Scheduled monument

Walterstone Camp

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1001755 Facts
Prefix scheduled-monument Facts
Name Walterstone Camp Facts
Dataset Scheduled monument no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1928-11-26 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.94807 51.919363, -2.94797 51.919371, -2.947949 51.919412, -2.947914 51.919448, -2.947857 51.919475, -2.947647 51.919534, -2.947519 51.919582, -2.947399 51.919632, -2.94729 51.919689, -2.947116 51.919801, -2.946842 51.920028, -2.946772 51.920168, -2.946652 51.920322, -2.946586 51.920374, -2.946529 51.920455, -2.94648 51.920604, -2.946477 51.920697, -2.946505 51.920779, -2.946555 51.920882, -2.946601 51.92095, -2.946678 51.921007, -2.94602 51.921252, -2.946919 51.922117, -2.94748 51.921903, -2.948024 51.921716, -2.948507 51.921532, -2.948741 51.921413, -2.949016 51.921303, -2.949296 51.921171, -2.949392 51.921101, -2.949497 51.921007, -2.949619 51.920881, -2.949756 51.920715, -2.949893 51.920454, -2.949917 51.920373, -2.949906 51.920266, -2.949884 51.920225, -2.949797 51.920104, -2.949723 51.920021, -2.949567 51.919898, -2.949331 51.919637, -2.94921 51.919566, -2.949122 51.919525, -2.948935 51.919463, -2.948841 51.919441, -2.9484 51.919364, -2.94807 51.919363))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.948006 51.920654) Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1001755",
    "prefix": "scheduled-monument",
    "name": "Walterstone Camp",
    "dataset": "scheduled-monument",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1928-11-26",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.94807 51.919363, -2.94797 51.919371, -2.947949 51.919412, -2.947914 51.919448, -2.947857 51.919475, -2.947647 51.919534, -2.947519 51.919582, -2.947399 51.919632, -2.94729 51.919689, -2.947116 51.919801, -2.946842 51.920028, -2.946772 51.920168, -2.946652 51.920322, -2.946586 51.920374, -2.946529 51.920455, -2.94648 51.920604, -2.946477 51.920697, -2.946505 51.920779, -2.946555 51.920882, -2.946601 51.92095, -2.946678 51.921007, -2.94602 51.921252, -2.946919 51.922117, -2.94748 51.921903, -2.948024 51.921716, -2.948507 51.921532, -2.948741 51.921413, -2.949016 51.921303, -2.949296 51.921171, -2.949392 51.921101, -2.949497 51.921007, -2.949619 51.920881, -2.949756 51.920715, -2.949893 51.920454, -2.949917 51.920373, -2.949906 51.920266, -2.949884 51.920225, -2.949797 51.920104, -2.949723 51.920021, -2.949567 51.919898, -2.949331 51.919637, -2.94921 51.919566, -2.949122 51.919525, -2.948935 51.919463, -2.948841 51.919441, -2.9484 51.919364, -2.94807 51.919363)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.948006 51.920654)",
    "entity": 13900037,
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area