Scheduled monument
Eaton Camp
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1001756 | Facts |
Prefix | scheduled-monument | Facts |
Name | Eaton Camp | Facts |
Dataset | Scheduled monument | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1928-11-26 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-28 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.797721 52.050416, -2.798085 52.050473, -2.799046 52.050563, -2.79984 52.050665, -2.799911 52.050609, -2.799935 52.050541, -2.799926 52.050468, -2.799898 52.050384, -2.800506 52.050419, -2.800759 52.04942, -2.800961 52.048558, -2.801019 52.048067, -2.801013 52.047973, -2.800986 52.047804, -2.800937 52.047737, -2.800829 52.047673, -2.800538 52.047563, -2.799957 52.047372, -2.799714 52.047349, -2.799574 52.047392, -2.799175 52.04762, -2.799015 52.0477, -2.798827 52.047771, -2.797867 52.048273, -2.797463 52.048456, -2.797048 52.048605, -2.796412 52.048817, -2.795175 52.049178, -2.79445 52.049449, -2.794273 52.049573, -2.794267 52.049647, -2.794341 52.049723, -2.794478 52.049779, -2.795291 52.049975, -2.795579 52.050058, -2.795866 52.050165, -2.796236 52.050237, -2.796652 52.050265, -2.797721 52.050416)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.798415 52.049199)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1001756",
"prefix": "scheduled-monument",
"name": "Eaton Camp",
"dataset": "scheduled-monument",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1928-11-26",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-28",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.797721 52.050416, -2.798085 52.050473, -2.799046 52.050563, -2.79984 52.050665, -2.799911 52.050609, -2.799935 52.050541, -2.799926 52.050468, -2.799898 52.050384, -2.800506 52.050419, -2.800759 52.04942, -2.800961 52.048558, -2.801019 52.048067, -2.801013 52.047973, -2.800986 52.047804, -2.800937 52.047737, -2.800829 52.047673, -2.800538 52.047563, -2.799957 52.047372, -2.799714 52.047349, -2.799574 52.047392, -2.799175 52.04762, -2.799015 52.0477, -2.798827 52.047771, -2.797867 52.048273, -2.797463 52.048456, -2.797048 52.048605, -2.796412 52.048817, -2.795175 52.049178, -2.79445 52.049449, -2.794273 52.049573, -2.794267 52.049647, -2.794341 52.049723, -2.794478 52.049779, -2.795291 52.049975, -2.795579 52.050058, -2.795866 52.050165, -2.796236 52.050237, -2.796652 52.050265, -2.797721 52.050416)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.798415 52.049199)",
"entity": 13900038,
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
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