Site of special scientific interest

Clunton Coppice

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000041 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Clunton Coppice Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2003-12-09 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-21 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.966424 52.418001, -2.966344 52.417986, -2.966182 52.417908, -2.96589 52.41781, -2.965654 52.417699, -2.965605 52.417694, -2.965545 52.417643, -2.965483 52.417605, -2.965206 52.417452, -2.964792 52.417259, -2.964292 52.417102, -2.964069 52.417063, -2.963304 52.418103, -2.962876 52.418634, -2.962258 52.419361, -2.962533 52.419404, -2.963095 52.419564, -2.963574 52.419689, -2.963834 52.419731, -2.964091 52.419805, -2.964475 52.419879, -2.965079 52.420071, -2.965166 52.420084, -2.965206 52.420079, -2.966005 52.420371, -2.966447 52.420487, -2.966485 52.420405, -2.966522 52.420352, -2.966594 52.420338, -2.966724 52.420349, -2.967324 52.42044, -2.968049 52.420582, -2.968504 52.420625, -2.969199 52.420721, -2.969607 52.420767, -2.969665 52.420782, -2.969718 52.420832, -2.969777 52.420863, -2.969858 52.420885, -2.969948 52.420893, -2.970056 52.420886, -2.9703 52.420839, -2.970704 52.420673, -2.971528 52.420291, -2.971782 52.420195, -2.971957 52.420148, -2.972333 52.420464, -2.972446 52.420528, -2.973118 52.420727, -2.973161 52.420666, -2.973228 52.420625, -2.973344 52.420574, -2.973438 52.420505, -2.973549 52.420447, -2.973595 52.420404, -2.973663 52.420317, -2.973698 52.420288, -2.973921 52.42019, -2.974066 52.420111, -2.97414 52.42001, -2.974156 52.420002, -2.974329 52.419969, -2.974381 52.419973, -2.974469 52.419992, -2.974646 52.420087, -2.974777 52.420119, -2.974854 52.420127, -2.974687 52.419943, -2.974744 52.419908, -2.974931 52.419641, -2.974948 52.419601, -2.974987 52.419446, -2.975028 52.419378, -2.97503 52.419361, -2.974989 52.419204, -2.974952 52.41901, -2.974942 52.418815, -2.974955 52.418605, -2.974934 52.418517, -2.974873 52.418401, -2.974841 52.418358, -2.974709 52.418238, -2.974658 52.418204, -2.974721 52.418182, -2.974763 52.418158, -2.974857 52.418085, -2.974888 52.418052, -2.974913 52.417949, -2.974776 52.417896, -2.974707 52.417886, -2.973722 52.417861, -2.973502 52.417846, -2.973296 52.417817, -2.973127 52.41775, -2.972542 52.417386, -2.972248 52.417259, -2.972194 52.417228, -2.972116 52.41715, -2.971806 52.417307, -2.971209 52.417582, -2.97106 52.417693, -2.970903 52.417764, -2.970841 52.417743, -2.970589 52.417755, -2.969983 52.417917, -2.969778 52.417953, -2.969244 52.418016, -2.968931 52.418068, -2.9686 52.418152, -2.96838 52.418198, -2.968095 52.41824, -2.968058 52.418229, -2.967818 52.418225, -2.967611 52.418189, -2.967288 52.418182, -2.967195 52.418173, -2.966908 52.418115, -2.96661 52.418067, -2.966424 52.418001))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.969065 52.419061) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000041",
    "prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "name": "Clunton Coppice",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2003-12-09",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-21",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.966424 52.418001, -2.966344 52.417986, -2.966182 52.417908, -2.96589 52.41781, -2.965654 52.417699, -2.965605 52.417694, -2.965545 52.417643, -2.965483 52.417605, -2.965206 52.417452, -2.964792 52.417259, -2.964292 52.417102, -2.964069 52.417063, -2.963304 52.418103, -2.962876 52.418634, -2.962258 52.419361, -2.962533 52.419404, -2.963095 52.419564, -2.963574 52.419689, -2.963834 52.419731, -2.964091 52.419805, -2.964475 52.419879, -2.965079 52.420071, -2.965166 52.420084, -2.965206 52.420079, -2.966005 52.420371, -2.966447 52.420487, -2.966485 52.420405, -2.966522 52.420352, -2.966594 52.420338, -2.966724 52.420349, -2.967324 52.42044, -2.968049 52.420582, -2.968504 52.420625, -2.969199 52.420721, -2.969607 52.420767, -2.969665 52.420782, -2.969718 52.420832, -2.969777 52.420863, -2.969858 52.420885, -2.969948 52.420893, -2.970056 52.420886, -2.9703 52.420839, -2.970704 52.420673, -2.971528 52.420291, -2.971782 52.420195, -2.971957 52.420148, -2.972333 52.420464, -2.972446 52.420528, -2.973118 52.420727, -2.973161 52.420666, -2.973228 52.420625, -2.973344 52.420574, -2.973438 52.420505, -2.973549 52.420447, -2.973595 52.420404, -2.973663 52.420317, -2.973698 52.420288, -2.973921 52.42019, -2.974066 52.420111, -2.97414 52.42001, -2.974156 52.420002, -2.974329 52.419969, -2.974381 52.419973, -2.974469 52.419992, -2.974646 52.420087, -2.974777 52.420119, -2.974854 52.420127, -2.974687 52.419943, -2.974744 52.419908, -2.974931 52.419641, -2.974948 52.419601, -2.974987 52.419446, -2.975028 52.419378, -2.97503 52.419361, -2.974989 52.419204, -2.974952 52.41901, -2.974942 52.418815, -2.974955 52.418605, -2.974934 52.418517, -2.974873 52.418401, -2.974841 52.418358, -2.974709 52.418238, -2.974658 52.418204, -2.974721 52.418182, -2.974763 52.418158, -2.974857 52.418085, -2.974888 52.418052, -2.974913 52.417949, -2.974776 52.417896, -2.974707 52.417886, -2.973722 52.417861, -2.973502 52.417846, -2.973296 52.417817, -2.973127 52.41775, -2.972542 52.417386, -2.972248 52.417259, -2.972194 52.417228, -2.972116 52.41715, -2.971806 52.417307, -2.971209 52.417582, -2.97106 52.417693, -2.970903 52.417764, -2.970841 52.417743, -2.970589 52.417755, -2.969983 52.417917, -2.969778 52.417953, -2.969244 52.418016, -2.968931 52.418068, -2.9686 52.418152, -2.96838 52.418198, -2.968095 52.41824, -2.968058 52.418229, -2.967818 52.418225, -2.967611 52.418189, -2.967288 52.418182, -2.967195 52.418173, -2.966908 52.418115, -2.96661 52.418067, -2.966424 52.418001)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.969065 52.419061)",
    "entity": 14500035

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area