Site of special scientific interest

Fremington Quay Cliffs

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000016 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Fremington Quay Cliffs Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2003-08-14 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-11-22 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.122792 51.078692, -4.123137 51.078609, -4.1233 51.078624, -4.123404 51.078599, -4.123449 51.078694, -4.123562 51.078696, -4.12351 51.078596, -4.123521 51.078545, -4.123763 51.0785, -4.12386 51.0785, -4.124248 51.078431, -4.124237 51.078418, -4.126345 51.077987, -4.128415 51.077528, -4.12978 51.07724, -4.130154 51.077724, -4.13042 51.078094, -4.130661 51.078403, -4.130031 51.078447, -4.129728 51.078406, -4.129637 51.078408, -4.12957 51.078417, -4.129451 51.078475, -4.129379 51.078493, -4.129334 51.078445, -4.129296 51.078428, -4.129226 51.078416, -4.128985 51.078428, -4.128633 51.07848, -4.128462 51.078533, -4.128273 51.078605, -4.128021 51.078674, -4.127075 51.078709, -4.126819 51.078687, -4.126615 51.07868, -4.126339 51.078638, -4.126109 51.078666, -4.125887 51.078734, -4.125734 51.078811, -4.125304 51.078959, -4.125199 51.079003, -4.124994 51.079107, -4.124694 51.079279, -4.124378 51.079488, -4.124208 51.079621, -4.123974 51.079838, -4.123722 51.080004, -4.123539 51.080099, -4.123347 51.080182, -4.123177 51.080231, -4.123039 51.08025, -4.122916 51.080251, -4.122831 51.080224, -4.122756 51.080151, -4.122735 51.080072, -4.122744 51.079941, -4.122763 51.079872, -4.122787 51.079825, -4.122852 51.079718, -4.122941 51.079628, -4.12304 51.079511, -4.123088 51.079415, -4.123092 51.079379, -4.123094 51.07931, -4.123077 51.079229, -4.122852 51.078836, -4.122821 51.078766, -4.122792 51.078692)), ((-4.118066 51.089742, -4.117978 51.089811, -4.117915 51.089882, -4.117891 51.089894, -4.117856 51.089897, -4.11784 51.089888, -4.11784 51.089841, -4.117827 51.089796, -4.117758 51.08974, -4.117793 51.089733, -4.117809 51.089722, -4.11782 51.089703, -4.117833 51.089621, -4.117846 51.089608, -4.117938 51.08957, -4.118027 51.089476, -4.118161 51.089303, -4.118211 51.08926, -4.118317 51.089104, -4.118406 51.088909, -4.118484 51.088653, -4.118541 51.088401, -4.118616 51.088004, -4.118666 51.087689, -4.118608 51.087165, -4.118566 51.086968, -4.118491 51.08673, -4.118404 51.086515, -4.118339 51.086381, -4.118338 51.086354, -4.118247 51.086137, -4.118236 51.0861, -4.11826 51.085997, -4.118203 51.085907, -4.118125 51.085921, -4.118136 51.085839, -4.118034 51.085474, -4.118017 51.085225, -4.117994 51.08507, -4.117921 51.084787, -4.117912 51.084715, -4.117904 51.084524, -4.117883 51.084306, -4.1179 51.084022, -4.117901 51.083855, -4.117823 51.083459, -4.117773 51.083042, -4.117743 51.082895, -4.117728 51.082721, -4.117737 51.082595, -4.117768 51.082498, -4.117776 51.082343, -4.1178 51.082117, -4.117792 51.082008, -4.117805 51.081806, -4.117814 51.081763, -4.117823 51.081759, -4.117856 51.081694, -4.117849 51.081679, -4.117854 51.081662, -4.117939 51.081569, -4.117968 51.081472, -4.118004 51.081451, -4.118112 51.081409, -4.118422 51.081407, -4.118896 51.081516, -4.118858 51.081558, -4.11878 51.081694, -4.118733 51.081881, -4.118719 51.08203, -4.118743 51.082224, -4.118749 51.082355, -4.118719 51.08254, -4.118694 51.082617, -4.118685 51.082821, -4.11875 51.083072, -4.118774 51.083128, -4.118847 51.08324, -4.118862 51.083282, -4.118877 51.083426, -4.118921 51.083575, -4.118933 51.083719, -4.118918 51.083772, -4.118888 51.083827, -4.118866 51.08392, -4.118888 51.083994, -4.118908 51.084024, -4.118914 51.084096, -4.118939 51.084124, -4.118919 51.084172, -4.118925 51.08424, -4.119 51.08432, -4.119017 51.084392, -4.119013 51.084432, -4.119027 51.084508, -4.119078 51.08457, -4.119076 51.084597, -4.119061 51.084616, -4.119043 51.084664, -4.119045 51.084679, -4.119084 51.084739, -4.119072 51.084819, -4.119095 51.084865, -4.119142 51.084888, -4.119164 51.084922, -4.119143 51.084981, -4.119119 51.085009, -4.119116 51.085026, -4.119117 51.085038, -4.119148 51.085082, -4.119108 51.085136, -4.119095 51.085192, -4.119144 51.085328, -4.119124 51.085435, -4.119135 51.085483, -4.119163 51.085541, -4.119141 51.085647, -4.119157 51.085746, -4.119143 51.085849, -4.11915 51.085916, -4.119277 51.086307, -4.119378 51.086543, -4.119434 51.086714, -4.119527 51.087055, -4.119556 51.087256, -4.119561 51.087488, -4.119491 51.088057, -4.119441 51.088389, -4.119381 51.088618, -4.11931 51.088838, -4.119231 51.089036, -4.118847 51.089883, -4.118131 51.089754, -4.118066 51.089742))) Facts
Point POINT (-4.122347 51.082205) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "name": "Fremington Quay Cliffs",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2003-08-14",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-11-22",
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    "point": "POINT (-4.122347 51.082205)",
    "entity": 14500014

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area