Battle of Hastings 1066
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000013 | Facts |
Prefix | battlefield | Facts |
Name | Battle of Hastings 1066 | Facts |
Dataset | Battlefield | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1995-06-06 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-12 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((0.478979 50.917088, 0.478827 50.917101, 0.478704 50.917093, 0.478435 50.917106, 0.478226 50.91707, 0.47806 50.916994, 0.477904 50.916884, 0.477814 50.916767, 0.477589 50.916349, 0.477508 50.916122, 0.477497 50.916046, 0.477464 50.91552, 0.477468 50.915482, 0.477494 50.915451, 0.477458 50.915337, 0.477478 50.915244, 0.477446 50.915159, 0.477458 50.915121, 0.477462 50.915041, 0.477432 50.914783, 0.477424 50.914622, 0.477388 50.914442, 0.477398 50.914243, 0.477394 50.914023, 0.477384 50.913964, 0.477408 50.913837, 0.47756 50.912729, 0.477559 50.912563, 0.47751 50.912069, 0.477505 50.911901, 0.477527 50.911261, 0.477586 50.911007, 0.478545 50.910948, 0.479276 50.910889, 0.479738 50.910843, 0.48029 50.910767, 0.481125 50.910665, 0.481648 50.910611, 0.482099 50.910499, 0.481765 50.909687, 0.481483 50.908852, 0.481496 50.908818, 0.481544 50.908773, 0.48172 50.90872, 0.481884 50.908645, 0.482196 50.90852, 0.483488 50.908037, 0.483943 50.907884, 0.484001 50.907868, 0.484046 50.907869, 0.484245 50.907791, 0.484776 50.907636, 0.485099 50.907517, 0.485751 50.90723, 0.485731 50.907211, 0.48603 50.907086, 0.486111 50.907065, 0.486115 50.906981, 0.486292 50.906925, 0.486348 50.906922, 0.486448 50.906936, 0.486608 50.906944, 0.486755 50.906934, 0.486947 50.907003, 0.487272 50.907045, 0.48759 50.907058, 0.487898 50.907088, 0.487979 50.907104, 0.488092 50.907134, 0.488437 50.907259, 0.488601 50.907303, 0.488869 50.907407, 0.489056 50.907504, 0.489173 50.907527, 0.489282 50.907563, 0.489612 50.907607, 0.489863 50.907654, 0.490054 50.907629, 0.490114 50.9076, 0.490209 50.907574, 0.4902 50.907639, 0.490235 50.907776, 0.490259 50.907827, 0.490291 50.907865, 0.49047 50.907986, 0.490881 50.908298, 0.49097 50.908375, 0.491026 50.908436, 0.491075 50.908534, 0.491172 50.908842, 0.491344 50.909215, 0.491441 50.909372, 0.491641 50.909667, 0.49172 50.909768, 0.492205 50.910324, 0.492575 50.910615, 0.492705 50.910756, 0.493036 50.911084, 0.49252 50.911436, 0.492273 50.911642, 0.492119 50.911804, 0.491901 50.912083, 0.491856 50.912151, 0.491825 50.912303, 0.491832 50.91235, 0.491864 50.912419, 0.491874 50.912637, 0.491866 50.912678, 0.491796 50.912828, 0.491666 50.912795, 0.491234 50.912842, 0.491174 50.912855, 0.491033 50.912908, 0.490965 50.912944, 0.490901 50.912988, 0.490836 50.913047, 0.490774 50.913118, 0.490683 50.913102, 0.490636 50.913157, 0.490606 50.913215, 0.490581 50.91323, 0.490521 50.913385, 0.490454 50.913454, 0.490448 50.91351, 0.49043 50.913547, 0.490317 50.913721, 0.490361 50.913816, 0.490382 50.913919, 0.490344 50.914004, 0.490352 50.914033, 0.490328 50.914143, 0.490449 50.914287, 0.489746 50.914394, 0.487811 50.914842, 0.487448 50.914919, 0.48684 50.91502, 0.486769 50.915038, 0.486476 50.915071, 0.486378 50.91506, 0.486337 50.915069, 0.486331 50.915068, 0.486339 50.915047, 0.485707 50.914947, 0.485687 50.914996, 0.485604 50.914958, 0.485405 50.914919, 0.485361 50.914919, 0.484821 50.91494, 0.484826 50.91499, 0.484016 50.915065, 0.483727 50.915076, 0.483724 50.91513, 0.483361 50.915745, 0.483265 50.91593, 0.482725 50.916433, 0.482544 50.916547, 0.482523 50.916531, 0.481909 50.91684, 0.481958 50.916905, 0.481896 50.916925, 0.481796 50.916889, 0.48157 50.916871, 0.481241 50.916875, 0.48058 50.916927, 0.480404 50.916956, 0.480216 50.916961, 0.479456 50.917017, 0.479458 50.917037, 0.479403 50.917041, 0.479381 50.917058, 0.478979 50.917088)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (0.484694 50.912009)
Facts |
Wikidata | Q83224 | Facts |
Wikipedia | Battle_of_Hastings | Facts |
Document url | | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000013",
"prefix": "battlefield",
"name": "Battle of Hastings 1066",
"dataset": "battlefield",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1995-06-06",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-12",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.478979 50.917088, 0.478827 50.917101, 0.478704 50.917093, 0.478435 50.917106, 0.478226 50.91707, 0.47806 50.916994, 0.477904 50.916884, 0.477814 50.916767, 0.477589 50.916349, 0.477508 50.916122, 0.477497 50.916046, 0.477464 50.91552, 0.477468 50.915482, 0.477494 50.915451, 0.477458 50.915337, 0.477478 50.915244, 0.477446 50.915159, 0.477458 50.915121, 0.477462 50.915041, 0.477432 50.914783, 0.477424 50.914622, 0.477388 50.914442, 0.477398 50.914243, 0.477394 50.914023, 0.477384 50.913964, 0.477408 50.913837, 0.47756 50.912729, 0.477559 50.912563, 0.47751 50.912069, 0.477505 50.911901, 0.477527 50.911261, 0.477586 50.911007, 0.478545 50.910948, 0.479276 50.910889, 0.479738 50.910843, 0.48029 50.910767, 0.481125 50.910665, 0.481648 50.910611, 0.482099 50.910499, 0.481765 50.909687, 0.481483 50.908852, 0.481496 50.908818, 0.481544 50.908773, 0.48172 50.90872, 0.481884 50.908645, 0.482196 50.90852, 0.483488 50.908037, 0.483943 50.907884, 0.484001 50.907868, 0.484046 50.907869, 0.484245 50.907791, 0.484776 50.907636, 0.485099 50.907517, 0.485751 50.90723, 0.485731 50.907211, 0.48603 50.907086, 0.486111 50.907065, 0.486115 50.906981, 0.486292 50.906925, 0.486348 50.906922, 0.486448 50.906936, 0.486608 50.906944, 0.486755 50.906934, 0.486947 50.907003, 0.487272 50.907045, 0.48759 50.907058, 0.487898 50.907088, 0.487979 50.907104, 0.488092 50.907134, 0.488437 50.907259, 0.488601 50.907303, 0.488869 50.907407, 0.489056 50.907504, 0.489173 50.907527, 0.489282 50.907563, 0.489612 50.907607, 0.489863 50.907654, 0.490054 50.907629, 0.490114 50.9076, 0.490209 50.907574, 0.4902 50.907639, 0.490235 50.907776, 0.490259 50.907827, 0.490291 50.907865, 0.49047 50.907986, 0.490881 50.908298, 0.49097 50.908375, 0.491026 50.908436, 0.491075 50.908534, 0.491172 50.908842, 0.491344 50.909215, 0.491441 50.909372, 0.491641 50.909667, 0.49172 50.909768, 0.492205 50.910324, 0.492575 50.910615, 0.492705 50.910756, 0.493036 50.911084, 0.49252 50.911436, 0.492273 50.911642, 0.492119 50.911804, 0.491901 50.912083, 0.491856 50.912151, 0.491825 50.912303, 0.491832 50.91235, 0.491864 50.912419, 0.491874 50.912637, 0.491866 50.912678, 0.491796 50.912828, 0.491666 50.912795, 0.491234 50.912842, 0.491174 50.912855, 0.491033 50.912908, 0.490965 50.912944, 0.490901 50.912988, 0.490836 50.913047, 0.490774 50.913118, 0.490683 50.913102, 0.490636 50.913157, 0.490606 50.913215, 0.490581 50.91323, 0.490521 50.913385, 0.490454 50.913454, 0.490448 50.91351, 0.49043 50.913547, 0.490317 50.913721, 0.490361 50.913816, 0.490382 50.913919, 0.490344 50.914004, 0.490352 50.914033, 0.490328 50.914143, 0.490449 50.914287, 0.489746 50.914394, 0.487811 50.914842, 0.487448 50.914919, 0.48684 50.91502, 0.486769 50.915038, 0.486476 50.915071, 0.486378 50.91506, 0.486337 50.915069, 0.486331 50.915068, 0.486339 50.915047, 0.485707 50.914947, 0.485687 50.914996, 0.485604 50.914958, 0.485405 50.914919, 0.485361 50.914919, 0.484821 50.91494, 0.484826 50.91499, 0.484016 50.915065, 0.483727 50.915076, 0.483724 50.91513, 0.483361 50.915745, 0.483265 50.91593, 0.482725 50.916433, 0.482544 50.916547, 0.482523 50.916531, 0.481909 50.91684, 0.481958 50.916905, 0.481896 50.916925, 0.481796 50.916889, 0.48157 50.916871, 0.481241 50.916875, 0.48058 50.916927, 0.480404 50.916956, 0.480216 50.916961, 0.479456 50.917017, 0.479458 50.917037, 0.479403 50.917041, 0.479381 50.917058, 0.478979 50.917088)))",
"point": "POINT (0.484694 50.912009)",
"entity": 1400013,
"wikidata": "Q83224",
"wikipedia": "Battle_of_Hastings",
"document-url": "",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.