

Field Value Fact links
Reference E04000195 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Clifford Facts
Dataset Parish no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.377609 53.906177, -1.377658 53.905715, -1.377709 53.90553, -1.377798 53.905298, -1.37776 53.905218, -1.377649 53.905078, -1.377409 53.904878, -1.376693 53.904499, -1.375843 53.903895, -1.375706 53.903626, -1.375798 53.903393, -1.376001 53.903138, -1.376202 53.902911, -1.376341 53.902769, -1.376511 53.902391, -1.376643 53.902121, -1.376647 53.901834, -1.376667 53.90145, -1.376826 53.901197, -1.376964 53.901095, -1.377132 53.90094, -1.377396 53.900627, -1.378216 53.900152, -1.378337 53.89989, -1.379152 53.899323, -1.379491 53.899027, -1.379777 53.898792, -1.380453 53.898411, -1.381126 53.898134, -1.380728 53.89798, -1.380518 53.897884, -1.379736 53.897602, -1.379471 53.897482, -1.379209 53.897393, -1.378648 53.897279, -1.377494 53.896968, -1.376822 53.896812, -1.375558 53.896565, -1.375186 53.896456, -1.374812 53.896318, -1.374397 53.896151, -1.373891 53.895931, -1.372954 53.895587, -1.372057 53.89531, -1.370504 53.894795, -1.369643 53.89458, -1.368566 53.894438, -1.368135 53.894256, -1.367587 53.894044, -1.367347 53.893918, -1.367036 53.893654, -1.36678 53.89342, -1.366441 53.893139, -1.36624 53.893245, -1.366045 53.893217, -1.365325 53.893175, -1.364462 53.893109, -1.363827 53.893139, -1.363506 53.893136, -1.363233 53.893171, -1.362985 53.893173, -1.362156 53.893169, -1.36127 53.893108, -1.360803 53.893097, -1.360355 53.893098, -1.360305 53.89283, -1.360311 53.892486, -1.360342 53.89199, -1.360329 53.891608, -1.36099 53.891501, -1.361544 53.891282, -1.362227 53.891078, -1.362778 53.890885, -1.363023 53.889449, -1.363081 53.889181, -1.363233 53.888767, -1.363511 53.88878, -1.363378 53.888476, -1.363153 53.888202, -1.362941 53.88798, -1.362183 53.887905, -1.3602 53.887824, -1.358599 53.887669, -1.357693 53.887592, -1.357669 53.887563, -1.357271 53.887523, -1.357084 53.887514, -1.356765 53.887419, -1.356457 53.887364, -1.355913 53.88729, -1.355921 53.887165, -1.353675 53.887006, -1.352991 53.886939, -1.352135 53.886798, -1.351625 53.886556, -1.351443 53.886598, -1.351251 53.886729, -1.350852 53.886632, -1.350183 53.886705, -1.349619 53.886809, -1.349079 53.886896, -1.348824 53.886919, -1.348499 53.886914, -1.348227 53.88687, -1.347069 53.886807, -1.346732 53.886576, -1.346531 53.886631, -1.346403 53.886699, -1.346154 53.886769, -1.345836 53.886843, -1.345881 53.886997, -1.345779 53.887, -1.345632 53.88694, -1.345509 53.886854, -1.345389 53.886908, -1.345373 53.887036, -1.345005 53.887128, -1.344877 53.887231, -1.344818 53.887326, -1.344657 53.887311, -1.344558 53.887321, -1.344594 53.887717, -1.344125 53.887679, -1.343923 53.887949, -1.34354 53.88791, -1.343391 53.888183, -1.342893 53.888098, -1.342269 53.888448, -1.342027 53.888407, -1.341935 53.888546, -1.342069 53.889089, -1.342399 53.890074, -1.342843 53.891438, -1.343007 53.891914, -1.343256 53.892448, -1.343219 53.892483, -1.343159 53.892608, -1.34307 53.892759, -1.342987 53.892826, -1.3428 53.892815, -1.342445 53.892999, -1.342295 53.892966, -1.342012 53.893105, -1.341854 53.893147, -1.341789 53.893213, -1.341841 53.893521, -1.341701 53.893604, -1.34151 53.893678, -1.341342 53.893721, -1.341129 53.893672, -1.341044 53.893704, -1.340964 53.893747, -1.340828 53.893798, -1.34076 53.893856, -1.340783 53.893928, -1.340836 53.894031, -1.34056 53.894096, -1.340357 53.894093, -1.340222 53.894167, -1.340079 53.894274, -1.33996 53.894311, -1.33966 53.894325, -1.339633 53.894357, -1.339505 53.894574, -1.339374 53.894666, -1.339342 53.894914, -1.339333 53.894938, -1.339152 53.894967, -1.339053 53.895065, -1.338799 53.89526, -1.338664 53.895334, -1.338633 53.895362, -1.339011 53.895492, -1.339159 53.895502, -1.339392 53.895483, -1.339709 53.895441, -1.339684 53.895549, -1.339669 53.895843, -1.3396 53.896376, -1.339399 53.897154, -1.339341 53.897303, -1.339168 53.897494, -1.339043 53.897719, -1.338982 53.89791, -1.338989 53.897996, -1.33903 53.898195, -1.34015 53.899364, -1.340337 53.899614, -1.340591 53.900158, -1.340776 53.900388, -1.340974 53.900662, -1.341059 53.900849, -1.341771 53.900742, -1.342907 53.900627, -1.345609 53.900379, -1.345344 53.901176, -1.345209 53.901497, -1.346147 53.901505, -1.35021 53.901498, -1.350256 53.901776, -1.350363 53.901997, -1.350548 53.902262, -1.355023 53.901953, -1.356935 53.901808, -1.357417 53.901745, -1.357806 53.90167, -1.359077 53.901394, -1.359827 53.901217, -1.36044 53.901008, -1.36057 53.900871, -1.364107 53.900811, -1.3651 53.90082, -1.367199 53.900792, -1.372148 53.900758, -1.373123 53.902083, -1.373597 53.902698, -1.375084 53.904084, -1.375715 53.904724, -1.377452 53.906169, -1.377609 53.906177))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.356607 53.895515) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Clifford",
    "dataset": "parish",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.377609 53.906177, -1.377658 53.905715, -1.377709 53.90553, -1.377798 53.905298, -1.37776 53.905218, -1.377649 53.905078, -1.377409 53.904878, -1.376693 53.904499, -1.375843 53.903895, -1.375706 53.903626, -1.375798 53.903393, -1.376001 53.903138, -1.376202 53.902911, -1.376341 53.902769, -1.376511 53.902391, -1.376643 53.902121, -1.376647 53.901834, -1.376667 53.90145, -1.376826 53.901197, -1.376964 53.901095, -1.377132 53.90094, -1.377396 53.900627, -1.378216 53.900152, -1.378337 53.89989, -1.379152 53.899323, -1.379491 53.899027, -1.379777 53.898792, -1.380453 53.898411, -1.381126 53.898134, -1.380728 53.89798, -1.380518 53.897884, -1.379736 53.897602, -1.379471 53.897482, -1.379209 53.897393, -1.378648 53.897279, -1.377494 53.896968, -1.376822 53.896812, -1.375558 53.896565, -1.375186 53.896456, -1.374812 53.896318, -1.374397 53.896151, -1.373891 53.895931, -1.372954 53.895587, -1.372057 53.89531, -1.370504 53.894795, -1.369643 53.89458, -1.368566 53.894438, -1.368135 53.894256, -1.367587 53.894044, -1.367347 53.893918, -1.367036 53.893654, -1.36678 53.89342, -1.366441 53.893139, -1.36624 53.893245, -1.366045 53.893217, -1.365325 53.893175, -1.364462 53.893109, -1.363827 53.893139, -1.363506 53.893136, -1.363233 53.893171, -1.362985 53.893173, -1.362156 53.893169, -1.36127 53.893108, -1.360803 53.893097, -1.360355 53.893098, -1.360305 53.89283, -1.360311 53.892486, -1.360342 53.89199, -1.360329 53.891608, -1.36099 53.891501, -1.361544 53.891282, -1.362227 53.891078, -1.362778 53.890885, -1.363023 53.889449, -1.363081 53.889181, -1.363233 53.888767, -1.363511 53.88878, -1.363378 53.888476, -1.363153 53.888202, -1.362941 53.88798, -1.362183 53.887905, -1.3602 53.887824, -1.358599 53.887669, -1.357693 53.887592, -1.357669 53.887563, -1.357271 53.887523, -1.357084 53.887514, -1.356765 53.887419, -1.356457 53.887364, -1.355913 53.88729, -1.355921 53.887165, -1.353675 53.887006, -1.352991 53.886939, -1.352135 53.886798, -1.351625 53.886556, -1.351443 53.886598, -1.351251 53.886729, -1.350852 53.886632, -1.350183 53.886705, -1.349619 53.886809, -1.349079 53.886896, -1.348824 53.886919, -1.348499 53.886914, -1.348227 53.88687, -1.347069 53.886807, -1.346732 53.886576, -1.346531 53.886631, -1.346403 53.886699, -1.346154 53.886769, -1.345836 53.886843, -1.345881 53.886997, -1.345779 53.887, -1.345632 53.88694, -1.345509 53.886854, -1.345389 53.886908, -1.345373 53.887036, -1.345005 53.887128, -1.344877 53.887231, -1.344818 53.887326, -1.344657 53.887311, -1.344558 53.887321, -1.344594 53.887717, -1.344125 53.887679, -1.343923 53.887949, -1.34354 53.88791, -1.343391 53.888183, -1.342893 53.888098, -1.342269 53.888448, -1.342027 53.888407, -1.341935 53.888546, -1.342069 53.889089, -1.342399 53.890074, -1.342843 53.891438, -1.343007 53.891914, -1.343256 53.892448, -1.343219 53.892483, -1.343159 53.892608, -1.34307 53.892759, -1.342987 53.892826, -1.3428 53.892815, -1.342445 53.892999, -1.342295 53.892966, -1.342012 53.893105, -1.341854 53.893147, -1.341789 53.893213, -1.341841 53.893521, -1.341701 53.893604, -1.34151 53.893678, -1.341342 53.893721, -1.341129 53.893672, -1.341044 53.893704, -1.340964 53.893747, -1.340828 53.893798, -1.34076 53.893856, -1.340783 53.893928, -1.340836 53.894031, -1.34056 53.894096, -1.340357 53.894093, -1.340222 53.894167, -1.340079 53.894274, -1.33996 53.894311, -1.33966 53.894325, -1.339633 53.894357, -1.339505 53.894574, -1.339374 53.894666, -1.339342 53.894914, -1.339333 53.894938, -1.339152 53.894967, -1.339053 53.895065, -1.338799 53.89526, -1.338664 53.895334, -1.338633 53.895362, -1.339011 53.895492, -1.339159 53.895502, -1.339392 53.895483, -1.339709 53.895441, -1.339684 53.895549, -1.339669 53.895843, -1.3396 53.896376, -1.339399 53.897154, -1.339341 53.897303, -1.339168 53.897494, -1.339043 53.897719, -1.338982 53.89791, -1.338989 53.897996, -1.33903 53.898195, -1.34015 53.899364, -1.340337 53.899614, -1.340591 53.900158, -1.340776 53.900388, -1.340974 53.900662, -1.341059 53.900849, -1.341771 53.900742, -1.342907 53.900627, -1.345609 53.900379, -1.345344 53.901176, -1.345209 53.901497, -1.346147 53.901505, -1.35021 53.901498, -1.350256 53.901776, -1.350363 53.901997, -1.350548 53.902262, -1.355023 53.901953, -1.356935 53.901808, -1.357417 53.901745, -1.357806 53.90167, -1.359077 53.901394, -1.359827 53.901217, -1.36044 53.901008, -1.36057 53.900871, -1.364107 53.900811, -1.3651 53.90082, -1.367199 53.900792, -1.372148 53.900758, -1.373123 53.902083, -1.373597 53.902698, -1.375084 53.904084, -1.375715 53.904724, -1.377452 53.906169, -1.377609 53.906177)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.356607 53.895515)",
    "entity": 130000164

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area