50.88948, 0.488388 50.88941, 0.488376 50.889385, 0.48821 50.889152, 0.487818 50.888858, 0.487778 50.888817, 0.487759 50.888762, 0.487725 50.888539, 0.487704 50.888491, 0.487517 50.888301, 0.487492 50.888248, 0.487484 50.88822, 0.487472 50.887958, 0.487443 50.887923, 0.487366 50.887907, 0.487597 50.887806, 0.48756 50.887726, 0.487503 50.887559, 0.487399 50.887346, 0.487307 50.887124, 0.487371 50.887078, 0.487431 50.887056, 0.487622 50.887014, 0.487764 50.887006, 0.487819 50.886981, 0.488087 50.887021, 0.488143 50.887015, 0.488225 50.886989, 0.488342 50.887004, 0.488395 50.886999, 0.488497 50.886942)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (0.491493 50.888579)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1002864",
"prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"name": "Fore Wood",
"dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "2003-12-05",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2023-06-16",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.488497 50.886942, 0.488564 50.886918, 0.488633 50.886905, 0.488774 50.88697, 0.488913 50.887, 0.488959 50.887017, 0.489116 50.887131, 0.489169 50.887197, 0.489248 50.887377, 0.489349 50.887471, 0.4894 50.887562, 0.489435 50.887608, 0.489678 50.887868, 0.489792 50.888029, 0.489837 50.888078, 0.489896 50.888052, 0.489963 50.888001, 0.490043 50.887887, 0.490093 50.887853, 0.490274 50.887757, 0.490521 50.887643, 0.490579 50.887606, 0.490596 50.887582, 0.490651 50.887435, 0.490678 50.887339, 0.490753 50.887279, 0.490757 50.887266, 0.490744 50.887239, 0.490629 50.887164, 0.49062 50.887151, 0.490625 50.887093, 0.490669 50.886958, 0.490759 50.886849, 0.490848 50.886771, 0.490906 50.886731, 0.491008 50.886681, 0.491185 50.886614, 0.490816 50.886401, 0.490734 50.886365, 0.490582 50.886317, 0.490319 50.8862, 0.489982 50.886012, 0.489903 50.885977, 0.489758 50.885929, 0.489597 50.885891, 0.489698 50.885784, 0.489848 50.885687, 0.489949 50.885639, 0.490042 50.885607, 0.490246 50.885565, 0.490414 50.885537, 0.490594 50.885524, 0.490574 50.885708, 0.490581 50.885761, 0.490619 50.8858, 0.490779 50.885894, 0.490828 50.885935, 0.490861 50.886002, 0.490895 50.886107, 0.49093 50.886152, 0.491005 50.886198, 0.491192 50.886278, 0.491312 50.886348, 0.491396 50.886374, 0.491481 50.886496, 0.491541 50.886533, 0.491555 50.886565, 0.491583 50.886596, 0.491693 50.886661, 0.491762 50.88668, 0.491873 50.886683, 0.491935 50.886671, 0.492178 50.886556, 0.492201 50.886541, 0.492202 50.886525, 0.492235 50.886513, 0.492543 50.886521, 0.492792 50.886506, 0.493076 50.886394, 0.493217 50.886283, 0.493451 50.886153, 0.493864 50.886077, 0.494063 50.886056, 0.494366 50.886073, 0.494376 50.886141, 0.494692 50.886169, 0.49481 50.886196, 0.49485 50.886212, 0.49489 50.886323, 0.494799 50.886276, 0.49478 50.886278, 0.494691 50.886471, 0.494661 50.886599, 0.494648 50.886923, 0.494459 50.886945, 0.494399 50.886959, 0.494374 50.886977, 0.494531 50.88726, 0.493572 50.887506, 0.493936 50.887848, 0.493997 50.887933, 0.494018 50.887947, 0.494074 50.887962, 0.494669 50.888011, 0.494658 50.888015, 0.494817 50.888028, 0.494882 50.888042, 0.495112 50.888207, 0.495467 50.888507, 0.495505 50.888553, 0.495415 50.888636, 0.49538 50.888699, 0.495342 50.888807, 0.495294 50.889043, 0.495273 50.889289, 0.495236 50.889456, 0.495176 50.889552, 0.495087 50.889619, 0.494744 50.889804, 0.494471 50.889928, 0.494287 50.889999, 0.493992 50.890095, 0.493664 50.890106, 0.493594 50.890149, 0.493521 50.890226, 0.493418 50.890308, 0.493303 50.890368, 0.493165 50.890465, 0.493125 50.8905, 0.49307 50.890592, 0.493011 50.890636, 0.492971 50.89065, 0.492554 50.890725, 0.492195 50.890818, 0.491951 50.890868, 0.491649 50.890952, 0.491261 50.890982, 0.49104 50.89104, 0.4908 50.891132, 0.490754 50.891141, 0.490631 50.891147, 0.490383 50.891125, 0.490303 50.891022, 0.490237 50.890962, 0.490053 50.890864, 0.489644 50.890669, 0.489354 50.890513, 0.489221 50.890461, 0.489104 50.890429, 0.488669 50.890334, 0.488558 50.890096, 0.488557 50.890042, 0.488592 50.889786, 0.48859 50.88975, 0.488574 50.889697, 0.488545 50.889658, 0.488398 50.88952, 0.488381 50.88948, 0.488388 50.88941, 0.488376 50.889385, 0.48821 50.889152, 0.487818 50.888858, 0.487778 50.888817, 0.487759 50.888762, 0.487725 50.888539, 0.487704 50.888491, 0.487517 50.888301, 0.487492 50.888248, 0.487484 50.88822, 0.487472 50.887958, 0.487443 50.887923, 0.487366 50.887907, 0.487597 50.887806, 0.48756 50.887726, 0.487503 50.887559, 0.487399 50.887346, 0.487307 50.887124, 0.487371 50.887078, 0.487431 50.887056, 0.487622 50.887014, 0.487764 50.887006, 0.487819 50.886981, 0.488087 50.887021, 0.488143 50.887015, 0.488225 50.886989, 0.488342 50.887004, 0.488395 50.886999, 0.488497 50.886942)))",
"point": "POINT (0.491493 50.888579)",
"entity": 14502029
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.