

Field Value Fact links
Reference E04000154 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Kingshurst Facts
Dataset Parish no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.755837 52.499496, -1.755783 52.49948, -1.756173 52.499278, -1.756296 52.499076, -1.756375 52.498879, -1.75651 52.498152, -1.756479 52.497995, -1.756482 52.497901, -1.756521 52.497817, -1.756763 52.497489, -1.756756 52.497169, -1.756787 52.497063, -1.756959 52.496754, -1.757296 52.496453, -1.757743 52.496308, -1.757861 52.496243, -1.758494 52.495638, -1.759032 52.495144, -1.759475 52.494947, -1.759676 52.494882, -1.759899 52.494719, -1.760092 52.494496, -1.760315 52.49394, -1.760336 52.493708, -1.760425 52.493666, -1.760839 52.493634, -1.760851 52.49308, -1.760956 52.492203, -1.76099 52.491848, -1.76099 52.491682, -1.761008 52.49158, -1.761184 52.491245, -1.761371 52.490817, -1.761456 52.490639, -1.761595 52.490378, -1.761801 52.490162, -1.762359 52.490108, -1.76237 52.489737, -1.762337 52.488701, -1.762325 52.488579, -1.762243 52.488493, -1.761302 52.488337, -1.761113 52.488275, -1.761852 52.488088, -1.762074 52.488005, -1.762398 52.487758, -1.762613 52.48762, -1.762889 52.487498, -1.763313 52.48743, -1.763466 52.487286, -1.763654 52.487223, -1.763655 52.487111, -1.763493 52.487068, -1.763215 52.486758, -1.763182 52.486675, -1.763094 52.486627, -1.762884 52.486638, -1.762548 52.48673, -1.762348 52.486644, -1.762231 52.486562, -1.762064 52.486571, -1.761998 52.486609, -1.761981 52.486747, -1.761478 52.486829, -1.761317 52.486752, -1.7611 52.486503, -1.760861 52.486423, -1.760919 52.486261, -1.761046 52.486192, -1.761072 52.485979, -1.761222 52.485712, -1.761514 52.48525, -1.761561 52.485223, -1.761095 52.485102, -1.760741 52.484395, -1.760746 52.484273, -1.760458 52.484286, -1.760412 52.483968, -1.759937 52.483754, -1.759474 52.483894, -1.759158 52.483438, -1.759201 52.483412, -1.759046 52.483254, -1.759806 52.482933, -1.759616 52.482739, -1.759485 52.482494, -1.759364 52.48257, -1.758993 52.482724, -1.758773 52.4828, -1.758789 52.482835, -1.758641 52.482923, -1.758183 52.483055, -1.757751 52.483155, -1.757546 52.483217, -1.757344 52.483284, -1.756936 52.483447, -1.756531 52.483509, -1.756 52.483609, -1.754306 52.484074, -1.754027 52.483657, -1.752779 52.483979, -1.753059 52.484439, -1.752722 52.484524, -1.75276 52.484567, -1.752313 52.484672, -1.752376 52.484777, -1.751292 52.485034, -1.751426 52.485095, -1.751597 52.485282, -1.75148 52.485435, -1.751533 52.485564, -1.751 52.485793, -1.750473 52.486047, -1.749632 52.486602, -1.749178 52.486918, -1.748848 52.487089, -1.748266 52.487302, -1.747403 52.487578, -1.746967 52.487074, -1.743988 52.487995, -1.744031 52.488283, -1.744061 52.488421, -1.744288 52.488603, -1.743173 52.489008, -1.739078 52.490531, -1.738648 52.490059, -1.737903 52.490315, -1.737779 52.490191, -1.735534 52.490984, -1.735181 52.491058, -1.735576 52.491738, -1.735851 52.491858, -1.736 52.492068, -1.73602 52.492209, -1.73663 52.492407, -1.736873 52.492245, -1.737211 52.492083, -1.738145 52.491741, -1.738412 52.491684, -1.73878 52.491676, -1.739092 52.491724, -1.739311 52.491815, -1.739506 52.491921, -1.740256 52.492414, -1.741036 52.492914, -1.741558 52.493336, -1.742103 52.493829, -1.743147 52.493507, -1.74356 52.494284, -1.74369 52.494511, -1.743739 52.494719, -1.743882 52.495243, -1.74409 52.49565, -1.744456 52.496005, -1.744752 52.496206, -1.745065 52.49636, -1.745495 52.496505, -1.747793 52.496997, -1.749156 52.497276, -1.750926 52.497617, -1.75159 52.497765, -1.751997 52.497923, -1.752247 52.498048, -1.752527 52.49824, -1.752877 52.498575, -1.753139 52.498897, -1.753201 52.498962, -1.753416 52.499134, -1.753782 52.499352, -1.754001 52.499472, -1.754719 52.499775, -1.755121 52.499908, -1.755362 52.499753, -1.755837 52.499496))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.752081 52.491109) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E04000154",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Kingshurst",
    "dataset": "parish",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.755837 52.499496, -1.755783 52.49948, -1.756173 52.499278, -1.756296 52.499076, -1.756375 52.498879, -1.75651 52.498152, -1.756479 52.497995, -1.756482 52.497901, -1.756521 52.497817, -1.756763 52.497489, -1.756756 52.497169, -1.756787 52.497063, -1.756959 52.496754, -1.757296 52.496453, -1.757743 52.496308, -1.757861 52.496243, -1.758494 52.495638, -1.759032 52.495144, -1.759475 52.494947, -1.759676 52.494882, -1.759899 52.494719, -1.760092 52.494496, -1.760315 52.49394, -1.760336 52.493708, -1.760425 52.493666, -1.760839 52.493634, -1.760851 52.49308, -1.760956 52.492203, -1.76099 52.491848, -1.76099 52.491682, -1.761008 52.49158, -1.761184 52.491245, -1.761371 52.490817, -1.761456 52.490639, -1.761595 52.490378, -1.761801 52.490162, -1.762359 52.490108, -1.76237 52.489737, -1.762337 52.488701, -1.762325 52.488579, -1.762243 52.488493, -1.761302 52.488337, -1.761113 52.488275, -1.761852 52.488088, -1.762074 52.488005, -1.762398 52.487758, -1.762613 52.48762, -1.762889 52.487498, -1.763313 52.48743, -1.763466 52.487286, -1.763654 52.487223, -1.763655 52.487111, -1.763493 52.487068, -1.763215 52.486758, -1.763182 52.486675, -1.763094 52.486627, -1.762884 52.486638, -1.762548 52.48673, -1.762348 52.486644, -1.762231 52.486562, -1.762064 52.486571, -1.761998 52.486609, -1.761981 52.486747, -1.761478 52.486829, -1.761317 52.486752, -1.7611 52.486503, -1.760861 52.486423, -1.760919 52.486261, -1.761046 52.486192, -1.761072 52.485979, -1.761222 52.485712, -1.761514 52.48525, -1.761561 52.485223, -1.761095 52.485102, -1.760741 52.484395, -1.760746 52.484273, -1.760458 52.484286, -1.760412 52.483968, -1.759937 52.483754, -1.759474 52.483894, -1.759158 52.483438, -1.759201 52.483412, -1.759046 52.483254, -1.759806 52.482933, -1.759616 52.482739, -1.759485 52.482494, -1.759364 52.48257, -1.758993 52.482724, -1.758773 52.4828, -1.758789 52.482835, -1.758641 52.482923, -1.758183 52.483055, -1.757751 52.483155, -1.757546 52.483217, -1.757344 52.483284, -1.756936 52.483447, -1.756531 52.483509, -1.756 52.483609, -1.754306 52.484074, -1.754027 52.483657, -1.752779 52.483979, -1.753059 52.484439, -1.752722 52.484524, -1.75276 52.484567, -1.752313 52.484672, -1.752376 52.484777, -1.751292 52.485034, -1.751426 52.485095, -1.751597 52.485282, -1.75148 52.485435, -1.751533 52.485564, -1.751 52.485793, -1.750473 52.486047, -1.749632 52.486602, -1.749178 52.486918, -1.748848 52.487089, -1.748266 52.487302, -1.747403 52.487578, -1.746967 52.487074, -1.743988 52.487995, -1.744031 52.488283, -1.744061 52.488421, -1.744288 52.488603, -1.743173 52.489008, -1.739078 52.490531, -1.738648 52.490059, -1.737903 52.490315, -1.737779 52.490191, -1.735534 52.490984, -1.735181 52.491058, -1.735576 52.491738, -1.735851 52.491858, -1.736 52.492068, -1.73602 52.492209, -1.73663 52.492407, -1.736873 52.492245, -1.737211 52.492083, -1.738145 52.491741, -1.738412 52.491684, -1.73878 52.491676, -1.739092 52.491724, -1.739311 52.491815, -1.739506 52.491921, -1.740256 52.492414, -1.741036 52.492914, -1.741558 52.493336, -1.742103 52.493829, -1.743147 52.493507, -1.74356 52.494284, -1.74369 52.494511, -1.743739 52.494719, -1.743882 52.495243, -1.74409 52.49565, -1.744456 52.496005, -1.744752 52.496206, -1.745065 52.49636, -1.745495 52.496505, -1.747793 52.496997, -1.749156 52.497276, -1.750926 52.497617, -1.75159 52.497765, -1.751997 52.497923, -1.752247 52.498048, -1.752527 52.49824, -1.752877 52.498575, -1.753139 52.498897, -1.753201 52.498962, -1.753416 52.499134, -1.753782 52.499352, -1.754001 52.499472, -1.754719 52.499775, -1.755121 52.499908, -1.755362 52.499753, -1.755837 52.499496)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.752081 52.491109)",
    "entity": 130000131

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area