Site of special scientific interest

Reed Hill

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000169 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Reed Hill Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2015-04-30 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-21 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.444187 51.855991, -1.443827 51.856446, -1.443686 51.856486, -1.443949 51.856561, -1.444456 51.856678, -1.444591 51.856726, -1.444693 51.856786, -1.444796 51.856623, -1.444797 51.8566, -1.444761 51.856501, -1.444769 51.856455, -1.444803 51.856396, -1.444938 51.856241, -1.44507 51.85606, -1.445521 51.85551, -1.445631 51.855354, -1.445649 51.855342, -1.445675 51.855342, -1.445712 51.855351, -1.445837 51.855421, -1.44595 51.855543, -1.445983 51.8556, -1.446008 51.855671, -1.446018 51.855782, -1.445997 51.855944, -1.445959 51.856059, -1.445921 51.85613, -1.445804 51.856304, -1.44561 51.856459, -1.445289 51.85665, -1.445693 51.856662, -1.446436 51.85663, -1.446857 51.856656, -1.447056 51.856654, -1.447123 51.85664, -1.447442 51.856637, -1.448014 51.856739, -1.44869 51.856786, -1.447668 51.856192, -1.44738 51.855993, -1.447001 51.855689, -1.448228 51.855159, -1.450627 51.854154, -1.452019 51.853537, -1.452434 51.853383, -1.452672 51.853307, -1.452842 51.853264, -1.453232 51.853244, -1.454166 51.853161, -1.454623 51.853139, -1.454611 51.853084, -1.454548 51.852951, -1.454435 51.852796, -1.454417 51.852754, -1.454579 51.852725, -1.454647 51.852692, -1.454725 51.852668, -1.45533 51.852623, -1.456086 51.852495, -1.456402 51.85243, -1.457052 51.852251, -1.457358 51.852195, -1.457925 51.852119, -1.458225 51.852086, -1.458359 51.852084, -1.458298 51.852052, -1.458275 51.852024, -1.458257 51.851972, -1.458236 51.851852, -1.458139 51.851671, -1.457649 51.851583, -1.457208 51.851568, -1.457182 51.851572, -1.457135 51.851595, -1.456983 51.851731, -1.456879 51.851801, -1.456806 51.851837, -1.456707 51.851863, -1.456363 51.851842, -1.456318 51.851846, -1.456251 51.851871, -1.456176 51.851915, -1.456044 51.852022, -1.455945 51.852058, -1.455443 51.852143, -1.454508 51.852263, -1.453696 51.852388, -1.453535 51.852402, -1.453182 51.852407, -1.4529 51.85242, -1.452657 51.852464, -1.45245 51.852485, -1.452098 51.852477, -1.451926 51.852529, -1.451689 51.852556, -1.451609 51.852555, -1.451298 51.852603, -1.451364 51.852583, -1.451143 51.852361, -1.450461 51.852637, -1.450098 51.852775, -1.450112 51.852791, -1.449475 51.853016, -1.448953 51.853137, -1.447918 51.853341, -1.447756 51.853383, -1.447573 51.853442, -1.447148 51.853612, -1.447188 51.853655, -1.446641 51.853864, -1.445073 51.854663, -1.444905 51.85486, -1.444594 51.855169, -1.444187 51.855991))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.449426 51.854115) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000169",
    "prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "name": "Reed Hill",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2015-04-30",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-21",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.444187 51.855991, -1.443827 51.856446, -1.443686 51.856486, -1.443949 51.856561, -1.444456 51.856678, -1.444591 51.856726, -1.444693 51.856786, -1.444796 51.856623, -1.444797 51.8566, -1.444761 51.856501, -1.444769 51.856455, -1.444803 51.856396, -1.444938 51.856241, -1.44507 51.85606, -1.445521 51.85551, -1.445631 51.855354, -1.445649 51.855342, -1.445675 51.855342, -1.445712 51.855351, -1.445837 51.855421, -1.44595 51.855543, -1.445983 51.8556, -1.446008 51.855671, -1.446018 51.855782, -1.445997 51.855944, -1.445959 51.856059, -1.445921 51.85613, -1.445804 51.856304, -1.44561 51.856459, -1.445289 51.85665, -1.445693 51.856662, -1.446436 51.85663, -1.446857 51.856656, -1.447056 51.856654, -1.447123 51.85664, -1.447442 51.856637, -1.448014 51.856739, -1.44869 51.856786, -1.447668 51.856192, -1.44738 51.855993, -1.447001 51.855689, -1.448228 51.855159, -1.450627 51.854154, -1.452019 51.853537, -1.452434 51.853383, -1.452672 51.853307, -1.452842 51.853264, -1.453232 51.853244, -1.454166 51.853161, -1.454623 51.853139, -1.454611 51.853084, -1.454548 51.852951, -1.454435 51.852796, -1.454417 51.852754, -1.454579 51.852725, -1.454647 51.852692, -1.454725 51.852668, -1.45533 51.852623, -1.456086 51.852495, -1.456402 51.85243, -1.457052 51.852251, -1.457358 51.852195, -1.457925 51.852119, -1.458225 51.852086, -1.458359 51.852084, -1.458298 51.852052, -1.458275 51.852024, -1.458257 51.851972, -1.458236 51.851852, -1.458139 51.851671, -1.457649 51.851583, -1.457208 51.851568, -1.457182 51.851572, -1.457135 51.851595, -1.456983 51.851731, -1.456879 51.851801, -1.456806 51.851837, -1.456707 51.851863, -1.456363 51.851842, -1.456318 51.851846, -1.456251 51.851871, -1.456176 51.851915, -1.456044 51.852022, -1.455945 51.852058, -1.455443 51.852143, -1.454508 51.852263, -1.453696 51.852388, -1.453535 51.852402, -1.453182 51.852407, -1.4529 51.85242, -1.452657 51.852464, -1.45245 51.852485, -1.452098 51.852477, -1.451926 51.852529, -1.451689 51.852556, -1.451609 51.852555, -1.451298 51.852603, -1.451364 51.852583, -1.451143 51.852361, -1.450461 51.852637, -1.450098 51.852775, -1.450112 51.852791, -1.449475 51.853016, -1.448953 51.853137, -1.447918 51.853341, -1.447756 51.853383, -1.447573 51.853442, -1.447148 51.853612, -1.447188 51.853655, -1.446641 51.853864, -1.445073 51.854663, -1.444905 51.85486, -1.444594 51.855169, -1.444187 51.855991)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.449426 51.854115)",
    "entity": 14500131

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area